Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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9.) January 31: President Trump declares a national health emergency and imposes a ban on travel to and from China. Former Vice President Joe Biden calls Trump’s decision “hysterical xenophobia … and fear-mongering.”

More selective memory I guess ;)

true...that would apply to both of you...how many times does it have to be posted before you read.....hell we know...it is not what you already believe…..so it doesn't matter.....

one more time for the dense who lack comprehension

there is a difference between a travel bann…...and travel restrictions...…..if you were only as fluent with your search engine as you were with your loose opinion of the facts you might know the truth
Did you read any of these articles

colo started that to try and get away from the facts it doen't work for him...and it will not work for your Russian ass
I do read it is a famous saying from the right...because they do not read...….just a quick little way to try and squirm away from the facts you don't want to hear

know I have posted several articles about the right avoiding the facts...…..and really don't want to know

you might try reading them///although even for a Russian trumptard they are pretty self explanatory
hoping hubby, post: 2903517:
who was the president in 2009 that raided the Strategic National Stockpile of N95 respirators and failed for 7 years to replenish despite having a trifecta with the Democrat Party when he raided it?

False set up. It's not a "Raid" to use the stockpile determined by statute.
The budget was approved, implementation was stopped by the Republicans a few years down the road.
FACT: tRump has done nothing about it. Why? He is totally incompetent of Leadership.

Who was the president in 2009 that waited until 1,000 Americans died before declaring a National Emergency and then promptly left to play golf?

Who called Trump's move to restrict travel from China as the current crisis was brewing xenophobic...oh yeah the current leading candidate for presidential nominee of the Democrat Party.

Why did he do it? If it was because of the pandemic- why the fuck didn't he handle the crisis instead of hold fundraisers, play golf and hold rallies?

You'll lose painfully trying to play the whataboutism game in this case, since as we speak, people are dying, and the president is still not leading.
who was the president in 2009 that raided the Strategic National Stockpile of N95 respirators and failed for 7 years to replenish despite having a trifecta with the Democrat Party when he raided it?

Who was the president in 2009 that waited until 1,000 Americans died before declaring a National Emergency and then promptly left to play golf?

Who called Trump's move to restrict travel from China as the current crisis was brewing xenophobic...oh yeah the current leading candidate for presidential nominee of the Democrat Party.
Please answer that simple question. Who is president now?
If you guys want to blame Obama for tRump's failures, that's too bad. tRump was born a loser to racist fuck and that apples didn't fall from the tree at all.
Please answer that simple question. Who is president now?
If you guys want to blame Obama for tRump's failures, that's too bad. tRump was born a loser to racist fuck and that apples didn't fall from the tree at all.

he has also had 3 years to repair or handle any problems...….he didn't!

I have noticed there is not one republican on here that has yet to ever post anything truthful....nothing....even when you give them facts to their foolish statements they are not interested....the continue to lie and deceive....it is all they know......

none will ever use a search engine for actual facts.....just what they get from fox or some other far right non factual source...….they all ignore the truth....and most just plain fucking retarded!....no wonder the republican party is dieing and they have to use such lies and deceit to keep the brain dead in line...….that is not even counting the trumptards….they are literally scraping the bottom of the barrell for anything factual.....and then come up empty!

and one I swear is a Russian bot

like tom cruise told jack Nicholson.... (THEY) can't handle the truth

that is my opinion....and pretty factual if you want to ask me...or I have links on all of that.....stupid...lies...corruption...etc
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colo started that to try and get away from the facts it doen't work for him...and it will not work for your Russian ass
I do read it is a famous saying from the right...because they do not read...….just a quick little way to try and squirm away from the facts you don't want to hear

know I have posted several articles about the right avoiding the facts...…..and really don't want to know

you might try reading them///although even for a Russian trumptard they are pretty self explanatory
They all pertain to fed tax
They all pertain to fed tax

lets just use levi strauss for an example....jeans made in several other countries......no employees or facilities to pay anything on...…..it get shipped over here to a distribution center....and then trucked to the stores...….just regular free lance truckers...do you see any levi strauss trucks.....warehouses.....what is to pay state tax on?....alittle logic would apply....same with a lot of those other over seas products....they come off the boat...into a warehouse and trucked...…..what part of no taxes do you not understand

yes I do know that levi has one jean product made here...….the others all made in 3 other countries......that was just an example

those over seas companies are not going to pay anymore than they have to....most don't even have to pay for that time in the warehouse on the dock

again when the article say ZERO taxes it is ZERO taxes
and some we pay just to exist
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Twice as many companies paying zero taxes under Trump tax plan
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. In its first year, the number of companies paying no taxes went from 30 to 60.

