Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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For someone who tried to nitpick other's writing & sentence structure....you don't write very well.

Now you're sinking to arguing semantics while trying to create a strawman. At least you're slightly more skilled at strawman arguments than MacnLies....but that's a damn low bar. You can call it a raid, using the stockpile or whatever you wish. I did not say Obama's use/raid/plundering/etc. of the stockpile to fight the 2009 pandemic was inappropriate. It was entirely appropriate since that is why President G W Bush built it up in 2006. It would have also been appropriate for Obozo to replenish it....particularly when he and the Democrat Party held the trifecta

You "answer" the question "Who was the president in 2009 that waited until 1,000 Americans died before declaring a National Emergency and then promptly left to play golf?" by deflecting to three links saying Trump played golf on March 8. How many times has Trump played golf since he declared a national emergency on March 13? Answer zero. Let's compare & contrast with Obozo. On March 13, 2020 when Trump declared a national emergency, there were only 48 deaths in the US....and he then stayed at his job. Obozo in 2009 waited until there were 20 times as many US deaths before declaring a national emergency on Oct 23, 2009. What did Obozo then do to deal with this national emergency????

Oct 23, 2009 - right after signing the National Emergency order....attend fundraiser for Governor Deval Patrick
Oct 24, 2009 - golf at Farm Neck Golf Club
Oct 25, 2009 - golf at Mink Meadows Golf Club
Oct 26, 2009 - Speak at Democrat Party fundraiser in Miami

So regarding Obozo's 2009 h1n1 National Emergency declaration....as you put it...."Why did he do it? If it was because of the pandemic- why the fuck didn't he handle the crisis instead of hold fundraisers, play golf and hold rallies?"

you must be talking trump.....Obama had 75% of the country approve of his handling of the crisis…..and that has been posted on here a couple of times...he flat gave the ******* corps *billion to come up with a ******* and they did.....trump is saving all that for his wall......hell he can't even supply the states with needed supplies....and don't try to say that is Obama...trump has had three years...and was told in 2018 when he made the cuts...and warned in jan it was coming....did nothing but say it wasn't a threat
First of all taking something from someone that you don't own without their willingness for you to have it is theft, CORRECT, thus immoral. I used to understand or feel as you have posted until, I viewed this issue through someone in that 1 % lifestyle. We as a group have so much we could learn from debating each other without bias and, or foolish pride.

requires just a little knowledge of the subject....and you have not shown much yet!

Whenever possible

ok....they do pay taxes and support America......unlike the other ones who don't....and get a big handout every year...and will get their grubby little hands on some of this stimulous
First of all taking something from someone that you don't own without their willingness for you to have it is theft, CORRECT, thus immoral. I used to understand or feel as you have posted until, I viewed this issue through someone in that 1 % lifestyle. We as a group have so much we could learn from debating each other without bias and, or foolish pride.
"First of all taking something from someone that you don't own without their willingness for you to have it is theft"
What are you talking about here? Taxes?

Here is list of different taxes. I almost bought a John Deere and learned same most parts made over sea different colors for different brands

just will not admit that you are wrong and some companies pay nothing

9 popular companies that paid $0 in taxes for 2018

A new report reveals that some American companies didn’t just pay no taxes last year — they paid negative taxes.

The report by D.C.-based think tank Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) looked at how Fortune 500 companies have been affected by U.S. President Donald Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) and found that 60 of America’s biggest corporations paid $0 in taxes this year.

In other words, instead of having to pay the standard 21% corporate tax rate (which is down from 35% after the new tax law), these companies collectively enjoyed a roughly -5% average effective tax rate from $4.3 billion in rebates.

Notable consumer names on the list include Gannett (GCI), IBM (IBM), Activision Blizzard (ATVI), JetBlue Airways (JBLU), Deere (DE), Delta Air Lines (DAL), Whirlpool (WHR) and Netflix (NFLX). One company that got a lot attention, Amazon (AMZN), brought in the most profit at $11 billion in 2018 and paid an effective tax rate of -1%.

