Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yeah we don’t insinuate our selves into your cesspool - DO WE ???

yes trump did several times....on Brexit....on Johnson his good friend....even on the some of the queens relation

you guys let ******* for brains open the door….you reap what you sow...

matter of fact since you guys have supported the comunist our standing in the world has gone down....why do you suppose that is
They don't understand. They have no idea what goes on outside of the US. It is sad to see a great country torn apart by bipartisanism and ignorance.
I apologise to all good Americans and have some hope that they can sort it and get this disaster out of power.

some thought they were getting change....well they did...first ever crook in the white house....that is also a Russian plant.....some just can not admit they fucked up so they support him....others just plain stupid

he has changed this country and changed laws making corruption legal....foreign interference acceptable......compliments dictators......disgusts our allies..…..this country is so fucked and will be for a long time......even once Attila the None is gone.....you still have those that supported him....and their ties to Russia through the GOP and the NRA

Russia stated one time years ago they would take over this country without ever firing a shot...….and it is happening right before our eyes through greed ...corruption...and stupidity
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I know there are a lot of decent Americans.
Just so happens that a lot of the guys here are right wing P. Utin apologists and fans.
Despicable. Good job there are the likes of mac and sub - these guys are stand up decent types.
The rest of you are absolute dickheads tbh 😁
Hey!!! A lot of people are talking about my post too! It's like something they've never seen before, nobody's ever posted like me. The guy before me almost made the forums go away. Now they are something to be proud of. We good people on both side I suppose. The Fake posters on here don't like to hear the truth, but everyone is saying how wonderful my posts are. I did this. However, I take no responsibility for the false information that posted. It's the China Cover Up. I know more about posting than anyone, so I deserve credit too. (If you are too dense to get it, that was exaggerated sarcasm meant to be funny. But when you actually write like Trump speaks, you do look like a fucking tool)

Seriously though, I'm dipping in and out for the cause. Can't let the righties get to you personally. None of us know each other, and none of us are fucking each other's wife or girlfriend. So who gives a toss what they think about us???
Too bad. Just heard the press conference, even Herr tRump supports the package. He was very specific about the Kennedy Center for the Arts funding- he supports it and loves the place. Wish he could go there more. So, at this point, fall in line!
A union thug commie and a conman insurance salesman. But There american so I'd take them over the likes of you any day. you like to pick at our problems cause it's easier then dealing with your own
Yeah we don’t insinuate our selves into your cesspool - DO WE ???
Actually, didn't tRump openly support Boris Johnson for PM? And, get into multiple bully Twitter shouts against the Mayor of London? Yes and Yes.
still trying to save his ass.....he is going to need a lot....and these states are not going to support him on this....so...….to bad!

White House Scrambles to Develop Plan for Americans' Return to Work

WASHINGTON—The Trump administration is scrambling to develop a plan for how Americans could return to work in a few weeks without exacerbating the spread of the new coronavirus in the U.S., even though the president’s authority over reopening the nation faces sharp

2020 stock market crash
The 2020 stock market crash is a global stock market crash that began on 20 February, 2020. Multiple indexes such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Nikkei 225 and the S&P/ASX 200 all fell into a correction late February during one of the worst trading weeks since the financial crisis of 2007–08, thus starting what is now known as the 2020 stock market crash. Global markets into early March became extremely volatile, with large swings occurring in global markets. On 9 March, most global markets reported severe contractions, mainly in response to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic and a described Russia–Saudi Arabia oil price war. This became colloquially known as Black Monday I, and at the time was the worst drop since the Great Recession in 2008.
Was talking about forum members on here NOT the president - ya dolt.
Shut your cock hole. If I want your opinion, I'll just ask All4.
He was absolutely commenting on Subby being a Brit and speaking up in American politics. So yes, Americans do get involved in their *******, all the way up to the president. I'm 100% sure, YOU and All4 had an opinion on Brexit, and wrote about in the forums. I'm sure because Herr tRump had a position and you feel the need to defend every nugget he squeezes from his ass.
more of that right fucking the country to benefit big biz...and Adolph Shitler...still taking care of himself

Fine Print of Stimulus Bill Contains Special Deals for Industries

WASHINGTON — Restaurants and retailers will get a tweak to federal tax law they have been seeking for more than a year that could save them $15 billion. Community banks are being granted their long-held wish of being freed to reduce the amount of capital they have to hold in reserve.

And for-profit colleges will be able to keep federal loan money from students who drop out because of the coronavirus.

Tucked into the fine print of the largest bailout in United States history — a $2 trillion federal stimulus package agreed to by congressional leaders and the White House early Wednesday in an effort to reduce the economic devastation of the coronavirus outbreak — are a range of provisions that stand to benefit specific industries and interest groups.

Even the fine print in a near-final version of the 619-page bill has fine print. Democrats proudly announced that they had won agreement on language to block President Trump, other government officials and their families from receiving assistance from a $500 billion fund to be administered by the Treasury Department

But it turns out that Mr. Trump’s companies would not be barred from benefiting from other elements of the bill intended to help broad swaths of American business.

For example, certain hotel owners, even those employing thousands of people, will be eligible for small-business loans, a provision that could potentially benefit Mr. Trump’s company. The Trump Organization could also benefit from the $15 billion change to the tax code won by restaurants and retailers.

I never insinuate myself in other country’s politics - NEVER - so you are completely fulla shite - like most lefties - supposition and horseshite is your forte.
Nothing matter to Genghis Conn....not peoples health...not the worker...it is all about control...and power for himself.....and his sheep can't see it!
in the midst of this mess....still gets rid of people who know what they are doing and replacing with yes puppets.....that don't know *******!

White House abruptly transfers DHS official amid loyalty purge

The White House removed a top public affairs official at the Department of Homeland Security in a move that shocked many in the department as it takes a lead role in handling the coronavirus pandemic, according to two former senior DHS officials familiar with the matter.

Heather Swift, who was DHS’s deputy assistant secretary of public affairs, was abruptly pushed out of her position on Friday after the Presidential Personnel Office raised questions about her loyalty to President Donald Trump, said one of the former DHS officials.

The personnel office may have discovered some old social media postings that officials there did not like, this person said, though POLITICO was unable to find any examples of posts the Trump administration might find objectionable.

I never insinuate myself in other country’s politics - NEVER - so you are completely fulla shite - like most lefties - supposition and horseshite is your forte.

when you support some one with those kinds of policies....you support what he does...same thing....you supported him to speak and act for you!
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