A farmer drives a John Deere Harvester while harvesting soybeans in Owings, Maryland, on Oct. 19, 2018. John Deere owed no U.S. taxes in 2018 and reported that it was owed $268 million from the government, after taking into consideration various deductions and credits, according to its annual filing.Mark Wilson / Getty Images file

had you read the article....you might learn something
better fucking luck next time
lets just use levi strauss for an example....jeans made in several other countries......no employees or facilities to pay anything on...…..it get shipped over here to a distribution center....and then trucked to the stores...….just regular free lance truckers...do you see any levi strauss trucks.....warehouses.....what is to pay state tax on?....alittle logic would apply....same with a lot of those other over seas products....they come off the boat...into a warehouse and trucked...…..what part of no taxes do you not understand

yes I do know that levi has one jean product made here...….the others all made in 3 other countries......that was just an example

those over seas companies are not going to pay anymore than they have to....most don't even have to pay for that time in the warehouse on the dock

again when the article say ZERO taxes it is ZERO taxes
and some we pay just to exist
So the stores selling product don't collect tax how about shipping income of all employees
So the stores selling product don't collect tax how about shipping income of all employees
just being retarded and refusing to admit....you did not read the article....trying to pull that usual colodickhead argument...didn't work for him...didn't work for you.....sure they pay a trucker to haul the product...after that it is on the store shelves
Believe what you want your beyond ignorant on finance

wrong you are just trying to protect the corrupted way of life for republicans who have moved overseas to begin with for the sole purpose of fucking the American people....they pay no taxes....no wages here in this country....
you like to talk American made.....and yet go out of your way to try and convince us how those companies are paying something to america
wrong you are just trying to protect the corrupted way of life for republicans who have moved overseas to begin with for the sole purpose of fucking the American people....they pay no taxes....no wages here in this country....
you like to talk American made.....and yet go out of your way to try and convince us how those companies are paying something to america
I try and source american made products for every purchase I make personally when you say no tax that is wrong most pay no fed tax.
Reality Check on Corporate Taxes
Those who complain U.S. corporations pay more taxes than the rest of the world are either uninformed or disingenuous.

Are you hearing that U.S. corporations are taxed much more than their international competitors, making it harder for them to compete in global markets? Those who think so want policymakers to substantially cut corporate income taxes, protect corporate tax loopholes or both. But that claim is highly misleading to begin with, as this recent Wall Street Journal analysis of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer's accounting methods illustrates.
First, some background. The U.S. federal corporate tax rate is 35 percent, and that "statutory" rate is what corporate tax critics cite most often. Additional state corporate taxes bump the overall number up closer to 40 percent.

The statutory rate, however, doesn't reflect the write-offs in the tax code (so-called tax expenditures) that reduce the "effective rate" on corporate profits – that is, what corporations actually pay in taxes as a share of their profits. Indeed, while the U.S. statutory rate is about 14 points higher than the average among industrialized countries, the effective rate differential is much smaller, a Congressional Research Service analysis found.

One of the largest corporate tax expenditures – and the one that's central to the Pfizer situation – is "deferral of income from controlled foreign corporations," which allows multinationals to delay paying U.S. tax on their foreign profits. Companies get a credit against their U.S. taxes for the taxes they pay to other countries, and they pay no U.S. taxes on the profits they earn in other countries that they haven't yet "repatriated" (that is, brought back) to the United States.

In 2014, Pfizer reported $3.1 billion of tax obligations worldwide and an effective tax rate of 25.5 percent. That's well below the U.S. statutory rate, but Pfizer actually paid less than $1 billion in taxes for an effective rate of just 7.5 percent. The difference between its tax obligations and tax payments lies in the profits Pfizer has not yet repatriated – and may never repatriate – and hence profits on which they haven't paid taxes.

To be clear, Pfizer isn't doing anything illegal. As the Journal's analysis notes, the company is following accounting rules that require it to book those tax obligations unless they declare that they'll reinvest abroad, permanently or indefinitely, the profits on which they're based. Most companies with foreign profits seem to make such a declaration, and hence would report higher earnings and an even lower effective tax rate than Pfizer's under the same circumstances.

Those who want to cut corporate tax rates are uninformed or disingenuous to point to statutory rates or artificially high effective rates like Pfizer's to argue that corporate taxes are too high. As my Center on Budget and Policy Priorities colleague Chye-Ching Huang says here, the big problem with taxing multinationals today is "stateless income": profits that aren't taxed anywhere. Cutting the corporate rate doesn't bring that income into the U.S. tax base or greatly reduce multinationals' search for "tax havens" (countries with very low or zero corporate tax rates); it mostly just costs public revenue on the profits that the government would otherwise tax.

