Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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show me the difference between Biden and Ivanka and don Jr.?
Stop trying to redirect the Biden corruption toward Trumps *******! The truth is all out there, the media is keeping silent.

A crack in Trump’s ‘poorly educated’ base?
Aug 20, 2019 · The poll tested Trump against a generic 2020 Democrat and found him losing by 12 points overall. That included a remarkable 33-point deficit among college-educated white women and even a six-point deficit among non-college-educated white women. That’s a group he had carried by 27 points in 2016 exit polls.

No dice. You have posted this many, many, many, many times. It is an opinion piece for a defunct propaganda arm of a Billionaire you leftist hate.
Stop trying to redirect the Biden corruption toward Trumps *******! The truth is all out there, the media is keeping silent.

gee you don't think a conservative magazine might post some biased ******* do you....of course....it explains why you have been so mind fucked
Opinion is in the title. And the NY Times. You don't like opinion- Remember
trying to twist my words?....of course you are....twist so that it suits your twisted purpose

see the very first word in the title...OPINION....that means someone is stating an opinion.....nothing like what you try to do....push off your opinions as facts......you have yet to say..."in My opinion"....you always just run off at the mouth and expect people to buy into your *******....true there are those on here that will buy it....but we know they really lack any comprehension skills anyway
Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by ...
May 17, 2019 · Ukraine’s prosecutor general said in an interview that he had no evidence of wrongdoing by U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden or his *******, despite a swirl of allegations by President Donald Trump’s lawyer.

Fact-Checking Claims About Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and ...
Oct 10, 2019 · and his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, is that Biden did so to derail an investigation into Burisma. “Joe Biden promised Ukraine $1 billion if they fired the prosecutor investigating his *******’s …

Trump officials struggle to justify him pressing Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden while his own children do business around the world

Donald Trump allies are scrambling to justify reports he pressured Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden, but are seemingly struggling to see the irony of his children doing business around the world.

On Sunday, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was grilled by CNN's Jake Tapper over a call where Trump reportedly asked Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky to look into Hunter Biden eight times.

Earlier that day Trump had confirmed he discussed Biden and his ******* during the July 25 call.

Appearing on CNN's "State of the Union" Mnuchin suggested it was wrong that Biden's ******* did business around the world while his ******* was Barack Obama's vice president.

But Mnuchin failed to provide a clear answer when Tapper flipped the scenario to note that Trump's children work abroad while he is in office, and that Mnuchin was "setting a precedent that the president is violating."

Here's the full exchange between Mnuchin and Tapper.

TAPPER: If for instance, President Obama had pressured a foreign leader, Putin or the president of Ukraine, anyone said "I want you to look into Donald Trump Jr., or I want you to look into Eric Trump," international businessmen, both of them, would you not find that inappropriate?
MNUCHIN: Again I'm not going to speculate on that. What I do find inappropriate is the fact that Vice President Biden at the time's ******* did very significant business dealings in Ukraine. I, for one, find that to be concerning and to me that is the issue perhaps that should be further investigated.
TAPPER: Well I don't understand, so it's okay for Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump to do business all over the world, it's okay for Ivanka Trump to have copyrights approved all over the world while President Trump is president and while vice president Joe Biden his ******* shouldn't be able to do business dealings.
MNUCHIN: Again I don't really want to go into more of these details other than to say...

TAPPER: ...Well, you're setting a precedent that the president is violating.

MNUCHIN: Again, I think there is a significant difference in what you're saying, okay. What I was saying between Biden and his *******'s relationship with the Ukraine oligarch and potential business dealings that the Trump Organization has had which predated his presidency.

Also on Sunday, Lindsey Graham, the chairman of the Senate's judiciary committee told Fox News that now is the time for the Department of Justice to investigate Hunter Biden's dealings in Ukraine, and what his ******* knew of them. "What I'm asking for is for us to take some time and effort to look at what the Ukraine may have done in the 2016 election," he said on "Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo."

"What role, if any, did the Bidens have to the Ukraine? Was it proper? Was it not?"

They make up 13% of all Democratic delegates.
They make up 7% of all REPUBLICAN delegates.
Superdelegates in both parties are party officers and elected members of Congress from that state. No secret group. Bernie is losing because he can't get enough votes. The media hyped him up but his support is about the same as four years ago. Do you hate democracy? Well if not, let the people continue to vote and decide.

Well the problem is the people don't decide. The parties and the rich donors do.

The dem debates and hypocrisy and the changing of the rules will most likely have a brokered convention.

