Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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And the GOP response to all of this...…….

GOP offers muted response after jury convicts Manafort and Cohen pleads guilty

Leading Republicans on Wednesday reacted to the legal drama involving Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign manager, and Michael Cohen, Trump’s longtime lawyer, with what seemed to be a collective shrug.
“Naturally it makes you very concerned,” Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, told reporters. “But the president shouldn’t be held responsible for the actions of people that he’s trusted.”
Donald Trump Sparks Outrage By Tweeting White Nationalist Talking Point
Lee Moran,HuffPost

President Donald Trump faced more accusations of racism late Wednesday after he tweeted about white farmers in South Africa.
In an apparent response to a segment on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show, Trump said he’d asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to “closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures”:

Donald J. Trump


I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.” @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews
9:28 PM - Aug 22, 2018

Fellow tweeters accused Trump of promoting the white nationalist talking point that the South African government was waging a war against whites.
Khusela Diko, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa’s spokeswoman, told Reuters that Trump was “misinformed” about the country’s planned land reforms and that its government would “take up the matter through diplomatic channels.”
Other tweeters saw it as a “thumbs-up” to right-wing extremists and an attempt to distract people from the conviction of Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manaforton eight charges and his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen pleading guilty to bank fraud, tax fraud and campaign finance violations:

Donald Trump Sparks Outrage By Tweeting White Nationalist Talking Point
Lee Moran,HuffPost

President Donald Trump faced more accusations of racism late Wednesday after he tweeted about white farmers in South Africa.
In an apparent response to a segment on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show, Trump said he’d asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to “closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures”:

Donald J. Trump

I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.” @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews
9:28 PM - Aug 22, 2018

Fellow tweeters accused Trump of promoting the white nationalist talking point that the South African government was waging a war against whites.
Khusela Diko, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa’s spokeswoman, told Reuters that Trump was “misinformed” about the country’s planned land reforms and that its government would “take up the matter through diplomatic channels.”
Other tweeters saw it as a “thumbs-up” to right-wing extremists and an attempt to distract people from the conviction of Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manaforton eight charges and his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen pleading guilty to bank fraud, tax fraud and campaign finance violations:


Are you kidding me? but of course what do you expect from the HuffPost.
Trump wants to investigate what really has been going on in South Africa and that some how makes him a white nationalist? LOL
The left really take the cake. It is easy to see what is going on in South Africa. The left is in fear of being exposed as the real racist.
There is so much out there about South Africa that proves the killing of white farmers it's not even funny, just do a search on you tube for farm murders in South Africa - either do your own research or ******* more Kool-Aid, your choice.

I've been posting about South Africa and it;s killings for some time now and 0 response from anyone. HuffPost says something about it and now all of a sudden it's big fucking news and proves Trump is a white nationalist!! Good grief. Just goes to show how much the left are sheep, won't react until told to by the huffpost.

A "distraction" lol, yeah right as if anything would make the left forget about russia, Russia, RUSSIA!
Are you kidding me? but of course what do you expect from the HuffPost.
Trump wants to investigate what really has been going on in South Africa and that some how makes him a white nationalist? LOL
The left really take the cake. It is easy to see what is going on in South Africa. The left is in fear of being exposed as the real racist.
There is so much out there about South Africa that proves the killing of white farmers it's not even funny, just do a search on you tube for farm murders in South Africa - either do your own research or ******* more Kool-Aid, your choice.

I've been posting about South Africa and it;s killings for some time now and 0 response from anyone. HuffPost says something about it and now all of a sudden it's big fucking news and proves Trump is a white nationalist!! Good grief. Just goes to show how much the left are sheep, won't react until told to by the huffpost.

A "distraction" lol, yeah right as if anything would make the left forget about russia, Russia, RUSSIA!

he is a known racist here...and wants to spread it world wide....guess I would expect you to side with him

on top of that he can not handle the mess he has here with racial divide...so go ahead and stick his nose in another country
I wonder why Donald John Trump's minority employees state otherwise? But what I think prudent people ought to do is accept the identity politics, and name calling of subhub174014, over piles of evidence to the contrary.

