Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Trump is China's best mate now. No talk of China virus, no talk of them covering it up now. Just talk of much respect.
What do you trump fans of this volte face? What do you think of the total U turn in his attitude?
Don't you think he's an absolute prick for bending like a blade of grass in the wind? Where is his conviction?

Yeah I read this morning they are back to being good pals again.....but china says the us needs to show better relations

but there are people on here that care nothing about any of that...…..it is all about their god n hero being picked on....he does no wrong....even though I just read..HUGE numbers on the estimate of people who could die over this...…..and he still makes no move to use war time powers to ******* manuf of some of this needed stuff

he is lucky in one way.....his handling of this will be his defining thing in history.....so he will get overlooked on all the treasonous things he has done prior

you may have picked up on the fact I don't like the guy....he is a fucking crook for one thing....and many more things.....and those that can not see what they are allowing to happen is just plain embarrassing
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Yeah I read this morning they are back to being good pals again.....but china says the us needs to show better relations

but there are people on here that care nothing about any of that...…..it is all about their god n hero being picked on....he does no wrong....even though I just read..HUGE numbers on the estimate of people who could die over this...…..and he still makes no move to use war time powers to ******* manuf of some of this needed stuff

he is lucky in one way.....his handling of this will be his defining thing in history.....so he will get overlooked on all the treasonous things he has done prior
You'll need the army to help with logistics I imagine. Moving ventilators around and possibly building field hospitals. You're a few weeks away. We're about a week away from the real numbers showing. London will get it hard because they've been using the tube for work and it's a breeding ground for the virus. For all those still saying that this is no worse than the seasonal flu: if we hadn't been socially distancing ourselves for weeks now and washing our hands, I reckon we'd already be losing thousands a day. As it is, our numbers of dead are climbing and doubled yesterday.

Time has slowed right down. Last week is like last month. We're only allowed out of the house once a day for exercise and the police are stopping cars on the main roads. I never thought I'd see this in England. But needs must and the lock down has to be honoured, or this thing will drag on for months.
The fools who are still insisting on working and moving about will only extend the pain. Hunker down and stay safe. Wash your hands off you go out. Don't touch your face - that's the hardest thing.

Yeah I read this morning they are back to being good pals again.....but china says the us needs to show better relations

but there are people on here that care nothing about any of that...…..it is all about their god n hero being picked on....he does no wrong....even though I just read..HUGE numbers on the estimate of people who could die over this...…..and he still makes no move to use war time powers to ******* manuf of some of this needed stuff

he is lucky in one way.....his handling of this will be his defining thing in history.....so he will get overlooked on all the treasonous things he has done prior

you may have picked up on the fact I don't like the guy....he is a fucking crook for one thing....and many more things.....and those that can not see what they are allowing to happen is just plain embarrassing
And it looks like China are at least trying to show some leadership over this. There are Chinese medics advising all over Europe and they're trying to reach out to trump to work with the US. He needs to listen - they're to be respected for ignoring his xenophobic rantings and seeing that it is going to take a true international effort to beat this.
You'll need the army to help with logistics I imagine. Moving ventilators around and possibly building field hospitals. You're a few weeks away. We're about a week away from the real numbers showing. London will get it hard because they've been using the tube for work and it's a breeding ground for the virus. For all those still saying that this is no worse than the seasonal flu: if we hadn't been socially distancing ourselves for weeks now and washing our hands, I reckon we'd already be losing thousands a day. As it is, our numbers of dead are climbing and doubled yesterday.

