Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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No- These are fact. That is why you don't understand them.

You posted articles from March 7th and 8th and 11th saying 46% of Americans support the President. On the other thread, you coward from because your were losing, I posted the top 2 articles and I added the third here for good measure.

These are all from the 20th and they all say "A Majority of Americans Now Approve of President Trump's Handling of the coronavirus."

No seriously just look down and have whoever reads for you read the summaries.

  1. Poll: Majority of Americans now approve of Trump's ...
    6 days ago · A majority of Americans now approve of President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new survey, as the administration has issued stricter federal guidelines
  2. Majority of Americans now say they approve of Trump's ...
    6 days ago · The majority of Americans now approve of President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, a change from just one week prior, according to a Majority of Americans now say they approve of ...
  3. Approval of Trump’s Coronavirus Response Increases, Poll ...
    Mar 20, 2020 · A majority of Americans now approve of the way President Donald Trump is handling the coronavirus pandemic.

The Best Part Article 2 is from your same source. Damn media and your lack of logic betrays you again.
Yet, he still can't crack 50% overall job approval. The negatives are too high.
National crisis used to mean approval highs for Presidents, especially first termers. But he is so unlikable, and burned so many bridges, people will give him decent marks for a specific action, but still not give him overall approval. That mean, nothing you can do to change that. Well except ******* on your opponent with lies so much that you are the lesser of two evils. That worked with Hillary, not uncle Joe. People like him. People do not like tRump.
Didn't he endorse a baby molester for senate? Turned that seat over to the Dems in a ruby red red state. He's the master at fucking up ******* for himself.
And let me be crystal clear- BOTH Parties and professional government did us wrong and this bill is a fucking bribe with tax funds joke. In the end tally Pelosi was much worse, but all were bad. Remember 96-0 in favor vote

Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/adaman...n-the-coronavirus-stimulus-bill/#5950fe4b60ae

"$25 million in the Senate bill went to the John F. Kennedy Center For The Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. During the past ten years, the center received $68.3 million in federal grants (2010-2019). The Kennedy Center has total assets of $557 million. The Pelosi bill earmarked $35 million."
Hey, Porky President is all in favor of this. You should catch up to your leader on this issues:
Oh there is your last fall back...."just not going to have a battle of witts with an unarmed man...." before you post same propaganda opinion articles from 2016 or 2013 to change the subject and cover up for yet another of your losses.

You are wrong. You fell victim to your ego and typical behavior of---- You searched---- You Copied---- You failed to read--- You Pasted--- Look foolish----- You are still wrong------ again and again and again.

And now you will prove me right again. Then either go after someone you think you can beat or jump to another post.

I did search and I read and post....you just lack comprehension and the ability to hold a train of thought for very long....as for beating up on some one....you are about as easy a target as they come ….with what you have to offer in your posts....nothing but talk...and trying to intimidate...or maybe impress the weak minded on here...but to most ...you are just a phoney!

you NEVER offer anything but your opinion....which to most means nothing....you want to discredit facts....and come up with something that please you....doesn't work that way....I know there are others that have told you....that talking to you is a waste of time....all just right wing opinions...nothing of substance...…..one last time...because I Know your comprehension is a little slow

Majority of people in US don't trust what Trump says about ...
Mar 17, 2020 · T hirty-seven percent of people in the United States say they have "a good amount" or "a great deal" of trust in what they're hearing from President Trump on the coronavirus, but overall, most do not.

Poll: Most Americans don't trust Trump on coronavirus ...
9 days ago · Poll: Most Americans don't trust Trump on coronavirus information. The president’s trust ratings regarding the coronavirus rank lower among those surveyed than other prominent sources of ...

Coronavirus Poll: A Lack Of Trust In Trump, Federal ...
Mar 17, 2020 · Coronavirus Poll: A Lack Of Trust In Trump, Federal Government's Response After the White House downplayed the coronavirus threat in the past month, the number of Republicans saying it

Few Americans Trust Trump To Lead Through Coronavirus ...
9 days ago · Three-in-five Americans (60 percent) say they do not trust what Trump has to say about coronavirus, while only 37 percent say they do trust him. Much of the distrust in Trump

Most people do not trust what Donald Trump says about the ...
Personally I don't trust what he says about ANYTHING! Courtesy of NPR: Americans have little trust in the information they are hearing from President Trump about the novel coronavirus, and their confidence in the federal government's response to it is declining sharply, according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll. Just 46%
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Coronavirus could cost Trump the election, Goldman Sachs warns
Goldman Sachs is warning Wall Street that the coronavirus could cost President Donald Trump the election. The potential political fallout from the coronavirus adds yet more uncertainty for...

Trump Is Worried The Coronavirus Will Cost Him The Election
Privately, Trump is worried that a US coronavirus outbreak will slow down the economy and cost him the election.

