Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Small-government conservatism is not racism.
Yeah Strom Thurmond was a democrat that played Republican but you forget life long Democrat Robert Byrd (D) and many others. What was Byrd's title before he "changed his mind" Oh yeah Grand Dragon of the KKK and "prominent' Senator and a major Democrat Senate leader. What was it that Hillary said, something like Robert Byrd was one of the greatest men she knew.

I am curious if this "Democrat (Dixiecrat) led Southern Strategy" myth was so effective why did the Democrats hold political control of the south until the late 80s? Yes there were a few "Republicans" at the federal level, but almost every Sothern State Legislature, Governor , Mayor, city council and school board were made up primarily by Democrats well into the late 80s. Cute Democrat Fairytale you tell each other to hide your reality- That the Democrats are the party of hate and envy.

This is what the article says it is, a smoke screen to cover up the Democrat's past. - Jim Crow, Klan, Hate groups, and the party who fought to keep slavery.
Everything you are sharing is the truth, The Democrats were, still are and always will be the party of hate and racism.
My answers in Red

So there is no election fraud?
Sure is!!! It's mostly voter suppression from the Right doing what they can to minimize participation of eligible voters. Republicans win when less people vote, not when there is record turnouts.

The problem, no one has shown minority suppression since the 70’s under Democrats. Even with all of the committees and political investigation they always focus on one law, or one event and claim suppressing then use wonky discredited polls or 'studies' by leftist NGOs as claims. Or article by discredited snopes.

You Democrats just spent a billion tax dollars on Mueller and three years whining Russia Russia Russia to prove election fraud so you could run an impeachment

tRump was President and the Congress was Republican in both houses. Mueller was a Republican, chosen by Republicans.

Yeah but Democrats and Media dove that and in reality the Dems gave the scared Republicans the list of who could lead. And you forgot that part about Russia Russia Russia and the impeachment where Dem after Dem claimed election interference and then implied election fraud. Then did a dog an pony show with witness who were not in the room or on the call. And they all got up and admitted Trump did not break any laws.

Didn’t the Democrats commit election fraud when Hilary was given the primary over Bernie so she could lose to Trump?
The answer is yes. The Hillary Supports titled Super Delegates bypassed the convention and gave it to Hillary, Hence all the push back and why the Super Delegates control changed?

And- Thinking people did ask those questions and said, one solution is Voter ID laws. Then emotional deranged limo leftist Dems started scream Racism and in their 'racism of low expectation' assumed minorities don't have IDs. Then thinking people came up with offering free state IDs and limo leftist lost their minds and start suing. For some reason Dems don’t seem to want to have a valid election.
Again using the term screaming or crying racism dismisses the actuality. Voter ID laws have proven to impact the turnout of minority voters as did the voter roll purges, the consolidation of longtime voting venues, and the disinformation on voting (you have to pay all of your parking tickets before voting). This is what happened in 2016. By 2018, the determination to bounce tRump out was stronger and people stood in line for hours in rural areas to flip the house- and that's what happened. tRump was handed big losses, plus the governorships in KY and LA.
You're dismissive of racism and condescending toward minorities. I'd be careful, starting sound a little out of touch.

Voter ID laws have not been proven to impact turnout. Democrat ‘academics’ with dubious data and bias interpretations claim that. In actuality they misrepresent shifting populations, lack lust voter interest/support for candidates and trends in age demographics who ignore voting as proof of suppression. You site KY and LA, both of those candidates were there for one reason political party power. They were widely disliked and lost for that reason. The Left Media used those as support to claims Obama was ‘wining” hearts and minds. The only suppressive point you detailed was paying parking tickets to vote. That is a valid point, if true, and of this decade, but if true it was not wide spread nor detailed in articles readily found.

I think you overstate Trump losses. I believe that was Never Trump Republican Loses that Dems like to claim as victory instead of scorn for weak Republicans. That and long term population migration.

And Again, the NC people voted the law in, including minorities, the Legislature passed it to define it and the Dem dominated election committee and Dem AG are fighting for it.
Voted what in??? I was talking about Wisconsin in particular where I was a witness under Scott Walker but now that you mention it. You are wrong about NC support for the law.

Then Why did you post an article about North Carolina in response?

