Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Ok, guys, why don't you just post or copy ANYTHING I've posted where I said I "wished for 300-500% inflation to punish Trump & Trump supporters", and where I said I "wished for the downfall of the country"..... or, at least have the courtesy to give me the posts #s.

I know you CAN'T because I HAVEN'T .... but go for it you bunch of Lying Rightards!
I think what you ignorant amoses fail to acknowledge, is I live in this country too, dumbasses! Why would I wish for 500% inflation and the downfall of our country? I have a half million dollars in various investments/savings and a $400,000 home. Now WHY would I wish those things on myself?

Provided it to you already. And you know that. You listed what you want prices to be on milk and other items. When you do the math that is 100s of percent over current prices or prices at the time.

You hate Trump and Trump supporters and think communism will save you.
really are the height of stupidity
Yes Sub, I am sorry to say it, I have tried to give you the benefit of doubt, no more, I am afraid you have made it clear that you really are the height of stupidity.
The way OUT .............................................. .... Closest EXIT
.........................View attachment 3261820. ............View attachment 3261810
I didn't write that and the person that did is more intelligent then you, way more educated, and I can assure you that you can go the way out.
View attachment 3261809
Then, you need to write more precisely of what you're talking about.

Mmmm guess that must be me then?...……….some people slur their words...…..some have brain farts...…..some take medications for "those moments"...….others have some secret code when they talk that only they can understand....but then those usually have a special Dr. also
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you know there is something seriously wrong with this country when....HH can joke about taking his money and buying guns....I have thought about car parts....serious or not......point is I just saw a guy on the news that said he had been out of work almost 3 weeks now.....and had 55 dollars in his pocket

the only people who will benefit from this "gov handout"...is again...the big corps...they can wait for gov red tape and then take the millions and move on.....but the poor smuck on the street who has waited a couple of months of doing without....what will he have done to get by

my sons moving home....but what about that young family with a couple small *******.....

and I won't even go into the virus itself and the hardship it is causing...…..thanks trump....kiiller trump

a lot of economists have been predicting trumps policies were taking us down the path...…..but doubt any really saw this coming
this administration does just one fucking stupid thing after another...…….telling everyone to wear a mask to cut down on the virus...…..most hospitals are out of masks....nurses and Dr.s don't even have any...….

that's like trump saying he is filling states request for these supplies....hospitals saying they are not getting them...…..trump saying someone must be stealing them...……..don't suppose that could be another trump lie to cover his ignorance again do you?

just keeps running up his killer totals....he can quit anytime now...it is not a record any other president is going to try and break
I understand trump had been calling some family members of the deceased...…..wanting to know if they were republicans or not.....I'm sure through all of this he is worried about votes

but I'm sure trump is sitting there thinking ...well 10,000 down......only about 190,000 more to go....and then people woill love me agian
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and then while thinking about all of this comes another unjust issue...…..2 reporters from CNN have come down with the virus doing the news...…..and yet no one from Fox...…..just more proof they have nothing to do with news I would think
well, that's interesting. Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection, not a virus. It's surprising this would help fight covid, but there is at least some indications it can reduce the impact of respiratory viral infections.

The TB vaccine they are using is an attenuated version of tuberculosis taken from cattle. It's a lot like the old smallpox vaccine for those of us old enough to have received that.....they used a multi-needle injection in your shoulder which resulted in a mild infection which often left a scar for many years.

There's a pretty limited supply of this TB vaccine. It's only made in a couple plants, and you want to be very careful about scaling up production....screw up the manufacturing process and you'll be giving people tuberculosis. This has happened....and people have been killed by it.
The army gave us that before we went to Iraq
Trump's lack of leadership has led to putting this silver spooned mini me failure of a baby in charge of our lives.

