Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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there needs to be limits on stupidity.....you have more than your share.....pass some around to some of other trumptards instead of you keeping most of it...…......you really are a "twit" and grasping for straws......polls 3 days old......but in your mentality I'm sure you think a lot of those people have changed their mind over that 3 days.....get a life.....
I'm ignoring it. Hopefully it'll go away. You can't reason with it.
you really are a "twit" and grasping for straws......polls 3 days old......but in your mentality I'm sure you think a lot of those people have changed their mind over that 3 days.....get a life.....you don't have a brain in your head about anything else

No dumbshit. Polls are *******.

If you don't account for the source of the poll and if they don't publish the scripts, the questions, the demographics and the methods they mean nothing. I can ask the same 5 question in multiple ways to the same people and get the outcomes I want.

My point was about your confirmation bias and how you scan for headlines that confirms your bias against Trump. You have no logical argument just Orange Man Bad.
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Wow Big World Government hints Professional National Governments made more problems. , but more importantly "Don't stop Globalization"

UN warns of global food shortage caused by coronavirus measures: report

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization warned of global food shortages caused by measures to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus.

"The worst that can happen is that governments restrict the flow of food," Maximo Torero, chief economist of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, told the Guardian.

That's strange- no one likes him? But he fills arenas at every rally and has, in many cases 100s watching on jumbotrons outside. People wait all day in the snow and rain to get in to hear a political speech. And the dems can't fill high school gyms and have to pay and bus people to watch. I remember reading in many states Trump's primary totals were as much as 20% higher then all the dems totals combined.

Joe Biden?
Seven women have now accused Joe Biden of inappropriate ...
Apr 04, 2019 · After Biden’s response, actress and #MeToo activist Alyssa Milano, who rallied against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh when he was accused of sexual assault

You think little girl hair smelling Joe Biden is liked? You think Joe on a head to head debate with Trump is a good idea? Joe had a chance like 20 years ago, but now he has lost too much mental accumen.
Taylor Swift fills more arenas that tRump, they wait for days in line for tickets. However, we would all be disappointed if she was president. See? Big fucking difference between entertaining and governing.

He's got a base of about 20 million. That's enough to fill stadiums but lass than a third he'll need to win. Hell, he had big rallies in Kentucky and Virginia just two days before the Democrat turned out enough votes to crush the tRump endorse Republican. If you got any proof that he's grown his base from 2016- or better yet, have that same coalition approving his job, tell us all.

Now as far as what you said about Joe, he was the most liked Senator in the Senate from both sides of the aisle. And how quaint to return to the days when senators were a little creepy by hugging you too long, smelling your hair or getting a shoulder massage as oppose to the pussy grabber in chief in the White House. There is no record or accusations of Joe being unfaithful or cheating. tRump bragged about it, and cheated on every wife he's had.

tRump's totals were higher in WHAT state during the primary? In most they moved to block any opponents. But the GOP turnout has not been higher anywhere, they suppressed their own vote by doing that.
China lied and covered up the pandemic from early Nov 2019 to early Jan 2020. Some data says even earlier. China ordered and destroy test specimens and samples to further cover up their deeds. China allowed travel from in and around the outbreak area until Jan and let this spread.

Their national party news, along with the Florence Mayor, promoted and shamed Italians into hugging a Chinese person to show "you are not a racist". Then Italy is the outbreak center of Europe, strange. The Chinese blasted adds and "stage/paid news" spots in Italy. These ads showed guilted Italians hugging Chinese and pulling their surgical masks off and kissing the Chinese person. The Chinese used fear of being called racist to shame Italy over supposed Xenophobia and got them sick.

And I bet those "Medics" are there to steal information for the ******* Land. Or they are trying to lessen the blow back for letting this spread. There will be actions to pull back manufacturing from China over this. Their Economy will implode if that happens. China hates you, never forget that. The Chinese élite hate their people enough to starve them to death and you are an even more outside outsider.
First section I somewhat agree with. China lies EVERYTIME a pandemic breaks out from their regions. I don't believe for one second that those death number are not higher, and won't believe them when they say they do not have a cure. Fuck them. However, China is not Chinese people. All of this racism against them over here is ridiculous. The government of China- just like Russia, does not want to see America succeed. They don't give two fucks about us. They really don't. They have a name for American Chinese and it's not nice.

