Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I really wonder about dementia. He fucks up a lot, I think he has told some many lies he gets confused

naw...he gets carried away a lot on his talking...even did it as VP......let out some news Obama didn't want out yet.....and he likes to pat himself on the back a lot...saw it during the campaign...and especially that Ukraine vid the right likes to show......but old Joe didn't get his name "honest Joe" and his reputation working for middle America for nothing...his heart and mind are in the right place!
Look at map

is that the same map that said Hillary had it in the bag?
why is it most polls show trump losing...bad...

Democrats' chances of taking back the Senate in 2020 just ...
Apr 17, 2019 · Democrats' chances of taking back the Senate in 2020 just got a little bit better. Democrats face a challenging path to taking over the Senate in 2020, but their chances just got a …

2020 House Overview: Can Democrats Keep Their Majority ...
A key 2020 House battleground will be Texas. Democrats picked up two seats in the suburbs of Dallas and Houston last fall, but came within single digits in six more districts. The NRCC has already met with the six incumbents who survived close calls to secure commitments to run again and raise more money in 2020.

This analyst says Democrats' chances of keeping the House ...
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2020 Election: Can Democrats Retake the Senate?
Nov 22, 2019 · Republicans currently hold a three-seat edge in the Senate, 53 to 47. At first glance, the 2020 electoral map looks favorable to Democrats. Republicans must defend 23 seats to the Democrats
naw...he gets carried away a lot on his talking...even did it as VP......let out some news Obama didn't want out yet.....and he likes to pat himself on the back a lot...saw it during the campaign...and especially that Ukraine vid the right likes to show......but old Joe didn't get his name "honest Joe" and his reputation working for middle America for nothing...his heart and mind are in the right place!
He gave himself that name like fat guys called slim

guess he for got this is an election year....true SOME of his supporters like that but not all......and even if it was all of his supporters...still maybe 40%!
.... I think you are reading more into my request than there really was. All I am saying is if you're going to state something as "facts", which still doesn't necessarily mean it IS factual if its from an article some place, at least have the courtesy of giving us readers the source(s) you pulled your opinion and comment from. Hell, Trump doesn't even do THAT ... he just makes up crap and states it as facts. Scary when you consider it coming from the "commander-n-chief". What if he decides to declare a nuclear threat by N Korea and issues an attack? See what I mean?
.... I can't speak for other states, but, I can about NC. NC is as radical as it gets when coming to voter suppression and voter ID. Republicans gained a trifecta control of the state government in 2010 with a Republican governor, and Republican general assembly. Being the year 2010 this also gave Republicans the authority to make changes to voting districts, voting requirements, etc, which they quickly did.
Republicans were quite aware, and stated openly, that they knew that they held the advantage IF voting turnouts to elections were low. Plus, each 10 years, the voting districts would get re-evaluated as to their specific boundaries. So, Republicans immediately implemented changes that they openingly bragged would keep them in control of the state government for decades. Here's what they did:
restructured the voting districts so the majority of the districts would encompass heavier Republican concentrations, thus more controlling chairs in the chambers of government. They gerrymandered the districts to "extremes" .... some people having to travel many miles to vote just because of the way the districts were structured.​
• under the hidden agenda to suppress minority voting, they claimed that there was a lot of illegal minority voting in NC and they were going to construct voter ID laws that would stop fraudulent voting from happening. But, here's what they did: removed the "party line voting" option, eliminated same day registrations and on-campus college registrations, cut early voting days, hours, locations, booths, etc, on top of requiring several forms of voter ID to vote. Their real agenda was to simply create long lines on voting days so voters would get frustrated, turn around, and go home. It initially worked. When confronted with the charges, Republicans immediately spun the reason as "voter fraud" not "voter suppression".​
.... On five separate occasions, with at least a half a dozen federal judges, Republicans have refused to FIX the mess they created, each time waiting to start their "fixes" until just months before voting was to start, then declaring it was too late to fix the districts and undo the things they'd done earlier. So, through at least 4 voting cycles, Republicans have ignored the orders of the federal courts to fix the biased changes they'd made years earlier.
.... As for voter fraud, they never have proven the large scale voter fraud that they have been declaring Democrats of doing in the state. However, in the last two voting cycles, two different Republicans have been sent to prison for exactly what they have been charging the Democrats of doing. One was going around to the homes who had requested the "absentee voting form", saying he was collecting the forms to help avoid their getting lost in the voting process. He also helped a lot of people fill out their forms AND even completed blank forms and signed the voters names. Then, he'd toss out the ones voting Democrat, or cast Republican votes fraudulently without the voters knowledge. Just so you know, in NC, the absentee ballot is a matter of public record, so it was easy for this individual to get a list of those absentee ballots in his district.
.... Another Republican was in charge of a voting district and was caught removing Democrat votes as they were turned in. They aren't sure how many fraudulent votes were affected, but the estimate is close to a thousand.

