Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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still adding your own version of things...…..that is called alternative facts.....didn't you pay attention to your leader Kelly...….you trump guys are all alike.....no understanding of the world......and limited knowledge of reality....but keep trying you are entertaining

No- These are fact. That is why you don't understand them.

You posted articles from March 7th and 8th and 11th saying 46% of Americans support the President. On the other thread, you coward from because your were losing, I posted the top 2 articles and I added the third here for good measure.

These are all from the 20th and they all say "A Majority of Americans Now Approve of President Trump's Handling of the coronavirus."

No seriously just look down and have whoever reads for you read the summaries.

  1. Poll: Majority of Americans now approve of Trump's ...
    6 days ago · A majority of Americans now approve of President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new survey, as the administration has issued stricter federal guidelines
  2. Majority of Americans now say they approve of Trump's ...
    6 days ago · The majority of Americans now approve of President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, a change from just one week prior, according to a Majority of Americans now say they approve of ...
  3. Approval of Trump’s Coronavirus Response Increases, Poll ...
    Mar 20, 2020 · A majority of Americans now approve of the way President Donald Trump is handling the coronavirus pandemic.

The Best Part Article 2 is from your same source. Damn media and your lack of logic betrays you again.
No- These are fact. That is why you don't understand them.

You posted articles from March 7th and 8th and 11th saying 46% of Americans support the President. On the other thread, you coward from because your were losing, I posted the top 2 articles and I added the third here for good measure.

These are all from the 20th and they all say "A Majority of Americans Now Approve of President Trump's Handling of the coronavirus."

No seriously just look down and have whoever reads for you read the summaries.

  1. Poll: Majority of Americans now approve of Trump's ...
    6 days ago · A majority of Americans now approve of President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new survey, as the administration has issued stricter federal guidelines
  2. Majority of Americans now say they approve of Trump's ...
    6 days ago · The majority of Americans now approve of President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, a change from just one week prior, according to a Majority of Americans now say they approve of ...
  3. Approval of Trump’s Coronavirus Response Increases, Poll ...
    Mar 20, 2020 · A majority of Americans now approve of the way President Donald Trump is handling the coronavirus pandemic.

The Best Part Article 2 is from your same source. Damn media and your lack of logic betrays you again.

you have got to quit drinking that "yellow" spring water up there in the hills.....it has given you a pissy attitude and effects your thinking ability……………...love to stay and watch your futile attempts at reality...it is entertaining....but I have cars to work on and a yard to mow
again nothing of substance....just your twisted version of events and how someone with your limited understanding of politics sees things.....but your entertainment value is priceless.....regardless of how little you know

Why the Republican commitment to lying will outlast Trump ...
Dec 10, 2019 · There are moments when the Republican commitment to lying in defense of President Trump becomes so pure and absolute that one almost expects it to warp the very fabric of space and time, as though ...

Trump and His Supporters Willing to ‘Lie, Steal, Cheat ...
Aug 31, 2018 · Just when you think the media couldn’t sink any lower in their view of Donald Trump and his supporters they go lower. In the past month we’ve seen CNN’s Don Lemon insult Trump supporters as “people who will lie, steal, and cheat, lie to their mom” for their own political purposes.

It is sad how low information IQ you are. You didn't even know that the Democrats were holding up the bill to get federal funding for abortions.
you have got to quit drinking that "yellow" spring water up there in the hills.....it has given you a pissy attitude and effects your thinking ability……………...love to stay and watch your futile attempts at reality...it is entertaining....but I have cars to work on and a yard to mow

The Saddest part- You didn't know the dates of your articles were from the start of March during the Xenophobe propaganda media tried to use.

Heck we all know you didn't read the articles but strutting like you won and didn't notice the dates. 😂 😂 😂 😂

You had no idea the dates from your sources were from March 7th, 8th and 11th versus 6 days ago. You 'thought' the 46% was low and 'thought' you had a winner.
you have got to quit drinking that "yellow" spring water up there in the hills.....it has given you a pissy attitude and effects your thinking ability……………...love to stay and watch your futile attempts at reality...it is entertaining....but I have cars to work on and a yard to mow

And I am shocked that the institution you are committed to would allow you near tools and a machines.
Critical Thinking Time:
Yes, it is critical thinking time, cpl2010co ... try that, maybe that will help others like you.
The virus doubles its infected every 3-4 DAYS ... meaning if 100 are infected TODAY .... 3-4 days from now it will be infecting 200 .... and so on. If you look at it as you are, against the total uninfected or the total mass, you'll be way to late once it reaches a number YOU, personally, start getting concerned about it. This is a frik'n aggressive VIRUS ... grows faster than any aggressive cancer cell you can imagine. That's WHY they're wanting to CONTAIN IT. comprende' cabrón?
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A lot, especially after they see what the Dems were willing to hold up the peoples' aid for.
Really? So cpl2010co, WHY do you THINK the Democrats held up their approval of the Republican funds disbursement? WHAT IS YOUR UNDERSTANDING of WHY they did it ... (I can't wait to hear this *******?)