The other question you should be asking, has the infiltration by the commies reached critical mass that the few sane-ish Dems left will stay or go alternative or even for Trump.
Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by ...
May 17, 2019 · Ukraine’s prosecutor general said in an interview that he had no evidence of wrongdoing by U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden or his *******, despite a swirl of allegations by President Donald Trump’s lawyer.

Fact-Checking Claims About Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and ...
Oct 10, 2019 · and his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, is that Biden did so to derail an investigation into Burisma. “Joe Biden promised Ukraine $1 billion if they fired the prosecutor investigating his *******’s …

Trump officials struggle to justify him pressing Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden while his own children do business around the world

Donald Trump allies are scrambling to justify reports he pressured Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden, but are seemingly struggling to see the irony of his children doing business around the world.

On Sunday, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was grilled by CNN's Jake Tapper over a call where Trump reportedly asked Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky to look into Hunter Biden eight times.

Earlier that day Trump had confirmed he discussed Biden and his ******* during the July 25 call.

Appearing on CNN's "State of the Union" Mnuchin suggested it was wrong that Biden's ******* did business around the world while his ******* was Barack Obama's vice president.

But Mnuchin failed to provide a clear answer when Tapper flipped the scenario to note that Trump's children work abroad while he is in office, and that Mnuchin was "setting a precedent that the president is violating."

Here's the full exchange between Mnuchin and Tapper.

Also on Sunday, Lindsey Graham, the chairman of the Senate's judiciary committee told Fox News that now is the time for the Department of Justice to investigate Hunter Biden's dealings in Ukraine, and what his ******* knew of them. "What I'm asking for is for us to take some time and effort to look at what the Ukraine may have done in the 2016 election," he said on "Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo."

"What role, if any, did the Bidens have to the Ukraine? Was it proper? Was it not?"

And, Joe Biden bragged about breaking the law to get the procurator investigating his ******* fired. And it on video and in front of a crowd.
Here are the ‘agents of Russia’ who are helping Rudy ...
Dec 25, 2019 · Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani has been traveling through Ukraine in search of dirt on former Vice President Joe Bidenand he’s receiving help from a large cast of shady characters.

Rudy Giuliani Has a Long, Shady History With Ukraine ...
Sep 28, 2019 · Rudy Giuliani Has a Long, Shady History With Ukraine ... But the deal had a murkier element. Giuliani later conceded that he wasn’t just working for Kharkiv and ... Giuliani declined to comment ..

Rudy Giuliani’s Clients Are All In The Trump Russia ...
Apr 14, 2017 · Russia’s Alfa Bank has also hired Rudy Giuliani as a paid speaker. Giuliani is widely known to have extensive FBI, NYPD and Justice Department contacts. He has been hired by three of the major principals in the Trump Russia dossier oil privatization transaction and personally knows the current Russian Foreign Minister.

Meet The REAL Deep State: Giuliani's 'Off The Books' Team ...
Sep 30, 2019 · It's all the same shady characters with all the same corrupt methods. Journalist Seth Abramson has been urging mainstream sources to keep an eye on diGenova since 2016, when he claimed diGenova was the one urging rogue FBI agents to leak about Hillary Clinton.
Bill Maher Says What The Media Won't: The Only Way ...
Republicans can’t win unless they cheat, and they will continue to try to shrink the vote until the media stops ignoring the problem.

History Shows Republicans Cheat In Presidential Elections ...
Aug 13, 2019 · History Shows Republicans Cheat In Presidential Elections Nixon, Reagan, Bush 43, and Trump all benefitted from the Roger Stone/Karl Rove Ratf*cking Playbook. When will America ever learn that Republicans have always won by cheating?

The Republican Party’s Corruption Will Bring Them Down ...
Jan 04, 2017 · The Republican Party’s Corruption Will Bring Them Down—Again ... show that something similar is true of the party’s attitude toward public corruption. ... Republicans have been

Fine then show your sources or STFU

Here. Now you just lost 1 of the 3 counter tactics you use. I know posting this you will automatically say right wing. And there goes your only counter

Why Do Democrats Oppose Voter ID? – ACRU
Lots of folks think Democrats oppose voter ID laws because they want to cheat and such laws interfere with their plans. That’s an attractive explanation, but it ignores the far more complex architecture of voter ID opposition.

This is the what you consider a source. A posted article. Now try to formulate an actual argument.
This is not the first round.
It could be Breitbart, as I pointed out, there are over 100 sources to this article. You send opinion pieces and then respond as the person you are, someone with limited views, experience and understanding.
i've toyed with you long enough. You want to take a victory lap, OK Jimmy enjoy yourself.

