Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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.....No, its not surprising what David Johnston says, saw him on MSNBC a couple weeks ago with this similar story ... I honestly think Trump switched sides some time back (way before running for office). I don't think Trump expected his beasts from the swamps would start turning on him, but, that's the nature of the beast, itself .... survival. And when it comes down to turning on his children, he'll do that too, to save himself and it won't be the least bit surprising. I'm anxious to find out all the Russians have on Trump, however ... I've read stories, but he's really into the "very young" prostitutes which Russia is plentiful of these days. I'm fairly sure there's probably a couple videos out there.
.....As of today's court decisions on Maniford and Cohen, Trump gets impeached after the New Year. He'd be best if he'd do as Steven Segal recently did and apply for a Russian citizenship. Trouble with that, however, unlike Segal who speaks Russian, Trump's too stupid to learn Russian.

....The TRUE swamp drainer ... Mueller, and the next couple weeks should be really entertaining.
Greetings @MacNfries and others kicking around the Trump ball. I have been around observing and I still await 2020 where I still believe Trump will be re-elected despite present difficulties he has. Whether or not if that happens we'll just have to stay tuned to see what actually transpires at that time. I would think there would be all kinds of intellect. Intellect to compose poetry or music, intellect to close business deals which Trump exemplifies, intellect to play chess, do math, physics, chemistry, or program in a variety of computer languages and a variety of other things that does not immediately cross my mind. Possibly the type of intelligence Trump possesses would not equate in another discipline. For example, no one would dispute that the genius chef Gordon Ramsay (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Ramsay) has with his culinary skills in the kitchen. But who would think less of him if he could not learn Russian? If either men needed to learn Russian they would have the means to hire tutors to educate them on that particular task.

On a side note for all who think P U T I N has a hand in things, you would think P U T I N would ******* feed Russian down Trump's throat until he was fluent in Russian with secret KGB tactics?

Anyways on the topic of Trump being an idiot I severely doubt that. As evidence I humbly submit the upcoming website for your collective rectal analysis where it is said that not only Trump's IQ was measured at 156, according to that site, not only does that classify him as a genius worthy of Mensa but he could qualify for the Triple 9 society as well based upon his intellect:

The standard description of this level of intelligence is Genius – exception intellectual ability and capable of looking beyond known facts”. However, the percentile rating is more revealing than the raw score. A 156 IQ is at the 99.9905490555 percentile. That means that Donald Trump is smarter than 99.99 percent of the people on planet earth. Not only does Trump qualify for membership in Mensa but he could join the Triple Nine Society.

I know that this will cause another explosive controversy where my viewpoint would be trampled and nullified by yourself, @subhub174014, @bigblackbull76, @DaphneD if she is still around, and possibly a few others, but I feel it would also be supported by many others as well.

The above article even later states:

Speaking of President Donald Trump's IQ, Dr. Barbara A Perry of the University of Virginia's Center for Presidential Studies says his IQ may be higher than people thought.
"He is confident that IQ is higher than Tillerson, which suggests that the IQ of the US president is higher than people think," Perry said. "People who do not like Trump are often ironic that he is a fool, but I bet the president's IQ will surprise many."
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The beginning of the end of the Trump presidency

There is a very good chance that August 21, 2018, will forever be known as the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency. On Tuesday afternoon in New York, Michael Cohen (the other one) — Trump’s former lawyer, fixer and consigliore — pleaded guilty to a litany of criminal offenses, including bank and tax fraud. But the most troubling piece of news for President Trump is that Cohen pleaded guilty to a campaign finance law violation, in which he admitted in open court to acting “in coordination with and at the direction of” a federal candidate in ensuring the silence of porn star Stormy Daniels and former Playboy playmate Karen McDougal. Who is that federal candidate? Donald Trump. What is …
A dark day for Trump. The darkest day for the presidency since Watergate.

There hasn't been a darker moment for a president — or for the presidency — since Richard Nixon resigned on the verge of impeachment in 1974.