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Yes, it is critical thinking time, cpl2010co ... try that, maybe that will help others like you.
The virus doubles its infected every 3-4 DAYS ... meaning if 100 are infected TODAY .... 3-4 days from now it will be infecting 200 .... and so on. If you look at it as you are, against the total uninfected, you're way to late once it reaches a number YOU, personally start getting concerned about it. This is a frik'n VIRUS ... grows faster than any aggressive cancer cell you can imagine. That's WHY they're wanting to CONTAIN IT. comprende'?

This is the party narrative. However, the doubling rate is all wild ass guesses there is no actual data backing it. I recall the mortality rate was 4% a week ago. Now it has fallen in many "experts" numbers under 1%. Add that the majority, as high as 95% being quoted, tested don't have it.

And here is the other problem for your narrative-
If other countries are testing so well
Outbreaks in Eruope are so bad
And the gestation from exposure to symptoms can be what 14 days or 18 days whatever they are using to extend the curve peak story.
And the cases are doubling - per you

How are the numbers as of today----

Coronavirus live updates: Global death toll over 20,000
Worldwide, there are more than 487,000 diagnosed cases of COVID-19.

The first case was November. And China allowed travel from the area to go on until Jan 31st when Trump Closed it, perhaps longer to Europe. With that much travel and the outbreaks in Europe and a population of 7.5 Billion. Where is the doubling?

And still the survival rate is 98.5 % to 99%. And we are doing this to flatten the curve because Professional Government didn't use the funds to get prepare to get prepared.
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Really? So cpl2010co, WHY do you THINK the Democrats held up their approval of the Republican funds disbursement? WHAT IS YOUR UNDERSTANDING of WHY they did it ... (I can't wait to hear this *******?)

POST YOUR EXCREMENT'S HERE: View attachment 3241618

It was in the quoted post. Well two of the laundry list of leftist wish list items in the 1400 page Dem Bill. You know the Bill that was meant to cut checks to Americans and should've been a page or two.

Do you think they had the Bill ready to go waiting for a crisis? What is it that anti-American Rom said, "Never let a crisis got to waste."
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It was in the quoted post. Well two of the laundry list of leftist wish list items in the 1400 page Dem Bill. You know the Bill that was meant to cut checks to Americans and should've been a page or two.
Do you think they had the Bill ready to go waiting for a crisis? What is it that anti-American Rom said, "Never let a crisis got to waste."
So, basically, with THIS POST, you're saying you don't have a frik'n clue, do you?
Come on, what was the PRIMARY REASON the Democrats held up the bill?
I'm not about to tell you; by god, you're gonna turn OFF Fox News and quit listening to the lying of Trump & Republicans.
And let me be crystal clear- BOTH Parties and professional government did us wrong and this bill is a fucking bribe with tax funds joke. In the end tally Pelosi was much worse, but all were bad. Remember 96-0 in favor vote

Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/adaman...n-the-coronavirus-stimulus-bill/#5950fe4b60ae

"Many projects included in the Pelosi bill were stripped in the Senate bill: a $25 billion bailout of the Post Office; requiring federal agencies to use minority banks; and expanded collective bargaining rights for federal employees."

"$25 million in the Senate bill went to the John F. Kennedy Center For The Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. During the past ten years, the center received $68.3 million in federal grants (2010-2019). The Kennedy Center has total assets of $557 million. The Pelosi bill earmarked $35 million."

"$1.2 billion in the Pelosi bill to require airlines to purchase expensive “renewable” jet fuel. It was $200 million per year in grants (2021-2026) to “develop, transport, and store sustainable aviation fuels that would reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.” The Senate bill eliminated this provision."

Not to mention the Fed Reserve, not needing approval acting alone, issued up to an additional 6 Trillion to cover bad investments by Bank of America and Chase with a few other institutional bank investors. Again. Your money is worth much less because they just keep printing.

How hard is it to write a bill that says, "cut a check to every American with income below $150,000 or Family with income below $200,000 and give an additional $500 per minor dependent to families with dependents"? Look I would have room for smiley faces.
This is the party narrative. However, the doubling rate is all wild ass guesses there is no actual data backing it. I recall the mortality rate was 4% a week ago. Now it has fallen in many "experts" numbers under 1%. Add that the majority, as high as 95% being quoted, tested don't have it.

