Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You must know something no one else knows. Quick, call those corporations and tell them they're getting bad press. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
All these companies pay taxes just not federal tax and all employees pay fed and state
The SNS program is designed to supplement and resupply state and local inventories of medicines and supplies during emergencies severe enough to exhaust local supplies.
Too bad Obozo didn't replenish the Strategic National Stockpile supply of N95 respirators after using 3/4 of the supply GW built up during the 2009 swine flu pandemic. Those would come in quite handy right about now.
All these companies pay taxes just not federal tax and all employees pay fed and state
On earning and dividends?
Employees absolutely pay taxes but the bulk of the profit of their work goes to shareholders. Why not tax across the board at a similar rate?
Dems are soooooo funny - they make me laugh it’s true

Bunch a hiding commies ACTING all red, white and blue

They disparage our President in this time of crisis sooooooooo bad

Dems think poor ole demented Uncle Joe would do better - it really is so sad

It seems their TDS has made them bat-shite crazy and sooooo unpatriotic to boot

All I can do is laugh me arse off - they REALLY are a HOOT !!!! :LOL:
Provided it to you already. And you know that. You listed what you want prices to be on milk and other items. When you do the math that is 100s of percent over current prices or prices at the time.
You hate Trump and Trump supporters and think communism will save you.
No you didn't, you lying JERK! Just give me the links ... the post #s, asshole! You can't because I never said it. And you're taking what I DID POST out of context ... so either provide the posts or FUCK OFF!

cpl2010, you're a total "freak of nature" ... its amazing that YOUR sperm won the race to get to your mom's egg ahead of 2 billion other sperm.
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All these companies pay taxes just not federal tax and all employees pay fed and state

wrong….what is so hard about paying ZERO taxes is so hard to understand....if they have production overseas....why would they pay taxs on that?....I could on about that issue and think I have before with you on this same subject....but you are not interested in the facts only what you want them to be.....
while we are on that....look at all the state and local and fed tax breaks wal mart gets when it opens a new store...…...feds give it a kick back because they will hire more workers...…..state gives them breaks on taxes...…..and local cuts them a deal because they want them there...……………………….even with the tax code for big biz as low as it is....and it is about the same as other countries now...…..but with most paying ZERO in taxes...that is why we don't have any money.....and who made the laws giving them all those tax breaks...….congress and the senate with almost 70% of them have some kind of law degree
On earning and dividends?
Employees absolutely pay taxes but the bulk of the profit of their work goes to shareholders. Why not tax across the board at a similar rate?

You need to understand how a corporation works. Most are S-Corp these businesses don't pay Federal taxes on profits - BUT THE SHAREHOLDERS DO. Yes on earnings and dividends. In fact, they pay more on dividends then on W2 earnings.
Corporations that are very large must file as a C-Corp. These corporation do pay federal taxes on profits. These profits can be minimized by paying higher dividends (that the shareholders pay taxes on), pay raises, employee benefits, R&D investments, company expansions, adding employees, 401K's, the list goes on and on. You are falling for a old left wing propaganda play on words. Yes, most corporations pay little to no federal tax - but the share holders do. You see, we have something called "Double taxation, without representation" Taxing at a corporate level, then taxing again at the shareholder is called "Double Taxation".
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Dems are soooooo funny - they make me laugh it’s true

Bunch a hiding commies ACTING all red, white and blue

They disparage our President in this time of crisis sooooooooo bad

Dems think poor ole demented Uncle Joe would do better - it really is so sad

It seems their TDS has made them bat-shite crazy and sooooo unpatriotic to boot

All I can do is laugh me arse off - they REALLY are a HOOT !!!! :LOL:

you referring to killer trump?
Too bad Obozo didn't replenish the Strategic National Stockpile supply of N95 respirators after using 3/4 of the supply GW built up during the 2009 swine flu pandemic. Those would come in quite handy right about now.
Too bad the Republicans didn't follow through on the Obama Administration's budget and contract to get this done. The Republican Congress was in full mode to stop anything Obama. Even though a reporters 2016 walk through of a secret warehouse contradicts the tRump line of empty sheves. But, you know tRump is a liar:
Greenfieldboyce, for NPR, June 26, 2016: The Strategic National Stockpile got its start back in 1999, with a budget of about $50 million. Since then, even though the details aren’t public, it’s clear that it has amassed an incredible array of countermeasures against possible security threats.

