Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Oh my God what a joke.

So for everyone else. Subhub admitted he does not read what he posts. He goes to a search engine. Searches for the bias he wants articles to support and copies the results and posts them.

So no one tell him that the Snopes article and the Orlando Weekly article he posted say it is false. Once again he posted articles that say he is wrong. Also, no one tell him the Business Insider is propaganda hit piece based on unnamed "union workers claim" as evidence.

Also no one tell him that there are countless independent videos and news stories, some from the left, showing how many people actually show up to Trump Rallies. There are even some hard left people saying this is a bad news for Dems...Van Jones is one.

that is you putting words in my mouth and hoping to discredit something you do not want to hear about....as for the biased articles....that would be the opinion of a trumptard and has no credence....you people only accept what you want to be true....doesn't matter that it is false...again...like trump...if it is against what you want to hear...it is a bad source

I will give you this little tidbit...and shouldn't because I like seeing you squirm......but in one instance people were paid to stand in line for trump….they were supposed to be saving space for some elderly.....but then that was dis allowed.....he has paid actors!...there was an add asking for people for trump rallies...and more

so save your biased whine for someone that might buy your bullshit....the rest of us know....you DON"T
So you liked him and now feel betrayed because he, an avowed communist, took the pay day like all the other condescending elitist commies under and including Obama.

Well he seemed to take some firm stance warning the likes of you and you hate him for it.

Do you know what a Communist is? We do have them running a couple of nations in the world still. China, Cuba and Russia in actions (but not name). Republicans support Russia without fail because tRump believes their President over our Americans. Republicans love China because of the cheap products and vast market. They hate Cuba because they have nothing to offer them. Try not to be so sensationalistic or typical. You calling a Democrat a Communist is typical.

I liked him and his job when he was in charge of green jobs and addressing climate change. I don't like that because the Republicans found a video of Jones calling them a bunch of assholes (true), they started the campaign against him calling him a communist, socialist, Leninists, Marxist, etc that same ol' tired song. He didn't fight back. Even after he left. It gave permission for that bullshit to continue. tRump has hired wife beaters, tax cheats, criminals, thieves and liars and the party embraces them and their AG gives us a middle finger when we complain.

And I know when you say elitist commies, you mean uppity blacks. Can't stand to see that level accomplishment. Drove a lot of you insane. About 20 million of you, hence the tRump base.
Wow you sure do like to use that racist shame tactic.

You keep trying to conflate topics.
1- During an outbreak he used identity politics to shame his people and put them at risk. Hugging is not Social Distancing.
2- He did this with the China's National Media Company. So you tell us why he would do that? Why would China send Chinese media to help an Italian mayor have a campaign to hug during a pandemic. Why was the guy a Chinese National and not an "Italian" Chinese?
3- You are right the majority of people getting sick every where are over 55 mostly over 65 with one to multiple underlying conditions, so how does add to your claims in this exchange on the shame campaign.
4- Don't be stupid. That is your psychological projection. But nice try to play the 'you criticized a different nationality so you must be a racist' ignorant juvenile cover defense.
5- You keep claiming these attacks as if they are fact, but the data is all second hand or complete anecdotal from left wing media. You know they tried this with Muslims here in America and those were almost all totally discredited by DOJ. In fact most later admitted they made it up to get attention and the big one was not what was claimed but an altercation did happen.
Dates make a difference and add perspective.
Hug a Chinese day (racist in itself but that's a whole different discussion) was February 1.
The first case of death from COVID19 was January 31st.
Chinese were experiencing racism and threats by February 4.
Italian regions began the tourist ban from China on Feb 2.

How did Hug A Chinese Day start the virus? There are thousands of Chinese visitors to Italy weekly. They own a shitload of Italy and help float that economy. There was already animosity.
For number 5, you don't go hugging or touching strangers because you think their life is so destitute that they are starving for your approval and need it. I can't imagine Hug A Black Person Day. It's condescending and asking to get your teeth knocked out. Just treat people as individuals. Some are cool, some are assholes. Neither is a reflection of the race, or nationality. Period. Don't go fucking hugging people.
that is you putting words in my mouth and hoping to discredit something you do not want to hear about....as for the biased articles....that would be the opinion of a trumptard and has no credence....you people only accept what you want to be true....doesn't matter that it is false...again...like trump...if it is against what you want to hear...it is a bad source

I will give you this little tidbit...and shouldn't because I like seeing you squirm......but in one instance people were paid to stand in line for trump….they were supposed to be saving space for some elderly.....but then that was dis allowed.....he has paid actors!...there was an add asking for people for trump rallies...and more

so save your biased whine for someone that might buy your bullshit....the rest of us know....you DON"T
I don't know how you do it. I've killed too much time today, and haven't accomplished *******. And, i'm tired already!
Wow you sure do like to use that racist shame tactic.

