Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Candace Owens??? This is your source of credibility?
In May of 2018, BuzzFeed reported that Candace Owens was the CEO of an anti-Trump, liberal-leaning website called Degree180. Owens wrote in 2015 that it was “good news” that the “Republican Tea Party … will eventually die off (peacefully in their sleep, we hope).”
Degree180 also talked about Trump’s penis size and him being racist with an immigrant wife.
The site reportedly shut down by the end of 2016 and Owens magically “came out” as a conservative on YouTube a few months later.

Candace Owens??? This is your source of credibility?
In May of 2018, BuzzFeed reported that Candace Owens was the CEO of an anti-Trump, liberal-leaning website called Degree180. Owens wrote in 2015 that it was “good news” that the “Republican Tea Party … will eventually die off (peacefully in their sleep, we hope).”
Degree180 also talked about Trump’s penis size and him being racist with an immigrant wife.
The site reportedly shut down by the end of 2016 and Owens magically “came out” as a conservative on YouTube a few months later.

Look at Lou Dobbs on Fox news...…...he was on CNN for years....very pro worker and anti republican...even has a couple books out about big biz fucking the workers...…..contract dispute...goes to fox......now everything pro trump

most have no morale's or scruples....just go where the money is
Got to have that monument to himself...…..and that is all it is.....

19 States Sue Trump Over Border Wall | Law & Crime
9 hours ago · A coalition of 19 state attorneys general filed a lawsuit on Tuesday challenging the Trump administration’s plan to use money already allocated by Congress to procure equipment for state National Guard units in order to fund the building of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. The administration ...

19 states sue the Trump administration over border wall money shift

Nineteen states are going to court to stop the Trump administration from diverting billions of dollars from the military toward a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The newly filed federal lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Northern California is the latest backlash against President Donald Trump's diversion of $3.8 billion from the Pentagon toward the border, which also has some Republican defense hawks on edge on Capitol Hill.

The lawsuit says diverting billions from defense programs in the states, including from National Guard accounts, "will cause damage to their economies, harming their proprietary interests." The states also argue that the diversion of money already allocated by lawmakers toward a border wall violates Congress' appropriation powers.

The states involved in the lawsuit are: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Wisconsin.

"This year’s victim of his taxpayer money grab is the National Guard, which would lose critical funds to secure essential equipment for our troops,” California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said in a statement. "Congress has repeatedly and explicitly rejected taxpayer funding for a wasteful Trump wall along the border. We're going to court — once again — to remind Donald Trump that even the President is not above the law."

Trump declared a national emergency last year to divert money from military infrastructure projects and counterdrug accounts to finance border barriers. Nearly $10 billion has been shifted from Pentagon coffers since then.

In addition to money cut from fighter jet procurement and shipbuilding programs, the Pentagon rerouted $1.3 billion from National Guard and Reserve equipment, accounts for which Congress has typically sought to allocate increased funding.

Trump Campaign Sues The Washington Post for Libel
The lawsuit concerns two opinion articles that tied the 2016 Trump election campaign to Russia. A week ago, the campaign filed a similar action against The New York Times.

  • March 3, 2020

President Trump’s re-election campaign sued The Washington Post for libel on Tuesday, citing two opinion articles from last year that linked Mr. Trump to Russian election interference. The action came a week after Mr. Trump’s campaign filed a similar lawsuit against The New York Times.

Mr. Trump’s attacks on news organizations have been a defining mark of his presidency, and The Post has been one of his frequent targets. In 2017, the newspaper won a Pulitzer Prize for a series of articles by David Farenthold that examined Mr. Trump’s philanthropic claims. The president has often belittled The Post and its owner, Jeff Bezos, the billionaire Amazon founder, who bought it in 2013.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court in Washington, centers on two opinion articles from a Post blog called The Plum Line that accused the 2016 Trump election campaign of inviting help from foreign governments. The Post’s opinion section operates separately from its newsroom.

In one post, published on June 13, Greg Sargent wrote that Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, had “concluded that Trump and/or his campaign eagerly encouraged, tried to conspire with, and happily profited off” Russia’s efforts.

In a post on June 20, Paul Waldman wrote: “Who knows what sort of aid Russia and North Korea will give to the Trump campaign, now that he has invited them to offer their assistance?” The word “invited” in the article was hyperlinked to a transcript of an ABC News interview with Mr. Trump, in which he said he would consider accepting information from a foreign government about a political opponent.

The Trump campaign accused The Post of making “false and defamatory” statements.

“There has never been any statement by anyone associated with the campaign or the administration ‘inviting’ Russia or North Korea to assist the campaign in 2019 or beyond,” the court filing said. “There also has never been any reporting that the campaign has ever had any contact with North Korea relating to any United States election.”