Here’s the top of the list, ranked by effective tax rate:

You paid taxes. These corporations didn't. – Center for ...
Apr 11, 2019 · Amazon.com Inc.’s U.S. profits before taxes were $10.8 billion in 2018, made by shipping everything from women’s cocktail dresses to toilet paper. But unlike its millions of customers, the company paid no taxes in the United States last year and said it …
Here's another

I try to always buy american

we all should!...….but when employers don't pay enough to live on and people barely getting by....they buy what is cheapest....that means WAL MART……..and that means building up that Chinese army to kick our ass when the time comes
He performed pretty well, even if he was playing golf and holding rallies- unlike this guy who calls a reporters question mean and nasty if it is related to accountability. Stop listening to a guy who claims to have known this to be pandemic from the beginning, yet did nothing for six weeks. NOTHING.
Oh yeah Obozo really stuck it to that H1N1....believe he used his 9 iron....

"During and after the pandemic, many claimed that Obama was ginning up the threat, talking about it too much, scaring people too much, being the Nanny State nightmare libertarians had had warned us against. Likely, they said, the faux-crisis was really about developing more support for the Affordable Care Act, not yet voted upon in Congress but looming menacingly on the cold horizon. At the time, I wrote an evaluation of the government response in the Daily Beast, mostly criticizing Washington overreach into a bad but routine crisis best handled by CDC experts, not politicians. In other words, I thought Obama was too responsive. (Ah, the good old days … )"
Actually the liberal ass kissing media at the time had the audacity to praise Obozo for his golfing and fundraising immediately after 1,000 American deaths and his National Emergency declaration....claiming it would "summon a sense of urgency without setting off a panic" Gee I wonder what the NY Times would have said if President Trump went to play golf the day after signing his National Emergency declaration....

Obozo's "great leadership" questioned whether they should actually urge people to wash their hands.
Ah, the good old days …
ah yes...the good ole days....back when we still had over a 100 million N95 respirators in the Strategic National Stockpile thanks to President G W Bush...
just will not admit that you are wrong and some companies pay nothing

9 popular companies that paid $0 in taxes for 2018

A new report reveals that some American companies didn’t just pay no taxes last year — they paid negative taxes.

The report by D.C.-based think tank Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) looked at how Fortune 500 companies have been affected by U.S. President Donald Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) and found that 60 of America’s biggest corporations paid $0 in taxes this year.

In other words, instead of having to pay the standard 21% corporate tax rate (which is down from 35% after the new tax law), these companies collectively enjoyed a roughly -5% average effective tax rate from $4.3 billion in rebates.

Notable consumer names on the list include Gannett (GCI), IBM (IBM), Activision Blizzard (ATVI), JetBlue Airways (JBLU), Deere (DE), Delta Air Lines (DAL), Whirlpool (WHR) and Netflix (NFLX). One company that got a lot attention, Amazon (AMZN), brought in the most profit at $11 billion in 2018 and paid an effective tax rate of -1%.

Here’s the top of the list, ranked by effective tax rate:

You paid taxes. These corporations didn't. – Center for ...
Apr 11, 2019 · Amazon.com Inc.’s U.S. profits before taxes were $10.8 billion in 2018, made by shipping everything from women’s cocktail dresses to toilet paper. But unlike its millions of customers, the company paid no taxes in the United States last year and said it …
Yes I will not admitt these companies pay no taxes
a good example of how we make big companies wealthy

Walmart benefits from billions in government subsidies: Study

Walmart is the beneficiary of billions of dollars per year in federal subsidies, according to a new report [PDF] from the non-partisan, progressive group Americans for Tax Fairness.

The report estimates that Walmart and the Walton family—which co-founded the company and still owns a majority share—collectively profit from nearly $7.8 billion per year in federal subsidies and tax breaks.