Kushner has succeeded at exactly three things in his life. He was born to the right parents, married well and learned how to influence his *******-in-law. Most of his other endeavors — his biggest real estate deal, his foray into newspaper ownership, his attempt to broker a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians — have been failures.
You shouldn't make assumptions Mac. Actually I was referring to the conversations I am hearing in my surroundings and dolts on FB. Things like;
1. I'm glad the economy tanked, now maybe people will get rid of Trump.
2. I don't care how many people die - as long as Trump isn't re-elected.
3. I'm not doing anything Trump says, I'll go where I want when I want.
4. Bill Maher

I could go on. Maybe you don't really pay attention to your surroundings.
And you obviously didn't read the time line I posted above, or perhaps it is you that is in denial.
got a link....or just more of your insanity...….and trump insecurities speaking
The worst president we've had, is facing the worst national crisis in a century, he puts in charge the least qualified person, and then change the information venues to match what the imbecile erroneously presents at fact. Fuck all.
The SNS program is designed to supplement and resupply state and local inventories of medicines and supplies during emergencies severe enough to exhaust local supplies.
Your The Dumbest Democrat on this site. You Know 000 about big corporations I do ! A big company can pay Billions in taxes, not in a any way an idiot like you can contemplate.

I am sharing Words from someone to live by Fool.

I can not be bothered any longer spending time listening to the likes of any Democrat.Nothing any of them have to say is of any worthwhile knowledge. I have twice seen Biden on the telly He appears a Dementia driven man lacking almost any reason, or coherent thought, and has clearly lost track of any fact or awareness of presence. I don't understand how a family who claims to care for him, could allow him to make such a fool of himself in front of America.

The Senate and the Congress are made up of some of the worst ever elected to office I have ever laid witness too, What their doing to this nation is in excusable, and deplorable. The News outlets more than 90 % of them are presenting nothing but fact less propaganda. I have no respect at all for almost any in the news service. If we had a news service I would have closed it, If run by today's phony's called Journalist. I feel most of these people are the true scum of the earth.

I am also tired of Gov Como shifting the blame of his and Mayor De Blasio horrible, Mistakes, and unforgivable shoddy leadership for all the deaths in NY State, To the President. Como made the decision to cut NY States Medical inventory, and not to restock all the bio chemical protective supplies.Instead, he spent monies on Illegals, failing schools, blocking oil and gas lines in NY State. Making NY State the highest tax state in the USA. The Mayor has turned NYC into a huge homeless city ripe for sickness.the crime and filth of NYC is the worse, I have ever seen, It is becoming the cesspool of humanity, Calif and NY are the two worst in America. Run by stupidity of the Democratic Party.

my main regret...….you didn't come with a mute button
So did I, but he ignored that post also. Selective memory I guess.

you are fitting right in there with hottobe…...your mind sees things as how you want to see them....far from reality.... stick with vids and cartoons....you don't look so foolish...………....fire your workers yet?...or just send them home with nothing?
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Your The Dumbest Democrat on this site. You Know 000 about big corporations I do ! A big company can pay Billions in taxes, not in a any way an idiot like you can contemplate.

I am sharing Words from someone to live by Fool.

I can not be bothered any longer spending time listening to the likes of any Democrat.Nothing any of them have to say is of any worthwhile knowledge. I have twice seen Biden on the telly He appears a Dementia driven man lacking almost any reason, or coherent thought, and has clearly lost track of any fact or awareness of presence. I don't understand how a family who claims to care for him, could allow him to make such a fool of himself in front of America.

The Senate and the Congress are made up of some of the worst ever elected to office I have ever laid witness too, What their doing to this nation is in excusable, and deplorable. The News outlets more than 90 % of them are presenting nothing but fact less propaganda. I have no respect at all for almost any in the news service. If we had a news service I would have closed it, If run by today's phony's called Journalist. I feel most of these people are the true scum of the earth.

I am also tired of Gov Como shifting the blame of his and Mayor De Blasio horrible, Mistakes, and unforgivable shoddy leadership for all the deaths in NY State, To the President. Como made the decision to cut NY States Medical inventory, and not to restock all the bio chemical protective supplies.Instead, he spent monies on Illegals, failing schools, blocking oil and gas lines in NY State. Making NY State the highest tax state in the USA. The Mayor has turned NYC into a huge homeless city ripe for sickness.the crime and filth of NYC is the worse, I have ever seen, It is becoming the cesspool of humanity, Calif and NY are the two worst in America. Run by stupidity of the Democratic Party.
You must know something no one else knows. Quick, call those corporations and tell them they're getting bad press. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
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