Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You lost me after Trump is trying to help America.. LOL what a fucking joke.
Fair enough your ******* or grandkids might equally laugh at your remark in the future as they toil for their Chinese bosses in the possible future to come....

And thanks for quickly fulfilling my short-term prophecy too...:D
Undoubtedly there will be those that will scoff at what I have said and the Chinese will love that because this is what they are thinking down the road....
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Trump is doing what he can to help America. Last time I checked the US debt clock at (https://www.nationaldebtclocks.org/debtclock/unitedstates) your nation owes just over $21 trillion dollars as of when I am composing this response ....
....Like it or lump it when you are in the belief Trump is a zero, he is actually your hero. But seeing you want to deny him of any success feel free to pass around a hat to pay off China
.....Well, STIFF, maybe you just need to take a look from the inside-out and not the outside-in... as"Trump is doing all he can to help TRUMP", period!
.....We're quite aware of out national debt, and the increasing challenge to pay down that debt seeing as the interest on that money, alone seems to be a challenging factor to us. We're also quite aware China holds a nice chunk of that debt. So, thanks so much for telling us something we already know, ok?
.....Trump is NO ONE'S hero, unless you're including the Russian crooks he assist laundering/embezzling money in foreign countries. Trump is for Trump, period.
.....I'm curious as to just what you're observing that makes you think Trump is doing all he can to help America? So far, he's done NOTHING that aids the lower 50% of our citizens ... the ones that need the most help just meeting the 'cost of living income' here of about $23,000 a year. In fact, he's actually hurt those people; now they have less money to meet their costs of living. If you are implying the huge, corporate tax cuts & tax cuts for the wealthy is how he's helped ... that tax cut was much needed revenue to our country; the loss of that income goes straight to the national debt ... so no help there. He hasn't helped the national deficit (money coming in vs money going out) as the deficit of our income/spending has only gone up. He's not helped our relationships with our adversaries like N Korea or Iran ... in fact, he's pissed off most all our allies that he's been around ... like our long friendship with your country, Canada. He's begin turning his back on many agreements we've had with our allies ... nato, clean air ... etc, and reversed practically ALL the things Obama accomplished with Trump's .
.....The man's trying to install dictator policy in our country, challenging our very democracy with his relentless executive orders. That's just what your country doesn't need, a dictator as a neighbor.
.....Trump's corruption has been mostly tied to his private sector life; he saw the Presidency as a way to accelerate his corruption through the public sector, but, he's finding that the GAME he played in the private sector is different in the public sector. The partners are as devious as he is and strength doesn't necessarily come from having the most money or the best lawyers.
.....You need to start tuning in to the current political events, here ... as of this week, 4 key allies of Trump's have turned their backs on Trump and are now complying with our legal system. Trump's life is going to quickly unravel soon ... just this morning the FBI is now investigating his vast real state empire as a money laundering setup, and its going to encompass his entire family. So, please, grab some popcorn, a soft ******* and quietly observe the next 3-4 weeks in our Washington government.
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View attachment 2053762..... His first wife (interview with Vanity Fair back in 1992) said Trump idolized Adolf Hitler and kept a copy of Hitler's book of speeches on his nightstand. Look it UP! View attachment 2053760

That could be the case again not to idolize Hitler but among all of his mistakes and flaws he did do something right. Remember what I once said awhile ago when Hitler honored the Black athlete Jesse Owens during the Berlin Olympics of 1936? A portion of what I said about it is in this thread (https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/trump-wins.79333/page-13#post-1223768)

Again Hitler did honor Jesse Owens for his performance and it was stated that FDR, who happened to have been a Democratic president at that time, did not even dignify Owens's victory for America against the Nazi machine with even a telegram! Again evidence is in the above link.

So possibly Trump might have been learning from Hitler how to celebrate the Black Man!? As he did with Kanye and even to shake hands with him too? Yeah I guess that is the sign of Trump's racism especially that for a germaphobe like Trump is too...
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Hitler did honor Jesse Owens for his performance and it was stated that FDR, who happened to have been a Democratic president at that time, did not even dignify Owens's victory for America against the Nazi machine with even a telegram!
You need to catch up on our political system, STIFF ... big changes took play in the late 1950's - 1960's in which the parties seemed to basically change names ... read up on McCarthyism & the Dixie Democrats ... this will give you new realization of what our parties have basically stood for through the year 1998 ... since then, however, our politics have again taken change as political polarization has taken over, and the mumbles of fascism and communism have been heard within the ranks.
..He's not helped our relationships with our adversaries like N Korea
Trump did meet with Kim Jun-Un if you recall so there must be ongoing talks.