Speaking of racism, the rest of that hugging Chinese ******* is some Alex Jones bullshit. You probably know it too.
Pompous elitist Brit know it all - just what America needs - thanks awefully for gracing us with your superior blather ;}
Technically, our framers were elitist Brits. They didn't call themselves Americans (So Paul Revere's famous words "The British Are Coming" were never uttered. It would have made no sense at the time).
It's the trump way...he promotes hate and violence....you even see it on here....you disagree with what he wants or says....or what they say on here they get violent....

Man Charged With Making Death Threats to Nancy Pelosi in ...
15 hours ago · Gavin Weslee Blake Perry, 27, of Wichita Falls, Texas, wrote on Facebook that Democrats were terrorists and should be shot on sight, prosecutors said. A …

Texas man jailed for online threats against Nancy Pelosi ...
3 hours ago · WICHITA FALLS, Texas -- A Texas man faces federal charges after he made online posts threatening Democrats, including U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, authorities said. Gavin Weslee Blake Perry, 27, of Wichita Falls, was charged Wednesday with transmitting a threatening communication in interstate commerce.

and I would be willing to bet there are a couple on here that would say she has it coming...…...these trump people are just not stable
Technically, our framers were elitist Brits. They didn't call themselves Americans (So Paul Revere's famous words "The British Are Coming" were never uttered. It would have made no sense at the time).

our framers based our government on the roman empire....at one time it was the most stable form of government
Taylor Swift fills more arenas that tRump, they wait for days in line for tickets. However, we would all be disappointed if she was president. See? Big fucking difference between entertaining and governing.

He's got a base of about 20 million. That's enough to fill stadiums but lass than a third he'll need to win. Hell, he had big rallies in Kentucky and Virginia just two days before the Democrat turned out enough votes to crush the tRump endorse Republican. If you got any proof that he's grown his base from 2016- or better yet, have that same coalition approving his job, tell us all.

Now as far as what you said about Joe, he was the most liked Senator in the Senate from both sides of the aisle. And how quaint to return to the days when senators were a little creepy by hugging you too long, smelling your hair or getting a shoulder massage as oppose to the pussy grabber in chief in the White House. There is no record or accusations of Joe being unfaithful or cheating. tRump bragged about it, and cheated on every wife he's had.

tRump's totals were higher in WHAT state during the primary? In most they moved to block any opponents. But the GOP turnout has not been higher anywhere, they suppressed their own vote by doing that.

Taylor Swift sells music and is a pop star who fills many arenas. Trump is holding a political speech and people wait in line in snow just for a chance to get in. The Dems have to pay and bus people to fill a single High School Gym. They can't fill small rooms consistently. They didn't fill a couple of the debates either. That is not a good sign for the prospects of the Dems.

Trump drives massive turnout in primaries despite token opposition
The efforts are paying off, with Republicans turning out in historic numbers. Trump received more than 31,000 votes in the Iowa caucus, surpassing the 25,000 Democrats who turned out during Barack Obama’s successful 2012 reelection bid. Trump’s share was more than four times the number of Republicans who caucused during George W. Bush’s 2004 reelection campaign
Wow that says a lot. Joe is well liked among professional elected Politicians. That's like saying Manson was popular on death row. Yes Trump cheated on his wives'

There were 5 guys on the Ballot in Colorado and two trying to run nationally but no one cared. That is the benefit of being the incumbent in the primary in both parties.

I would rather watch Trump destroy Bumbling Bernie in a head to head debate, but watching him trounce Sleepy Joe Biden will be entertaining too.
Yeah China is the new Dem hero - go figure - nah nvm makes sense kinda sorta - media takes their side over President Trump - such blatant bias makes me sick !
Really, they love love love them some tRumpy tRump.

Why would they not, tRump is easy to manipulate, and his family still makes money from them. Not to mention the occasional spy who makes her way in Mar a lago.