FWIW, and by definition, subhub174014's post above is racist.
Are you kidding me? but of course what do you expect from the HuffPost.
Trump wants to investigate what really has been going on in South Africa and that some how makes him a white nationalist? LOL
The left really take the cake. It is easy to see what is going on in South Africa. The left is in fear of being exposed as the real racist.
South Africa is a UN concern, NOT a US concern, and if I recall, Trump doesn't care for the UN.
South Africa is a UN concern, NOT a US concern, and if I recall, Trump doesn't care for the UN.

Your point?

Whats wrong with wanting to know what is actually going on in South Africa? How does that make Trump a "white Nationalist" for wanting to investigate? Wouldn't you want to know? If it is all just right wing propaganda, then lets expose it, if it's not, then we need to pressure the UN to do something about it. The left claims the right is turning a blind eye to racism, now the lefts is telling everyone not to look at South Africa, I find that a bit interesting, and why.
It's settled, Donald John Trump is a white nationalist, and racist. It is now confirmed by serious people such as Fake News Mac N Fries, Dishonest subhub174014, and It Was Once Written (Even though it was never written) DaphneD.
Your point?

Whats wrong with wanting to know what is actually going on in South Africa? How does that make Trump a "white Nationalist" for wanting to investigate? Wouldn't you want to know? If it is all just right wing propaganda, then lets expose it, if it's not, then we need to pressure the UN to do something about it. The left claims the right is turning a blind eye to racism, now the lefts is telling everyone not to look at South Africa, I find that a bit interesting, and why.

Nothing wrong with wanting to know what's going on....but that has been going on for 20years? now...
It's like our involvement in the middle east....we had no biz going over there and getting involved

I posted a few articles on it on this site a long time ago

But the real point is....Trump is a racists....most of America knows it...…..and you are supporting him once again

guess your support for the man knows no limits!
but then isn't that how it goes when you are a republican?....strictly white upper class!
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can't think of the thread but some dummy on here was telling women they need to go to South Africa for a good fucking
here is a copy of the link I posted......found this when I was just looking for pics of white missionaries...got a real surprise when I saw and started reading some of the articles


Like I said I was looking for pictures...if you look around it shows a lot of what you never really knew was going on
thousands of white killed during all this

but again this racist president is sticking his nose in again in another countries issues
he is a known racist and you are just showing your support
Whats wrong with wanting to know what is actually going on in South Africa?
.....Well, for one Trump doesn't CARE what's going on in S Africa, and you know that. Trump is NOT a humanitarian, TwoBi. Of course you really know that as well. The ONLY reason Trump would want to get involved with S Africa is to take the heat off himself. He could send in investigators and if warranted, involve the UN forces, but no US soldier should step ground in S Africa ... just MPO.
How does that make Trump a "white Nationalist" for wanting to investigate? Wouldn't you want to know?
.....To my knowledge I haven't called Trump a 'white nationalist', have I? Although I do think he has a pretty LOW opinion of minorities in general.