Russia is a constant issue as it should be. While you are crucifying Trump there should also place equal emphasis upon your infrastructure for 2020? Seeing that Mr P U T I N is such a powerful ******* even if you had a magic wand to convince every able-bodied America of legal voting age to vote for someone against Trump, Mr P U T I N would do his magic and put his comrade back in office, da? Otherwise this could be the outcome?

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You need to catch up on our political system, STIFF ... big changes took play in the late 1950's - 1960's in which the parties seemed to basically change names ... read up on McCarthyism & the Dixie Democrats ... this will give you new realization of what our parties have basically stood for through the year 1998 ... since then, however, our politics have again taken change as political polarization has taken over, and the mumbles of fascism and communism have been heard within the ranks.
History tends to repeat itself, and the beauty is that it cannot be erased unless you want to do a massive book burning or erase a few servers like Hillary did?
.....Well, STIFF, maybe you just need to take a look from the inside-out and not the outside-in... as"Trump is doing all he can to help TRUMP", period!
.....We're quite aware of out national debt, and the increasing challenge to pay down that debt seeing as the interest on that money, alone seems to be a challenging factor to us. We're also quite aware China holds a nice chunk of that debt. So, thanks so much for telling us something we already know, ok?
.....Trump is NO ONE'S hero, unless you're including the Russian crooks he assist laundering/embezzling money in foreign countries. Trump is for Trump, period.
.....I'm curious as to just what you're observing that makes you think Trump is doing all he can to help America? So far, he's done NOTHING that aids the lower 50% of our citizens ... the ones that need the most help just meeting the 'cost of living income' here of about $23,000 a year. In fact, he's actually hurt those people; now they have less money to meet their costs of living. If you are implying the huge, corporate tax cuts & tax cuts for the wealthy is how he's helped ... that tax cut was much needed revenue to our country; the loss of that income goes straight to the national debt ... so no help there. He hasn't helped the national deficit (money coming in vs money going out) as the deficit of our income/spending has only gone up. He's not helped our relationships with our adversaries like N Korea or Iran ... in fact, he's pissed off most all our allies that he's been around ... like our long friendship with your country, Canada. He's begin turning his back on many agreements we've had with our allies ... nato, clean air ... etc, and reversed practically ALL the things Obama accomplished with Trump's .
.....The man's trying to install dictator policy in our country, challenging our very democracy with his relentless executive orders. That's just what your country doesn't need, a dictator as a neighbor.
.....Trump's corruption has been mostly tied to his private sector life; he saw the Presidency as a way to accelerate his corruption through the public sector, but, he's finding that the GAME he played in the private sector is different in the public sector. The partners are as devious as he is and strength doesn't necessarily come from having the most money or the best lawyers.
.....You need to start tuning in to the current political events, here ... as of this week, 4 key allies of Trump's have turned their backs on Trump and are now complying with our legal system. Trump's life is going to quickly unravel soon ... just this morning the FBI is now investigating his vast real state empire as a money laundering setup, and its going to encompass his entire family. So, please, grab some popcorn, a soft ******* and quietly observe the next 3-4 weeks in our Washington government.
View attachment 2057115
With your ongoing criticism of Trump you are turning the incumbent president into an underdog and you may cause sympathy for Trump making your hopes to backfire as there are contrarians out there that like to cheer the underdog to victory.
( https://www.theodysseyonline.com/10-reasons-to-cheer-for-the-underdog )

he inherited a growing economy!

AP-NORC Poll: Low marks for Trump, except on the economy

President Donald Trump continues to receive poor marks from a majority of Americans on his overall job performance, even as he enjoys relatively good assessments of his handling of the economy.
A new poll released Friday by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds 60 percent of Americans disapprove of Trump's work as president, compared with 38 percent who approve.
Trump's approval rating has been largely stable over the course of his presidency.
Ratings of Trump among all Americans are equally dim on a host of issues, including immigration and health care, even as the president continues to receive high marks from his base of Republican supporters.
Here's a look at how the president fares in the new survey:

Trump receives his best marks from the public on the economy: 51 percent say they approve of his handling of the economy, more than the share who approve of his performance on any other issue.
Nearly 9 in 10 Republicans approve of the president on economic policy.
And while Democrats are far more likely to express disapproval, 23 percent do approve of the president on the issue. That's a far greater share than the 7 percent of Democrats who approve of the job he's doing overall.