Dodging again. It has a 100 citations in the citation page. The sources don't necessary agree with the narrative in the story. You hope they do but many don't.

And yet the story is almost all opinion and leftist talking points on the topic with some fear mixed in. Then it adds a few cherry pick stats to craft the appearance of validity. This is the 'tactic' you leftist like to try to pass off as intelligent arguments. Dump lots of noise, cherry pick some points and play off like you are an intellectual.
Conservative websites are much better then Liberal. You are so brainwashed, you have something majorly wrong with your ability to comprehend Right for wrong, true from false. Why would anyone keep communicating with you ? You have no interest to learn anything different from the people on here that have proven you completely wrong over and over, while in turn you have proven nothing. You eat the attention that you are getting like an addicting *******, you can't get enough. Fact: The Democratic party is the party of slavery, they are preaching immorality calling it progression. The countless programs that democrats always push helps no one. Don't waste your time and effort to reply to what I have written, I will not feed your attention addiction anymore.
“Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it.”
― Harry S. Truman

Have you ever wondered why Republicans are so interested in encouraging people to volunteer in their communities? It’s because volunteers work for no pay. Republicans have been trying to get people to work for no pay for a long time. ”
― George Carlin

“Republicans stand for raw, unbridled evil and greed and ignorance smothered in balloons and ribbons.”
― Frank Zappa

“Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a Republican. But I repeat myself.”
― Harry S. Truman

“Republicans are men of narrow vision, who are afraid of the future.

― Jimmy Carter

“Republicans don't want to 'save the world'; they want to save the country from those who would 'save the world.”
― Richard D. Kahlenberg, Broken Contract

In 2001, the oil companies, the war contractors and the Neo-Con-Artists seized the economy and added $4 trillion of unproductive spending to the national debt. We now pay four times more for defence, three times more for gasoline and home-heating oil and twice what we payed for health-care. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, their homes, their health-care, their pensions; trillions of dollars for an unnecessary war payed for with borrowed money. Tens of billions of dollars in cash and weapons disappeared into thin air at the cost of the lives of our troops and innocent Iraqis, while all the President's oil men are maneuvering on Iraq's oil. Borrowed money to bomb bridges in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. No money to rebuild bridges in America. Borrowed money to start a hot war with Iran, now we have another cold war with Russia and the American economy has become a game of Russian roulette.”
― Dennis Kucinich

Now, if there were an Olympics for misleading, mismanaging and misappropriating then this administration would take the gold, world-records for violations of national and international law. They want another four year term to continue to alienate our allies, spend our children's inheritance and hollow out the economy. We cannot afford another Republican administration.”
― Dennis Kucinich

“It's no longer a question of if the American President is a Traitor, but rather if Republican voters are still Americans.”
― Ed Krassenstein

“The white nationalist, nativist politics that we see today were first imagined and applied by David Duke during the heyday of his Grand Wizardshop, and the time of my undercover Klan investigation. This hatred is never gone away, but has been reinvigorated in the dark corners of the internet, Twitter trolls, alt-right publications, and a nativist president in Trump.

The Republican Party of the 19th century, being the party of Lincoln, was the opposition to the rise of the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacist domination insofar as America's newly freed Black slaves were concerned
; it is my belief that the Republican Party of the 21st century finds a symbiotic connection to white nationalist groups like the Klan, neo-Nazis, skinheads, militias, and alt-right white supremacist thinking. Evidence of this began in the Lyndon Johnson administration with the departure of Southern Democrats (Dixiecrats) to the Republican Party in protest of his civil rights agenda. The Republicans began a spiral slide to the far right that embrace all things abhorrent to nonwhites.

David Duke twice ran for public office in Louisiana as a Democrat and lost. When he switched his affiliation to Republican, because he was closer in ideology and racial thinking to the GOP than to the Democrats, and ran again for the Louisiana House of Representatives, the conservative voters in his district rewarded him with a victory. In each case his position on the issues remain the same; white supremacist/ethno-nationalist endorsement of a race-centered rhetoric and nativist populism. What change were the voters. Democrats rejected Duke politics while Republicans embraced him.”
― Ron Stallworth, Black Klansman: Race, Hate, and the Undercover Investigation of a Lifetime

The impeachment of President Trump demonstrated the corruption of the Republicans.”
― Steven Magee
Same Link from 2016...….What can't find anything new...…. that confirms your intolerant bias view of half the...... county.....Too slow to realize every time you post this you prove me right......And then post an insult and prove me right again......