And here is the other problem for your narrative-
If other countries are testing so well
Outbreaks in Eruope are so bad
And the gestation from exposure to symptoms can be what 14 days or 18 days whatever they are using to extend the curve peak story.
And the cases are doubling - per you
Where is the doubling?
And still the survival rate is 98.5 % to 99%. And we are doing this to flatten the curve because Professional Government didn't use the funds to get prepare to get prepared.
As of March 18th the World Health Organization (WHO) in NO LONGER being used as the data center for tracking SARS-CoV-2 for several reasons:
• the WHO uses a system that allows for overlapping of information so there have been a lot of documenting errors​
• lags in their time series information​
So we are now using the European ECDC instead of the WHO; the WHO has acknowledged the problems and is in the process of fixing them. The numbers of those being daily infected are obviously been WHO's estimates and are proving to be much larger and faster than their projections. It only makes sense, with this kind of virus, that it is better to OVER estimate than UNDER estimate, because of it rapid spreading.
So, basically, with THIS POST, you're saying you don't have a frik'n clue, do you?
Come on, what was the PRIMARY REASON the Democrats held up the bill?
I'm not about to tell you; by god, you're gonna turn OFF Fox News and quit listening to the lying of Trump & Republicans.

They wanted to use a bill they had ready for the next crisis to get all their political wants passed so they could pay their Union, NGO and Banker masters back.

Like always they waited for a time of Crisis to try to get passed what they can't get passed when everyone is not distracted.

Oh that was reported by CBS then taken down- the federal funding of abortion part of the bill that is.

Granted the Republicans did some of this but Pelosi was disgusting in what she attempted to pass.
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And let me be crystal clear- BOTH Parties and professional government did us wrong and this bill is a fucking bribe with tax funds joke. In the end tally Pelosi was much worse, but all were bad. Remember 96-0 in favor vote

Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/adaman...n-the-coronavirus-stimulus-bill/#5950fe4b60ae

"Many projects included in the Pelosi bill were stripped in the Senate bill: a $25 billion bailout of the Post Office; requiring federal agencies to use minority banks; and expanded collective bargaining rights for federal employees."

"$25 million in the Senate bill went to the John F. Kennedy Center For The Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. During the past ten years, the center received $68.3 million in federal grants (2010-2019). The Kennedy Center has total assets of $557 million. The Pelosi bill earmarked $35 million."

"$1.2 billion in the Pelosi bill to require airlines to purchase expensive “renewable” jet fuel. It was $200 million per year in grants (2021-2026) to “develop, transport, and store sustainable aviation fuels that would reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.” The Senate bill eliminated this provision."

Not to mention the Fed Reserve, not needing approval acting alone, issued up to an additional 6 Trillion to cover bad investments by Bank of America and Chase with a few other institutional bank investors. Again. Your money is worth much less because they just keep printing.

How hard is it to write a bill that says, "cut a check to every American with income below $150,000 or Family with income below $200,000 and give an additional $500 per minor dependent to families with dependents"? Look I would have room for smiley faces.
Don't forget such absolutely critical measures Pelsosi and the Dumascraps had to put in to combat the virus, which clearly were more important than getting checks out to the needy while millions are losing their jobs due to the economy slamming on the brakes....critical things like:

National mail in voting

National online voting

National same day voter registration

Take that Corona!

As of March 18th the World Health Organization (WHO) in NO LONGER being used as the data center for tracking SARS-CoV-2 for several reasons:
• the WHO uses a system that allows for overlapping of information so there have been a lot of documenting errors​
• lags in their time series information​
So we are now using the European ECDC instead of the WHO; the WHO has acknowledged the problems and is in the process of fixing them. The numbers of those being daily infected are obviously been WHO's estimates and are proving to be much larger and faster than their projections. It only makes sense, with this kind of virus, that it is better to OVER estimate than UNDER estimate, because of it rapid spreading.

So you just quoted yourself saying the numbers are wrong and why they are wrong.

Then: you assert, yes they are wrong SO trust and take the estimates as fact.

Then add: And now believe my scare tactic.

Yet this does not address any of my assertions in challenging your doubling claim. In fact it supports my counter. They were wrong with the numbers and are still wrong with the numbers so we are suppose to take their estimates instead.
The battle between good and evil continues. cpl2010co, you are putting up a great fight on your side. the side of good. It is shocking to what extent the evil side will go when they argue against truth. It is the evil party that supports ******* (abortion) and so much more.

21 Areas Reveal Democratic Party Positions

1. Radical redistribution of wealth.

2. Aggressive climate-change initiatives.

3. Complete takeover of health care by federal government plus inclusion of all illegal immigrants.

4. Open immigration policy with full acceptance of all children and relatives; no border "walls", entrance requirements, e-verify or penalties for those refusing deportation; disregarding the rule of law and full support for "sanctuary cities"; neglecting national security and allowing George Soros-funded anarchy to "crash" our immigration system.

