Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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wait...isn't trump gradually Doing away with our health care...….and now this killer virus......

Pence promises coronavirus testing will be covered by private insurance, Medicare

Mike Pence tried to assuage Americans’ concerns over the potential cost they could face getting a coronavirus test should they become affected by the outbreak, saying that the test will be covered by all private insurance plans and by Medicare and Medicaid.

for a US president this guy is about as low as they come......and his ranking among presidents shows that to be the case ( he is dead last)...but this is taking things to a new low.....pimping out the first lady...but then who knows she probably prefers it to trump!

Melania Trump on rare fundraising foray into 2020 campaign ...
12 hours ago · WASHINGTON (AP) — Melania Trump is set to make a rare fundraising foray into the 2020 campaign. President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign is …
2020 Democrats learned the lesson of Trump's GOP takeover: Unite or die

WASHINGTON — If President Trump is defeated in the fall election this year, history books will most likely pinpoint Leap Day weekend as a decisive moment, when Democrats did what Republicans could not do four years earlier.

Until this past weekend, Democrats were headed for a hostile takeover by a candidate with only about 30 percent support in the party, Bernie Sanders. It was eerily similar to Trump’s path to the Republican nomination in 2016.

The Republican Party
did not want Trump in 2016: not the majority of voters, or party leaders, or even delegates to the convention. Even Trump’s vice president, Mike Pence, described him as “unacceptable” early in the process, according to an associate of his.

But Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio and John Kasich and Ted Cruz split the majority vote among themselves and let Trump in the door and on his way to the White House. When it was all over, Trump won the nomination after winning about 45 percent of the primary vote. On the Democratic side in 2016, meanwhile, Sanders won 43 percent of the vote but still lost to Hillary Clinton, the only other major candidate in the race

Sanders watched what happened when Trump took on a crowded field and saw a path to the nomination for himself in 2020. This might help explain why the democratic socialist from Vermont did not make more of an effort to reach out to supporters of other candidates after strong showings in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada.

Sanders’s qualified defense of Fidel Castro on a recent episode of “60 Minutes” reflected his trademark refusal to change his tune for moderate voters. The Vermont senator’s fans appreciate what they see as his bluntness and authenticity, but for those more skeptical of Sanders, his refusal to ever tack to the center looks like a worrying ideological rigidity.

Sanders did not anticipate that Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer might learn from 2016 and adapt.

Buttigieg dropped out the day after the South Carolina primary and endorsed Joe Biden the day before Super Tuesday, the same day that Klobuchar dropped out and endorsed Biden. It was exactly the kind of fall-on-your-sword self-sacrifice that would have saved the GOP from Trump in 2016.

Now Biden is the delegate leader, the popular vote leader, and the frontrunner with a clear path to the nomination, though Sanders will likely fight to the convention in July.

“What we have that the people in 2016 didn’t have is 2016,” a senior adviser to one of the departed candidates, who didn’t want to identify their specific campaign, told Yahoo News.

“The Cruzes of the world, they did not think Donald Trump was going to win. We know, because we have the benefit of history and hindsight, when you get into a dynamic like that, that person with 30 percent of the vote — who does not represent a majority of your party, let alone the country — can still win,” the Democratic campaign adviser said.

But if experience was a teacher pushing Buttigieg and Klobuchar away from the example of 2016, the incentive pulling them toward their concession speeches was more likely fear of another four years of Trump as much as anything else.

“The animating question has been who can beat Donald Trump,” the senior adviser said.

Tim Miller, who was a spokesman for Jeb Bush’s 2016 campaign, told Yahoo News that Democrats had followed the path he wrote about in late February, before it was clear that Biden even had a shot at a resurgence.

“If Sanders is going to be stopped ... recognize how substantial his advantage is, use the maximum possible leverage to reverse it, and take it to him,” Miller advised the Democrats.

Half measures, waiting to see how things played out — anything less than an “all in” approach, Miller said — would merely help Sanders.

Miller also told Yahoo News that Democrats have a “different and more pragmatic coalition” than Republicans do. That’s largely a reference to the African-American vote, which is “not purely ideological,” unlike the progressive voters who form the bedrock of Sanders’s support. The black vote, Miller said, combined with an overflow of voters in the more moderate suburbs to boost Biden.

Buttigieg and Klobuchar dropped out in response to an overwhelming vote of support for Biden from South Carolina Democrats, the majority of whom are African-American

“I don’t think Pete Buttigieg dropped out because someone told him to. He’s a free-thinking human being,” said Lily Adams, who was the communications director for Sen. Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign, which ended in early December.

Sanders complained Wednesday that his campaign “has taken on the entire political establishment, and that is an establishment which is working frantically to defeat us.”

But the truth is that the only organized action taken by establishment figures was to remove themselves from consideration, of their own free will, to narrow the options for voters, who then overwhelmingly went to the polls on Tuesday to support Biden.

The massive turnout numbers — up exponentially from 2016are not a sign of a Democratic electorate that is dissatisfied with fewer options, but rather an indication of excitement that the party is uniting around a consensus pick to take on Trump.

question is.....will the dems unite behind the candidate...….or will "mr. Independent" continue to throw a wrench into the mix and give things to trump in his usual temper tantrums like he did 8 years ago with Obama.....4 years ago like he did with Hillary
he was trouble then and trouble now...….been trying to be president at any cost since 1980...……..Go Biden!