... Reality Check America
....Maybe sharing the source, process, and number surveyed might answer that 'only 1 in 4 liberals are proud to be an American'. Says who? ... the Republicans? Trump? The Americans For Freedom? I don't know any liberals, or conservatives who have said they're not proud to be an American, but I know a ton of people who are ashamed of what the US recently did to immigrant families, particularly Hispanic families. Taking children from parents as they arrived in the US has got to be one of the most disgusting and horrible events since the US rounded up all the Japanese and Asians in the US during WW2. And to think, conservatives sat back and said NOTHING! So, I imagine IF the survey included a lot of Hispanics, that would probably be the skew of the survey. I know several conservatives who say they're ashamed of being Republican right now ... and a bunch more who should be ashamed.
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View attachment 2053762.....You do realize that articles like this fail to prove anything about the qualities of Trump, much less his IQ rating which was based on a SAT score when he supposedly took the SAT back in the 1960's. His grades at Wharton were reported as "respectable" ... nothing more. Admission into that school is quite strict, so I hear, but the Admissions Dept was quite aware of his being from NY's wealthiest families, and he 'transferred into' that college; the standard admissions waived. Now, who would you imagine got that arranged, maybe Donald's *******? Its quite known that BIG MONEY has its privileges ... ask any politician working in Washington, DC.
.....I was reading, on this article, however, of how Trump had the qualities found in many US Presidents. Some mentioned were :
Communications to the public​
Organizational skills & capacities​
Political Skills​
Emotional intelligence​
.....and you see our President Trump currently with these qualities as our President? Really? Heck, using 3 syllable words is a challenge to him.
STIFF ... this man has lied, cheated & short cutted the private sector system through his entire LIFE ... if he scored 156 on a SAT in the 1960's,, how do you know he didn't have someone taking the exam for him back then? For example, this was done frequently back in the 1960's & 70's, for christ sake for college athletics to make certain "highly desired" athletes eligible for a Big School scholarship ... getting someone else to sit in for an SAT would have been no problem back then.
.....Trump has a well established track record ... he's a vulture/crony capitalist, he uses insider information and attacks on weaker opponents to make his gains. He's a pathological LIAR. The man has been involved in over 3 thousand lawsuits, and just got involved in another THIS WEEK regarding excessive ******* by his body guards at Trump's instructions. He's declared bankruptcy at least 5 different times. His first wife (interview with Vanity Fair back in 1992) said Trump idolized Adolf Hitler and kept a copy of Hitler's book of speeches on his nightstand. Look it UP! Trump is a con-man of the highest degree. That is the essence of his SKILL SET.
......Listen, this man isn't going to finish his FIRST term as President, much less win a second term. His world changed greatly this week ... now he and all his children are facing state fraud charges. Whether he goes to jail during his presidency is irrelevant; he'll have little to no pull on getting his children out of state violations regarding misuse of Trump Foundation funds ... they're going to JAIL. unless he arranges the judges who will be trying their cases. And, when Trump is no longer a President, IF he doesn't immediately disappear from this USA, those same charges will be waiting on him as well. I suspect he'll make a run for Russia, myself. They better tie down anything of intelligence value, as he possibly will take that information with him.
View attachment 2053761.............View attachment 2053760

You are absolutely entitled to your viewpoint @MacNfries , but if Trump is so incompetent as a leader would not your great country effectively be in ruins and flames by now? That might not be the case as it would be news everywhere and you, @subhub174014, @bigblackbull76 and other American critics would not be in a position to criticize as your prophecies of a Trump-made dystopia would have come to pass where there would be no food, power and other struggles that would inhibit your ongoing commentary of Trump's challenges. It's very easy to be a backseat driver and complain, kudos to @bigblackbull76, though I disagree with his perspective, he desired to get some form of petition out as a protest. Only thing better is to campaign and defeat him for POTUS itself, but to do that is very taxing to one's life, creating super-pacs to raise the necessary billions to run, have the eloquence to move an audience, have a platform to campaign on, the hectic travel, work-life balance, et cetera. I guess just doing that might be idiotic in of itself if one is not used to that kind of life?

And with all that is said about Russia why is not Mr P U T I N seated in the White House (or giving Trump orders directly from the Kremlin) to fly the Russian flag proudly on the flagpole on the White House lawn and having all American children learning Russian as their official language?
....Maybe sharing the source, process, and number surveyed might answer that 'only 1 in 4 liberals are proud to be an American'. Says who? ... the Republicans? Trump? The Americans For Freedom? I don't know any liberals, or conservatives who have said they're not proud to be an American,

She tells you at the beginning.

but I know a ton of people who are ashamed of what the US recently did to immigrant families, particularly Hispanic families. Taking children from parents as they arrived in the US has got to be one of the most disgusting and horrible events since the US rounded up all the Japanese and Asians in the US during WW2. And to think, conservatives sat back and said NOTHING! So, I imagine IF the survey included a lot of Hispanics, that would probably be the skew of the survey. I know several conservatives who say they're ashamed of being Republican right now ... and a bunch more who should be ashamed.

You mean just like Obama did? (say it isn't so)
"Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said at a June 18 press briefing: “The Obama administration, the Bush administration all separated families. … They did — their rate was less than ours, but they absolutely did do this. This is not new.”

That law is nothing new Mac - It has been their since Clinton if I remember right. Your pissed because our government was enforcing it's laws. Put in place before Trump, I might add.
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