5. Government control over corporate profits.

6. Progressive taxes on the upper middle class and above.

7. Legalization of recreational marijuana.

8. Implementation of comprehensive LGBTQ agenda—including indoctrination of children in schools, transgender initiatives, gender reassignment surgery and removal of any "sexual discrimination" in the workplace and schools, disregarding conscience objections.

9. Taxpayer abortion on demand until birth, with full funding of Planned Parenthood.

10. Major defense spending cuts with money redistributed to entitlements.

11. Comprehensive gun control.

12. Liberal, not originalist, judges on the Supreme Court and federal courts.

13. Alignment and support for radical feminist agenda and marches.

14. Increased censorship of "hateful" conservative thought on social media.

15. Liberalized voting standards to include fraudulent practices and everyone the Party deems as "disenfranchised".

16. Partnership with Palestinians.

17. Alignment with United Nations and European Union transnationalism initiatives promoting "One World" globalism rather than nationalism with international cooperation.

18. Euthanasia/physician-assisted suicide.

19. Taxpayer-funded childcare and college tuition.

20. Elimination of the Electoral College.

21. Reestablishing of Iranian "nuclear deal" alongside increased protection for Islamic "rights" in America and abroad at the expense of Israel's safety.

Warning and Wake-Up Call

Without a desperately needed spiritual awakening, America is on a dangerous slope. Millions must recognize how the enemy is using the Democratic Party with its seductive, totally unrealistic, godless vision for America. It is totally foreign to that of our Founding Fathers and 242-year heritage.
And let me be crystal clear- BOTH Parties and professional government did us wrong and this bill is a fucking bribe with tax funds joke. In the end tally Pelosi was much worse,
No she wasn't. Pelosi wanted the stimulus bill to be focused on the virus concerns ... the bill got loaded down with "pork barrel" spending. But, the main concern was the $500 BILLION Trump wanted for non-disgression spending with NO oversight. Not $5 billion, or even $25 billion, but $500 billion (half a TRILLION dollars) to allow Trump to spend as he saw fit to spend it. And Trump says "he'd over see the funds" ... LOL OUR TRUMP!? The one who initially said all THIS was a HOAX?
• 6 corporate bankruptcies​
• 24 failed businesses​
• banned from running a CHARITY because of his misuse of funds​
• fined $2 million for misuse of charity funds​
• Trump University fraud case settled at $25 million​
... and Republicans wish to grant Trump a hugh $500 BILLION SLUSH FUND? gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif

God, you folks must think Democrats are total idiots to think we'd trust Trump with ANYTHING of VALUE!
The battle between good and evil continues. cpl2010co, you are putting up a great fight on your side. the side of good. It is shocking to what extent the evil side will go when they argue against truth. It is the evil party that supports ******* (abortion) and so much more.

21 Areas Reveal Democratic Party Positions

1. Radical redistribution of wealth.

2. Aggressive climate-change initiatives.

3. Complete takeover of health care by federal government plus inclusion of all illegal immigrants.

4. Open immigration policy with full acceptance of all children and relatives; no border "walls", entrance requirements, e-verify or penalties for those refusing deportation; disregarding the rule of law and full support for "sanctuary cities"; neglecting national security and allowing George Soros-funded anarchy to "crash" our immigration system.

5. Government control over corporate profits.

6. Progressive taxes on the upper middle class and above.

7. Legalization of recreational marijuana.

8. Implementation of comprehensive LGBTQ agenda—including indoctrination of children in schools, transgender initiatives, gender reassignment surgery and removal of any "sexual discrimination" in the workplace and schools, disregarding conscience objections.

9. Taxpayer abortion on demand until birth, with full funding of Planned Parenthood.

10. Major defense spending cuts with money redistributed to entitlements.

11. Comprehensive gun control.

12. Liberal, not originalist, judges on the Supreme Court and federal courts.

13. Alignment and support for radical feminist agenda and marches.

14. Increased censorship of "hateful" conservative thought on social media.

15. Liberalized voting standards to include fraudulent practices and everyone the Party deems as "disenfranchised".

16. Partnership with Palestinians.

17. Alignment with United Nations and European Union transnationalism initiatives promoting "One World" globalism rather than nationalism with international cooperation.

18. Euthanasia/physician-assisted suicide.

19. Taxpayer-funded childcare and college tuition.

20. Elimination of the Electoral College.

21. Reestablishing of Iranian "nuclear deal" alongside increased protection for Islamic "rights" in America and abroad at the expense of Israel's safety.

Warning and Wake-Up Call

Without a desperately needed spiritual awakening, America is on a dangerous slope. Millions must recognize how the enemy is using the Democratic Party with its seductive, totally unrealistic, godless vision for America. It is totally foreign to that of our Founding Fathers and 242-year heritage.

Thank you Hottobe cucked and thank you for adding to the information.
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