Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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President Trump reportedly tried to poach German ...
President Trump reportedly tried to recruit German scientists working on a cure for the coronavirus and offered large sums of money to secure exclusive rights to their work for the US, according to...

Coronavirus: anger in Germany at report Trump seeking ...
12 days ago · Coronavirus: anger in Germany at report Trump seeking exclusive vaccine deal MPs and ministers criticise display of ‘self-interest’ and accuse US president of electioneering Coronavirus ...
'He's an idiot': critics say Trump has failed the US in ...
Mar 14, 2020 · travel ban Perhaps Trump’s greatest blunder was turning down the offer of a German-made diagnostic test approved by the World Health Organization and taken up by many countries. The US government’s...

The acid test of Trump's maverick leadership has come ...
Mar 15, 2020 · “I don’t know anything about it.” Trump’s second big mistake was turning down the offer of a German-made diagnostic test approved by the World Health Organization (WHO). Asked about the

How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S ...
coronavirus. How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S. The Trump administration’s decision to forgo a World Health Organization test and create its own had fateful consequences ...
Well I suppose in true Clinton fashion, "unfaithful or cheating" might not cover ole Pervy Joe sexually assaulting a staffer, penetrating her with his fingers.....depending on what your definition of "is" is....

Clinton was consensual. This woman has been saying that Joe massaged her neck 27 years ago, for 27 years. Now, her story has increased to sexual assault. Why change your story now? Oh... she was blacklisted on the Hill because she was nutty.
However, with the self described pussy grabber in the White House sitting on 25 different sexual assault accusations, it won't be an issue.
NEVER..on anything!
probably...and has shown more than once he does know more than you...….he understands our freedoms....all you understand is your version of right wing bullshit....usually no where near reality
guess you have never heard of a figure head
point is...we are still a free nation...even though trump is trying to change a lot of that by doing the same thing you are....stifling free speech.....we and others still have a right to speak their minds....the owner of this board is not based anywhere near the US...what happened if he decided to end free speech...his board
and again...trump spoke out on Brexit....spoke out on Johnson.....made a blunder with the royal family...you chose him to speak for you...he stuck his nose in...they are now entitled to reply
This guy is back??? I thought he was leaving after you embarassed him, and I explained the Oak Park is not in the center of Chicago.
So.... sounds like the Auto industry doesn't want to play nice. We bail them out and they bitch because they have to make ventilators. Pricks
Then try reading the story instead of listening to someone tell you. That's not at all what happened. Even the liar in chief said there is no problem is the auto industry just GM. He claims it was over price, then said GM is making the parts. His usual mis mash of bullshit. Point is, there was one issue with GM, we were not told what it was but dollars to donuts it was some personal ******* that Don the Con brought into it.
Then try reading the story instead of listening to someone tell you. That's not at all what happened. Even the liar in chief said there is no problem is the auto industry just GM. He claims it was over price, then said GM is making the parts. His usual mis mash of bullshit. Point is, there was one issue with GM, we were not told what it was but dollars to donuts it was some personal ******* that Don the Con brought into it.

Give a fuck less what the Trump said or didn't say. I don't listen to him. The fact remains that the CEO's were more concerned about their bottom line than returning the favor and helping this country. Should not even have been a question. Bitch about vulture capitalism and here it is right in your face and you now defend it simply because "Orange man". smh
Clinton was consensual. This woman has been saying that Joe massaged her neck 27 years ago, for 27 years. Now, her story has increased to sexual assault. Why change your story now? Oh... she was blacklisted on the Hill because she was nutty.
However, with the self described pussy grabber in the White House sitting on 25 different sexual assault accusations, it won't be an issue.
As far as Thump's statement spoken on a bus about pussy grabbing, even before becoming President. What a bunch of hypocrites, Trump is an Alpha male talking when he thought is was safe to talk of a real man's subject ------SEX. We all male and female do that at times. Woman often more then me. Joe Biden has issues, one being he has know understanding of giving women and children space, he has OOOOO business touching young girls and making them feel very uncomfortable, that isn't normal.
I'm pissed about the GM thing because around me there are hundred of private people who own 3D printers are donating their time and materials to print face shields and mask to help as much as possible and multi-billion dollar corporations have to be "asked" to help. Hopefully after all this some fucks will wake up.
I'm pissed about the GM thing because around me there are hundred of private people who own 3D printers are donating their time and materials to print face shields and mask to help as much as possible and multi-billion dollar corporations have to be "asked" to help. Hopefully after all this some fucks will wake up.
Rest assured I personally know of a corporation of extreme wealth doing everything in its power to help us through this unforeseen disaster. I agree not all corporations will help, they may pay in the end.
Clinton was consensual.
I said nothing to the contrary, and regardless consensuality is irrelevant to the topic of "unfaithful or cheating" you brought up.
This woman has been saying that Joe massaged her neck 27 years ago, for 27 years. Now, her story has increased to sexual assault. Why change your story now? Oh... she was blacklisted on the Hill because she was nutty.
In 2018, ole Pervy Joe stated clearly we need to believe claims of women such as Tara. Wonder why that doesn't apply here....oh yeah, in 2018 Pervy Joe was supporting claims against a republican nominee.

