Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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American Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The ...
The majority of Trump supporters want to believe that Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim. They are open to the possibility that Scalia was murdered by Obama. Trump’s supporters are some of the dumbest people in America, and they are one election away from winning the White House.
Trump’s supporters are some of the dumbest people in America, and they are one election away from winning the White House.
So dumb, in fact, that an insurance salesman could show them a ******* store "discount card" and sell it as a full blown health insurance plan. Put them all in a large football stadium and go seat by seat and make TRILLIONS, and help the Democrats offset what Trump & ReThuglicans are putting on the Nat'l Debt. LOL
just more proof.....you can't make a silk purse out of a pigs ear!

AP FACT CHECK: Trump's misguided boast on virus poll ratings
Mar 08, 2020 · Trump claims higher poll ratings than previous administrations got when handling virus outbreaks. But early in the swine flu outbreak in May 2009, when Barack Obama was president, 3 in 4 Americans had confidence in the government’s management of the crisis, according to Gallup.

Trump's Approval Rating Over His Handling Coronavirus Is ...
Mar 07, 2020 · Trump’s Approval Rating Over His Handling Coronavirus Is Crashing Down, Down, Down… BY Chris Walker March 7, 2020 The American public is losing confidence, fast, in President Donald Trump’s ability to lead during the coronavirus global pandemic.

Poll: Trump approval dips to 46 percent amid coronavirus ...
President Trump's approval rating has slipped over the last month, a new Hill/HarrisX poll finds. ... that 44 percent of voters approved of Trump's handling of the coronavirus crisis with 42 ...
Fumbling in the Face of Coronavirus Could Lose Trump the ...
Mar 05, 2020 · Someone has to be the bearer of evil tidings. Shoot me if you want, but the Trump administration's handling of the coronavirus threat could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in November. This ...

although I would not call it evil tidings......his own inability to handle a problem has him on the way OUT
Fucking liar:
Yes you just showed yourself as a fucking liar. From YOUR link. Granted you would have had to read WAY down to the SECOND highlight bullet in the report:

"60% approve of president's response to COVID-19"

Hmmm, are MOST Americans really that asinine to have that high of a rating for Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic? I wonder what they are seeing because the WHO wholeheartedly DISAGREES with MOST Americans! The coronavirus cases keep going up as well as the death rate and WILL GET even WORSE! That stimulus package for helping Americans as well as some industries WILL NOT work, Trump, because UNTIL you contain the VIRUS, the economy will STILL get WORSE!

So, yesterday was the deadliest in the U.S. for coronavirus cases, yet Trump is doing such an AWESOME job? I see why CULTS are so successful because they can EASILY influence DUMB people! Are you sure it is WISE to re-open the economy, Trump? That concerned about re-election, huh? Not ONLY are most young people as well as seniors dying from the virus, but the U.S. had their first MINOR to die from that! Think about that, a MINOR, yet Trump is doing a GOOD job though! Smh, and things are GOING to get WORSE too, Trump supporters (followers who like to KISS Trump's ASS)!

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Yes you just showed yourself as a fucking liar. From YOUR link. Granted you would have had to read WAY down to the SECOND highlight bullet in the report:

"60% approve of president's response to COVID-19"

you are referring to trump....and the trumptards rating of him.....the rest of the REAL world has him at 41%.....and I personally think that is about 40 points to high

Hmmm, are MOST Americans really that asinine to have that high of a rating for Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic? I wonder what they are seeing because the WHO wholeheartedly DISAGREES with MOST Americans! The coronavirus cases keep going up as well as the death rate and WILL GET even WORSE! That stimulus package for helping Americans as well as some industries WILL NOT work, Trump, because UNTIL you contain the VIRUS, the economy will STILL get WORSE!

Critical Thinking Time:
Trump Closed Travel to China- Jan 31st
Case Count- March 26--- 69,120
Deaths Reported- March 26 ---1,045
US Poulattion---- 327,000,000
Infected Rate---- 0.00021
Death Rate-----0.0000032

Based on BS number used to close economy down
Survival Rate- 99.3% to 99%
Italy- 50% of deaths had 3 or more underlying issues
2nd oldest population in the world
0.8 % of deaths had no underlying conditions reported

Closed economy to flatten curve becasuse professional government and hospitals were not prepared.

Question, what happened to the billions spent every year to prepare for this?

9 out of 10 Americans live pay check to pay check or have just enough to be out of work for less than a month.
SBA- Most Small business don't have enough to make it one month with current expenses.