The inventory includes millions of doses of vaccines against bioterrorism agents like smallpox, antivirals in case of a deadly flu pandemic, medicines used to treat radiation sickness and burns, chemical agent antidotes, wound care supplies, IV fluids and antibiotics.

I notice that one section of the warehouse is caged off and locked. Shirley Mabry, the logistics chief for the stockpile, says that’s for medicines like painkillers that could be addictive, “so that there’s no pilferage of those items.”

As we walk, I hear a loud hum. It’s a giant freezer packed with products that have to be kept cold.

Just outside it, there are rows upon rows of ventilators that could keep sick or injured people breathing. Mabry explains that they’re kept in a constant state of readiness. “If you look down to the side you’ll see there’s electrical outlets so they can be charged once a month,” she says. Not only that—the ventilators get sent out for yearly maintenance.

In fact, everything here has to be inventoried once a year, and expiration dates have to be checked. Just tending to this vast stash costs a bundle — the stockpile program’s budget is more than half a billion dollars a year.

That last line is very important, "inventoried once a year". tRump has had at least 2 times to have his people make note and stock up if he believes his own bullshit. Instead, he took money to pretend he's building a wall, AND tax cuts to the top 400 families in America.
These 91 Fortune 500 companies didn't pay federal taxes in ...
Dec 16, 2019 · Nearly 100 Fortune 500 companies effectively paid no federal taxes in 2018, according to a new report.

2019 taxes: 60 of America's biggest companies paid no ...
Apr 12, 2019 · Big companies have long relied on strategies to reduce their tax bills. But the new tax law is making it even easier, with a new analysis finding that 60 profitable Fortune 500 companies paid no taxes on a total of $79 billion of profits earned in 2018.

These 60 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year ...
According to new data, 60 members of the Fortune 500 that made a profit paid no taxes in 2018. Because so many loopholes were left when corporate tax rates dropped to 21%, expect further erosion

Twice as many companies paying zero taxes under Trump tax plan
Apr 11, 2019 · The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. In its first year, the number of companies paying no taxes went from 30 to 60.
You need to understand how a corporation works. Most are S-Corp these businesses don't pay Federal taxes on profits - BUT THE SHAREHOLDERS DO. Yes on earnings and dividends. In fact, they pay more on dividends then on W2 earnings.
Corporations that are very large must file as a C-Corp. These corporation do pay federal taxes on profits. These profits can be minimized by paying higher dividends (that the shareholders pay taxes on), pay raises, employee benefits, R&D investments, company expansions, adding employees, 401K's, the list goes on and on. You are falling for a old left wing propaganda play on words. Yes, most corporations pay little to no federal tax - but the share holders do. You see, we have something called "Double taxation, without representation" Taxing at a cooperator level, then taxing again at the shareholder is called "Double Taxation".
Please, if you want a serious conversation, don't be a fucking condescending asshole. I asked were you referring to earnings and dividends. I ask because it's a misnomer that wages are taxes lower than dividends. Ordinary Dividends are taxed at the same rate as income. Qualified Dividends have a more complex but more ways to lower that burden.
Back to my main point, Corporations have a lot of federal protections and even rights some would say personhood. The government provides federal power of protection and regulation and corporation should pay for that- or do what many do, set up in another country and risk their economic system.

Where the fuck did you get double taxation without representation??? The saying is taxation without representation and it goes back to the foundation of country. It's about not having representation in the body that decides on taxation. Back then it was a revolt against the Brits and Parliament making tax decisions over the colonies with a colony representative in Parliament. Like the residents of Washington DC and Puerto Rico argue today about Congress. Corporation are not people.
Too bad the Republicans didn't follow through on the Obama Administration's budget and contract to get this done. The Republican Congress was in full mode to stop anything Obama.
Obozo and the Democrat Party had the trifecta until 2010. He used up 75% of the N95 respirators in the 2009 pandemic. Obozo and the Democrat party had full authority to replenish the supplies GW built up....right after they raided them.
That last line is very important, "inventoried once a year". tRump has had at least 2 times to have his people make note and stock up if he believes his own bullshit.
Yes Trump had 2 years, but Obozo had 7 years.....and the logical time to do so was immediately after raiding GW's stockpile.
9.) January 31: President Trump declares a national health emergency and imposes a ban on travel to and from China. Former Vice President Joe Biden calls Trump’s decision “hysterical xenophobia … and fear-mongering.”

