Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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It is so cute how you post the video of an alleged "Antifa" but why no KKK which has been here longer and are for racism. hmmm.
you for racism or no?

What?? Must have hit a soft spot. LOL So you equate to me NOT posting a video of the KKK to mean that I approve of the KKK - what logic is that? OHHHHH, that's right, left wing logic - nonsensical.

So based on your response I should assume you are Pro ANTIFA? You approve of killing ICE officers? (assuming you know what that is)

My post has nothing to do with the KKK, and no I don't support Racism, what a ignorant assumption to make, unless of course you are pro ANTIFA
(you obviously aren't' aware of who started the KKK)
Senior Republicans hesitate to criticise Trump after Manafort and Cohen verdicts

Republican elected officials have hesitated to criticise Donald Trump after his former lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to fraud, implicating the president, and his former campaign manager Paul Manafort was convicted on eight counts of financial crimes.

In a statement, a spokesperson for Speaker Paul Ryan said: “We are aware of Mr Cohen’s guilty plea to these serious charges. We will need more information than is currently available at this point.”

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, an erstwhile Trump critic turned golf partner, emphasized that both cases had nothing to do with Russia. “The American legal system is working its will in both the Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen cases,” Graham said in a statement.

“Thus far, there have yet to be any charges or convictions for colluding with the Russian government by any member of the Trump campaign in the 2016 election. It’s important to let this process continue without interference. I hope Mr Mueller can conclude his investigation sooner rather than later for the benefit of the nation.”

John Cornyn, the number two ranking Republican in the Senate echoed Graham’s comments on Tuesday. According to CNN, he told reporters: “If Manafort and Cohen did things that [they] shouldn’t have done, which it sounds like they did, I think they ought to be held responsible for it but I don’t see any of this having anything to do with the president and Russia.”

However, Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, who has long been one of the few Republicans willing to consistently break with Trump on policy grounds, offered direct criticism of Cohen and Manafort. “Paul Manafort is a founding member of the DC swamp and Michael Cohen is the Gotham version of the same,” said Sasse. “Neither one of these felons should have been anywhere near the presidency.”

The reaction from conservative media and commentators was little different than that on Capitol Hill.

Sean Hannity, a Fox News host and confidante of Trump, dismissed the news on Tuesday, saying “it has nothing to do with Russia”. He went on to rhetorically ask special counsel Robert Mueller: “This is it? Did we need you 500 days for this?”

Matt Schlapp, the president of the American Conservative Union and Trump ally, also waved aside the cases in a tweet Tuesday afternoon: “So all this legal activity strange I see no ‘Russian collusion’ in any breaking news. Odd.”

Many conservatives instead focused on the ******* of Mollie Tibbetts, an Iowa college student who had been missing for a month, and the arrest of an undocumented immigrant. Trump ally Congressman Mo Brooks of Alabama tweeted: “Mollie Tibbetts – another American who would be alive but for illegal aliens and insistence by Democrats for open borders and amnesty. #BuildTheWall.” The story was on the front page of conservative websites such as Fox News and Breitbart on Tuesday night.

Bret Stephens, a conservative columnist for the New York Times who has embraced the label “never Trump”, did tweet: “I’ve been skeptical about the wisdom and merit of impeachment. Cohen’s guilty plea changes that. The president is clearly guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. He should resign his office or be impeached and removed from office.”

Former top Trump aide Steve Bannon told the Guardian the rulings would have implications for the mid-term elections. “Tonight brings November into complete focus,” he said. “It will be an up or down vote on the impeachment of the president. The Democrats have long wanted this fight and now they have it.”

Cohen attorney: If these hush payments are crimes, Trump is guilty

Michael Cohen's lawyer on Tuesday asked why President Donald Trump isn't also facing criminal charges over the hush payments that his client pleaded guilty to executing. Lanny Davis — who is representing Cohen, Trump's longtime personal lawyer — lashed out in a statement after Cohen struck a plea deal on several charges, including two related to payments made to women to stay silent about damaging stories during the 2016 presidential campaign. Story Continued Below "If those payments were a crime for Michael Cohen, then why wouldn't they be a crime for Donald Trump?" Davis said in a statement. The payments described in court line up with payoffs made to adult-film actress Stormy Daniels and ex-Playboy ...
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I really hope these politicians get what they have coming to them - but wake me up when one actually goes to jail - otherwise its just noise.
When is the parade. What's your timeline on your heroic efforts to remove Donald John Trump from office? Can I go? You're pretty connected, can you get me free tickets?

The parade will happen when it happens but never a nanosecond too soon!
Yes! You can go to the parade, if you've got the intestinal fortitude that is!
No! Your don't need either a free ticket or any ticket! Come one come all!
I have absolutely no interest in removing DJT from office, he's doing a fine job of that himself, besides he lost the election because he got almost 3 million less votes than his opponent! The U.S. is the only democratic country in the free world that allows the popular vote of the people to be overrode by an anomaly in their electoral system!
You have a good day, you seem to need one, plus those good days are going to get fewer and fewer and much further apart for those currently supporting this wannabe and unelected president!
Thanks for your well thought out response.

I'm wondering if you could help me understand one small thing though? Could you link to where he lost the election? Sorry to bother you about this minor detail, but I like facts, and was wondering if you could post at least one in the next decade or so.
[QUOTE="My post has nothing to do with the KKK, and no I don't support Racism, what a ignorant assumption to make, unless of course you are pro ANTIFA[/QUOTE]

No. But it is proof of your narrow minded biased narrative
Your post is identity politics, and by definition, is much more racist than anything he posted. Why can't you disagree with him without essentially calling him part of the KKK?
No. But it is proof of your narrow minded biased narrative

And another ignorant response - You haven't' said ANYTHING about Apples - so that must mean you have a narrow narrative and hate apples!

You guys have to have something better than this, come on.
If you don't agree with my post and support ANTIFA then tell me why you think ANTIFA is good. Don't sit back on a high horse and call me a racist and use bully tactics to try and shut me up. If you don't agree then you don't agree, that don't make me a racists.
Thanks for your well thought out response.

I'm wondering if you could help me understand one small thing though? Could you link to where he lost the election? Sorry to bother you about this minor detail, but I like facts, and was wondering if you could post at least one in the next decade or so.

A response by me to someone who resides in the real world would be a pleasure!
A response to someone living in a trumpian fake world would be an absolute waste of precious time!
What you would accept as facts must first meet your standards in a world of trumpian hallucinations and lies!
The best is yet to be! So sorry you haven't the moral aptitude or intelligence to recognize the truth!
I'll not respond to any posts you may make in the future! I'm too busy enjoying life not dismantling it!
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