You keep trying to conflate topics.
1- During an outbreak he used identity politics to shame his people and put them at risk. Hugging is not Social Distancing.
2- He did this with the China's National Media Company. So you tell us why he would do that? Why would China send Chinese media to help an Italian mayor have a campaign to hug during a pandemic. Why was the guy a Chinese National and not an "Italian" Chinese?
3- You are right the majority of people getting sick every where are over 55 mostly over 65 with one to multiple underlying conditions, so how does add to your claims in this exchange on the shame campaign.
4- Don't be stupid. That is your psychological projection. But nice try to play the 'you criticized a different nationality so you must be a racist' ignorant juvenile cover defense.
5- You keep claiming these attacks as if they are fact, but the data is all second hand or complete anecdotal from left wing media. You know they tried this with Muslims here in America and those were almost all totally discredited by DOJ. In fact most later admitted they made it up to get attention and the big one was not what was claimed but an altercation did happen.

Maybe you think they were at the airports and docks waiting to hug them? Like a welcome committee.
There is no record or accusations of Joe being unfaithful or cheating.
Well I suppose in true Clinton fashion, "unfaithful or cheating" might not cover ole Pervy Joe sexually assaulting a staffer, penetrating her with his fingers.....depending on what your definition of "is" is....

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that is you putting words in my mouth and hoping to discredit something you do not want to hear about....as for the biased articles....that would be the opinion of a trumptard and has no credence....you people only accept what you want to be true....doesn't matter that it is false...again...like trump...if it is against what you want to hear...it is a bad source

I will give you this little tidbit...and shouldn't because I like seeing you squirm......but in one instance people were paid to stand in line for trump….they were supposed to be saving space for some elderly.....but then that was dis allowed.....he has paid actors!...there was an add asking for people for trump rallies...and more

so save your biased whine for someone that might buy your bullshit....the rest of us know....you DON"T

You are the one that posted here saying you don't read what you post.

And these 'articles' you just posted, the ones mentioned in my post, say what you are saying is FALSE. The other articles are hit pieces with nothing to support the claims.

Thank you for the tidbit, but he does not have paid actors. He may have paid campaign staff there, like every other candidate, but not actors. The Dems do have to use paid bussed in Union Members to show up or they have no one there.
Maybe you think they were at the airports and docks waiting to hug them? Like a welcome committee.

Read what I wrote. The guy that hugged the mayor in the video is a Chinese National. Not Italian. The people making the videos were from a China State Media Group. Not Italian. This was a political media push in Florence Italy and in other parts of Italy.

So why are you now trying to deflect and play like you don't understand simple counters? My numbered post was clear what I was saying.
well it is about fucking time...….last night he was telling Cuomo he didn't need that many ventilators…..like he would fucking know....he has shown his ass several times on this and sometimes made things worse or ******* his feet....but finally he steps up to the plate!

Trump attacks GM and Ford on Twitter, demands they make ...
4 hours ago Β· Trump attacks GM and Ford on Twitter, demands they make ventilators now. President Donald Trump scolds GM and Ford in a Tweet attack for …

Trump tweet-demands that GM and Ford 'START MAKING ...
3 hours ago Β· President Donald Trump, in a series of tweets Friday morning, appeared to signal that he would invoke the Defense Production Act to ******* General Motors and Ford to mass-produce ventilators after deals with the automotive companies went sour. In the first tweet, Trump slammed GM for allegedly misleading the federal government about tens of thou

Well they did promise him they could and would.
I don't know how you do it. I've killed too much time today, and haven't accomplished *******. And, i'm tired already!

I really don't spend as much time as it looks on here.....I get on first thing in the AM and read the news on 3 different places...Bing...Yahoo..etc…..then post accordingly.....do a few things.....come back while I eat breakfast on again......this morning after breakfast went out and worked weed eater.....came in for lunch and back on again...…..went back out...came back for a pepsi and on here again...and back out...and now done for the day and spend some time......so actually when I come into the house and sit for a few minutes...I'm on....not continuously as it may appear

although with this fucking virus....and me being a prime target...copd and etc....I have not left the property in well over a week...climbing the walls need car parts....luckily UPS still delivers!
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Do you know what a Communist is? We do have them running a couple of nations in the world still. China, Cuba and Russia in actions (but not name). Republicans support Russia without fail because tRump believes their President over our Americans. Republicans love China because of the cheap products and vast market. They hate Cuba because they have nothing to offer them. Try not to be so sensationalistic or typical. You calling a Democrat a Communist is typical.

I liked him and his job when he was in charge of green jobs and addressing climate change. I don't like that because the Republicans found a video of Jones calling them a bunch of assholes (true), they started the campaign against him calling him a communist, socialist, Leninists, Marxist, etc that same ol' tired song. He didn't fight back. Even after he left. It gave permission for that bullshit to continue. tRump has hired wife beaters, tax cheats, criminals, thieves and liars and the party embraces them and their AG gives us a middle finger when we complain.