The tax cutters also like to propose a "repatriation tax holiday," giving corporations with lots of profits that they hold abroad a window of time to bring them back to the United States and pay much lower tax rates on them. That's a tried and failed approach.

The repatriation holiday that President Bush and Congress enacted in 2004 didn't produce any of the promised economic benefits, such as boosting jobs or domestic investment, according to a wide range of studies. A second repatriation holiday would boost federal revenues during the holiday period as companies rushed to capitalize on the temporary low rate, but it would lose revenues thereafter. Moreover, a second holiday would encourage companies to shift more profits and investments overseas in anticipation of more tax holidays, thus avoiding taxes in the meantime.
Sound corporate tax reform should raise revenues and reduce incentives for tax avoidance. Efforts to cut corporate tax rates while retaining current write-offs or to enact another repatriation holiday do neither.

I try and source american made products for every purchase I make personally when you say no tax that is wrong most pay no fed tax.

read what I just posted....although you won't....it doesn't say what you want it to say....although they mentioned some taxes being paid that was just the first article I saw....there are others on people like John Deere who pay nothing

which kind of pisses me off...I have 3 John Deere mowers/tractors...thought they were good...but now that I know they are fucking America may get rid of them......just gave 4 grand for that zero turn last year!
False set it.
tRump was born a loser to racist fuck and that apples didn't fall from the tree at all.

For someone who tried to nitpick other's writing & sentence structure....you don't write very well.
It's not a "Raid" to use the stockpile determined by statute.
Now you're sinking to arguing semantics while trying to create a strawman. At least you're slightly more skilled at strawman arguments than MacnLies....but that's a damn low bar. You can call it a raid, using the stockpile or whatever you wish. I did not say Obama's use/raid/plundering/etc. of the stockpile to fight the 2009 pandemic was inappropriate. It was entirely appropriate since that is why President G W Bush built it up in 2006. It would have also been appropriate for Obozo to replenish it....particularly when he and the Democrat Party held the trifecta

You "answer" the question "Who was the president in 2009 that waited until 1,000 Americans died before declaring a National Emergency and then promptly left to play golf?" by deflecting to three links saying Trump played golf on March 8. How many times has Trump played golf since he declared a national emergency on March 13? Answer zero. Let's compare & contrast with Obozo. On March 13, 2020 when Trump declared a national emergency, there were only 48 deaths in the US....and he then stayed at his job. Obozo in 2009 waited until there were 20 times as many US deaths before declaring a national emergency on Oct 23, 2009. What did Obozo then do to deal with this national emergency????

Oct 23, 2009 - right after signing the National Emergency order....attend fundraiser for Governor Deval Patrick
Oct 24, 2009 - golf at Farm Neck Golf Club
Oct 25, 2009 - golf at Mink Meadows Golf Club
Oct 26, 2009 - Speak at Democrat Party fundraiser in Miami

So regarding Obozo's 2009 h1n1 National Emergency declaration....as you put it...."Why did he do it? If it was because of the pandemic- why the fuck didn't he handle the crisis instead of hold fundraisers, play golf and hold rallies?"
You must know something no one else knows. Quick, call those corporations and tell them they're getting bad press. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
First of all taking something from someone that you don't own without their willingness for you to have it is theft, CORRECT, thus immoral. I used to understand or feel as you have posted until, I viewed this issue through someone in that 1 % lifestyle. We as a group have so much we could learn from debating each other without bias and, or foolish pride.
For someone who tried to nitpick other's writing & sentence structure....you don't write very well.

So regarding Obozo's 2009 h1n1 National Emergency declaration....as you put it...."Why did he do it? If it was because of the pandemic- why the fuck didn't he handle the crisis instead of hold fundraisers, play golf and hold rallies?"

He performed pretty well, even if he was playing golf and holding rallies- unlike this guy who calls a reporters question mean and nasty if it is related to accountability. Stop listening to a guy who claims to have known this to be pandemic from the beginning, yet did nothing for six weeks. NOTHING.

"During and after the pandemic, many claimed that Obama was ginning up the threat, talking about it too much, scaring people too much, being the Nanny State nightmare libertarians had had warned us against. Likely, they said, the faux-crisis was really about developing more support for the Affordable Care Act, not yet voted upon in Congress but looming menacingly on the cold horizon. At the time, I wrote an evaluation of the government response in the Daily Beast, mostly criticizing Washington overreach into a bad but routine crisis best handled by CDC experts, not politicians. In other words, I thought Obama was too responsive. (Ah, the good old days … )"

"So in short: We knew how to diagnose and treat H1N1, even if it was different than normal. Clinicians did not require much help outside of the ordinary—though we got it, maybe too much. In contrast, the current governmental response to COVID-19 is disorganized, disinterested, dishonest, and, worst of all, cruel to everyone in the country"
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