Trump re-election campaign wobbles amid virus outbreak ...
13 days ago · NEW YORK • US President Donald Trump faces the biggest challenge yet to his re-election prospects, with his advisers' two major assumptions for the campaign - a booming economy and an opponent ...

Covid-19 may stop Trump from being reelected. Here are 3 ...
Mar 09, 2020 · Now, Trump could be somewhat insulated from an economic downturn because public opinion about his presidency has been more divorced from the country’s economic performance than it …

Virus Presents 'Existential Threat' to Trump's Re-election
Mar 21, 2020 · The coronavirus is not just an existential threat to the global economy, if not humanity, it has potentially put President Donald Trump's re-election in peril, according to GOP strategists. "He's not running against Joe Biden, he's running against a virus and the collateral damage from that," former White House strategist Steve Bannon told the Post .
How Trump mishandled coronavirus crisis — with his own ...
Mar 13, 2020 · How Trump mishandled coronavirus crisis — with his own words | Mike Kelly. President Donald Trump has blown his chance to lead the United States out of the coronavirus crisis.

Trump has completely mishandled the coronavirus response ...
4 days ago · Trump has completely mishandled the coronavirus response and should resign Evan Vucci | AP President Donald Trump responds to a question …

Mismanagement, missed opportunities: How the White House ...
Mar 14, 2020 · The Trump administration response to the coronavirus outbreak was hobbled by a series of missteps and a president who resisted the advice …

Opinion | How Trump Is Worsening the Virus Now - The New ...
3 days ago · How Trump Is Worsening the Virus Now. Medical shortages are his responsibility. By ... He has then tried to rewrite recent history and claimed that his response had been aggressive from the start.

Donald Trump 'ignored warnings about how bad coronavirus ...
Mar 21, 2020 · Donald Trump repeatedly ignored warnings about how bad the coronavirus pandemic could get as far back as January, White House sources have claimed. The President of …

What We Know About the Trump Administration's Mishandling ...
Feb 24, 2020 · In May 2018, Trump ordered the NSC’s entire global health security unit shut down, calling for reassignment of Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer and dissolution of his team inside the agency. The month before, then-White House National Security Advisor John Bolton pressured Ziemer’s DHS counterpart, Tom Bossert, to resign along with his team.

Trump has bungled the US response to Corona Virus from the ...
Mar 05, 2020 · Trump has bungled the US response to Corona Virus from the start! Anonymous Coward User ID: 77751997 United States 03/05/2020 09:48 PM ... Trump has bungled the US response to Corona Virus from the start!... Can you tell us how or is this just a Trump bashing thread? Quoting: ~kpm~ The way he's handled the virus. Horrible job. He's a fool.
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this is what is called the height of stupidity....and why people know he doesn't know *******!

Trump Says the Coronavirus Is No Big Deal. The Disease Won ...
On Wednesday, in front of a packed White House briefing room, President Trump told the country there were only 15 cases of coronavirus in the US, and “within a couple days [it is] going to be down...

AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s viral spin on virus; Dem oversteps ...
Feb 29, 2020 · TRUMP: “The flu in our country kills from 25,000 people to 69,000 people a year; that was shocking to me. And so far, if you look at what we have with the 15 people, and they are recovering.”

This sentence from Trump’s first coronavirus press ...
Mar 03, 2020 · And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.

Coronavirus Cases Continue to Climb Two Weeks After Trump ...
Coronavirus infections in the United States continue to climb, topping over 1,000 cases nationwide two weeks after President Donald Trump erroneously claimed they'd be "close to zero." “And ...

Trump Is Spreading Disinformation About Coronavirus — and ...
Mar 06, 2020 · This isn’t the first time that Trump has intentionally deceived the American people about the number of cases in the United States. In his first press conference on the crisis, Trump repeated and erroneously referred to “15” Americans who had at that time been found to be infected with the virus; this number was actually a subset of the 60 who had been found to be infected.

Trump mocked for ‘spouting nonsense’ about coronavirus and ...
Mar 03, 2020 · Trump on govt initiative to eliminate HIV: “So we’re saying 10 years but now we’re into 9 years, because it could have been started earlier & somebody else didn’t start it early, but we ...
AP FACT CHECK: Trump's misguided boast on virus poll ratings

AP FACT CHECK: Trump's misguided boast on virus poll ratings
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is making a misleading boast about his job performance on the coronavirus, claiming that recent polls point to high public approval even after delays by... apnews.com
Mar 08, 2020 · Trump claims higher poll ratings than previous administrations got when handling virus outbreaks. But early in the swine flu outbreak in May 2009, when Barack Obama was president, 3 in 4 Americans had confidence in the government’s management of the crisis, according to Gallup.

the guy just can not admit he can not handle the job......his supporters just keep him propped up...….but can't hold up long
Trump gets heat from supporters on virus in Fox News town hall <- Fox news?
Mar 06, 2020 · President Donald Trump defended the administration's response to the coronavirus and his confrontational style of name-calling political opponents as …

Bloomberg slams Trump on coronavirus response - Republic World
Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg slammed President Donald Trump and his administration over its response to the global health threat of the coronavirus, saying "the White House is endangering lives and hurting our economy." "President Trump was briefed on the virus two months ago, but he buried his head in the sand."

