Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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No she wasn't. Pelosi wanted the stimulus bill to be focused on the virus concerns ... the bill got loaded down with "pork barrel" spending. But, the main concern was the $500 BILLION Trump wanted for non-disgression spending with NO oversight. Not $5 billion, or even $25 billion, but $500 billion (half a TRILLION dollars) to allow Trump to spend as he saw fit to spend it. And Trump says "he'd over see the funds" ... LOL OUR TRUMP!? The one who initially said all THIS was a HOAX?
• 6 corporate bankruptcies​
• 24 failed businesses​
• banned from running a CHARITY because of his misuse of funds​
• fined $2 million for misuse of charity funds​
• Trump University fraud case settled at $25 million​
... and Republicans wish to grant Trump a hugh $500 BILLION SLUSH FUND? View attachment 3241796

God, you folks must think Democrats are total idiots to think we'd trust Trump with ANYTHING of VALUE!

Wow you just can't get past your blind hatred. Your hate filled mind tries to assign all the evils to Trump; in some case the evils of the Dems. He didn't write the bill. The Dems had other funding for their bank masters just like the Republicans tried with this. You hate him so much you missed what both parties and the Fed did to you and your family.

And "Trump's Track Record" Wow he made a settlement and paid a fine over a dispute over charity codes and licensing issues to the wrong partner. It is not like he used the charity Acorn to commit voter fraud in 18 states. And with "6 Bankruptcies and 24 Failed Corporations" he is still a billionaire and you're still envious.

No we don't think you Democrat Leftist are idiots because you don't trust Trump. We think you are idiots because you trust the Corporation know as The Democrat Party. And you confirm you're complete idiots with what you say over and over again.

And you know I will never let you forget you cheered for the bankrupting of Americans and America to get back at Trump and his supporters.
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These do not support your doubling claim. They offer the same theory and conjecture you are trying to peddling earlier. There are no "evidence proves" statement, but a lot of "reports suggest" or "estimates suggest" statements. Basically, you found confirmation bias for your thinking. All your articles are based on WHO numbers that you posted earlier saying the WHO admitted their numbers were wrong.

Again, the reported numbers don't back up your claims. If the doubling was taking place, the testing rates were taking place in Europe like you lefties claim, then deaths would correlate supporting a much higher confirmed infection rate. The deaths don't support doubling nor do they support infection rate estimates from 'experts'.
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that is something you know a lot about....short on substance...but theory and conjecture you specialize in....well that and your lack of understanding facts and politics.....but feel free to ask...mac or I would be glad to let you know what is going on in the world

I noticed you passed up all the other points and direct responses to you, just to try to make an incoherent juvenile attempt at an insult.
just to you since you are in that state of mind most of the time....but even if he was....his numbers are still higher than akilla the none

How cute subhub the dazed and confused defending his establishment candidate who is even more dazed and confused. Or are they both just clueless?

Did you notice that in most of the primaries all of the Dems totals combined didn't beat Trump totals in his primaries?
I noticed you passed up all the other points and direct responses to you, just to try to make an incoherent juvenile attempt at an insult.
just not going to have a battle of witts with an unarmed man......besides what you call facts.....most would call conjecture or opinion....and just not interested in your opinion...….I post facts...you don't like the source and dispute....something about trumptards unable to understand facts...….there are even several links describing the shortcomings and...….etc
how in the hell would you know....you never say anything except to piss and moan about your hero being picked on....BY THE WORLD

I KNOW - the right man is in the White House thank God - your bozo candidate is forted up in his basement bumbling around and making completely incoherent statements to the press. It’s a no brainer - which is GOOD for you - your party is looking as bad as you are defending them.
just not going to have a battle of witts with an unarmed man......besides what you call facts.....most would call conjecture or opinion....and just not interested in your opinion...….I post facts...you don't like the source and dispute....something about trumptards unable to understand facts...….there are even several links describing the shortcomings and...….etc

Oh there is your last fall back...."just not going to have a battle of witts with an unarmed man...." before you post same propaganda opinion articles from 2016 or 2013 to change the subject and cover up for yet another of your losses.

You are wrong. You fell victim to your ego and typical behavior of---- You searched---- You Copied---- You failed to read--- You Pasted--- Look foolish----- You are still wrong------ again and again and again.

And now you will prove me right again. Then either go after someone you think you can beat or jump to another post.
Hey Subhub and MacNfries

Professional government is still the problem.

Internal Emails Show How Chaos at the CDC Slowed the Early Response to Coronavirus
The agency was struggling with one of its most important duties: keeping track of Americans suspected of having the novel coronavirus. It had “an ongoing issue” with organizing — and sometimes flat-out losing — forms sent by local agencies about people thought to be infected. The email listed job postings for people who could track or retrieve this paperwork.

And these professional government clerks are the fools you think we should give totalitarian control too.
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