Part 2- You really only have a superficial understanding of talking points, don't you? You do know there are death certificate issued by the state? You do know the County Clerks get the list of deaths? Then they bounce the list of dead people against the list of voters and see if dead people voted? You also know they track if you vote. Mail in Ballots have that barcode for a reason. You check in at polls for a reason. Hence the stat 81 dead voted.
Please. You trying to talk to me about civics is so far out of your league. If you vote in November and die, or early vote and die, does your vote still count? Yes. Apparently 81 people did. Now call your clerk's office or whomever keeps vital statistics- ask if they are checked against the voter regularly- then come back and apologize. Less than a dozen states have an official removal process for the deceased and less than that enforces it regularly. Next time you're offered tax cuts, ask about investing in a better system to maintain voter rolls.

Not my point. You are trying to parse the point to fight a strawman. The point is dead people are voting. Not someone who just died. People long deceased are voting and when the Republicans try to put functions in to purge the roles of the dead Leftist, like you just did, scream racism or voter suppression and then NGOs sue to stop those laws. Usually underwritten by Democrat redirection of tax dollars.

The point is “thinking” people know Chicago, New York City, NY State New Mexico and Louisiana are blatant examples of voter fraud states where Democrats have long had the dead voting Democrat. Except in Louisiana where, at the local level, it switches depending on who has the most funds.

You do realize the reporter got the information from the County Clerk or the Sec of State, right?
Yes. But, how and when make the difference. And, voting is controlled state by state not the feds so, the rules around it are not consistent.

No *******- Hence why there are areas where people assume, rightful in most case, that the powers at be rig the election or the primary to keep power. Like the Dem did to Bernie. And will try to do again this year.
Be a lot easier to even take this in, if you didn't use terms like Leftist. No one is a leftist. Even Bernie Sanders has not been able to accomplish anything 'Leftist'. So cut the bullshit.
Also, arguing opinion goes on and on and on. You don't cite resources, and your premise continues to be fluid. There is no consistency. I will follow up with ONE article on voter suppression in 2018 with over 100 sources cited with links at the end. Let's see.
You also seem to have personal envy against me. No I am not an idiot or your average online debater. I should be jerking off instead of typing and that's pissing me off.
My answers in Red

So there is no election fraud?
Sure is!!! It's mostly voter suppression from the Right doing what they can to minimize participation of eligible voters. Republicans win when less people vote, not when there is record turnouts.

The problem, no one has shown minority suppression since the 70’s under Democrats. Even with all of the committees and political investigation they always focus on one law, or one event and claim suppressing then use wonky discredited polls or 'studies' by leftist NGOs as claims. Or article by discredited snopes.

You Democrats just spent a billion tax dollars on Mueller and three years whining Russia Russia Russia to prove election fraud so you could run an impeachment

tRump was President and the Congress was Republican in both houses. Mueller was a Republican, chosen by Republicans.

Yeah but Democrats and Media dove that and in reality the Dems gave the scared Republicans the list of who could lead. And you forgot that part about Russia Russia Russia and the impeachment where Dem after Dem claimed election interference and then implied election fraud. Then did a dog an pony show with witness who were not in the room or on the call. And they all got up and admitted Trump did not break any laws.

Didn’t the Democrats commit election fraud when Hilary was given the primary over Bernie so she could lose to Trump?
The answer is yes. The Hillary Supports titled Super Delegates bypassed the convention and gave it to Hillary, Hence all the push back and why the Super Delegates control changed?

And- Thinking people did ask those questions and said, one solution is Voter ID laws. Then emotional deranged limo leftist Dems started scream Racism and in their 'racism of low expectation' assumed minorities don't have IDs. Then thinking people came up with offering free state IDs and limo leftist lost their minds and start suing. For some reason Dems don’t seem to want to have a valid election.
Again using the term screaming or crying racism dismisses the actuality. Voter ID laws have proven to impact the turnout of minority voters as did the voter roll purges, the consolidation of longtime voting venues, and the disinformation on voting (you have to pay all of your parking tickets before voting). This is what happened in 2016. By 2018, the determination to bounce tRump out was stronger and people stood in line for hours in rural areas to flip the house- and that's what happened. tRump was handed big losses, plus the governorships in KY and LA.
You're dismissive of racism and condescending toward minorities. I'd be careful, starting sound a little out of touch.