Time has slowed right down. Last week is like last month. We're only allowed out of the house once a day for exercise and the police are stopping cars on the main roads. I never thought I'd see this in England. But needs must and the lock down has to be honoured, or this thing will drag on for months.
The fools who are still insisting on working and moving about will only extend the pain. Hunker down and stay safe. Wash your hands off you go out. Don't touch your face - that's the hardest thing.


we have a lot of needs....that are the presidents responsibility....but it just seems he really has to be pushed into doing something...….and some things has still refused to do....he could ******* some of the companies to manuf or increase manuf....but still has just talked about it and they are not doing it......some companies are voluntarily doing things.....but not some of the key stuff...like the ventilators for one
And it looks like China are at least trying to show some leadership over this. There are Chinese medics advising all over Europe and they're trying to reach out to trump to work with the US. He needs to listen - they're to be respected for ignoring his xenophobic rantings and seeing that it is going to take a true international effort to beat this.

he tried to push his stupidity and incompetency over this off on China....he always has to have a scapegoat....and blaming china for his fuck up is typical....and now china knows how to cure/handle....they are leaving the US out....fitting I guess

just another example of how we have to work with and need others in the world...….and he has pushed them all aside

but people on here like that.....no matter who dies
we have a lot of needs....that are the presidents responsibility....but it just seems he really has to be pushed into doing something...….and some things has still refused to do....he could ******* some of the companies to manuf or increase manuf....but still has just talked about it and they are not doing it......some companies are voluntarily doing things.....but not some of the key stuff...like the ventilators for one
I understand America's distrust and objection to the big state, but in this situation it is definitely an advantage.
There is going to be the mom of all recessions after this. Hopefully it'll be short.

We have Dyson building ventilators now.
I understand America's distrust and objection to the big state, but in this situation it is definitely an advantage.
There is going to be the mom of all recessions after this. Hopefully it'll be short.

We have Dyson building ventilators now.

that is just it....everyone needs the ventilators......I saw that most people in the hospital are on one for about 3 days...…..people with this virus are on sometimes over 3 weeks...…...they are needed and yet he does nothing....as for the recession....every where you look on search engines....we are already in one just that the trump admin is trying to put a good spin on things...….

we need some time...a month? away from each other to sort out who is sick and who isn't....then after that take a while to get people back to work.....food industry (restaurants) and etc take a long time...and those are people who are going to have trouble surviving....even if things fall into place...be lucky to have people back and in spending mode before the fall of the year

but hell I am still supporting the economy....have not ordered this much stuff off the computer in my life
talk about illiterate country fucking rednecks.....republicans...have it how they like it......keep them stupid like sheep..just saw on the local news that since schools are closed....they are trying to keep students and people informed through the internet.....but 40% of the people here have NO INTERNET or home computer!.....that is un fucking believable in this day and age....

but in this state...not a lot of middle class....either rich....or dirt poor....nothing to drive in the country and see families living in old school buses....junked out old campers....etc...….but they are republican strong!
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that is just it....everyone needs the ventilators......I saw that most people in the hospital are on one for about 3 days...…..people with this virus are on sometimes over 3 weeks...…...they are needed and yet he does nothing....as for the recession....every where you look on search engines....we are already in one just that the trump admin is trying to put a good spin on things...….

we need some time...a month? away from each other to sort out who is sick and who isn't....then after that take a while to get people back to work.....food industry (restaurants) and etc take a long time...and those are people who are going to have trouble surviving....even if things fall into place...be lucky to have people back and in spending mode before the fall of the year

but hell I am still supporting the economy....have not ordered this much stuff off the computer in my life
Well everyone here thought a month would be enough, but beginning to think it'll be longer. If the gestation period is up to two weeks, then you can infect someone else for a period before you show symptoms and after you feel ill. So maybe 10 days to 25 days after being exposed to the virus.
You'll have cases dropping in one area, but increasing in another. Then people moving from one area to another and bringing the virus back into areas that were cleared.

I think the lock down will last at least 2 months, probably 3, but perhaps longer if the lock downs aren't adhered to.
talk about illiterate country fucking rednecks.....republicans...have it how they like it......keep them stupid like sheep..just saw on the local news that since schools are closed....they are trying to keep students and people informed through the internet.....but 40% of the people here have NO INTERNET or home computer!.....that is un fucking believable in this day and age....

but in this state...not a lot of middle class....either rich....or dirt poor....nothing to drive in the country and see families living in old school buses....junked out old campers....etc...….but they are republican strong!
If you add in a distrust of government in general, but a trust in trump, you have a problem.
Well everyone here thought a month would be enough, but beginning to think it'll be longer. If the gestation period is up to two weeks, then you can infect someone else for a period before you show symptoms and after you feel ill. So maybe 10 days to 25 days after being exposed to the virus.
You'll have cases dropping in one area, but increasing in another. Then people moving from one area to another and bringing the virus back into areas that were cleared.