More selective memory I guess ;)
Well, with the info he/we were getting at the time- it was xenophobic.
Now if tRump want to say that he/they knew this was going to be a pandemic- yet they did not a fucking thing for six weeks, well, this is just criminally incompetent.

Which is it? We had no clue this was going to be a pandemic and tRump used the only tool in his tool box by closing borders? Or tRump knew this was a developing pandemic on January 31 and he decided to lie about it, costing lives, and sit on his hands and do nothing?

Lose Lose.
Where the fuck did you get double taxation without representation?
You do realize that Republicans believe that corporations "are people too" ... right? But, that ONLY APPLIES to political donations. They have their OWN set of taxation rules that they make up as they go along. So, remember, the board of 'accumulating wealth', according to the Koch Bros, is always tilting towards the rich & corporations; its called "wealthy players prerogatives" status.
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wrong….what is so hard about paying ZERO taxes is so hard to understand....if they have production overseas....why would they pay taxs on that?....I could on about that issue and think I have before with you on this same subject....but you are not interested in the facts only what you want them to be.....
while we are on that....look at all the state and local and fed tax breaks wal mart gets when it opens a new store...…...feds give it a kick back because they will hire more workers...…..state gives them breaks on taxes...…..and local cuts them a deal because they want them there...……………………….even with the tax code for big biz as low as it is....and it is about the same as other countries now...…..but with most paying ZERO in taxes...that is why we don't have any money.....and who made the laws giving them all those tax breaks...….congress and the senate with almost 70% of them have some kind of law degree
Your so wrong
Obozo and the Democrat Party had the trifecta until 2010. He used up 75% of the N95 respirators in the 2009 pandemic. Obozo and the Democrat party had full authority to replenish the supplies GW built up....right after they raided them.

Yes Trump had 2 years, but Obozo had 7 years.....and the logical time to do so was immediately after raiding GW's stockpile.
Who is president now?
Did Obama's team sit down with tRump and explain, we may be facing a pandemic soon and this is what is needed? Yes.
After hearing this, did tRump still disassemble the national security pandemic team? Yes
Did the tRump Administration run test scenarios, JUST LAST YEAR, that showed we are not prepared and still did nothing? Yes
Did tRump publicly dismiss the pandemic as a hoax? Hell Yes.

That's what matters now. You want to say Obama is terrible? Fine. He is gone. The current president has had time, money, sufficient warnings, and still did not a damn thing and people are dying.
These 91 Fortune 500 companies didn't pay federal taxes in ...
Dec 16, 2019 · Nearly 100 Fortune 500 companies effectively paid no federal taxes in 2018, according to a new report.

2019 taxes: 60 of America's biggest companies paid no ...
Apr 12, 2019 · Big companies have long relied on strategies to reduce their tax bills. But the new tax law is making it even easier, with a new analysis finding that 60 profitable Fortune 500 companies paid no taxes on a total of $79 billion of profits earned in 2018.

These 60 Companies (Legally) Paid $0 In Taxes Last Year ...
According to new data, 60 members of the Fortune 500 that made a profit paid no taxes in 2018. Because so many loopholes were left when corporate tax rates dropped to 21%, expect further erosion

Twice as many companies paying zero taxes under Trump tax plan
Apr 11, 2019 · The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. In its first year, the number of companies paying no taxes went from 30 to 60.

Did you read any of these articles
Who is president now?
who was the president in 2009 that raided the Strategic National Stockpile of N95 respirators and failed for 7 years to replenish despite having a trifecta with the Democrat Party when he raided it?

Who was the president in 2009 that waited until 1,000 Americans died before declaring a National Emergency and then promptly left to play golf?

Who called Trump's move to restrict travel from China as the current crisis was brewing xenophobic...oh yeah the current leading candidate for presidential nominee of the Democrat Party.
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