Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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1.) January 11: Chinese state media report the first known death from an illness originating in the Wuhan market.

2.) January 15: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) holds a vote to send articles of impeachment to the Senate. Pelosi and House Democrats celebrate the “solemn” occasion with a signing ceremony, using commemorative pens.

3.) January 21: The first person with coronavirus arrives in the United States from China, where he had been in Wuhan.

4.) January 23: The House impeachment managers make their opening arguments for removing President Trump.

5.) January 23: China closes off the city of Wuhan completely to slow the spread of coronavirus to the rest of China.

6.) January 30: Senators begin asking two days of questions of both sides in the president’s impeachment trial.

7.) January 30: The World Health Organization declares a global health emergency as coronavirus continues to spread.

8.) January 31: The Senate holds a vote on whether to allow further witnesses and documents in the impeachment trial.

9.) January 31: President Trump declares a national health emergency and imposes a ban on travel to and from China. Former Vice President Joe Biden calls Trump’s decision “hysterical xenophobia … and fear-mongering.”

10.) February 2: The first death from coronavirus outside China is reported in the Philippines.

11.) February 3: House impeachment managers begin closing arguments, calling Trump a threat to national security.

12.) February 4: President Trump talks about coronavirus in his State of the Union address; Pelosi rips up every page.

13.) February 5: The Senate votes to acquit President Trump on both articles of impeachment, 52-48 and 53-47.

14.) February 5: House Democrats finally take up coronavirus in the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia.”

quotes from Fox opinion channel?.....where is the link?....never mind....with it being a good chance from fox and crew....don't even want to know...not interested in fake news

just more proof the right can not handle the job...….look at what all Bill Clinton accomplished while being impeached......he went right on doing the country's biz...…...trump sat and watched tv and used twitter...leaving the country unattended

Intelligence reports warned about a pandemic in January ...
13 days ago · US intelligence officials reportedly warned President Donald Trump and Congress about the threats posed by the novel coronavirus beginning in early January

December 18 impeachment vote and news - CNNPolitics
Dec 19, 2019 · There was a six-hour debate: An intense partisan debate over impeachment played out for hours on the House floor on rapid-fire fashion ahead of the impeachment

Impeachment didn’t distract Trump. It revealed how he ...
9 days ago · No, impeachment didn’t ‘distractTrump from coronavirus This notion is so farcical that many Americans will rightly dismiss it out of hand (after all, …

Did President Trump Refer to the Coronavirus as a 'Hoax'?
Claim: U.S. President Donald Trump referred to the new coronavirus as a "hoax."

McConnell Draws Outrage for 'Ridiculous' Excuse That Trump ...
2 days ago · McConnell's attempt to blame the Trump impeachment trial—which ended in acquittal on Feb. 5—for Senate inaction also doesn't fit the facts, Oh and Friedman noted. "The trial didn't stop the Senate's health committee from receiving a briefing about the virus from U.S. public health officials on January 24," they wrote.

'He's an idiot': critics say Trump has failed the US in ...
Mar 14, 2020 · Trump himself constantly downplayed the threat and contradicted his own health officials, asserting that the virus was “very much under control” and infections were “going very substantially …

he did not impose a ban....but a restriction

Trump clarifies Europe travel remark, says ban doesn't ...
Mar 11, 2020 · WASHINGTON – Minutes after addressing the nation about the coronavirus pandemic, President Donald Trump had to clean up his remarks Wednesday to clarify that he was not proposing a ban

President Trump issues travel restriction between US and ...
Trump said during a rare Oval Office address on Wednesday that the travel restriction will last at least 30 days. Trump said the ban will not apply to travel to and from the United Kingdom. It is...

The Facts on Trump's Travel Restrictions - MSN
Mar 08, 2020 · Trump has referred to the travel restrictions as a “travel ban.” There isn’t an outright ban, as there are exceptions, including for Americans and their family members.
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wrong….for a whole lot of reasons......first Pelosi and crew rushed it through...with a few provisions to ty and block trump and company from getting any....and even that didn't work.....

it is not Pelosi's fault it could take up to 2 months before anyone sees any money...for those living paycheck to paycheck that is not going to help them

also they made arrangements for unemployment to be raised and money given there...….but with the virus...they shut down unemployment and you have to do it over the phone....see a problem there yet...….I think a lot of that money will go into the states budget shortages and not that much going to the people

bottom line....with the right in charge those in need will see very little......and this economy will be in big *******......I'm talking the return of bread lines!

and to top all of that off this virus just keeps spreading and killing people.....the more that die the less popular trump becomes.....except for those that support him...even with his killing of so many americans
Simply a lot of wishful thinking!!! What a bunch of bias, false, arrogant statements. Talk about wrong for a lot of reasons. For one thing your democrats added a political move pushing The Green New Deal and money to the labor unions, not to block Trump from getting any of the money. The delay is Pelosi's fault. Trump is not responsible for killing even one American.
Simply a lot of wishful thinking!!! What a bunch of bias, false, arrogant statements. Talk about wrong for a lot of reasons. For one thing your democrats added a political move pushing The Green New Deal and money to the labor unions, not to block Trump from getting any of the money. The delay is Pelosi's fault. Trump is not responsible for killing even one American.

