Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Believe me

NEVER..on anything!

Brit he knows nothing about our country or our freedoms

probably...and has shown more than once he does know more than you...….he understands our freedoms....all you understand is your version of right wing bullshit....usually no where near reality

Any country in the modern year of 2020 that is suppose to be an intelligent nation, who still holds onto a Queen as Head of State and the Royal Family Worth around 750 Million Dollars while she earns a stipend of only 13 Million a year of the people aren't to bright.

guess you have never heard of a figure head

point is...we are still a free nation...even though trump is trying to change a lot of that by doing the same thing you are....stifling free speech.....we and others still have a right to speak their minds....the owner of this board is not based anywhere near the US...what happened if he decided to end free speech...his board

and again...trump spoke out on Brexit....spoke out on Johnson.....made a blunder with the royal family...you chose him to speak for you...he stuck his nose in...they are now entitled to reply
Yeah but NPR, Crock and Liars and Progressive Now are totally unbiased and not leftist in anyway, Right?

there is no such thing as an unbiased site...….judgement is required...….but just because they speak against the president does NOT make them fake news

I think all of the news sources are true...to a point.....it's what they left out or twisted is what counts...…..then you have a lot of them like FOX news...OPINIONS...nothing to do with the news...and the right has lot of those...Limbaugh..Orielly...coulter and many more
Self avowed? You on a lying streak again?
Dates make a difference and add perspective.
Hug a Chinese day (racist in itself but that's a whole different discussion) was February 1.
The first case of death from COVID19 was January 31st.
Chinese were experiencing racism and threats by February 4.
Italian regions began the tourist ban from China on Feb 2.

How did Hug A Chinese Day start the virus? There are thousands of Chinese visitors to Italy weekly. They own a shitload of Italy and help float that economy. There was already animosity.
For number 5, you don't go hugging or touching strangers because you think their life is so destitute that they are starving for your approval and need it. I can't imagine Hug A Black Person Day. It's condescending and asking to get your teeth knocked out. Just treat people as individuals. Some are cool, some are assholes. Neither is a reflection of the race, or nationality. Period. Don't go fucking hugging people.

I said his hug a Chinese Person Campaign put his people at risk. Not that it started the virus.

I agree Identity politics and myopic focus on race is stupid. I am surprised you said that accidently. You should fly over to Italy and tell the mayor and the Chinese State Media People who made this campaign how you feel.

You are right so when you read my response to your article remember that and explain that to Subhub too.... Dates Matter.

As for the last half. Not sure what you are trying to say there. This was
Dates make a difference and add perspective.
Hug a Chinese day (racist in itself but that's a whole different discussion) was February 1.
The first case of death from COVID19 was January 31st.
Chinese were experiencing racism and threats by February 4.
Italian regions began the tourist ban from China on Feb 2.

How did Hug A Chinese Day start the virus? There are thousands of Chinese visitors to Italy weekly. They own a shitload of Italy and help float that economy. There was already animosity.
For number 5, you don't go hugging or touching strangers because you think their life is so destitute that they are starving for your approval and need it. I can't imagine Hug A Black Person Day. It's condescending and asking to get your teeth knocked out. Just treat people as individuals. Some are cool, some are assholes. Neither is a reflection of the race, or nationality. Period. Don't go fucking hugging people.

I said hug a Chinese campaign used as race shaming politics put his people at risk. I did not say it started it.

You are right Identity and myopic race focus politics is stupid. Even if you didn't mean to say it.

You should fly over to Italy and tell that Mayor and the Chinese State Media who made the campaign how you feel.
he just ASSUMED they would...and we all know how that works......when he put out the war powers act he should have just stated it.....now we have had a serious delay of several weeks...costing lives

No they said it. Hence why they got scared when he called them on it.

So what your saying is the guy you fear and cower over. The one you think is a dictator should have Unconstitutionally made him self a "legal dictator" with the War Powers Act? Do you think nationalizing private business will get them to work faster?
there is no such thing as an unbiased site...….judgement is required...….but just because they speak against the president does NOT make them fake news

I think all of the news sources are true...to a point.....it's what they left out or twisted is what counts...…..then you have a lot of them like FOX news...OPINIONS...nothing to do with the news...and the right has lot of those...Limbaugh..Orielly...coulter and many more

Well I agree with you on this post.
Just a short lesson, are Chinese a Race? And the answer is:

No, Chinese is not a race. It's a national origin, nationality, and demonym for the people of China. People from the continent of Asia are termed "Asians" for racial purposes. However, in Anthropology, race is not determined based on skin color.