I think the lock down will last at least 2 months, probably 3, but perhaps longer if the lock downs aren't adhered to.

got to agree...….trump wants it over as fast as possible...….but ending it to soon could be very costly.....things already going to *******....just as well tough it out a little longer to make sure it is done....come back to quick and then have to do it all over again...…...that could be the killing blow for the country and the economy....Dr's all say wait...……..but the right has never had the best interest of the country at heart...all they care about is the money they are losing....so want people back to work and spending right away
got to agree...….trump wants it over as fast as possible...….but ending it to soon could be very costly.....things already going to *******....just as well tough it out a little longer to make sure it is done....come back to quick and then have to do it all over again...…...that could be the killing blow for the country and the economy....Dr's all say wait...……..but the right has never had the best interest of the country at heart...all they care about is the money they are losing....so want people back to work and spending right away
Everyone wants it finished. It is disastrous for the economies of the world. But everyone is in the same position, so hopefully when it is finally over, that parity of damage will somehow equalise the situation for the different countries.

No doubt about it, this is a game changer.
Everyone wants it finished. It is disastrous for the economies of the world. But everyone is in the same position, so hopefully when it is finally over, that parity of damage will somehow equalise the situation for the different countries.

No doubt about it, this is a game changer.

don't think it will open trumps eyes or SOME of these trumptards….you see a few on here real fucking idiots...….but I think most will see we need each other in this world....it is a game changer!....question is will some learn from it...hope so......some of the die hard fools will not....but after this they are slowly becoming the minority

saw a thing yesterday....and you see it on here a lot.....they don't care anything about the virus or how many die....it is all about protecting their god....so for some....just never realize what is actually going on
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Yet, he still can't crack 50% overall job approval. The negatives are too high.
National crisis used to mean approval highs for Presidents, especially first termers. But he is so unlikable, and burned so many bridges, people will give him decent marks for a specific action, but still not give him overall approval. That mean, nothing you can do to change that. Well except ******* on your opponent with lies so much that you are the lesser of two evils. That worked with Hillary, not uncle Joe. People like him. People do not like tRump.
Didn't he endorse a baby molester for senate? Turned that seat over to the Dems in a ruby red red state. He's the master at fucking up ******* for himself.

That's strange- no one likes him? But he fills arenas at every rally and has, in many cases 100s watching on jumbotrons outside. People wait all day in the snow and rain to get in to hear a political speech. And the dems can't fill high school gyms and have to pay and bus people to watch. I remember reading in many states Trump's primary totals were as much as 20% higher then all the dems totals combined.

Joe Biden?
Seven women have now accused Joe Biden of inappropriate ...
Apr 04, 2019 · After Biden’s response, actress and #MeToo activist Alyssa Milano, who rallied against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh when he was accused of sexual assault

You think little girl hair smelling Joe Biden is liked? You think Joe on a head to head debate with Trump is a good idea? Joe had a chance like 20 years ago, but now he has lost too much mental accumen.
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I did search and I read and post....you just lack comprehension and the ability to hold a train of thought for very long....as for beating up on some one....you are about as easy a target as they come ….with what you have to offer in your posts....nothing but talk...and trying to intimidate...or maybe impress the weak minded on here...but to most ...you are just a phoney!

you NEVER offer anything but your opinion....which to most means nothing....you want to discredit facts....and come up with something that please you....doesn't work that way....I know there are others that have told you....that talking to you is a waste of time....all just right wing opinions...nothing of substance...…..one last time...because I Know your comprehension is a little slow

Majority of people in US don't trust what Trump says about ...
Mar 17, 2020 · T hirty-seven percent of people in the United States say they have "a good amount" or "a great deal" of trust in what they're hearing from President Trump on the coronavirus, but overall, most do not.