Liberalism Linked To Low IQ | Poletical.com

not one thing there ….except some conservative complaining about being picked on.....hell there are several on here that could have written that
Conservative websites are much better then Liberal. You are so brainwashed, you have something majorly wrong with your ability to comprehend Right for wrong, true from false. Why would anyone keep communicating with you ? You have no interest to learn anything different from the people on here that have proven you completely wrong over and over, while in turn you have proven nothing. You eat the attention that you are getting like an addicting *******, you can't get enough. Fact: The Democratic party is the party of slavery, they are preaching immorality calling it progression. The countless programs that democrats always push helps no one. Don't waste your time and effort to reply to what I have written, I will not feed your attention addiction anymore.

you are pretty much describing your self....only difference....you promote stupidity!

but when you reference a comment by me....I will let you know the depth of your...…….you fill in the blanks
Lots of folks think Democrats oppose voter ID laws because they want to cheat and such laws interfere with their plans. That’s an attractive explanation, but it ignores the far more complex architecture of voter ID opposition.
.... I think you are reading more into my request than there really was. All I am saying is if you're going to state something as "facts", which still doesn't necessarily mean it IS factual if its from an article some place, at least have the courtesy of giving us readers the source(s) you pulled your opinion and comment from. Hell, Trump doesn't even do THAT ... he just makes up crap and states it as facts. Scary when you consider it coming from the "commander-n-chief". What if he decides to declare a nuclear threat by N Korea and issues an attack? See what I mean?
.... I can't speak for other states, but, I can about NC. NC is as radical as it gets when coming to voter suppression and voter ID. Republicans gained a trifecta control of the state government in 2010 with a Republican governor, and Republican general assembly. Being the year 2010 this also gave Republicans the authority to make changes to voting districts, voting requirements, etc, which they quickly did.
Republicans were quite aware, and stated openly, that they knew that they held the advantage IF voting turnouts to elections were low. Plus, each 10 years, the voting districts would get re-evaluated as to their specific boundaries. So, Republicans immediately implemented changes that they openingly bragged would keep them in control of the state government for decades. Here's what they did:
restructured the voting districts so the majority of the districts would encompass heavier Republican concentrations, thus more controlling chairs in the chambers of government. They gerrymandered the districts to "extremes" .... some people having to travel many miles to vote just because of the way the districts were structured.​
• under the hidden agenda to suppress minority voting, they claimed that there was a lot of illegal minority voting in NC and they were going to construct voter ID laws that would stop fraudulent voting from happening. But, here's what they did: removed the "party line voting" option, eliminated same day registrations and on-campus college registrations, cut early voting days, hours, locations, booths, etc, on top of requiring several forms of voter ID to vote. Their real agenda was to simply create long lines on voting days so voters would get frustrated, turn around, and go home. It initially worked. When confronted with the charges, Republicans immediately spun the reason as "voter fraud" not "voter suppression".​
.... On five separate occasions, with at least a half a dozen federal judges, Republicans have refused to FIX the mess they created, each time waiting to start their "fixes" until just months before voting was to start, then declaring it was too late to fix the districts and undo the things they'd done earlier. So, through at least 4 voting cycles, Republicans have ignored the orders of the federal courts to fix the biased changes they'd made years earlier.
.... As for voter fraud, they never have proven the large scale voter fraud that they have been declaring Democrats of doing in the state. However, in the last two voting cycles, two different Republicans have been sent to prison for exactly what they have been charging the Democrats of doing. One was going around to the homes who had requested the "absentee voting form", saying he was collecting the forms to help avoid their getting lost in the voting process. He also helped a lot of people fill out their forms AND even completed blank forms and signed the voters names. Then, he'd toss out the ones voting Democrat, or cast Republican votes fraudulently without the voters knowledge. Just so you know, in NC, the absentee ballot is a matter of public record, so it was easy for this individual to get a list of those absentee ballots in his district.
.... Another Republican was in charge of a voting district and was caught removing Democrat votes as they were turned in. They aren't sure how many fraudulent votes were affected, but the estimate is close to a thousand.
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Stop trying to redirect the Biden corruption toward Trumps *******! The truth is all out there, the media is keeping silent.

every day it seems you make a comment even dumber that the day before...….and what is really funny....you believe what you say....it's like you are proud of being so stupid...….or you are trying to justify it.....or you want to drag the rest of us down to your level
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