About a third of Americans say they approve of the president's handling of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
Two-thirds of Republicans approve of Trump on the issue, but that's among the lowest shares of positive views among Republicans of the 10 issues included in the survey.
The poll was conducted before a jury on Tuesday found Paul Manafort, Trump's former campaign chairman, guilty on eight counts of financial crimes and before his former lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to charges that included campaign finance violations he said he carried out in coordination with Trump.

Trump continues to receive low approval ratings on both immigration and health care, two issues that Americans tend to name as important to them in the coming midterm elections.
Overall, 38 percent of Americans approve of Trump on immigration, while 36 percent approve of his work on health care.
Democrats are particularly negative toward the president on these issues — just 8 percent say they approve of him on each.
About three-quarters of Republicans approve of Trump on immigration, and a somewhat smaller majority — 7 in 10 — approve of how he's handling health care.

While Trump's approval rating on foreign policy remains low at 36 percent, Americans are more positive toward the president on his handling of North Korea.
Nearly half of Americans — 47 percent — approve of Trump when it comes to North Korea, while 52 percent disapprove. The share who approve of the president on North Korea spiked to 55 percent following his June summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Republicans continue to express support of the president on his handling of North Korea, with 82 percent saying they approve.
About 2 in 10 Democrats approve of his handling of North Korea as well — among the highest Democratic ratings of the issues asked — as do half of independents.

Conservative Republicans are staunchly supportive of the president overall, with 86 percent saying they approve of the president's job performance. This uniform approval carries over to most issues, including the economy (95 percent), taxes (90 percent), trade (87 percent) and North Korea (89 percent).
But when it comes to the budget deficit, conservative Republicans are somewhat less approving — 75 percent say they approve of Trump's handling of the issue.
Conservative Republicans also are somewhat less likely to approve of the president on the Russia investigation (76 percent) and health care policy (77 percent).

Most Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction: 62 percent say the nation is on the wrong track, compared with 38 percent who say the nation is headed the right way.

The AP-NORC Poll of 1,055 adults was conducted Aug. 16-20 using a sample drawn from NORC's probability-based AmeriSpeak panel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 4.2 percentage points.

the poll was before the Manafort/Cohan plea
Set to start 5min because that is where he really starts his walk away story - so many good points. He really points out how the left can't carry a dialog, hits it on the head pretty good.

Trump did meet with Kim Jun-Un if you recall so there must be ongoing talks.

talks is not a deal....they are still building....what they are giving trump is table scraps and wanting big deals in return....and this guy is not known for getting any good deals since he has been in office

Trump is doing what he can to help America
trump is helping no one but himself......that is why he has a few law suits against him over the amount of money he is making off the office

Last time I checked the US debt clock at (https://www.nationaldebtclocks.org/debtclock/unitedstates) your nation owes just over $21 trillion dollars as of when I am composing this response. China holds at least $1 Trillion of that debt (https://www.theguardian.com/busines...a-billion-dollars-problem-beijing-trump-knows

trump has already added to the debt by millions his first year in office with his spending and tax cuts.....trickle down does not work and never has

The ongoing strife Trump has with China could very well make sure China play ball fairly with America.
not that we didn't need to do something there....we as a country have been making them very rich....but what he is doing and how he is doing it is hurting a lot of people....some small biz having to close....farmers on verge of losing...his tactics do not work and several economists say they won't!...but with his polices putting a hurt on the little man, they are ****** even more to buy that ******* from china!

Ever hear how oil is always sold in American dollars?
yes our oil was making big bucks and got greedy...now not so much so they have to raise the price here to compensate for it. The EU figured out they could get natural gas for half of what we were selling it for FROM Russia...the country we are trying to squeeze on sanctions ...but trump wants to lift

China wants to end that and trade oil in Chinese yuan and turn it into a petrocurrency
that is a very good possibility Russia and china both would like that and with the power of the dollar not what it was and china's still strong as of yet.....not good for america

Like it or lump it when you are in the belief Trump is a zero, he is actually your hero
I buy the zero part...….the rest is just you listening to trumps version of the world...kind of like the world according to garp!
Fair enough your ******* or grandkids might equally laugh at your remark in the future as they toil for their Chinese bosses in the possible future to come....