Poll: Most Americans don't trust Trump on coronavirus ...
9 days ago · Poll: Most Americans don't trust Trump on coronavirus information. The president’s trust ratings regarding the coronavirus rank lower among those surveyed than other prominent sources of ...

Coronavirus Poll: A Lack Of Trust In Trump, Federal ...
Mar 17, 2020 · Coronavirus Poll: A Lack Of Trust In Trump, Federal Government's Response After the White House downplayed the coronavirus threat in the past month, the number of Republicans saying it

Few Americans Trust Trump To Lead Through Coronavirus ...
9 days ago · Three-in-five Americans (60 percent) say they do not trust what Trump has to say about coronavirus, while only 37 percent say they do trust him. Much of the distrust in Trump

Most people do not trust what Donald Trump says about the ...
Personally I don't trust what he says about ANYTHING! Courtesy of NPR: Americans have little trust in the information they are hearing from President Trump about the novel coronavirus, and their confidence in the federal government's response to it is declining sharply, according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll. Just 46%

So good job you got polls that are now 3 days older than the March 20th polls I quoted. Instead of 13 days older. What the headlines confirmed your bias.

The good part, you accidently pulled a poll from the same source I quoted, so this can show you that opinion polls change. Seems the polls are showing that people are now moving to support Trump's response. The bad part, these very hard left propaganda sites usually tap polls that select "Likely Dem Voters" poll. Usually it is found that they call like 3 or 4 Dems to every Republican. That does not speak well for Dems if that is the case with these polls.

You would think after I hammered your posts and made you look foolish over dates you would have tried to find polls newer than the 20th polls I quoted.
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And it looks like China are at least trying to show some leadership over this. There are Chinese medics advising all over Europe and they're trying to reach out to trump to work with the US. He needs to listen - they're to be respected for ignoring his xenophobic rantings and seeing that it is going to take a true international effort to beat this.

China lied and covered up the pandemic from early Nov 2019 to early Jan 2020. Some data says even earlier. China ordered and destroy test specimens and samples to further cover up their deeds. China allowed travel from in and around the outbreak area until Jan and let this spread.

Their national party news, along with the Florence Mayor, promoted and shamed Italians into hugging a Chinese person to show "you are not a racist". Then Italy is the outbreak center of Europe, strange. The Chinese blasted adds and "stage/paid news" spots in Italy. These ads showed guilted Italians hugging Chinese and pulling their surgical masks off and kissing the Chinese person. The Chinese used fear of being called racist to shame Italy over supposed Xenophobia and got them sick.

And I bet those "Medics" are there to steal information for the ******* Land. Or they are trying to lessen the blow back for letting this spread. There will be actions to pull back manufacturing from China over this. Their Economy will implode if that happens. China hates you, never forget that. The Chinese élite hate their people enough to starve them to death and you are an even more outside outsider.
Yeah China is the new Dem hero - go figure - nah nvm makes sense kinda sorta - media takes their side over President Trump - such blatant bias makes me sick !
So good job you got polls that are now 3 days older than the March 20th polls I quoted. Instead of 13 days older. What the headlines confirmed your bias.

The good part, you accidently pulled a poll from the same source I quoted, so this can show you that opinion polls change. Seems the polls are showing that people are now moving to support Trump's response. The bad part, these very hard left propaganda sites usually tap polls that select "Likely Dem Voters" poll. Usually it is found that they call like 3 or 4 Dems to every Republican. That does not speak well for Dems if that is the case with these polls.

You would think after I hammered your posts and made you look foolish over dates you would have tried to find polls newer than the 20th polls I quoted.

there needs to be limits on stupidity.....you have more than your share.....pass some around to some of other trumptards instead of you keeping most of it...…......you really are a "twit" and grasping for straws......polls 3 days old......but in your mentality I'm sure you think a lot of those people have changed their mind over that 3 days.....get a life.....
Yeah China is the new Dem hero - go figure - nah nvm makes sense kinda sorta - media takes their side over President Trump - such blatant bias makes me sick !
...sick?...need an aspirin?...…..part of that might be guilt for the support you are giving the killer conn.........but then what the hell why don't you use the same towel you use for that nose ******* trump gives the country
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