more of your right wing bias....and not one word factual
again....dummy...….it has been passed and only took less than a week....done and out of pelosi's hands...…..it is in trump and company's hand right now...….tell me how that is Pelosi!
and you wonder why I make fun of you.....and to top that off even...the delay was in the SENATE...over how the 500million would go to big corps....pay attention...and if you can't do that...don't make your self look stupid

sometimes I think there is just no hope for you at all

won't even go into killer trumps actions in all this
my guess is trump does not feel one bit of remorse and any guilt or sympathy for those dying......just sits there getting fatter and wondering just who he can blame for this that the people will believe him

sure the trumptards protect him at all costs...but those that support him on this are fading fast as the death toll goes up

odd we haven't heard that trump saying......more people die of the flu.....guess maybe the numbers are growing a little
more of your right wing bias....and not one word factual
again....dummy...….it has been passed and only took less than a week....done and out of pelosi's hands...…..it is in trump and company's hand right now...….tell me how that is Pelosi!
and you wonder why I make fun of you.....and to top that off even...the delay was in the SENATE...over how the 500million would go to big corps....pay attention...and if you can't do that...don't make your self look stupid

sometimes I think there is just no hope for you at all

won't even go into killer trumps actions in all this
Your The Dumbest Democrat on this site. You Know 000 about big corporations I do ! A big company can pay Billions in taxes, not in a any way an idiot like you can contemplate.

I am sharing Words from someone to live by Fool.

I can not be bothered any longer spending time listening to the likes of any Democrat.Nothing any of them have to say is of any worthwhile knowledge. I have twice seen Biden on the telly He appears a Dementia driven man lacking almost any reason, or coherent thought, and has clearly lost track of any fact or awareness of presence. I don't understand how a family who claims to care for him, could allow him to make such a fool of himself in front of America.

The Senate and the Congress are made up of some of the worst ever elected to office I have ever laid witness too, What their doing to this nation is in excusable, and deplorable. The News outlets more than 90 % of them are presenting nothing but fact less propaganda. I have no respect at all for almost any in the news service. If we had a news service I would have closed it, If run by today's phony's called Journalist. I feel most of these people are the true scum of the earth.

I am also tired of Gov Como shifting the blame of his and Mayor De Blasio horrible, Mistakes, and unforgivable shoddy leadership for all the deaths in NY State, To the President. Como made the decision to cut NY States Medical inventory, and not to restock all the bio chemical protective supplies.Instead, he spent monies on Illegals, failing schools, blocking oil and gas lines in NY State. Making NY State the highest tax state in the USA. The Mayor has turned NYC into a huge homeless city ripe for sickness.the crime and filth of NYC is the worse, I have ever seen, It is becoming the cesspool of humanity, Calif and NY are the two worst in America. Run by stupidity of the Democratic Party.
Your The Dumbest Democrat on this site. You Know 000 about big corporations I do ! A big company can pay Billions in taxes, not in a any way an idiot like you can contemplate.

I am sharing Words from someone to live by Fool.

I can not be bothered any longer spending time listening to the likes of any Democrat.Nothing any of them have to say is of any worthwhile knowledge. I have twice seen Biden on the telly He appears a Dementia driven man lacking almost any reason, or coherent thought, and has clearly lost track of any fact or awareness of presence. I don't understand how a family who claims to care for him, could allow him to make such a fool of himself in front of America.

The Senate and the Congress are made up of some of the worst ever elected to office I have ever laid witness too, What their doing to this nation is in excusable, and deplorable. The News outlets more than 90 % of them are presenting nothing but fact less propaganda. I have no respect at all for almost any in the news service. If we had a news service I would have closed it, If run by today's phony's called Journalist. I feel most of these people are the true scum of the earth.

I am also tired of Gov Como shifting the blame of his and Mayor De Blasio horrible, Mistakes, and unforgivable shoddy leadership for all the deaths in NY State, To the President. Como made the decision to cut NY States Medical inventory, and not to restock all the bio chemical protective supplies.Instead, he spent monies on Illegals, failing schools, blocking oil and gas lines in NY State. Making NY State the highest tax state in the USA. The Mayor has turned NYC into a huge homeless city ripe for sickness.the crime and filth of NYC is the worse, I have ever seen, It is becoming the cesspool of humanity, Calif and NY are the two worst in America. Run by stupidity of the Democratic Party.

really are the height of stupidity
You wished for 300% to 500% inflation to punish Trump and Trump supporters. Oh and collapse the US Economy in the process
The downfall of the country
Ok, guys, why don't you just post or copy ANYTHING I've posted where I said I "wished for 300-500% inflation to punish Trump & Trump supporters", and where I said I "wished for the downfall of the country"..... or, at least have the courtesy to give me the posts #s.

I know you CAN'T because I HAVEN'T .... but go for it you bunch of Lying Rightards!
I think what you ignorant amoses fail to acknowledge, is I live in this country too, dumbasses! Why would I wish for 500% inflation and the downfall of our country? I have a half million dollars in various investments/savings and a $400,000 home. Now WHY would I wish those things on myself?
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