Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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just another arm for all4 and russia

NRA in crisis: how the gun group became ensnared in the ...
Mar 01, 2019 · For the powerful 5 million-member NRA, the Russia ties of Keene and other NRA bigwigs are political and legal headaches that won’t go away – not with the FBI and congressional panels pursuing lengthy probes into the Kremlin’s alleged scheme to influence the pro-gun giant’s top brass, other conservative groups and US politicians.

Russia money ties to NRA makes Trump and GOP look very ...
Jan 29, 2018 · Russia money ties to NRA makes Trump and GOP look very suspicious. The Republican Party and NRA are somehow linked to a Russian banker who has close ties to Vladimir Poroshenko.

The FBI is investigating whether a Russian banker, mafia boss and politician with close ties to Vladimir Poroshenko illegally funneled millions to the NRA to help Trump win the presidency. Alexander Torshin, a former Russian senator with connections to the Kremlin, is the deputy governor of Russia’s central bank—and a lifetime NRA member, as reported by McClatchy.
Torshin, a gun enthusiast, has attended several NRA conventions, including the May 2016 convention in Kentucky, where he spoke with Donald Trump Jr. and the gun rights organization endorsed Trump for president.
Torshin is reportedly the godfather of the Russian criminal syndicate Taganskaya. Authorities in Spain were prepared to arrest him in 2013 on the resort island of Mallorca for money laundering, until he cancelled his travel plans. Torshin has been a subject of a number of Congressional investigations, including the House intelligence committee.

To Russia With Love Why the GOP, NRA & Christian Right ...
B. The Trump Russia Conspiracy featuring an all-star GOP cast. Ladd Everitt in Medium writes, ”The first hint that the NRA’s position on Russia might be changing occurred on July 28, 2016.

Russian Accused of Infiltrating NRA on Mission From ...
Jul 16, 2018 · The NRA was "the largest sponsor of the elections to the U.S. congress," as well as a sponsor of the Conservative Political Action Conference, Butina wrote in one email cited in the complaint.

Russian National with ties to NRA arrested in DC for ...
Dec 16, 2018 · She doesn't care about the NRA or the GOP, so is happy to tell prosecutors everything about it. Again, what difference does it make to her or Russia? They want the chaos that will ensue and the GOP were gullible enough to hand it to them on a golden platter. She is a hero to Poroshenko and the Russians for achieving the goals set out for her.

NRA got more money from Russia-linked sources than earlier ...
NRA got more money from Russia-linked sources than earlier reported ... the group had confirmed receiving only one financial contribution, in the form of a lifetime membership purchased by ...

Wasn't she a Russian spy that came in under Obama's Watch?
1.) January 11: Chinese state media report the first known death from an illness originating in the Wuhan market.

2.) January 15: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) holds a vote to send articles of impeachment to the Senate. Pelosi and House Democrats celebrate the “solemn” occasion with a signing ceremony, using commemorative pens.

3.) January 21: The first person with coronavirus arrives in the United States from China, where he had been in Wuhan.

4.) January 23: The House impeachment managers make their opening arguments for removing President Trump.

5.) January 23: China closes off the city of Wuhan completely to slow the spread of coronavirus to the rest of China.

6.) January 30: Senators begin asking two days of questions of both sides in the president’s impeachment trial.

7.) January 30: The World Health Organization declares a global health emergency as coronavirus continues to spread.

8.) January 31: The Senate holds a vote on whether to allow further witnesses and documents in the impeachment trial.

9.) January 31: President Trump declares a national health emergency and imposes a ban on travel to and from China. Former Vice President Joe Biden calls Trump’s decision “hysterical xenophobia … and fear-mongering.”

10.) February 2: The first death from coronavirus outside China is reported in the Philippines.

11.) February 3: House impeachment managers begin closing arguments, calling Trump a threat to national security.

12.) February 4: President Trump talks about coronavirus in his State of the Union address; Pelosi rips up every page.

13.) February 5: The Senate votes to acquit President Trump on both articles of impeachment, 52-48 and 53-47.