Race is determined base on skull size, shape, and features. Chinese people would most likely fall into the Mongoloidal classification in Anthropology. Some in other regions of China and Asia may fall into the Caucasoidal category.
No they said it. Hence why they got scared when he called them on it.

So what your saying is the guy you fear and cower over. The one you think is a dictator should have Unconstitutionally made him self a "legal dictator" with the War Powers Act? Do you think nationalizing private business will get them to work faster?

just watched his speech....he assumed they were...I sure don't fear him...he is a fuck-up!...and he is trying to be a dicktator!....but the war powers act was there for a need....and this is a need...one he should have addressed in 2018...and in January and several other times...when he was warned

and no will not make them work faster...they manuf things...not ventaltors...so it will take them some time...…...already said could take several months.....had he been on top of that also......at least one of those months would have passed by now

and since we are back to being on "him"....gov for Mich called complaining about needed supplies....he said could not do much...she told him it was his job...….now Mich has been shut off from getting things...….your petty little pervert willing to see people die because his feelings were hurt
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Really, they love love love them some tRumpy tRump.

Why would they not, tRump is easy to manipulate, and his family still makes money from them. Not to mention the occasional spy who makes her way in Mar a lago.


What we need here is MORE Dem propaganda - twas getting toooo sparse :ROFLMAO:
So.... sounds like the Auto industry doesn't want to play nice. We bail them out and they bitch because they have to make ventilators. Pricks

well , that is naturally your twisted slant on things....don't suppose a lack of leadership and planning on our leaders part ever crossed your mind
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What we need here is MORE Dem propaganda - twas getting toooo sparse :ROFLMAO:

you do realize this is a political board?....most just let your whinning slide....when you could be a useful part of the conversation....you choose not to....and then you want to get upset when others chose to use the thread for which it was created.....you need to take a step back and re-evaluate just WTF!.....your complaining or crying about trump being picked on...and doing it repeatedly...is not really adding anything to the conversation....and the same statement several times a day......well to use one of your favorite terms...getting sick of it

your participation is ….your choice...….just might try adding something to the conversation one way or the other..."instead of Dem This and Dem that... getting sick of it"

have a nice fucking day pal!
more of his petty bullshit games...….if you don't kiss trumps ass......people in your state die because he wont send you anything

'Don't waste your time': Trump urges Pence not to bother ...
Mar 27, 2020 · President Trump encouraged Vice President Mike Pence not to call the Democratic governors of Washington state or Michigan because they have been critical of the federal response to the coronavirus...

Trump Tells Pence Not To Call Governors Should Be ...
Mar 27, 2020 · Trump Slams Governors Over Coronavirus Responds Should Be Appreciative Trump Slams Governors Should Be Appreciative. Skip navigation ... Trump Tells Pence Not To Call Governors Should Be ...

Trump, rejecting blame, warns governors to be ...
Mar 27, 2020 · Trump said he had instructed Vice President Mike Pence not to call the governors of Washington or Michigan — two coronavirus hotspots — because of …

Donald Trump tells Pence not to call Michigan governor ...
Mar 28, 2020 · WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said Friday he has asked Vice President Mike Pence not to call governors he says have not been "appreciative" enough of his efforts on coronavirus – a group of critics that included a governor he referred to only by gender,"Don't call the woman in Michigan,"…

for what should be his job to begin with.....and his neglect to begin with.....

Trump demands appreciation from governors for coronavirus ...
2 hours ago · The president said he has told Vice President Mike Pence not to call governors who haven’t shown proper deference to his administration. “They don’t treat you right, I don’t call,” Trump said
You really are a one tick pony.

From this Article

"Usually 50 or 60 people come here for dinner," she says, "but last Saturday there were two. I've already had to let go of the three staff helping my husband and me. If it goes on like this, I'll have to close next month."

"In Italy and elsewhere, panic is spreading much faster than the coronavirus itself. Chinese businesses are empty, shopkeepers are shutting down and Chinese
  • At a bar beside the Trevi fountain, a notice was put up banning customers from China.
  • A music school in Rome told East Asian students not to attend classes due to incidents of racism.
  • Four governors of northern Italian regions called for children returning from trips to China not to attend school for 14 days."
This article is from Feb 4th. Wow that almost seems like a confirmed report backing up your claims. But the article forgot to mention that the first cases in Italy were Jan 30th.