Trump’s Oval Office failure - The Washington Post
Mar 12, 2020 · From the Oval Office, presidents declare war and respond to calamities. They provide comfort and stability. Wednesday night, however, President Trump merely reinforced the …
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Wow you just can't get past your blind hatred. ...........
And "Trump's Track Record" Wow he made a settlement and paid a fine over a dispute over charity codes and licensing issues to the wrong partner. It is not like he used the charity Acorn to commit voter fraud in 18 states. And with "6 Bankruptcies and 24 Failed Corporations" he is still a billionaire and you're still envious.
I was being kind, plus didn't have the time, to start listing all his pre-Presidency sins, cpl2010co. Three marriages, thousands of law suits, 16,000 documented lies & deceptions since being President ... give me a break. This isn't about a specific sin, its about the way he lives his life. I'll admit, the ones that pushed ME over the edge as far as going from despising Trump to hating Trump was his undocumented, private liaisons with the Russians & VladPUTIN, and sharing highly classified US information with them. He should have been removed from office THEN & THERE ... and after blocking/interfering/obstructing with the investigations, he convinced me that he's a very corrupt & dishonest president. There's no way I'd ever like the man in ANY capacity.
We think you are idiots because you trust the Corporation know as The Democrat Party. And you confirm you're complete idiots with what you say over and over again.
I've always been one to write to my senators & representatives at least ONCE a year. The difference between the Democrat representatives I've written to in the past, and the Republican representatives we have in NC now, is the Republicans always use a "form letter with a signature stamp" ... not once in over a dozen letters have they EVER personally responded to my letters. I've been as critical of the Democrats, as I have been Republicans, in the past. The Republicans in NC kept yelling "voter fraud" for years, never turned up ******* to amount to anything, yet two incidents during the 2014 & 2016 elections found Republicans involved in ELECTION fraud. Both in prison now, at least I know one of them is still in prison.
And you know I will never let you forget you cheered for the bankrupting of Americans and America to get back at Trump and his supporters.
Just because I've never responded to this accusation from you cpl2010co, doesn't mean it is TRUE. In fact, I have quite a few investments in 401-Ks, pensions, and bank accounts, I'm not about to wish the country would go bankrupt or fail under Trump. I haven't "cheered" for the bankrupting of America and you know it. So to that I say PROVE IT or admit its another rightard LIE you've conjured up. I don't need to cheer for Trump's FAILURE, cpl2010, he's already proven he's a failure to everyone with an ounce of common sense. And, he's going to continue failing, thus why I pointed out his private sector business failures & accomplishments. Why do you think he's had so many lawsuits and bankruptcies? Who pays for those? Thing IS, Trump is in the public sector of business now, and it operates a lot differently than with his failures in his private life .... in the public sector, he FAILS, he fails with OUR MONEY and at OUR COST, not his. He'll simply ride off into the sunset not accountable for the misery he's brought to everyone he's left behind. He hasn't accomplished ONE THING in the public sector for the American people ... not ONE THING! That's why he doesn't care if people die with this virus if he lifts restrictions ... he's MORE concerned with what he'll run on if the economy faulters under HIM ... again, he has NO ACCOMPLISHMENTS ... if so, show me specifically what they ARE.

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and now for trump's gift to America...….

US has world's most confirmed coronavirus cases: trackers

The United States now has the highest number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the world, according to data gathered both by Johns Hopkins University and The New York Times.

In reaching the grim milestone on Thursday, the country of 330 million people surpassed virus hotspots China and Italy.

Johns Hopkins said the US has 82,404 cases, while the Times said there were at least 81,321 people who tested positive for COVID-19.

Italy's declared caseload stood Thursday at 80,539 and China's at 81,285, according to an AFP tally.

Friday briefing: US surpasses China for world's most cases

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trump didn't think far enough ahead when he allowed the virus in....or maybe he did...….saves him some campaign cash by not having to hold his rallies…...and now he gets an hour on TV every night to have others tell you how great he is......there actually should be some rebuttle time allowed to show how he has fucked this up and how little he has done to fix it.....but I'm sure his clan of devil worshippers would not allow that

his hourly message...has no facts....puts out no real info.....and is nothing more than the trump comedy/lie hour....so some one should get to inform the people the facts!

but what the hell....with all the people he is killing over this....it is killing his re-election chances
Trump is China's best mate now. No talk of China virus, no talk of them covering it up now. Just talk of much respect.
What do you trump fans of this volte face? What do you think of the total U turn in his attitude?
Don't you think he's an absolute prick for bending like a blade of grass in the wind? Where is his conviction?
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