Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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see...apples and oranges....the topic was racist republicans...…..and look where you are...stay out of the kool-aid

What? LOL your lost - no, the topis is ANTIFA is BAD. That is the Topic I started. Then somehow someone decided I was part of the KKK because I don't like ANTIFA. Now you want to do nothing but twist the words and now tell me to stay out of the kool-aid simply because that is what I have been telling YOU to do.

If you can't make a valid argument - don't reply.
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Don't Worry, Fox News Says Everything Is Going Great

Last night, the Trump administration was hit with a one-two punch near the 4 o'clock hour as a jury found former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort guilty of eight out of the 18 counts he was on trial for, and former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen plead guilty to violating campaign finance laws to try to influence an as-yet-unnamed presidential election in favor of an as-yet-unnamed current United States President.

Obviously, this was huge news across the media landscape with networks like CNN, MSNBC, and ABC running headlines like "GURL CAN YOU BELIEVE?" and "SO MUCH IS HAPPENING" and "WATERGATE 2: HERE WE GO AGAIN." Everyone was talking about. Everyone, that is, except our ever-optimistic friends at Fox News.

At 7:40 ET on the morning after the sitting President's former lawyer implicated him in a scheme to effect the election, Mr. Fox and his Friends were trying to get to the bottom of an even bigger financial controversy: the Tooth Fairy market's steadily rising costs. As stormy and Stormi weather overtook DC, echoing a turbulent end-of-day barrage of political news, conditions remained bright and sunny inside of the Fox News studios. I guess climate change doesn't affect you if you just disbelieve hard enough.
This is not to disparage the hard work of those foxes who have somehow taught themselves how to read, write, and operate cameras. As a nation, we should be talking about what we can do to keep the tooth bubble from bursting. Are teeth overpriced? Is the Tooth Fairy an American? Should we place tariffs on teeth? Is it possible to get a Coal Fairy? Can we call it something butcher? The Coal Punisher, coming soon to a Fox News broadcast near you.
I'm willing to bet Trump tries to pardon Manafort....for one thing take some of the upcoming heat off.....and another to rub Cohan's nose in it saying you could have had one also
but don't think the Manafort pardon will fly to well
so Manafort is stuck.....wait for a maybe pardon.....work with Mueller...….die in prison
Like I said, wake me up when one actually goes to prison. Until then the government is doing exactly what it wants to do and as a whole - don't give a ******* about the American people and what we want or expect from them. No politician going to jail for any of this BS should be a wake up call to most of us - but some people just stay sheep.
Like I said, wake me up when one actually goes to prison. Until then the government is doing exactly what it wants to do and as a whole - don't give a ******* about the American people and what we want or expect from them. No politician going to jail for any of this BS should be a wake up call to most of us - but some people just stay sheep.

way to much ******* for all of them to escape....doubt anything will really happen to trump...except for all his legal trials in NY....but as for the ******* he done getting the job and during the job...I agree with mac....I think he will resign and take a hike...then worry about NY.....as for the rest...you know trump wants to pardon them..but has been warned by even some on the right. and that just might push some more over towards impeachment and he knows it...so for now he is fucked...trying to stop what is coming out and can't...making rash statements and see how they go over as to his next move....right now he is running out of options and the hammer is on the way down...Manafort I think starts his second set of trials next week on his trump involvement....and when that ******* starts coming out....even some of the trumpies may change their mind

trump Jr may not be so lucky...it is pretty cut and dried he lied to congress.....Manafort, looking at a lot of time anyway and he needs to start cutting a deal he is looking at life!...…plus he is 70 so even if he could work it down to 10 years that's probably still life for him......Cohan, with him talking and etc...…5years?...think that what his lawyer said they were shooting for.....papadopolis, even though he is cooperating now......he lied at first stalling while the Russians got out of the country and then started talking that pissed Mueller off so who knows where that will go....Flynn don't know about jail time another fish maybe to big and a one time war hero so who knows....well not going to go through them all but some will get some time that's for sure
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Gen. Michael Flynn needs, and deserves, a pardon. Cohen, no way. Manafort, the only argument that could be made is selective enforcement of what everyone does that is a DC Swamp creature. Manafort is a scum bag, but it would be a nice gesture towards equal justice under the law,, and civil liberties. Both of which are really taking a beating in his case.

But that's me. I was opposed to what happened to Clinton, although can not defend perjury. But it should have never gotten to perjury. Which is not unlike Manafort. Decline to prosecute years ago, and only now, as a way to get him to compose, prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

But that's me, my values and beliefs don't change predicated on whether I agree politically with the subject. Most on here are so partisan, it is a study in human behavior.