Thank you for your summary. However:
  • Most of what you detailed is politics in a subjective summary. I am not saying they’re are right, but they are politics
  • More importantly they do not disprove that voter ID laws ensure a valid election
  • Or the points do not support that voter ID laws suppress minority votes.
If you had argued

These tactics were meant to suppress or dilute democrat concentrations to bolster Republican control I would agree with you. I would also point out Democrats are guilty of the same motives and similar tactics.

In your points, excluding the two illegal act of the guy changing ballots and tossing regs, which dems did too, these actions are not illegal or specific to minorities. The actions, dubious as they are, do not target minorities specifically. They impacted every voter equally. And with free IDs there seems to be no valid legitimate argument against and ID to vote.

One question that stands out to me. I read several articles on this NC deal and no one every details the actual evidence backing the democrats assertion that it was “likely race based.” Just the same rhetoric, Voter ID laws suppress minorities therefore the liberal judges ruled “likely.”

Few other points:

Gerrymandering has always been the purview of the party in power to keep power or gain power. The assertion that it is used to target minorities just does not add up. It is clear this is about diluting concentrations of the other party’s voters. And I have not seen any evidence the NC Republicans planned it any other way. Democrats did it here with a presser, justifying it with the reason it was to reduce or eliminate the influence of white voters of the south metro- In you view, Is this just as bad? Just as racist?

And, on Same day and on campus registration- There is no valid reason for these except to commit voter fraud. The Acorn and the Obama fraud scam shows loose registration rules are about fraud.

Judges- Just because liberal federal judge make a ruling NC does not have to comply. There is a reason it is called co branches of government. This idea that judge rule there fore the end is bogus. The executive and legislative branches do not have to compile. That also goes for states.
If anyone, ie, those with at least an average comprehension of the English Language, or who has had any inclination to doubt the intelligence of Mr. Trump (yes, the same one who claims he got more votes than Hillary Clinton or, perhaps, drew bigger crowds at his inauguration than Obama), here's a news headline that warrants a good read!
P.S. Perhaps even a better laugh while you're at it! Lol

The 27 most downright odd lines from Donald Trump's interview with Sean Hannity
You see, you still don't get it, do you? Its not WHAT they did, its WHY they did it. It wasn't to improve voting selection, it was to slow voting down to discourage the voting process. Of course when the NC Republican General Assembly is asked specifically about HOW the voting changes have anything to do with voter integrity, they never respond to it that way; just saying they're addressing voter fraud.
The comment you were responding two was straight ticket/party line voting. Show a source where NC Republicans claimed eliminating straight ticket voting was done to address voter fraud....oh that's right you criticize other's for not producing sources/link, but you won't do that yourself. Good ole double standards MacnLies.

You should be concerned anytime the rights of voters is challenged, or the judicial system is interrupted or interfered with
I am concerned about judicial system interference. Chuck Schumer should clearly be sanctioned at the very least for his threatening of two US Supreme Court justices if they fail to vote as he wants.
The comment you were responding two was straight ticket/party line voting. Show a source where NC Republicans claimed eliminating straight ticket voting was done to address voter fraud....oh that's right you criticize other's for not producing sources/link, but you won't do that yourself. Good ole double standards MacnLies.

I am concerned about judicial system interference. Chuck Schumer should clearly be sanctioned at the very least for his threatening of two US Supreme Court justices if they fail to vote as he wants.

our legal system seems to have taken a dump lately to promote crime and etc...and needs called out!

actually when they promote crime they are just promoting the republican standard way of life

and under normal circumstances neither of those would ever become a SCJ

Judge orders review of unredacted Mueller report, calls AG ...
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Judge criticizes AG William Barr's handling of Mueller report
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Federal Judge Strongly Criticizes Barr's Handling of the ...
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Show a source where NC Republicans claimed eliminating straight ticket voting was done to address voter fraud....
Reading problem, I see ... that's what you have. You're so anxious to call me on a comment that you don't read the comments correctly. Thus why I hate wasting my time on here listening to your BS.
Would you truly expect Republicans to admit to ANYTHING when being devious? All those items I mentioned ... cutting voting days, hours, eliminating same day registration & on-campus registration, etc, and oh yes, elimination of the straight ticket voting were ADDED to the Voter ID legislation the Republicans passed, thus why NC Republicans were continually ASKED what those items had to do with voter fraud. Well, they didn't have anything to do with voter fraud, but then neither did the Voter ID law they wanted to pass, h-h. It was about Voter Suppression to discourage people from voting, PERIOD! Are you with me, birdbrain? EVERYTHING Republicans do has a hidden agenda behind it. There hasn't been any NC Democratic voter fraud on a measurable scale, yet they keep claiming that there is ... but provide no proof of it. The ONLY ONES getting nabbed for voter fraud have been Republicans in the past two elections and they are NOW in jail for flagrant voter fraud.
Now buzz off, fuckhead, I got no time for you and your own hidden agenda.
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