Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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That might not be the case as it would be news everywhere and you, @subhub174014, @bigblackbull76 and other American critics would not be in a position to criticize as your prophecies of a Trump-made dystopia would have come to pass where there would be no food, power and other struggles that would inhibit your ongoing commentary of Trump's challenges

you have me confused....I am not anti-trump...….I just hate the mom fucker!...the lying ...the distortion...the arrogance....the sex...and most of all the dummies that have bought all his bullshit
AP: National Enquirer's safe held damaging Trump stories

The National Enquirer kept a safe containing documents on hush money payments and other damaging stories it killed as part of its cozy relationship with Donald Trump leading up to the 2016 presidential election, people familiar with the arrangement told The Associated Press.

The detail came as several media outlets reported on Thursday that federal prosecutors had granted immunity to National Enquirer chief David Pecker, potentially laying bare his efforts to protect his longtime friend Trump.

Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty this week to campaign finance violations alleging he, Trump and the tabloid were involved in buying the silence of a porn actress and a Playboy model who alleged affairs with Trump.

Several people familiar with the National Enquirer's parent company, American Media Inc., who spoke to the AP on the condition of anonymity because they signed non-disclosure agreements, said the safe was a great source of power for Pecker, the company's CEO.

The Trump records were stored alongside similar documents pertaining to other celebrities' catch-and-******* deals, in which exclusive rights to people's stories were bought with no intention of publishing to keep them out of the news. By keeping celebrities' embarrassing secrets, the company was able to ingratiate itself with them and ask for favors in return.

But after The Wall Street Journal initially published the first details of Playboy model Karen McDougal's catch-and-******* deal shortly before the 2016 election, those assets became a liability. Fearful that the documents might be used against American Media, Pecker and the company's chief content officer, Dylan Howard, removed them from the safe in the weeks before Trump's inauguration, according to one person directly familiar with the events.

It was unclear whether the documents were destroyed or simply were moved to a location known to fewer people.
American Media did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Pecker's immunity deal was first reported Thursday by Vanity Fair and The Wall Street Journal, citing anonymous sources. Vanity Fair reported that Howard also was granted immunity.

Court papers in the Cohen case say Pecker "offered to help deal with negative stories about (Trump's) relationships with women by, among other things, assisting the campaign in identifying such stories so they could be purchased and their publication avoided."

The Journal reported Pecker shared with prosecutors details about payments that Cohen says Trump directed in the weeks and months before the election to buy the silence of McDougal and another woman alleging an affair, porn star Stormy Daniels. Daniels was paid $130,000, and McDougal was paid $150,000.

While Trump denies the affairs, his account of his knowledge of the payments has shifted. In April, Trump denied he knew anything about the Daniels payment. He told Fox News in an interview aired Thursday that he knew about payments "later on."

In July, Cohen released an audio tape in which he and Trump discussed plans to buy McDougal's story from the Enquirer. Such a purchase was necessary, they suggested, to prevent Trump from having to permanently rely on a tight relationship with the tabloid.

"You never know where that company — you never know what he's gonna be —" Cohen says.

"David gets hit by a truck," Trump says.

"Correct," Cohen replies. "So, I'm all over that."

While Pecker is cooperating with federal prosecutors now, American Media previously declined to participate in congressional inquiries.

Last March, in response to a letter from a group of House Democrats about the Daniels and McDougal payments, American Media general counsel Cameron Stracher declined to provide any documents, writing that the company was "exempt" from U.S. campaign finance laws because it is a news publisher and it was "confident" it had complied with all tax laws. He also rebuffed any suggestion that America Media Inc., or AMI, had leverage over the president because of its catch-and-******* practices.
these ARE our policies created by Presidents well before Trump and it has been brought to light only as a left wing propaganda machine

wrong again there right wing nut!
you trumpies just can not keep your facts or lies straight
yes immigration has been a problem for a long time.
but as usual you right wingers with your head in your ass and your defense of trump above everything else!
yes they have all been held and released and told to come back....(pay attn to your man's crying about that)
and the issue of immigration was NOT an issue until your man made it one!
he wanted a bargaining chip for his monument wall!
when that didn't work he went on a tear to piss as many Dems off as he could...he did that..and a few republicans also...but he still never got his wall

you fucking right wing retards have your own set of facts and just have a very selective memory to go with it

Obama put a patch on it...and it didn't need to be brought up until your man couldn't get his wall...then with his usual tact and little boy mentality he wants to hurt!

just like the gal killed in Iowa......there is some dispute about is he or is he not an illegal....but not according to the right!
and how many women are stalked and killed each year......way over 20,000 nation wide......but because he is Mexican this is a political issue!
using a poor girls death to try and help his presidential standings?...this guy has no class at all.....typical of you right wingers!
The links are in the other post above - follow along or shut the fuck up. - It's nothing new - stop being a tool.
It's easy to prove, its easy to look up. OR ******* more kool-aid.

link your ass you use your belligerence to try and pass as facts I see no link showing Obama or bush separated familie like trump is doing
The links are in the other post above - follow along or shut the fuck up. - It's nothing new - stop being a tool.
It's easy to prove, its easy to look up. OR ******* more kool-aid.

again...you want us to look up your foolishness ...you make the rash statements if you can't post facts or links....don't post your insanity!
I or most on here...if we post a statement like that we supply links ….some reason you can't....but then the right is just full of a vast amount of facts all stored....in your ass!

tell me again how you don't like trump....and yet defend him with every post you make!2b.jpg3a.jpg
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You do realize the boarders have been flooded since Trump took office - in likes never seen before. Where would you suggest the government house all of these illegal immigrants? In you home maybe, would you welcome a family or two? They weren't "caging" children either, more propaganda from the left. Fenced off areas yes, cages, like dog cages, no.

