Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You are absolutely entitled to your viewpoint @MacNfries , but if Trump is so incompetent as a leader would not your great country effectively be in ruins and flames by now? That might not be the case as it would be news everywhere and you, @subhub174014, @bigblackbull76 and other American critics would not be in a position to criticize as your prophecies of a Trump-made dystopia would have come to pass where there would be no food, power and other struggles that would inhibit your ongoing commentary of Trump's challenges. It's very easy to be a backseat driver and complain, kudos to @bigblackbull76, though I disagree with his perspective, he desired to get some form of petition out as a protest. Only thing better is to campaign and defeat him for POTUS itself, but to do that is very taxing to one's life, creating super-pacs to raise the necessary billions to run, have the eloquence to move an audience, have a platform to campaign on, the hectic travel, work-life balance, et cetera. I guess just doing that might be idiotic in of itself if one is not used to that kind of life?

And with all that is said about Russia why is not Mr P U T I N seated in the White House (or giving Trump orders directly from the Kremlin) to fly the Russian flag proudly on the flagpole on the White House lawn and having all American children learning Russian as their official language?
She tells you at the beginning.

You mean just like Obama did? (say it isn't so)
"Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said at a June 18 press briefing: “The Obama administration, the Bush administration all separated families. … They did — their rate was less than ours, but they absolutely did do this. This is not new.”

That law is nothing new Mac - It has been their since Clinton if I remember right. Your pissed because our government was enforcing it's laws. Put in place before Trump, I might add.
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s comment in his famous letter from Birmingham Jail: "One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s comment in his famous letter from Birmingham Jail: "One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."

Again, Bush and Obama both obeyed the "unjust" law - no outcry from the left.

By whose standards is it an unjust law? We separate ALL criminals from their families, why should illegal immigrants be different?
Again, Bush and Obama both obeyed the "unjust" law - no outcry from the left.

By whose standards is it an unjust law? We separate ALL criminals from their families, why should illegal immigrants be different?
They did it to families seeking asylum. And prove Obama and Bush did it.
They did it to families seeking asylum. And prove Obama and Bush did it.

Prove that they didn't. (as if that some how makes a difference)

The process is standard practice when coming here illegally, and yes, those seeking asylum are crossing here illegally. They go through the system as such until the asylum is cleared. Therefor, logically speaking, chances are pretty good that those seeking asylum under previous presidents were separated for a short time as well. Don't fall for the biased news media hype, because that is exactly what it is. There was nothing new about the process with immigrants. The news media spins it to be so simply because Trump is in office. Mountains out of mole hills.

Trump signed an executive order disposing of that law or at least suspending it. So I guess that falls into the "moral responsibility" of doing away with an "unjust" law as MLK suggest. (you do know he was Republican - right? no not really)

As stories of children being separated from their parents have spread, outrage swelled across the political spectrum. On Wednesday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order saying the separations should stop. He directed that, “to the extent permitted by law,” immigrant families should be held together in immigration detention facilities run by the Department of Homeland Security.

Soon after, the U.S. Border Patrol said it stopped referring migrants with children to courthouses for prosecution, effectively exempting families from the zero tolerance policy, according to the Washington Post. One possible reason: Under a legal settlement, children cannot be detained for more than 20 days, even if they are with their parents. But federal officials say it's just a pause. The "zero tolerance" policy remains in play, they say.

For now, the Trump order has brought an end to the practice of separating families and prosecuting migrant adults with children. But the president’s executive order asks Homeland Security to look for new ways to house immigrant families together and bypass the 2o-day detention limit.
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Prove that they didn't. (as if that some how makes a difference)

The process is standard practice when coming here illegally, and yes, those seeking asylum are crossing here illegally. They go through the system as such until the asylum is cleared. Therefor, logically speaking, chances are pretty good that those seeking asylum under previous presidents were separated for a short time as well. Don't fall for the biased news media hype, because that is exactly what it is. There was nothing new about the process with immigrants. The news media spins it to be so simply because Trump is in office. Mountains out of mole hills.

Trump signed an executive order disposing of that law or at least suspending it. So I guess that falls into the "moral responsibility" of doing away with an "unjust" law as MLK suggest. (you do know he was Republican - right? no not really)
You know you can't prove a negative right? Right? But you cannot prove they did so you turn to that weakest of arguments.