Voter ID laws have not been proven to impact turnout. Democrat ‘academics’ with dubious data and bias interpretations claim that. In actuality they misrepresent shifting populations, lack lust voter interest/support for candidates and trends in age demographics who ignore voting as proof of suppression. You site KY and LA, both of those candidates were there for one reason political party power. They were widely disliked and lost for that reason. The Left Media used those as support to claims Obama was ‘wining” hearts and minds. The only suppressive point you detailed was paying parking tickets to vote. That is a valid point, if true, and of this decade, but if true it was not wide spread nor detailed in articles readily found.

I think you overstate Trump losses. I believe that was Never Trump Republican Loses that Dems like to claim as victory instead of scorn for weak Republicans. That and long term population migration.

And Again, the NC people voted the law in, including minorities, the Legislature passed it to define it and the Dem dominated election committee and Dem AG are fighting for it.
Voted what in??? I was talking about Wisconsin in particular where I was a witness under Scott Walker but now that you mention it. You are wrong about NC support for the law.

Then Why did you post an article about North Carolina in response?

Part 2- You really only have a superficial understanding of talking points, don't you? You do know there are death certificate issued by the state? You do know the County Clerks get the list of deaths? Then they bounce the list of dead people against the list of voters and see if dead people voted? You also know they track if you vote. Mail in Ballots have that barcode for a reason. You check in at polls for a reason. Hence the stat 81 dead voted.
Please. You trying to talk to me about civics is so far out of your league. If you vote in November and die, or early vote and die, does your vote still count? Yes. Apparently 81 people did. Now call your clerk's office or whomever keeps vital statistics- ask if they are checked against the voter regularly- then come back and apologize. Less than a dozen states have an official removal process for the deceased and less than that enforces it regularly. Next time you're offered tax cuts, ask about investing in a better system to maintain voter rolls.

Not my point. You are trying to parse the point to fight a strawman. The point is dead people are voting. Not someone who just died. People long deceased are voting and when the Republicans try to put functions in to purge the roles of the dead Leftist, like you just did, scream racism or voter suppression and then NGOs sue to stop those laws. Usually underwritten by Democrat redirection of tax dollars.

The point is “thinking” people know Chicago, New York City, NY State New Mexico and Louisiana are blatant examples of voter fraud states where Democrats have long had the dead voting Democrat. Except in Louisiana where, at the local level, it switches depending on who has the most funds.

You do realize the reporter got the information from the County Clerk or the Sec of State, right?
Yes. But, how and when make the difference. And, voting is controlled state by state not the feds so, the rules around it are not consistent.

No *******- Hence why there are areas where people assume, rightful in most case, that the powers at be rig the election or the primary to keep power. Like the Dem did to Bernie. And will try to do again this year.
Nice, more envy and hate followed by monosyllabic attempts at insults.

Warning: Here comes total low brow sarcastic mockery of your style.

Are you trying to use telegrams as your format?

"you are dumb" Stop,... "You are Trumptard" Stop..... "Me Smart guy" Stop..... "See my 45 links I found in 2016" Stop...….. "They prove me smarty guy," Stop..... "Not like you stupid head Trumptard." Stop...., "Me good person, you evil" Stop.... "I know to be true, leftist media tell me" Stop... "I prove me smart with repost of same links for 900time".... Stop "See title say Republicans evil." Stop......

just call them like I see them......and you fit all of the above!....and then some

you can't have a battle of wits with an unarmed man!

like so many others on here....they just have that right wing ******* pounded in their head from childhood and have no real touch with reality....even when facts...history and etc shows them wrong.....they KNOW different!.....when actually they don't know ******* and show it everytime they post....and again like most republicans...one will lie and the other swear to it

must be some kind of sign or something on here that tells the dumbest of the dumb republicans to post here.....some actually say something logical...but they don't hang around long
you can't have a battle of wits with an unarmed man!

like so many others on here....they just have that right wing ******* pounded in their head from childhood and have no real touch with reality....even when facts...history and etc shows them wrong.....they KNOW different!.....when actually they don't know ******* and show it everytime they post....and again like most republicans...one will lie and the other swear to it
You just like
you can't have a battle of wits with an unarmed man!