“For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts, whether or not it’s been made worse or better over time. But nobody fails to understand that this is like jumping into a cauldron.”

P.S. thanks for admitting your claim about Biden was a lie.
This guy is back??? I thought he was leaving after you embarassed him, and I explained the Oak Park is not in the center of Chicago.

think we are talking 2 different people....subby from the UK...expressing concern and opinions...….and Blkdlaur from MA in his support of...HIS leader....it was not my intent to drive him off or embarrass him...….just he keeps saying sick of the dem ******* and I said sick of his saying it....I may have been a bit "gruff'....but like he says...sometimes enough is enough and his repeated comments on same thing....well...enough said
I said nothing to the contrary, and regardless consensuality is irrelevant to the topic of "unfaithful or cheating" you brought up.

In 2018, ole Pervy Joe stated clearly we need to believe claims of women such as Tara. Wonder why that doesn't apply here....oh yeah, in 2018 Pervy Joe was supporting claims against a republican nominee.

“For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts, whether or not it’s been made worse or better over time. But nobody fails to understand that this is like jumping into a cauldron.”

P.S. thanks for admitting your claim about Biden was a lie.

don't suppose that IF there was such a woman it would be all over the news....instead of just a few right wing publications...….after all look at how many were in the news for your man...…..also.there was a question about Biden...hugging......he apologized and most have moved on....except for those wanting to make it an issue.....and that small amount of people don't really account for much...just trying to stir the pot....when the pot is empty...….better luck next time...….oh and BTW....you are still 0fer in winning any arguments on here
As far as Thump's statement spoken on a bus about pussy grabbing, even before becoming President. What a bunch of hypocrites, Trump is an Alpha male talking when he thought is was safe to talk of a real man's subject ------SEX. We all male and female do that at times. Woman often more then me. Joe Biden has issues, one being he has know understanding of giving women and children space, he has OOOOO business touching young girls and making them feel very uncomfortable, that isn't normal.

would that be your religious tolerance?......where in the 10 commandments does it say pussy grabbing is ok...because he is an alpha male...…..how about adulty...….does your religion condone that also>….he played around on each of his wives....want me to go on....there are several more...…..'''you fucking religious whackos like to harp and preach religion....that's fine.....but do not even try to use it to justify trump...…..just shows how little faith you really have!
just irritates the fuck out of me to see people use the bible to excuse this sinners behavior

Here are the six things Evangelicals ignore about Trump ...
Here are the six things Evangelicals ignore about Trump. Seriously, Trump has broken all 10 commandments and made up some to also break. How is it only six?

How Donald Trump has already broken all 10 Commandments ...
Feb 18, 2017 · How Donald Trump has already broken all 10 Commandments. Graven images, coveting his neighbor's possessions, adultery...The Donald pretty much violated all of them. Feb 17, 2017, 4:41 PM. Please...

Letter: Trump has broken Ten Commandments | Letters to the ...
Dec 29, 2019 · Church membership is declining because people see the hypocrisy of a minister unable to muster the courage to actually point out evil when they see it. Read the ten commandments, Trump has broken...

Bill Maher Thanks Donald Trump For Exposing 'Hypocritical ...
Maher then amusingly detailed just some of the times that Trump has broken the commandments — from stealing, adultery, cursing, bearing false witness and worshipping false idols.

Trump's Ten Commandments

By now, we've all seen the photo from last week's King Jesus International Ministry rally in Miami—a solemn moment of prayer for President Donald Trump and some 7,000 evangelicals, proclaiming that he's their man, and extolling his "strong leadership" and solid "Christian values." Some proclaimed that POTUS had experienced a change of heart since acquiring higher office, and that, despite his "rough edges," he is truly a man of God. The story was the emetic equivalent of a gallon of ipecac. Perhaps only a handful of attendees could clearly see Trump's horns and his trident.

As Christian Right evangelicals rack their brains with the problem of how to reconcile the president's divine appointment with his highly mortal super sins, there continues to be a voluntary unconsciousness that allows them to rationalize his actions. The reality is, that the devil himself could aspire to the presidency and evangelicals would offer the same hearty support. (Yes, Lucifer would only have to proclaim his condemnation of contraception and same-sex marriage, and the evangelicals would most likely declare, "Oh, he may not be perfect, but he is a fine man.") It's sad to compare our leader with the devil, but is there really much difference?