And thanks for quickly fulfilling my short-term prophecy too...:D

the only part of anything you said that was truthful was the part about china...…...they with Russia are a definite threat to the world as a whole!
the only part of anything you said that was truthful was the part about china...…...they with Russia are a definite threat to the world as a whole!
Not to diminish Russia as even this site can not dare to say the name of P U T I N correctly for fear of undoubted polonium poisoning like what happened to Litvenenko, Russia is a powerful *******. And I'm glad you agree with me about the Chinese! :bounce: At the very least we can focus on their threat for the future that is rarely observed. You do not want this for the future of America. And as you know I am just a concerned Canadian...
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The week Trump's own words caught up with him

Since before he was elected president, Donald Trump has operated in the belief that he can control his narrative through sheer ******* of will — and words. Day after day, he floods the airwaves with messages — ad-libbed speeches, off the cuff remarks and incendiary tweets — whose effect is to keep the world’s attention squarely on him.

As he explained at a July rally in Granite City, Ill., the advantage of never relinquishing the spotlight is “it’s covered live, much of it, and when I say it they can’t do anything about it.”

But this week, Trump’s relentless stream of words seems to have come back to haunt him, and may yet make the president want to reconsider his “it’s all about me” communications strategy. Trump’s problems largely grew out of things that he himself is alleged to have said.
It began on Sunday, when he issued a flurry of tweets blasting the New York Times for its report that White House counsel Don McGahn has been cooperating extensively with special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

McGahn has so far sat for 30 hours of questioning from Mueller’s team, detailing Trump’s private statements about the firing of FBI Director James Comey and the president’s anger at Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself in the Russia investigation. Unlike Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani (more on him in a moment), McGahn represents the office of the presidency, and, according to the Times, felt compelled to testify to Mueller out of fears that the president was setting him up to take the fall on possible obstruction charges.

The Times story clearly irritated the president, who claimed he had “nothing to hide.”

Donald J. Trump


The failing @nytimes wrote a Fake piece today implying that because White House Councel Don McGahn was giving hours of testimony to the Special Councel, he must be a John Dean type “RAT.” But I allowed him and all others to testify - I didn’t have to. I have nothing to hide...…

Donald J. Trump


....and have demanded transparency so that this Rigged and Disgusting Witch Hunt can come to a close. So many lives have been ruined over nothing - McCarthyism at its WORST! Yet Mueller & his gang of Dems refuse to look at the real crimes on the other side - Media is even worse!

It isn’t known what McGahn told investigators. But it’s safe to assume he shared what he knew about Trump’s outbursts against Comey, Sessions, disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and others.
On NBC’s “Meet the Press,” host Chuck Todd asked Giuliani why the president didn’t simply meet with Mueller and tell the truth about what had transpired, which led the former New York mayor into the realm of postmodern philosophy, raising the novel defense that “Truth isn’t truth!” That Orwellian turn of phrase brought to mind what Trump himself declared in a July speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars: “What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

Trump also stepped up his attacks on Mueller, likening the special counsel’s investigation to “McCarthyism at its worst!” In addition to the McGahn revelations, the backdrop to the increased volume of the president’s tweets was the imminent conclusion of the trial of his former campaign manager Paul Manafort. The White House braced for the possibility that Mueller’s team might secure its fifth conviction, not a bad tally for what Trump has frequently labeled a “WITCH HUNT!”

As a Monday interview with Reuters showed, the president was worried about how the prosecution could use his own words against him.

“So if I say something and [Comey] says something, and it’s my word against his, and he’s best friends with Mueller, so Mueller might say: ‘Well, I believe Comey,’ and even if I’m telling the truth, that makes me a liar,” Trump said. “That’s no good.”
Oddly, though, Trump also assured the country that, if he wanted to, he could simply pull the plug on an investigation into his own campaign’s ties with the Russian government.

“I can go in, and I could do whatever — I could run it if I want,” Trump said. “But I decided to stay out.”

On Tuesday, Trump’s longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to eight felonies, telling a federal judge that Trump had personally directed him to pay off two women to keep quiet about alleged extramarital affairs “for the principal purpose of influencing the election.”
Cohen’s stunning admission contradicted all the dissembling stories Trump, Giuliani and White House press secretary Sarah Sanders had told about the payments.

But Team Trump’s bad day was far from over. A jury in Alexandria, Va., found Manafort guilty of eight felony counts that included tax fraud, bank fraud and hiding foreign bank accounts. But for a single holdout, the jury would have returned guilty verdicts on all 18 of the charges in the indictment. Mueller may yet decide to retry the remaining 10 with a new jury. Meanwhile, Manafort’s trial on separate charges of money laundering and failing to register as a foreign agent is coming up next month in Washington, D.C.