“This report shows that our current system is anything but fair rather it provides special treatment to America’s biggest corporations and richest families leaving individual taxpayers and small businesses to pick up the tab,” the report concluded.

The $7.8 billion includes an estimated $6.2 billion in public assistance for low-wage Walmart employees, including programs like food stamps, subsidized housing, and Medicaid. It also includes an estimated $70 million per year in “economic development subsidies” from state and legal governments eager to host Walmart in their cities.

Walmart spokesperson Randy Hargrove described the report as “not accurate,” citing a detailed response to its main points on Forbes.com. The author of the response, columnist Tim Worstall, described the report as “fantastical nonsense” and took issue with the claim that welfare acts as an effective subsidy for Walmart.

“The existence of these welfare payments means that the reservation wage rises. That is, an employer needs to pay people more to come into work because they get an income (however low that is) whether they work or not,” Worstall wrote.

For members of OUR Walmart, the labor activist group that has led major strikes against the company, the primary issue seems to be whether Walmart could afford to raise wages for them such that they would no longer need public assistance.

“Many Walmart workers like me can’t cover the rent or feed our families
without public assistance because of Walmart’s low wages,” said OUR Walmart member and Walmart employee Anthony Goytia in a statement.

In November, a Walmart in Ohio was discovered to be collecting food donations for its own employees, many of whom evidently couldn’t afford their own Thanksgiving dinners on their current salaries. A study [PDF] from the Democratic staff of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce claims employees at a single Wisconsin Walmart receive about $1 million per year in public assistance.

“The bottom line is we provide opportunity,” said Hargrove. He noted that Walmart had promoted more than 170,000 employees in the past fiscal year.

Oh yeah Obozo really stuck it to that H1N1....believe he used his 9 iron....

Actually the liberal ass kissing media at the time had the audacity to praise Obozo for his golfing and fundraising immediately after 1,000 American deaths and his National Emergency declaration....claiming it would "summon a sense of urgency without setting off a panic" Gee I wonder what the NY Times would have said if President Trump went to play golf the day after signing his National Emergency declaration....

Obozo's "great leadership" questioned whether they should actually urge people to wash their hands.

ah yes...the good ole days....back when we still had over a 100 million N95 respirators in the Strategic National Stockpile thanks to President G W Bush...
You really are mentally ill. Obama is not president. And where he was, was more popular in his two terms than tRump. He also won both the popular and the electoral college. And his inaugural crowd was much bigger than tRumps. 🤣 🤣 🤣

Obama handled the H1N1 crisis better than predicted and save tens of thousands of lives by getting the vaccinations to the states the moment there were ready. No haggling over price. No waiting until we see what the States did. He was a leader through it, and criticized for taking early decisive action. He did it anyway, and saved lives. That's a leader.
tRump denied there was an issue for the United States. Refused to take leadership. Fumbled the coronavirus task ******* rollout. Came back with different leadership, fumbled that. Came back again with more leadership, fumbled that, then rolled out Jared for it, and Jared fumbled it for him. Meanwhile Americans die. He did brag about his facebook rating, and blame Obama, while Americans die. Still, don't have a nationwide shelter in place order from the President because that too bold of a step for him to take. Like the virus is going to pay attention to state borders.
Under Obama we defeated H1N1 pretty handily. Currently under tRump, we have only defeated anyway for him to be held accountable. He is utterly incompetent, in over his head, and a fucking clown at a funeral.
Please answer that simple question. Who is president now?
If you guys want to blame Obama for tRump's failures, that's too bad. tRump was born a loser to racist fuck and that apples didn't fall from the tree at all.
Try not to get frustrated with H-H, he's blessed with ultra-amounts of stubbornism; he's a "last word" man. He has nothing to do, and no where to go, so, as long as you respond to him, he's going to respond back. Still believes and supports "supply-side economics" as if its a new idea. I've been trying for 3 years to get him to hit the ignore button on himself.
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