The use of federal law enforcement, inappropriately and unequally, in a political manner, should really bother anyone who has bothered to read, and attempted to understand the Constitution, the Federalist papers, etc.

But it doesn't, so I pay as little tax as is legal, and make sure I'm comfortable. The rest, by their own choices, are on their own.
What?? Must have hit a soft spot. LOL So you equate to me NOT posting a video of the KKK to mean that I approve of the KKK - what logic is that? OHHHHH, that's right, left wing logic - nonsensical.

So based on your response I should assume you are Pro ANTIFA? You approve of killing ICE officers? (assuming you know what that is)

My post has nothing to do with the KKK, and no I don't support Racism, what a ignorant assumption to make, unless of course you are pro ANTIFA
(you obviously aren't' aware of who started the KKK)

Guess who is in town tonight Indiana?:blackgrimace::frantic:
I am not pro Antifa or Pro KKK?
I just asked a Question? Something wrong with a question?

I am not for violence on both parts.
Violence if for those who can converse with words so one can resort to "name calling or generalizing a group".
I just asked a question?

Killing ICE officers? I am not a fan of killing any officers or anyone, but I just wonder what your view on "unarmed Americans killed"?

I just ASKED a question in regards of a well known group.. in regards of your view on the KKK.

So who made an assumption?:)

So who had a soft spot touched?:D
One can't ask a question about your view is on a "well known group" that has been around for such a very long time right?:sex::cool:

I am glad you are against Racism.:threesome:

I find your video choices interesting.
You posted up a video that has a Black male in front of a Blue Lives Matter flag. The jokes I can make from that thumbnail are mind blowing.
Blue Lives Matter .. Who is Blue? That is an occupational choice. :cold:
Smurfs come out the wound blue and they are fictional.
Blue 40 hours a week? maybe overtime.

I am sorry, not sorry if my question brought some deep feelings up.
I like this forum for it has people talking.

No name calling here.:exciting::blackgrimace:
No labeling you into a group here.

I am a thinking man. I will continue to ask questions and answer them.
I will continue to speak my mind and wish for ALL Americans to live in unity and not hate.

If any one checks my media.. no soft spots here at all. :blackgrimace::blackgrimace:
Gen. Michael Flynn needs, and deserves, a pardon. Cohen, no way. Manafort, the only argument that could be made is selective enforcement of what everyone does that is a DC Swamp creature. Manafort is a scum bag, but it would be a nice gesture towards equal justice under the law,, and civil liberties. Both of which are really taking a beating in his case.

But that's me. I was opposed to what happened to Clinton, although can not defend perjury. But it should have never gotten to perjury. Which is not unlike Manafort. Decline to prosecute years ago, and only now, as a way to get him to compose, prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

But that's me, my values and beliefs don't change predicated on whether I agree politically with the subject. Most on here are so partisan, it is a study in human behavior.

The use of federal law enforcement, inappropriately and unequally, in a political manner, should really bother anyone who has bothered to read, and attempted to understand the Constitution, the Federalist papers, etc.

But it doesn't, so I pay as little tax as is legal, and make sure I'm comfortable. The rest, by their own choices, are on their own.

So you are good with lying to the FBI about conversations with the Russian ambassador.

Well, from DOJ / FBI leaks, it's really not clear how big of a lie this was. So yes, I'm good with Gen. Flynn getting a pardon. For this reason, and the reasons stated above. Based on some other pardons, Marc Rich as one example, this is much, much less egregious.
Well, it was a big enough lie to get convicted on. It is telling that you think lying to the FBI is O.K.

But hey, nice "But Bill Clinton..."
You're not well informed. And my position stands. More will be reveled, and I suspect I will be proven correct. And yes, although I didn't like William Jefferson Clinton's violation of his civil liberties, his pardons were extremely inappropriate.

I know this is probably different than you think. Which is to say, you think it's fine when your side does it. Selective civil liberties. Selective moral outrage. Have at it, I got shot at to protect your right to think this way. And I defend your right to think this way. But I also have the right to point out that it is hypocritical.
Guess who is in town tonight Indiana?:blackgrimace::frantic:
I am not pro Antifa or Pro KKK?
I just asked a Question? Something wrong with a question?

Nothing at all - but that is not how you phrased your "question".
ANTIFA or KKK - the world can do without both. The videos simply point out the violence of ANTIFA. And the world can do with less violence.

Killing ICE officers? I am not a fan of killing any officers or anyone, but I just wonder what your view on "unarmed Americans killed"?

You will need to be a bit more specific on the "unarmed Americans Killed".