I don't know about you, but I can only shake my head in disbelief. Obviously, judgment is a dangerous thing, but so is the blatant hypocrisy demanded by the evangelicals' position. Trump is much more the Antichrist than the "chosen one"—taking great pleasure in stomping on Moses' stone tablets and desecrating everything that real Christians stand for. One doesn't need to be intelligent, or even perceptive, to understand that Trump takes glowing satisfaction in breaking all laws—religious, civil, criminal and international. Undoubtedly, even his mind is boggled by the level of gullibility that makes 80% of evangelicals his ardent supporters. It's probable that he goes to bed every night with this thought on his mind: "Those evangelicals are so stupid; I could tell them a pig's a butterfly, and they'd believe me."

It seems to me that time should have cemented the president's incredibility. While lies are his favorite sin, and particularly the bearing of false witness against anyone who opposes him, a quick assessment would show that Trump has broken every one of the Ten Commandments. Adultery? Coveting? Worship of material goods? He's probably very proud of it; his score is zero.

Well, we skipped-over commandment No. 6. For some reason, the evangelicals will find another word for Trump's killings, but they are, nonetheless, *******. In a country which supposedly believes that life is precious and that capital punishment is an irreversible wrong, it's amazing what contortions his Christian Right base can go through to justify their president's lust for *******. But that's the value of being the "Chosen One." When he sits at his video console manipulating his joystick and takes out another "bad guy," it must have been God's will.

There's no question that war can cloud the definition of morality. But the U.S. is not involved in any legitimate wars. Targeted assassinations like that of Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Suleimani are an affront to all moral decency. Except, that is, for the evangelicals. It's no affront to them, simply because, for every 10 really bad things the president does, he offsets his offenses with a few glib declarations on how awful it is to ******* fetuses and how God hates the sodomites.

The targeted killing of Suleimani is *******, pure and simple. There are international laws that forbid it. Of course, Trump doesn't care about U.S. laws (or God's, for that matter), so why would he give a crap for those created by the international community? Frankly, Trump, the miserable vomitous mass that he is, (I borrowed those words from Westley in The Princess Bride) has no respect for due process of law or the rights of the accused. But his time is coming when he will be screaming that his own rights are being violated. Nothing exists outside of his little me-world, and no life is of any value unless it's his.

I hate to say it, but Trump killed a far better man than he. Suleimani, though an enemy to some, was a real patriot to his country and his cause. Trump is certainly taking great pleasure in knowing that he has killed a bigger-than-life Iranian hero—a man who didn't feign bone spurs and constantly risked his own life for those things he believed in. (Oh, if only our president could be of such caliber.) While there can be a flurry of rationalizations over Suleimani's *******, it is likely yet another diversion to distract American minds, temporarily, from his impeachment. I cannot gloat over the death of this man, and I personally mourn for his family. It's too easy to assign a number to a target and play our little video games in Trump's den at Mar-a-Lago, forgetting that these are real, thinking, feeling people. Their lives matter, too.

Sadly, Trump's juvenile action—taking out one man, believing it puts a real dent in the enemy's resources—is vastly reckless. I once had a boss who said to me, "Michael, if you stick your hand into a toilet bowl and then pull it out, is there a hole left in the water?" Needless to say, I got the point. It is pathetically sophomoric for Trump to think there's no one to take the fallen general's place—or that killing can lead to anything other than more of the same.
Believing trump is going to save you would be like......

“A deeply faithful Christian man is stuck on roof of home with massive flooding up to 2nd floor. Rowboat comes. He says “No, I’m waiting for God. I’ve prayed and I know he’s coming.” 2ndrowboat. “No, I’m waiting for God.” 3rd rowboat. “No, I’m waiting for God.”

Water rises. The man drowns. Now he’s meeting God in heaven. The religious man says “Where were you God? I prayed. I was faithful. I asked you to save me. Why would you abandon me?”

God says, “Hey dummy, I sent you 3 rowboats. Are you blind?”

maybe it's time to wake up and smell the roses....this guy is a piece of *******!
While the New York governor delivers his daily briefing, President Trump tells reporters he is thinking of enacting a quarantine on New York, as well as Connecticut and New Jersey.

"We’d like to see New York quarantined because it’s a hotspot — New York, New Jersey, maybe one or two other places, certain parts of Connecticut quarantined," he said on his way to Virginia to see a US Navy hospital ship off on its two-day journey to New York City.


Governor Cuomo is asked during his briefing about President Trump's suggestion that he may enforce a quarantine on New York and surrounding states.

"I didn't speak to him about any quarantine," says Mr Cuomo, adding that he was late to today's briefing because he had been speaking on the phone to Mr Trump.

"I haven't had those conversations. I don't even know what that means."

My fault. I have it all wrong. Chinese are not catching hell because we don't have police reports, I just have stories and their own accounts

This is the same fear tactic the left uses over and over and over for the last 50 years. Hence the Race Card Jokes. This particularly has been traipsed out on every little thing since 2001. Seriously when a person farted in a store and ya'll called it racist attacks you lost all credibility.

So when the police reports are public and they are investigating one of the 1000000000 laws against hurting feelings the EU has I will pay attention.

The best part your third article was about the Hug a Chinese person you got fired up about. Hahhahahahahahah.
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