I also never said it was done "to this degree" in the past - exactly part of the reason for setting up empty big box stores. But that is not the point or the real issue - the real issue is FAMILIES WERE SEPARATED BY BUSH AND OBAMA - but no out cry from the left. why then is it a issue NOW?
With the influx of illegal immigrants we have had in the past 2 years - this would have been an issue for any president. Instead the left twist this all to be "Trumps Policies" and it's not - these policies were already in place.

Like never before? Provide a link substantiating this.
Yes and I agree they should be returned immediatly - I'm not trying to say that Families should be separated, they shouldn't. My point is, these ARE our policies created by Presidents well before Trump and it has been brought to light only as a left wing propaganda machine. Why were these policies not changed a long time ago, why are they in place to begin with? Those are questions that need to be asked.

Drumpf went zero tolerance. That is why it became the disaster it was. Are you trying to state otherwise? And the question to be asked is why didn't the Drumpf administration have a plan to reunite families?
wrong again there right wing nut!
you trumpies just can not keep your facts or lies straight
yes immigration has been a problem for a long time.
but as usual you right wingers with your head in your ass and your defense of trump above everything else!
yes they have all been held and released and told to come back....(pay attn to your man's crying about that)
and the issue of immigration was NOT an issue until your man made it one!
he wanted a bargaining chip for his monument wall!
when that didn't work he went on a tear to piss as many Dems off as he could...he did that..and a few republicans also...but he still never got his wall

you fucking right wing retards have your own set of facts and just have a very selective memory to go with it

Obama put a patch on it...and it didn't need to be brought up until your man couldn't get his wall...then with his usual tact and little boy mentality he wants to hurt!

just like the gal killed in Iowa......there is some dispute about is he or is he not an illegal....but not according to the right!
and how many women are stalked and killed each year......way over 20,000 nation wide......but because he is Mexican this is a political issue!
using a poor girls death to try and help his presidential standings?...this guy has no class at all.....typical of you right wingers!

All that BS and not a single link to back it up - yet i must provide you a link -
This looks cage like. No getting around it.
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As the great Ozi would say, that's not a cage - THIS is a cage
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Like never before? Provide a link substantiating this.

Don't split hairs, you know what I mean. The boarders have been flooded.

What would be your answer to the problem then? You still didn't say if you are willing to allow them to live at your place.
Did Trump just inadvertently admit to violating federal law?

WASHINGTON — In an interview with Fox News Thursday morning, President Donald Trump said the payments that his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, admitted making to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal were not illegal.

"They weren't campaign finance," he said. "They came from me," adding, "They didn't come out of the campaign."
Does it matter that Trump paid the two women out of his own pocket, rather than using campaign funds? Yes, but it raises the possibility that he committed a campaign finance law violation — failure to report a campaign expense — that's different than the one to which Cohen pleaded guilty in federal court on Tuesday.

Both women have said they had sexual affairs with Trump, and both were paid while Trump was running for president. Prosecutors said the hush-money payments were essentially campaign contributions, because they were intended to suppress information that might have affected the outcome of the 2016 election.
In the case of McDougal, Cohen pleaded guilty to encouraging American Media, publisher of the supermarket tabloid National Enquirer, to pay McDougal $150,000 to keep quiet. That violated two campaign-finance laws: one that makes it illegal for a corporation to give money directly to a campaign, and another that limits how much any individual can contribute.

The Daniels case is different. If Trump had paid the money to her directly, that would not necessarily be illegal, if it had been accounted for correctly. A candidate can contribute any amount of money to his own campaign. But all such contributions have to be publicly reported as campaign expenditures, and the Daniels payment, which Trump clearly did not want disclosed, was not reported.
Cohen made the payment, and when he sought reimbursement from Trump, he described it as payment for "legal fees." That would suggest that it was an attempt to disguise what the payment was for, which could be a further campaign violation.

There are legal defenses available to both Trump and American Media. Trump could say the payment to Daniels was not to influence the campaign but was to save his marriage. American Media could say that as a news organization, it can make any arrangements it wants to publish or ******* a story.
But after Cohen's confession, those defenses will be harder to make. Cohen said in court that he has evidence that the payments were made specifically to prevent damaging information from influencing the election.
oh hell no...I can't find links to support your lies

Wouldn't matter - you and your sister will claim it is a unreliable source - so look up your own info - or ******* more kool-aid, your choice. (good thing you live in America, other wise you wouldn't have a choice.)

Besides, you didn't use enough insults to get your non-point across. Fact usually do anger the left.
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so look up your own info - or ******* more kool-aid, your choice. (good thing you live in America, other wise you wouldn't have a choice.)

seem to hear that a lot from you......post your *******...someone argues....and then it's "look up your own info"
strange way to get your point across....and then comes the kool aid remark...I'm not the one making the wild ass statements with nothing to back it up
as for the America part starting to wonder when the right can just make rash statements and tell us they are facts
feeding us oatmeal and telling us it is caviar…..hope it returns to the America we know and love soonzz3.jpg
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