And it is an immoral law, especially where asylum seekers are considered.

And Drumpf suspended the law because they got such incredible blow back from enforcing that immoral law.

You cannot defend it no matter how you spin it. It will forever and always be a stain on The United States.
You know you can't prove a negative right? Right? But you cannot prove they did so you turn to that weakest of arguments.
And that makes your side of the argument stronger??? You can't prove they didn't and are you positive that Trumps administration did? Didn't see you linking any proof to that one.

You cannot defend it no matter how you spin it. It will forever and always be a stain on The United States.

I just did. we have ALWAYS done it. It's only now an issue because the left can use it as leverage - nothing more, hook - line - sinker.
and as usual...……….

AP FACT CHECK: Trump's claim on South African farms off mark

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — President Donald Trump is claiming that South Africa is seizing farms and that high numbers of farmers are being killed in the country. His comments have intensified an ongoing controversy over the government's plans to redistribute land to blacks who had been ****** off their land during the previous system of racial discrimination, known as apartheid. Trump tweeted on the topic shortly after Fox News ran a segment about South Africa's land issue. A look at Trump's comments and the reality behind the land situation in South Africa: TRUMP: "I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale ...
Read more
Again, Bush and Obama both obeyed the "unjust" law - no outcry from the left.

By whose standards is it an unjust law? We separate ALL criminals from their families, why should illegal immigrants be different?

yours and trumps...….no one else did it to the extent trump and team have with the encouragement of the right and people like you!

And prove Obama and Bush did it.
that is one thing the right here does not do....they follow trumps rule of law...….if he states it...it's fact

I just did. we have ALWAYS done it. It's only now an issue because the left can use it as leverage - nothing more, hook - line - sinker.


or just more trumpism
And with all that is said about Russia why is not Mr P U T I N seated in the White House (or giving Trump orders directly from the Kremlin)

and just what makes you think put in isn't calling the shots?
trump is doing everything he can to help Russia.....but luckily congress still has a little backbone...not much but some
And that makes your side of the argument stronger??? You can't prove they didn't and are you positive that Trumps administration did? Didn't see you linking any proof to that one.

I just did. we have ALWAYS done it. It's only now an issue because the left can use it as leverage - nothing more, hook - line - sinker.
You must be slow. So let me state it again. Nobody can ever prove a negative. As in proving someone didn't do something.

But here are a couple of hints that Drumpf is doing something on a scale never seen before in the U.S.

1) The were using empty big box stores and setting up cages to house the children. If it had been done like this before, there would be dedicated sites for housing the children. But there isn't.

2) If this had been done to this degree in the past, the Drumpf administration would have already had a protocol in place to reunite the children with their parents. They didn't and as a matter of fact were ordered by a judge to reunite the families.
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1) The were using empty big box stores and setting up cages to house the children. If it had been done like this before, there would be dedicated sites to housing the children. But there isn't.

2) If this had been done to this degree in the past, the Drumpf administration would have already had a protocol in place to reunite the children with your parents. They didn't and as a matter of fact were ordered by a judge to reunite the families.

You do realize the boarders have been flooded since Trump took office - in likes never seen before. Where would you suggest the government house all of these illegal immigrants? In you home maybe, would you welcome a family or two? They weren't "caging" children either, more propaganda from the left. Fenced off areas yes, cages, like dog cages, no.

I also never said it was done "to this degree" in the past - exactly part of the reason for setting up empty big box stores. But that is not the point or the real issue - the real issue is FAMILIES WERE SEPARATED BY BUSH AND OBAMA - but no out cry from the left. why then is it a issue NOW?
With the influx of illegal immigrants we have had in the past 2 years - this would have been an issue for any president. Instead the left twist this all to be "Trumps Policies" and it's not - these policies were already in place.
ROFLMAO@ RT news item. RT news. 90% of their items are misleading and contain errors and mis-information. Can see why 2Bi would quote them!
Also for the record, there are STILL children that are separated from their parents and may NEVER be reunited.


Yes and I agree they should be returned immediatly - I'm not trying to say that Families should be separated, they shouldn't. My point is, these ARE our policies created by Presidents well before Trump and it has been brought to light only as a left wing propaganda machine. Why were these policies not changed a long time ago, why are they in place to begin with? Those are questions that need to be asked.
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