On Tuesday, Michael Cohen, the president's longtime fixer and former personal lawyer, pleaded guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016. Most important, he said he did so at Trump's direction.
In other words, Trump cheated to win the White House, according to one of his closest former associates.

Cohen's admissions were so damaging for the president, both legally and politically, that his lawyer Rudy Giuliani could point only to the lack of an indictment directly against Trump as the good news. "There is no allegation of any wrongdoing against the president in the government's charges against Mr. Cohen," Giuliani said.
Cohen's plea was just one of several punishing blows delivered Tuesday to Trump's narrative that he and his allies came to Washington to "drain the swamp" of corruption. The others: Paul Manafort, the president's onetime campaign chairman, was convicted on eight counts of bank and tax fraud, and Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., an early endorser of Trump for president, was indicted on federal charges that he violated campaign finance law.

"The president is clearly guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors," New York Times columnist Bret Stephens, a conservative, wrote on Twitter after the Cohen plea. "He should resign his office or be impeached and removed from office." Stephens has been a frequent critic of Trump but had not previously called for his removal.
The allegation that the president not only knew about but directed criminal activity takes the country back to the Nixon days, when the central questions were what the president knew and when he knew it about the cover-up of the Watergate break-in. And the comparisons are sure to fill airwaves across the country in the coming days and weeks.
It is possible all of this could have come at a worse time for Trump and his fellow Republicans — it could have happened a week before the midterm elections in November, as the GOP tries to keep control of the House and Senate. But even three months before voters go to the polls is too close for comfort for congressional Republicans.

And when they look at the Trump operation, they will see that the president surrounded himself not with "only the best," as he has long claimed, but with several convicted criminals.
In addition to Cohen and Manafort, Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, deputy campaign manager Rick Gates, and campaign adviser George Papadopoulos have all pleaded guilty to felonies. Rep. Chris Collins, R-N.Y., a political ally, has been indicted on charges related to insider trading.
Not everyone in Trump's base is quick to excuse those around him.
"If you do something wrong, there ought to be consequences for it — no matter who you are," said Dan Cooley, a 43-year-old forester from central West Virginia said at a Trump political rally here on Tuesday night, adding that he didn't think the wrongdoing of others reflected poorly on the president himself.

Whatever the case, voters will render the next verdict on Trump and his allies, and they will do so with Tuesday's events fresh in their minds. They will know the president stands accused by his own former fixer of breaking the law to win the White House.
It wasn't just a bad day for Trump, it was a historically awful day for the presidency.

Michael Avenatti Advises Rudy Giuliani “Buckle Up Buttercup” After Michael Cohen Surrenders To FBI

“Buckle Up Buttercup. You and your client completely misplayed this,” Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti happily tweeted to President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani on Tuesday after word broke Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen had turned himself in to the FBI.

Cohen will plead guilty to campaign finance violations, bank fraud and tax fraud. He’s looking at up to three years in jail and pay a substantial financial fine.
“The developments of today will permit us to have the stay lifted in the civil case & should also permit us to proceed with an expedited deposition of Trump under oath about what he knew, when he knew it, and what he did about it,” Avenatti tweeted.

We will disclose it all to the public,” he promised.
Avenatti’s snark at Giuliani references Team Trump’s campaign to attack Trump’s former lawyer. Giuliani began describing Cohen as a “scoundrel,” a “pathological manipulator and a “liar,” saying, “I don’t see how he has any credibility.”
Appearing on CBS’ Late Show back in mid-June, Avenatti told Stephen Colbert he thought Cohen was in “a very, very bad spot.”
“And I think the President is in a very, very bad spot. Because this is what happens when you trust your innermost secrets to a moron,” Avenatti explained.
That same day, Cohen had parted company with his previous legal team, and Washington spent the day playing a new Michael Cohen parlor game called “Flip or Indict.”