The president ended the day in West Virginia, at a rally for Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin’s opponent, Patrick Morrisey. But when his crowd launched into the obligatory chant of “Lock her up!” at the mention of Hillary Clinton’s name, Trump seemed more distracted than usual. Often at his safe space gatherings, the president will relish the portion of his speech that he reserves for going after Sessions, Comey and Mueller by name and deed, but after the Cohen and Manafort bad news, he limited it to a passing afterthought: “Where is the collusion? You know they’re still looking for collusion,” Trump said. “Where is the collusion? Find some collusion. We want to find the collusion!”

On cable news, Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis was busy answering Trump’s question. “Mr. Cohen has knowledge of certain subjects that should be of interest to the special counsel, and is more than happy to tell the special counsel all he knows,” Davis told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. “Not just about the obvious possibility of a conspiracy to collude and corrupt the American democracy system in the 2016 election, which the Trump Tower meeting was all about, but also knowledge about the computer crime of hacking and whether or not Mr. Trump knew ahead of time about that crime and even cheered it on.”

On Wednesday, it was left to Sanders to try to explain exactly how what was being reported was not what was actually happening.
“As the president has said and we’ve stated many times, he did nothing wrong. There are no charges against him, and we’ve commented on it extensively,” she told reporters gathered in the briefing room. “Just because Michael Cohen made a plea deal, that doesn’t implicate the president on anything.”

The president went ever further on Twitter, saying that the acts Cohen admitted to weren’t actual crimes.

How one pleads guilty to noncriminal acts is something legal scholars may parse for generations to come. To make it so, however, one needs only to return to Giuliani’s “truth isn’t truth” logical framework.

But as Thursday dawned, the administration’s defense that it was Cohen’s word against Trump’s was unraveling.

David Pecker, an executive at American Media, the parent company of the National Enquirer, reached an immunity deal with federal prosecutors to provide them with the details of Trump’s hush-money payments to actress Stormy Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal. That money was paid to the women in exchange for the rights to publish their stories, which the tabloid summarily buried.

In a “Fox & Friends” interview, Trump continued to fume over Cohen’s betrayal, with the president suggesting his former’s lawyer’s cooperation with prosecutors should be “outlawed.”

“It’s called flipping, and it almost ought to be illegal,” Trump said.

The president also castigated Sessions, who recused himself from Mueller’s Russia probe shortly after he was appointed attorney general.

“I put in an attorney general that never took control of the Justice Department,” Trump said. “Jeff Sessions never took control of the Justice Department, and it’s a sort of an incredible thing.”

“Jeff Sessions recused himself, which he shouldn’t have done. Or he should have told me,” Trump continued. “Even my enemies say that Jeff Sessions should have told you that he was going to recuse himself, and then you wouldn’t have put him in. He took the job and then he said, ‘I’m going to recuse myself.’ I said, ‘What kind of a man is this?’”

Sessions, who rarely responds to Trump’s public criticism, fired back.

“I took control of the Department of Justice the day I was sworn in,” he said, adding: “While I am Attorney General, the actions of the Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations.”

Trump responded in a series of tweets urging the nation’s top law enforcement official to investigate a long list of his perceived enemies.

But the news, as it seemed to do all week for Trump, went from bad to worse. Late Friday morning, the Wall Street Journal reported that prosecutors in the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan granted immunity to Allen Weisselberg, the longtime chief financial officer of the Trump Organization. While Trump’s latest defense is that those who flip to spare themselves from being prosecuted for the crimes they are accused of makes them a “rat,” it’s patently clear that even rats know when to jump a sinking ship.
Not to diminish Russia as even this site can not dare to say the name of P U T I N correctly for fear of undoubted polonium poisoning like what happened to Litvenenko, Russia is a powerful *******. And I'm glad you agree with me about the Chinese! :bounce: At the very least we can focus on their threat for the future that is rarely observed.
ok fine I will agree with you on that!
China and Russia are a threat that is not being taken seriously
but right now the right is so infatuated with filling their pockets they don't care to see it

but you will have to visit this country here soon....as I'm sure the trump hanging won't be on television there
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Set to start 5min because that is where he really starts his walk away story - so many good points. He really points out how the left can't carry a dialog, hits it on the head pretty good.

trying to have a civil conversation here and you want to play more of your petty childish *******...….grow up man!
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