Four dead, 138 sick on Holland America's MS Zaandam cruise ...
1 hour ago · Four elderly passengers on board Holland America's MS Zaandam have died on the cruise ship that is stuck in limbo during the coronavirus pandemic. …

well maybe trump will do the same thing he did last time......put them ALL shoulder to shoulder on the same airplane and fly them in
Taylor Swift sells music and is a pop star who fills many arenas. Trump is holding a political speech and people wait in line in snow just for a chance to get in. The Dems have to pay and bus people to fill a single High School Gym. They can't fill small rooms consistently. They didn't fill a couple of the debates either. That is not a good sign for the prospects of the Dems.

Trump drives massive turnout in primaries despite token opposition
The efforts are paying off, with Republicans turning out in historic numbers. Trump received more than 31,000 votes in the Iowa caucus, surpassing the 25,000 Democrats who turned out during Barack Obama’s successful 2012 reelection bid. Trump’s share was more than four times the number of Republicans who caucused during George W. Bush’s 2004 reelection campaign
Wow that says a lot. Joe is well liked among professional elected Politicians. That's like saying Manson was popular on death row. Yes Trump cheated on his wives'

There were 5 guys on the Ballot in Colorado and two trying to run nationally but no one cared. That is the benefit of being the incumbent in the primary in both parties.

I would rather watch Trump destroy Bumbling Bernie in a head to head debate, but watching him trounce Sleepy Joe Biden will be entertaining too.
Iowa? DO you understand how a caucus works. Those aren't straight votes. Doesn't matter. Iowa was before tRump showed people he cannot handle a national crisis and continues to whine about himself. He may win Iowa, what's happened since then? Mayor Pete and Bernie won Iowa- now they are at home watching on TV.
First section I somewhat agree with. China lies EVERYTIME a pandemic breaks out from their regions. I don't believe for one second that those death number are not higher, and won't believe them when they say they do not have a cure. Fuck them. However, China is not Chinese people. All of this racism against them over here is ridiculous. The government of China- just like Russia, does not want to see America succeed. They don't give two fucks about us. They really don't. They have a name for American Chinese and it's not nice.

Speaking of racism, the rest of that hugging Chinese ******* is some Alex Jones bullshit. You probably know it too.

Hugging a Chinese Person was a campaign by the Mayor of Florence and the Chinese State media propagandizing in Italy. They used identity politics and fear of labels to spread the virus. You can actually look up the video of the Mayor doing it and chiding and shaming his countrymen to do the same. Then you can see the videos posted and that show Italians react to fear of being called a racist.

Yep there is bias in everyone. Especially at Liberal Run Harvard against Asians.
I would rather watch Trump destroy Bumbling Bernie in a head to head debate, but watching him trounce Sleepy Joe Biden will be entertaining too

not going to happen....they are both ahead of him in a head to head...….and his inability to handle the country (virus/economy) and other things will ******* him right now and he knows it...….he is toast....the best he can do is have his nightly lie session where people praise him and he can lie to the people....but even then people are NOT buying what he is selling.....pushing for the economy....not one governor will go along!....they will do what is right for their state...where as his only concern is re-election...and that is done for
No dumbshit. Polls are *******.

If you don't account for the source of the poll and if they don't publish the scripts, the questions, the demographics and the methods they mean nothing. I can ask the same 5 question in multiple ways to the same people and get the outcomes I want.

My point was about your confirmation bias and how you scan for headlines that confirms your bias against Trump. You have no logical argument just Orange Man Bad.
That's called the crosstabs in the business. And, the scientific sound polls show tRump has not increase his base of support and has lost some suburbanites. Many who voted for him because they felt Hillary was a known entity and did not like her. Joe doesn't have that problem and is acceptable to that particular group. Even the moderate republicans.
Four dead, 138 sick on Holland America's MS Zaandam cruise ...
1 hour ago · Four elderly passengers on board Holland America's MS Zaandam have died on the cruise ship that is stuck in limbo during the coronavirus pandemic. …

well maybe trump will do the same thing he did last time......put them ALL shoulder to shoulder on the same airplane and fly them in

Or you could ask why were they on a Cruise Ship during a Pandemic?
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