Documents Show Sanders Staffers Breached ... - NBC News
Dec 18, 2015 · Sanders' campaign said it had fired a staff member who accessed the Clinton campaign's data. ... 2016 Election Congress; ... a source told NBC News. Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook told …

Bernie Sanders Campaign's Data Breach More Serious | Time
Dec 18, 2015 · Bernie Sanders' campaign's breach of Hillary Clinton’s voter data may have been more extensive than previously reported, according to a person with knowledge of investigation.…

Bernie's billionaires: Some wealthy donors have backed ...
Mar 15, 2016 · Bernie Sanders has pitched himself in the race for 2016 as the candidate who will fight for the little guy. Bernie's billionaires: Some wealthy donors have backed Sanders for years | …

Sanders has deep ties to communist Socialist Workers Party ...
May 30, 2019 · Bernie Sanders (Photo: Wikimedia Commons) While he emphasizes he’s a “democratic socialist” who sees Sweden as a model, Sen. Bernie Sanders campaigned for the Socialist Workers Party in the 1980 and 1984 presidential campaigns and was …

fuck....it could come down to which CROOK is best for the country!
The Coronavirus. The Stock Market. Now Biden’s Comeback Adds to Trump’s Bad Week.

Despite his concerted efforts to paint Joseph R. Biden Jr. as corrupt — an attempt that led directly to Mr. Trump’s own impeachment — the former vice president pulled off one of the most remarkable political comebacks in recent history on Tuesday night, re-emerging as the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination and Mr. Trump’s opponent in November.

did you have something to say or was that just another brain fart?.....you seem to have a lot of those

My dear ole dad had a great saying, subhub174014, that is very apropos to many of those Clueless Wannabe Trumpian Clones with whom you've been so adept in responding to, even though I must attest, you're pushing water uphill in trying to convince them of anything other than their preconceived "Kelly-Ann Alternative Facts!" Sorry, I digress!
Verbatim, my dear ole dad would say, quote: "What can you expect from a pig but a grunt!"
NO! NO! I'M NOT INFERRING THAT "Clueless Wannabe Trumpin Clones" are pigs, quiet the opposite, I'm merrily emphasizing the fact that Trumpin Clones are merrily only doing and believing what you'd expect them to do, ie, "follow their moronic leader blindly to hell if need be, consequences be damned!" Truth, honesty, integrity, empathy, comprehension, common sense, et al, are all of no interest, consequently while we don't expect anything more from "a pig but a grunt", we shouldn't expect anything from a "Clueless Wanabe Trumpian Clone" but "alternative facts!"
All I am saying is if you're going to state something as "facts", which still doesn't necessarily mean it IS factual if its from an article some place, at least have the courtesy of giving us readers the source(s) you pulled your opinion and comment from.
Good ole double standards MacnLies....chastises someone for not providing their sources....then goes on a 600+ word rant without any links or citations. If it weren't for double standards, you'd have no standards at all.

here's what they did: removed the "party line voting" option,
You mean those dastardly republican's actually are forsing you to decide and check off each individual person you want to vote for instead of clicking the box for "give me all dem dumb-as-craps"....oh the humanity!!!
Good ole double standards MacnLies....chastises someone for not providing their sources....then goes on a 600+ word rant without any links or citations. If it weren't for double standards, you'd have no standards at all.

You mean those dastardly republican's actually are forsing you to decide and check off each individual person you want to vote for instead of clicking the box for "give me all dem dumb-as-craps"....oh the humanity!!!

don't you have a dog to kick or something

a lot of people worried about his age....77...…..but sanders 78....trump 71...….as for Ukraine....that has already been shown to be baseless several times......and the feds have already stated that rudyg is talking to some shady fucks and drawing money there still...….playing politics for cash...….. so if something were to pop up now...….it would pretty much just look like trump playing games and I don't think it would go over to well
a lot of people worried about his age....77...…..but sanders 78....trump 71...….as for Ukraine....that has already been shown to be baseless several times......and the feds have already stated that rudyg is talking to some shady fucks and drawing money there still...….playing politics for cash...….. so if something were to pop up now...….it would pretty much just look like trump playing games and I don't think it would go over to well

I really wonder about dementia. He fucks up a lot, I think he has told some many lies he gets confused
a lot of people worried about his age....77...…..but sanders 78....trump 71...….as for Ukraine....that has already been shown to be baseless several times......and the feds have already stated that rudyg is talking to some shady fucks and drawing money there still...….playing politics for cash...….. so if something were to pop up now...….it would pretty much just look like trump playing games and I don't think it would go over to well
tRump is almost 74
ou mean those dastardly republican's actually are forsing you to decide and check off each individual person you want to vote for instead of clicking the box for "give me all dem dumb-as-craps"....oh the humanity!!!
What you doing, h-h, passing through and deciding to take a stab at me while you do? Nothing beneficial to say, nothing to contribute to the thread, just a smart ass stab at me? I guess I should feel honored that you would go out of your way to address me with insults; I have that kind of effect on you. Jealousy maybe? Envy?Hatred, possibly? Doesn't matter what it is, its the fact that you no longer contribute anything to the threads other than insults and smart remarks directed at me or others. Your routine, here, actually has become quite comical .
Hope your job search is going well, however. You really do need something to do. Maybe you'll find a nice corporate job and meet some sweet lady that can stand you long enough to have a relationship with you.

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You mean those dastardly republican's actually are forsing you to decide and check off each individual person you want to vote for instead of clicking the box
You see, you still don't get it, do you? Its not WHAT they did, its WHY they did it. It wasn't to improve voting selection, it was to slow voting down to discourage the voting process. Of course when the NC Republican General Assembly is asked specifically about HOW the voting changes have anything to do with voter integrity, they never respond to it that way; just saying they're addressing voter fraud.
You should be concerned anytime the rights of voters is challenged, or the judicial system is interrupted or interfered with ... but, you're really no better than Trump .... its about WINNING, not serving the people or the government to conservatives. When it goes the other way ... you'll be yelling.
On the chopping block HERE ... Tom Tillis, a Trump disciple, ... he's history in the Senate come November. Carl Cunningham will squish him like a bug.
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