But according to these Liberal 875,000 die of poverty every year. So poverty just got worse.

How Many U.S. Deaths are Caused by Poverty, Lack of ...
The investigators found that approximately 245,000 deaths in the United States in the year 2000 were attributable to low levels of education, 176,000 to racial segregation, 162,000 to low social support, 133,000 to individual-level poverty, 119,000 to income inequality, and 39,000 to area-level poverty.

Poverty Kills More People Every Year Than Either of the ...
Jun 07, 2018 · That means more than 874,000 people died from poverty related issues in that year (Columbia University). That same year just fewer than 598,000 deaths were attributed to all types of heart disease. Cancer deaths for 2011 came to fewer than 575,000.
just more proof.....you can't make a silk purse out of a pigs ear!

AP FACT CHECK: Trump's misguided boast on virus poll ratings
Mar 08, 2020 · Trump claims higher poll ratings than previous administrations got when handling virus outbreaks. But early in the swine flu outbreak in May 2009, when Barack Obama was president, 3 in 4 Americans had confidence in the government’s management of the crisis, according to Gallup.

Trump's Approval Rating Over His Handling Coronavirus Is ...
Mar 07, 2020 · Trump’s Approval Rating Over His Handling Coronavirus Is Crashing Down, Down, Down… BY Chris Walker March 7, 2020 The American public is losing confidence, fast, in President Donald Trump’s ability to lead during the coronavirus global pandemic.

Poll: Trump approval dips to 46 percent amid coronavirus ...
President Trump's approval rating has slipped over the last month, a new Hill/HarrisX poll finds. ... that 44 percent of voters approved of Trump's handling of the coronavirus crisis with 42 ...

Wow- 46% was from 11th. Almost 50/50 on 11th. The joke AP wrote this propaganda on the 8th and the 7th. At the height of the liberal Xenophobe propaganda push. I wonder were those "Americans" all "Most likely Democrat" voters living in DC? And still a 46% support rate. Damn that is high for a President.

The polls saying majority of Americans support Trump were from 6 days ago., by the way.
Wow- 46% was from 11th. Almost 50/50 on 11th. The joke AP wrote this propaganda on the 8th and the 7th. At the height of the liberal Xenophobe propaganda push. I wonder were those "Americans" all "Most likely Democrat" voters living in DC? And still a 46% support rate. Damn that is high for a President.

The polls saying majority of Americans support Trump were from 6 days ago., by the way.

still adding your own version of things...…..that is called alternative facts.....didn't you pay attention to your leader Kelly...….you trump guys are all alike.....no understanding of the world......and limited knowledge of reality....but keep trying you are entertaining
wonder just how many of those 3.2 million that filed for unemployment last week...will vote for trump

A lot, especially after they see what the Dems were willing to hold up the peoples' aid for.

What was one- More barging power for Unions- the number one support of Dems using tax payer funds. Dems give the big unions tax fund aid and they fund Dems.

Don't forget the Dems pushed this shut down. The Dem Media and the Dem locals pushed this. This shut down and the peoples pain are all Dems.

And those same Dems held up aid to demand and politic for federally funded abortions. Shut down your employer but kept open and tried to fund abortions clinic while your family suffered.

That is all Democrats. Willing to bankrupt the American People to ******* babies.
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A lot, especially after they see what the Dems were willing to hold up the peoples aid for.

What was one- More barging power for Unions- the number one support of Dems using tax payer fund. Dems give the big unions tax fund aid and they fund Dems.

Don't forget the Dems pushed this shut down. The Dem Media and the Dem locals pushed this. This shut down and the peoples pain are all Dems.

And those same Dems held up aid to demand and politic for federally funded abortions. Shut down your employer but kept open and tried to fund abortions clinic while your family suffered.

That is all Democrats. Willing to bankrupt the American People to ******* babies.

again nothing of substance....just your twisted version of events and how someone with your limited understanding of politics sees things.....but your entertainment value is priceless.....regardless of how little you know

Why the Republican commitment to lying will outlast Trump ...
Dec 10, 2019 · There are moments when the Republican commitment to lying in defense of President Trump becomes so pure and absolute that one almost expects it to warp the very fabric of space and time, as though ...

Trump and His Supporters Willing to ‘Lie, Steal, Cheat ...
Aug 31, 2018 · Just when you think the media couldn’t sink any lower in their view of Donald Trump and his supporters they go lower. In the past month we’ve seen CNN’s Don Lemon insult Trump supporters as “people who will lie, steal, and cheat, lie to their mom” for their own political purposes.
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