And I know when you say elitist commies, you mean uppity blacks. Can't stand to see that level accomplishment. Drove a lot of you insane. About 20 million of you, hence the tRump base.

I don't give a fuck that Van Jones labels himself Communist. It is clear it bothers you and you feel betrayed. I know what he stands for because I take him at his words. And I referenced him because he was warning you Leftist and in doing so back what I was saying.

Yes Republican and Democrat Politians are love China. China either bribes them or has dirt on them. Duh. Don't forget whose charity was paid millions while he was in the white house and while his wife was Sec of State by the Chinese Government.

Elitist Communist I was referencing are mostly middle and upper class white dumb fucks who buy the Democrat BS. Or the people in the Democrat party because of the socialists' rhetoric. But nice try on the Race card. That is a real sign of a very low IQ. One hit and no counter arguments so you go to the shame and name calling.
You are the one that posted here saying you don't read what you post.

And these 'articles' you just posted, the ones mentioned in my post, say what you are saying is FALSE. The other articles are hit pieces with nothing to support the claims.

Thank you for the tidbit, but he does not have paid actors. He may have paid campaign staff there, like every other candidate, but not actors. The Dems do have to use paid bussed in Union Members to show up or they have no one there.

wrong…….I read one or two...been burned before so I check what I post......usually the first one or two I read....the rest....just for effect!....although on that paying post......one didn't look right and opened it...that's where I saw the people getting paid to save places....sounds kind of funny to me...100 bucks to save a place in line...and then they refused to let them hold the place?....kind of...ODD...but the rest...adds on craigslist...paying actors...and etc...all true

as for the rest of your comment...…..your version of the facts....and are NOT supported in all those posts
Well I suppose in true Clinton fashion, "unfaithful or cheating" might not cover ole Pervy Joe sexually assaulting a staffer, penetrating her with his fingers.....depending on what your definition of "is" is....

well your source is just a little questionable......like they might try to twist things to suit their right wing readers?
I haven't begun to use it. That's that assessment of the Chinese in italy themselves and the drop in business when you say italian were out hugging them.
You really are a one tick pony.

From this Article

"Usually 50 or 60 people come here for dinner," she says, "but last Saturday there were two. I've already had to let go of the three staff helping my husband and me. If it goes on like this, I'll have to close next month."

"In Italy and elsewhere, panic is spreading much faster than the coronavirus itself. Chinese businesses are empty, shopkeepers are shutting down and Chinese
  • At a bar beside the Trevi fountain, a notice was put up banning customers from China.
  • A music school in Rome told East Asian students not to attend classes due to incidents of racism.
  • Four governors of northern Italian regions called for children returning from trips to China not to attend school for 14 days."
This article is from Feb 4th. Wow that almost seems like a confirmed report backing up your claims. But the article forgot to mention that the first cases in Italy were Jan 30th.

The article did mention this however "Italy has banned all flights to and from China and placed 56 Italian nationals returning from Wuhan in quarantine: measures echoed by many other governments and widely seen as a proportionate response."

But at the end of this story we have- "So the government in Rome is walking a tightrope: reassure its citizens, while not scaring off Chinese investment or the important relationship with Beijing.

A hundred metres from Veronica Li's restaurant is the Hotel Palatino, where the two Chinese tourists who contracted coronavirus were staying."

What we don't have: actually Police quoted or arrests. Note in the EU where racism/racial bulling is an offense with fines and jail.

So you are trying to back up your propaganda and racist conspiracy with this? You must of have gone to the same Democrat controlled school district as Subhub. Oh no people stop going to the restaurant a few block from the hotel where the Chinese Nationals with Covid are staying. Damn those racists. Or maybe they just didn't want to be in the neighborhood.
Pompous elitist Brit know it all - just what America needs - thanks awefully for gracing us with your superior blather ;}
Believe me since he is a Brit he knows nothing about our country or our freedoms. Any country in the modern year of 2020 that is suppose to be an intelligent nation, who still holds onto a Queen as Head of State and the Royal Family Worth around 750 Million Dollars while she earns a stipend of only 13 Million a year of the people aren't to bright.
wrong…….I read one or two...been burned before so I check what I post......usually the first one or two I read....the rest....just for effect!....although on that paying post......one didn't look right and opened it...that's where I saw the people getting paid to save places....sounds kind of funny to me...100 bucks to save a place in line...and then they refused to let them hold the place?....kind of...ODD...but the rest...adds on craigslist...paying actors...and etc...all true

as for the rest of your comment...…..your version of the facts....and are NOT supported in all those posts

Oh my goodness. It is just too easy.
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