like so many others on here....they just have that right wing ******* pounded in their head from childhood and have no real touch with reality....even when facts...history and etc shows them wrong.....they KNOW different!.....when actually they don't know ******* and show it everytime they post....and again like most republicans...one will lie and the other swear to it

must be some kind of sign or something on here that tells the dumbest of the dumb republicans to post here.....some actually say something logical...but they don't hang around long
You crave division
Be a lot easier to even take this in, if you didn't use terms like Leftist. No one is a leftist. Even Bernie Sanders has not been able to accomplish anything 'Leftist'. So cut the bullshit.
Also, arguing opinion goes on and on and on. You don't cite resources, and your premise continues to be fluid. There is no consistency. I will follow up with ONE article on voter suppression in 2018 with over 100 sources cited with links at the end. Let's see.
You also seem to have personal envy against me. No I am not an idiot or your average online debater. I should be jerking off instead of typing and that's pissing me off.

Leftist: a person with left wing political view- definition Search on Bing "Define Leftist"

Typical, as the discussion gets to scrutinizing your points on the concept level you leftist start attacking words used to avoid the points. It is always I posted an article. Oh so you went out and found an article from a fellow leftist that confirms your bias so you can pretend you have proof based on their statements.

And to help you keep up- I am challenging with 1) the Democrats don't want valid elections. 2) Voter ID laws do not hurt results or suppress participation.

I have read it.

First and foremost this is American Progress. You can't get more leftist unless you start linking the Communist News.

Second, most of this is propaganda and reaffirming the liberal talking points with opinion and lots of "could show" and "likely" sentences. This is propaganda. It takes data points like 1 in 7 voting age people say they are not registered to vote. And implies some nefarious obstacle instead of complacency or laziness or lack of interest. Or says“strict laws” that require people to prove they live in the district they are voting in for the last 30 days. Oh the horror.

Third much of this is government ineptness the leftist put in place and is now trying to turn into nefarious suppressing. No the government just can’t deliver.

So if you want to talk specific points on this we can, but I am not going to jump in so you can duck after the first round.
and you wonder why so many links showing trump people with low IQ'S....you could be a poster baby for some of those idiot links

Are Trump Supporters Really As Stupid As We Think ...
May 04, 2017 · There has been a long standing belief that those that support Trump are the percentage of the country that is ignorant, naïve of politics, gullible and flat out stupid. This opinion was not developed by sheer chance, but has been based on both the behavior and the comments made by his supporters.

yes......see some of the answers in the above post

The Democrats are engaged in a coup. What do we do about it?

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/art...oup_what_do_we_do_about_it.html#ixzz6FklXIX7B

Trump impeachment is blueprint to overthrow government from witin
and you wonder why so many links showing trump people with low IQ'S....you could be a poster baby for some of those idiot links

Are Trump Supporters Really As Stupid As We Think ...
May 04, 2017 · There has been a long standing belief that those that support Trump are the percentage of the country that is ignorant, naïve of politics, gullible and flat out stupid. This opinion was not developed by sheer chance, but has been based on both the behavior and the comments made by his supporters.

yes......see some of the answers in the above post


Democrat Voters Less Educated Have Lower IQ's than Independents and Republicans

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The Democrats are engaged in a coup. What do we do about it?

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/art...oup_what_do_we_do_about_it.html#ixzz6FklXIX7B

Trump impeachment is blueprint to overthrow government from witin

well you did post something...….from a far right source only fox listeners would believe....well that and a few on here....but that isn't saying much

Democrat Voters Less Educated Have Lower IQ's than Independents and Republicans

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no link....must be more of that right wing Russian bot fodder again...….something you and allfor seem to post a lot of....that Russian bot fodder
What? Was that your feeble attempt to make "I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you" seem intellectual?

you do come up with some childish *******....get that from hottobe or from blklump?...or do all of you just seem to think alike ...in the see spot run category.....see LINK below

Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him
Feb 24, 2016 · Trump told supporters in Las Vegas that he got votes from well educated and poorly educated people, adding "I love the poorly educated." ... Trump didn't just win with less educated
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