14.) February 5: House Democrats finally take up coronavirus in the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia.”
It astounds me the amount of people that hope our country fails, all in the name of hate.
You're wrong about that, TwoBi. Just because lots of people dislike the ORANGE President, doesn't mean they hate the US and wish to see our country fail. As far as many of us liberals are concerned, Trump & his administration have ALREADY failed this country. He failed us with this current virus crisis, but, you conservatives continue denying it and continue defending and making excuses for this president. But, to say that people are hoping that the United States fails ... you're either reading way more into what is being said, or you're delusional. Maybe you're referring mostly to congressional leaders, not the populous. If that's the case, I can say Trump is being treated no differently than Obama was treated for his eight years as president. It won't be any different if Trump gets a second term. So, you should speak of yourself, not everyone else.
You're wrong about that, TwoBi. Just because lots of people dislike the ORANGE President, doesn't mean they hate the US and wish to see our country fail. As far as many of us liberals are concerned, Trump & his administration have ALREADY failed this country. He failed us with this current virus crisis, but, you conservatives continue denying it and continue defending and making excuses for this president. But, to say that people are hoping that the United States fails ... you're either reading way more into what is being said, or you're delusional. Maybe you're referring mostly to congressional leaders, not the populous. If that's the case, I can say Trump is being treated no differently than Obama was treated for his eight years as president. It won't be any different if Trump gets a second term. So, you should speak of yourself, not everyone else.
You wished for it, hear it is enjoy
Wished for what, Allfor?

You wished for 300% to 500% inflation to punish Trump and Trump supporters. Oh and collapse the US Economy in the process

And Bullshit. The Democrat and most Leftist NGOs, UN, and the last president- Want to 'fundamentally change' the US and punish people for sins that every empire is guilty of and they had nothing to do with. If you want to 'fundamentally change' that means you want to destroy it.

Why not just leave?
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You're wrong about that, TwoBi. Just because lots of people dislike the ORANGE President, doesn't mean they hate the US and wish to see our country fail. As far as many of us liberals are concerned, Trump & his administration have ALREADY failed this country. He failed us with this current virus crisis, but, you conservatives continue denying it and continue defending and making excuses for this president. But, to say that people are hoping that the United States fails ... you're either reading way more into what is being said, or you're delusional. Maybe you're referring mostly to congressional leaders, not the populous. If that's the case, I can say Trump is being treated no differently than Obama was treated for his eight years as president. It won't be any different if Trump gets a second term. So, you should speak of yourself, not everyone else.

You shouldn't make assumptions Mac. Actually I was referring to the conversations I am hearing in my surroundings and dolts on FB. Things like;
1. I'm glad the economy tanked, now maybe people will get rid of Trump.
2. I don't care how many people die - as long as Trump isn't re-elected.
3. I'm not doing anything Trump says, I'll go where I want when I want.
4. Bill Maher

I could go on. Maybe you don't really pay attention to your surroundings.
And you obviously didn't read the time line I posted above, or perhaps it is you that is in denial.
well, that's interesting. Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection, not a virus. It's surprising this would help fight covid, but there is at least some indications it can reduce the impact of respiratory viral infections.

The TB vaccine they are using is an attenuated version of tuberculosis taken from cattle. It's a lot like the old smallpox vaccine for those of us old enough to have received that.....they used a multi-needle injection in your shoulder which resulted in a mild infection which often left a scar for many years.

There's a pretty limited supply of this TB vaccine. It's only made in a couple plants, and you want to be very careful about scaling up production....screw up the manufacturing process and you'll be giving people tuberculosis. This has happened....and people have been killed by it.
If it wasn't for Pelosi we would already have gotten it.

wrong….for a whole lot of reasons......first Pelosi and crew rushed it through...with a few provisions to ty and block trump and company from getting any....and even that didn't work.....

it is not Pelosi's fault it could take up to 2 months before anyone sees any money...for those living paycheck to paycheck that is not going to help them

also they made arrangements for unemployment to be raised and money given there...….but with the virus...they shut down unemployment and you have to do it over the phone....see a problem there yet...….I think a lot of that money will go into the states budget shortages and not that much going to the people

bottom line....with the right in charge those in need will see very little......and this economy will be in big *******......I'm talking the return of bread lines!

and to top all of that off this virus just keeps spreading and killing people.....the more that die the less popular trump becomes.....except for those that support him...even with his killing of so many americans
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