A spokeswoman for The Post, Kristine Coratti Kelly, said on Tuesday, “It’s disappointing to see the president’s campaign committee resorting to these types of tactics, and we will vigorously defend this case.”

Theodore J. Boutrous Jr., a lawyer at Gibson Dunn who has previously worked on high-profile media cases, said the lawsuit “flies in the face of basic First Amendment doctrine.”

“The complaint is attacking opinions where the authors are expressing their views based on widely reported facts,” he said. “It’s all part of the overarching war on the press.”

Mr. Trump’s re-election campaign sued The Times on Feb. 26, claiming that an essay published in the newspaper’s Opinion section last March falsely asserted a “quid pro quo” between Russian officials and Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign. (Like The Post, The Times’s Opinion section is separate from its newsroom.)

In both lawsuits, the campaign is represented by Charles J. Harder, a lawyer who has worked on a number of legal battles with news organizations.

Mr. Harder is best known for representing Terry G. Bollea, the former professional wrestler known as Hulk Hogan, in a lawsuit that decimated Gawker Media and was secretly underwritten by the tech investor Peter Thiel.

He also represented Melania Trump, Mr. Trump’s wife, when she sued The Daily Mail, a British tabloid, in 2016 over its report that a modeling agency she had worked for in the 1990s was also an ******* service. The Daily Mail later retracted the article and paid damages in a settlement.

Legal affairs of Donald Trump
An analysis by USA Today published in June 2016 found that over the previous three decades, Donald Trump and his businesses have been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal courts and state court, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate. Of the 3,500 suits, Trump or one of his companies were plaintiffs in 1,900; defendants in 1,450; and bankruptcy, third party, or other in 150. Trump was named in at least 169 suits in federal court. Over 150 other cases were in the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida since 1983. In about 500 cases, judges dismissed plaintiffs' claims against Trump. In hundreds more, cases ended with the available public record unclear about the resolution. Where there was a clear resolution, Trump won 451 times, and lost 38.

Why a Race-Baiting Trump Is Courting Black Voters - The ...

Aug 03, 2019 · Why a Race-Baiting Trump Is Courting Black Voters Image President Trump’s re-election campaign is spending money on social media to push his message to black voters like Mark Greer, a Detroit …

and that is such a reliable source...…...have you tried the cartoon network for something more up to date

Been going on for a while now.....
Why do Republicans hate minorities?
Aug 19, 2010 · After all, if the Republicans hate Muslim-Americans, gays, Hispanics and Blacks so much to trash them during an election just think what they are capable of doing afterward.

Why are Republicans so cruel to the poor? Paul Ryan's ...
Mar 23, 2017 · Today's Republicans view these Americans as useless eaters to be disposed of by means both passive and active. It is normal to feel aghast at and disgusted by the Republican Party's war on the poor. The more challenging and perhaps even more disturbing task is to ask why today's conservatives feel such antipathy,...

Why Republicans Are the Party of White People | The New ...
Why the GOP is and will continue to be the party of white people Looks like you’re using a browser we don’t support. To improve your visit to our site, take a minute and upgrade your browser.
Try being solution not problem . show me a racist policy.

wrong....I am showing the solution.....you are the problem!

just more of your bullshit statements....show me a policy.....just another of your ways of dodging the truth and the facts.....show me where he isn't a racist.....has he made any statements against racial bias.....no....how about charlotte where he stated fine people on both sides....or about his discrimination way back and was sued by the gov for it....his support of the KKK.....show me anything he has said or done to show he isn't a racist...…...majority of America knows he is...…..except for the die hard trumptards who just blindly follow whatever he says

your man only has one purpose.....taking care of him and his....big tax breaks....making millions off the office....cut 500.000 off food stamps and needed aid....proposes cuts to social security and Medicaid…..he could care less for anyone below his tax bracket.....what's really odd ..if he gets by with all he wants...the people who support him will be some of the first hurt.....but it is a fact trump supporters not real smart
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wrong....I am showing the solution.....you are the problem!

just more of your bullshit statements....show me a policy.....just another of your ways of dodging the truth and the facts.....show me where he isn't a racist.....has he made any statements against racial bias.....no....how about charlotte where he stated fine people on both sides....or about his discrimination way back and was sued by the gov for it....his support of the KKK.....show me anything he has said or done to show he isn't a racist...…...majority of America knows he is...…..except for the die hard trumptards who just blindly follow whatever he says

your man only has one purpose.....taking care of him and his....big tax breaks....making millions off the office....cut 500.000 off food stamps and needed aid....proposes cuts to social security and Medicaid…..he could care less for anyone below his tax bracket.....what's really odd ..if he gets by with all he wants...the people who support him will be some of the first hurt.....but it is a fact trump supporters not real smart
All you do is scream racism all it does is divide
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