I just ASKED a question in regards of a well known group.. in regards of your view on the KKK.
No, not really. It was more of a statement - but my view on the KKK, ANTIFA, Q-Anon, BLM, Alt-Right, or any of those groups are not needed in my opinion. They all have agendas that don't represent the majorities and they all end in violance.

I find your video choices interesting.
You posted up a video that has a Black male in front of a Blue Lives Matter flag. The jokes I can make from that thumbnail are mind blowing.
Blue Lives Matter .. Who is Blue? That is an occupational choice. :cold:
Smurfs come out the wound blue and they are fictional.
Blue 40 hours a week? maybe overtime.

Actually that flag is a "Thin Blue line" Flag, which is simply a show of respect to law officers. There are also Thin red line (firefighters) and Thin gold lines (Dispatch). The idea behind "Blue Lives Matter" indicates support for the police officers that risk their lives for us every day. I assume this is some indication to the "police *******" element?.

I am sorry, not sorry if my question brought some deep feelings up.
I like this forum for it has people talking.
Not at all. Phrasing of your "question" is important. one element missing from a forum post is visual ques from body language. Everything must be taken at face value. I may have taken it as simple question had we been sitting at a bar enjoying a beer, but are not. All I can see are the words you type and how you type them.

No name calling here.:exciting::blackgrimace:
No labeling you into a group here.
You weren't no, and I appreciate it.
Nothing at all - but that is not how you phrased your "question".
ANTIFA or KKK - the world can do without both. The videos simply point out the violence of ANTIFA. And the world can do with less violence.

You will need to be a bit more specific on the "unarmed Americans Killed".

No, not really. It was more of a statement - but my view on the KKK, ANTIFA, Q-Anon, BLM, Alt-Right, or any of those groups are not needed in my opinion. They all have agendas that don't represent the majorities and they all end in violance.

Actually that flag is a "Thin Blue line" Flag, which is simply a show of respect to law officers. There are also Thin red line (firefighters) and Thin gold lines (Dispatch). The idea behind "Blue Lives Matter" indicates support for the police officers that risk their lives for us every day. I assume this is some indication to the "police *******" element?.

Not at all. Phrasing of your "question" is important. one element missing from a forum post is visual ques from body language. Everything must be taken at face value. I may have taken it as simple question had we been sitting at a bar enjoying a beer, but are not. All I can see are the words you type and how you type them.

You weren't no, and I appreciate it.
Never mind the Quiksta....he was just JAQing off.


Most people jack off on porn sites, but to each their own...

Given the abundance of strawmen, gish gallops, false equivalencies, false dichotomies, ad hominems, shifting the onus probandi, etc. etc. one could write a pretty good thesis on logical fallacies just off these political threads in an IR porn site.
You're not well informed. And my position stands. More will be reveled, and I suspect I will be proven correct. And yes, although I didn't like William Jefferson Clinton's violation of his civil liberties, his pardons were extremely inappropriate.

I know this is probably different than you think. Which is to say, you think it's fine when your side does it. Selective civil liberties. Selective moral outrage. Have at it, I got shot at to protect your right to think this way. And I defend your right to think this way. But I also have the right to point out that it is hypocritical.

You are a self important blowhard.