And I'm willing to bet the right in Congress will have nothing to say

instead deflect the topic to the Iowa girl killed by an illegal immigrant

and yet NOT bring up the fact that immigrant was working for another republican farmer
again who hires these people
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Mmmmm Russian "witch Hunt"...more shoes to drop on that!

and how's that song go at the end of the wizard of oz...….the witch is dead the witch is dead...the wicked witch is dead

well maybe not yet but Cohan is not done...and already hinting trump knew about Russian hacking and emails and etc
I just woke from a very pleasant dream!
I was dreaming that Pam was at the piano playing a singing a version of Frank Sinatra's hit song "My Way!"
Her version went like this: (I'm serious! I did dream it!)

And now, the end is near
And so he'll face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state his case, of which I'm certain

He lived a life that's full of crap
He traveled each and every highway
But more, much more than this
He'll regret he did it his way

Regrets, he's had a few
But then again, too few to mention
He did what he did
And saw it through without exemption

He planned each charted course
Each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this
He screwed everyone he could along the way
Anyway, the revised version is DEFINATELY not as good as the original but at least I awoke to a more pleasant outlook today than I did yesterday! America appears to be at the precipice of waking up to the realization that they don't need what they've ended up with in the White House! A guy who lost by almost 3 million votes and admires convicted twits like Manaford and Dictators across the globe!
I trust this post will bring a little light to your day in this otherwise distressful and chaotic time!
You should read the documents you posted carefully. I think you're going to be pretty disappointed once this latest, sensational news blows over.
Intellect to compose poetry or music, intellect to close business deals which Trump

sure he does.....he agrees with contractors to pay them BEFORE anything is done...AFTER it is completed. he changes and tells them what he will pay...take or go to court!
( note: read up on the chandeliers he had installed and then refused to pay for any of them)

On a side note for all who think P U T I N has a hand in things, you would think P U T I N would ******* feed Russian down Trump's throat until he was fluent in Russian with secret KGB tactics?

hard to do when Trump even has trouble with English.....ever watch him read a teleprompter...got to be a 5th grade education!

Anyways on the topic of Trump being an idiot I severely doubt that
watch him talk?read?TWEET!...the guy is a total fucking idiot...money got him through everything so far...and he blew all of that and now has to rely on Russia for funds......look at what the young trump idiots said on a golf course prior to the election!

website for your collective rectal analysis where it is said that not only Trump's IQ was measured at 156, according to that site

who put that out...Trump?...there was even an article about his education in the paper a while back...former teacher said worst student he ever had!

Not only does Trump qualify for membership in Mensa but he could join the Triple Nine Society.

hard to do from jail or Russia....where I'm sure will be one of his next places of residence....

Speaking of President Donald Trump's IQ, Dr. Barbara A Perry of the University of Virginia's Center for Presidential Studies says his IQ may be higher than people thought.

might want to look around a little more...….in comparison to other pres...he is by far the dumbest

He is confident that IQ is higher than Tillerson, which suggests that the IQ of the US president is higher than people think

strange all these trumpies can over look so much
It is nice to look for the good in people.....but you are not looking at him very close....sometimes a turd is just a turd....you can say at least it doesn't smell...but it's still a turd!
Cohan's lawyer has already said they are willing to talk about everything including the meeting at trump tower where trump knew ahead of time what was going on......and the emails...everything...next week or so should spell trump's doom.....indictment may not come for another 90 days...he has more information to give in the plea deal
even with all this they can not indict a sitting president....but Mueller left a lot open so the NY ag could do more....when he leaves office it will really get him....will he resign and run?
If the rest comes out soon enough the right will be ****** to do something to try and save what republicans they can
even with all this they can not indict a sitting president....but Mueller left a lot open so the NY ag could do more....when he leaves office it will really get him....will he resign and run?
If the rest comes out soon enough the right will be ****** to do something to try and save what republicans they can

Time is an incredible healer, we've had bountiful patience with this ill informed, dishonest excuse for a president!
His time is near at hand and serenity will then return to all people. His demise will then be celebrated as a mere aberration in time best forgotten!
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