The article did mention this however "Italy has banned all flights to and from China and placed 56 Italian nationals returning from Wuhan in quarantine: measures echoed by many other governments and widely seen as a proportionate response."

But at the end of this story we have- "So the government in Rome is walking a tightrope: reassure its citizens, while not scaring off Chinese investment or the important relationship with Beijing.

A hundred metres from Veronica Li's restaurant is the Hotel Palatino, where the two Chinese tourists who contracted coronavirus were staying."

What we don't have: actually Police quoted or arrests. Note in the EU where racism/racial bulling is an offense with fines and jail.

So you are trying to back up your propaganda and racist conspiracy with this? You must of have gone to the same Democrat controlled school district as Subhub. Oh no people stop going to the restaurant a few block from the hotel where the Chinese Nationals with Covid are staying. Damn those racists. Or maybe they just didn't want to be in the neighborhood.
My fault. I have it all wrong. Chinese are not catching hell because we don't have police reports, I just have stories and their own accounts
more of his petty bullshit games...….if you don't kiss trumps ass......people in your state die because he wont send you anything

'Don't waste your time': Trump urges Pence not to bother ...
Mar 27, 2020 · President Trump encouraged Vice President Mike Pence not to call the Democratic governors of Washington state or Michigan because they have been critical of the federal response to the coronavirus...

Trump Tells Pence Not To Call Governors Should Be ...
Mar 27, 2020 · Trump Slams Governors Over Coronavirus Responds Should Be Appreciative Trump Slams Governors Should Be Appreciative. Skip navigation ... Trump Tells Pence Not To Call Governors Should Be ...

Trump, rejecting blame, warns governors to be ...
Mar 27, 2020 · Trump said he had instructed Vice President Mike Pence not to call the governors of Washington or Michigan — two coronavirus hotspots — because of …

Donald Trump tells Pence not to call Michigan governor ...
Mar 28, 2020 · WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said Friday he has asked Vice President Mike Pence not to call governors he says have not been "appreciative" enough of his efforts on coronavirus – a group of critics that included a governor he referred to only by gender,"Don't call the woman in Michigan,"…

for what should be his job to begin with.....and his neglect to begin with.....

Trump demands appreciation from governors for coronavirus ...
2 hours ago · The president said he has told Vice President Mike Pence not to call governors who haven’t shown proper deference to his administration. “They don’t treat you right, I don’t call,” Trump said

I think it was two days ago I wrote about how tRump will fuck up things for himself. Michigan was one of the states he should not have won but did, beat Hillary by 0.3%. That was the last time he was up in Michigan. His disapproval is strong and about +4 over his approval there. Then this. He is too narcissistic to see that the Governor (popular with Michigan voters) is not who he is hurting. It's the people of Michigan, the same ones who delivered the state to him. The live in rural communities, not Detroit which is his target, but in areas where the hospitals are far and wide, few medica professionals, and respiratory machines are rare to non-existent.
That closes the Michigan door for good. That's two of the three states that delivered for him, that he is running a negative.
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Mmmm you mean there are people who work for other countries that would sow hate and discontent here?...who would have thought

As Virus Spreads, China and Russia See Openings for Disinformation

China and Russia have both seized on the novel coronavirus to wage disinformation campaigns that seek to sow doubts about the United States’ handling of the crisis and deflect attention from their own struggles with the pandemic, according to American intelligence officials and diplomats

Kremlin-aligned websites aimed at Western audiences have trafficked in conspiracy theories to spread fear in Europe and political division in the United States, the officials said, noting that Russia’s diplomats and state-run news media have arguably been more restrained.

China has been more overtly aggressive. It has used a network of government-linked social media accounts to spread discredited, and sometimes contradictory, theories. And China has adopted Russia’s playbook for more covert operations, mimicking Kremlin disinformation campaigns and even using and amplifying some of the same conspiracy sites.

The propaganda campaigns show how both countries turned to a typical authoritarian tactic of spreading propaganda to undermine their shared adversary, the United States, rather than addressing public criticism of their own problems.

In the days to come, China is likely to back off the public spread of disinformation through its Foreign Ministry and network of embassies and to more fully embrace the more subtle Russian-style approach, relying on its intelligence services to spread misinformation about the origins of the virus and China’s handling of it, senior American intelligence officials assessed.

but then hell Trump must be working for one of them...he IS HIS own dis-information campaign
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