You crying " But Clinton did worse," is pathetic. Either lying to the FBI is acceptable or it is not. You obviously think it is. It speaks volumes about your character.
Isn't it a bit ironic that the first two endorsers of Donald Trump (Chris Collins-R-NY) & (Duncan Hunter -R-Ca) have both been indicted ... fraud, insider trading, illegal use of campaign funds? The Duncan Hunter indictment is hilarious ... you got to go read up on his indictment this week. He's screaming "Witch Hunt" just like Trump.
Two more dishonest Republican morons nabbed for illegally enriching themselves at the expense of everyone else .... wow, the company Trump keeps ought to be a warning to those who favor Trump. These guys are not only going to be kicked out of Congress, but they're going to PRISON. The way it looks now ...
..............Two more Republican open seats in congress; Democrats may take over the House on "forfeit" if this rate of indictments continues.
..............A need for more federal prisons to house all the THUGS in Washington
..............Want to see a national riot? Let Republicans hold the "House" in the 2018 election.
..............More House Republicans calling for the removal of Trump ... the count is up to 16 now.
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on the topic of Trump being an idiot I severely doubt that. As evidence I humbly submit the upcoming website for your collective rectal analysis where it is said that not only Trump's IQ was measured at 156, according to that site, not only does that classify him as a genius worthy of Mensa but he could qualify for the Triple 9 society as well based upon his intellect
word_clueless.jpg.....You do realize that articles like this fail to prove anything about the qualities of Trump, much less his IQ rating which was based on a SAT score when he supposedly took the SAT back in the 1960's. His grades at Wharton were reported as "respectable" ... nothing more. Admission into that school is quite strict, so I hear, but the Admissions Dept was quite aware of his being from NY's wealthiest families, and he 'transferred into' that college; the standard admissions waived. Now, who would you imagine got that arranged, maybe Donald's *******? Its quite known that BIG MONEY has its privileges ... ask any politician working in Washington, DC.
.....I was reading, on this article, however, of how Trump had the qualities found in many US Presidents. Some mentioned were :
Communications to the public​
Organizational skills & capacities​
Political Skills​
Emotional intelligence​
.....and you see our President Trump currently with these qualities as our President? Really? Heck, using 3 syllable words is a challenge to him.
STIFF ... this man has lied, cheated & short cutted the private sector system through his entire LIFE ... if he scored 156 on a SAT in the 1960's,, how do you know he didn't have someone taking the exam for him back then? For example, this was done frequently back in the 1960's & 70's, for christ sake for college athletics to make certain "highly desired" athletes eligible for a Big School scholarship ... getting someone else to sit in for an SAT would have been no problem back then.
.....Trump has a well established track record ... he's a vulture/crony capitalist, he uses insider information and attacks on weaker opponents to make his gains. He's a pathological LIAR. The man has been involved in over 3 thousand lawsuits, and just got involved in another THIS WEEK regarding excessive ******* by his body guards at Trump's instructions. He's declared bankruptcy at least 5 different times. His first wife (interview with Vanity Fair back in 1992) said Trump idolized Adolf Hitler and kept a copy of Hitler's book of speeches on his nightstand. Look it UP! Trump is a con-man of the highest degree. That is the essence of his SKILL SET.
......Listen, this man isn't going to finish his FIRST term as President, much less win a second term. His world changed greatly this week ... now he and all his children are facing state fraud charges. Whether he goes to jail during his presidency is irrelevant; he'll have little to no pull on getting his children out of state violations regarding misuse of Trump Foundation funds ... they're going to JAIL. unless he arranges the judges who will be trying their cases. And, when Trump is no longer a President, IF he doesn't immediately disappear from this USA, those same charges will be waiting on him as well. I suspect he'll make a run for Russia, myself. They better tie down anything of intelligence value, as he possibly will take that information with him.
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You don't need trump to take an intelligence test to gauge his shortcomings in that department. The guy struggles to compose even basic sentences.

'Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive' - the very fact that trumpy has been lying for decades and he still isn't any good at it would indicate to most that the guy is actually just a simpleton.
'Oh but he must be clever because he's rich', I hear the trumpsters say. No. No. No. Having money doesn't mean you're intelligent. Trumpy was handed it on a plate and still managed to fuck it up. The average guy on the street would have made a better job of growing the legacy he was given.

Also, can someone please explain to me how someone who so desperately didn't want to fight for his country finds himself so idolized by those who did?
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You know Trump is testing the waters to see what is being said......if not much he WILL pull the trigger on it

Trump is considering a pardon for Paul Manafort, according to Fox & Friends host Ainsley Earhardt
The Week

President Trump sat down with Fox & Friends host Ainsley Earhardt on Wednesday, and on Wednesday night, she commended Trump's courage to fellow Fox News personality Sean Hannity. "There was breaking news yesterday, and so much negative news — hats off to him for sitting down with me today," she said. "I think that was very brave." She told Hannity that she would make news on Thursday's Fox & Friends, but she did disclose some new details of her interview, specifically that Trump is angry at his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, but not at his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, both of whom became felons on Tuesday. (That part isn't news if you read Trump's Twitter feed.) "Is he more mad at Michael ...
Read more
Never mind the Quiksta....he was just JAQing off.


Most people jack off on porn sites, but to each their own...

Given the abundance of strawmen, gish gallops, false equivalencies, false dichotomies, ad hominems, shifting the onus probandi, etc. etc. one could write a pretty good thesis on logical fallacies just off these political threads in an IR porn site.

this from a guy who jacks off so much in the shower he gets a hardon in the rain

don't judge others by your own actions
this guy is just not satisfied with being a racist here....he has to spread it around the world!

South Africa reacts angrily to Trump tweet about land seizures

South Africa has reacted angrily to Donald Trump’s order to his secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, to “closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures” and the “large scale killing of farmers”.
“South Africa totally rejects this narrow perception which only seeks to divide our nation and reminds us of our colonial past,” the government said in a tweet on Thursday.
Trump had posted a quote from Fox News on Twitter overnight alleging the South African government was seizing land from white farmers.
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