Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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All you do is scream racism all it does is divide

Counties that hosted a 2016 Trump rally saw a 226 percent ...
Mar 22, 2019 · Counties that hosted a 2016 Trump rally saw a 226 percent increase in hate crimes There is suggestive evidence that Trump’s rhetoric matters.

2 STRAIGHT MINUTES OF HATE SPEECH at Trump rally ... - YouTube
Aug 22, 2016 · I filmed this video a couple months ago— but in the wake of accusation of the “CB video,” at a Trump rally in Wrentham, MA being faked, (not mine), I decided my phoenix video needed to be ...

Opinion | Provoking Hate - The New York Times
Mar 05, 2019 · Not enough attention has been paid to President Trump’s rallies as a breeding ground for inflaming the passions of such extremism. These rallies are dismissed as circus acts, but their power is

More violence reported in cities where Donald Trump ...
Mar 16, 2018 · It may not come as much of a surprise for anyone who paid attention to the 2016 presidential election in the United States, but wherever Donald Trump went that year, violence

Donald Trump: Racist Threats Increase After Election | Time
Nov 13, 2016 · Since Election Day, states across the country have seen increased incidents of racist or anti-semitic vandalism and violence Racist Incidents Are Up Since Donald Trump

All the times Trump has called for violence at his rallies
Mar 12, 2016 · At a campaign rally in Kansas City on Saturday, the day after the unrest in Chicago, Trump addressed an earlier event in Dayton, Ohio, when a protester tried to storm the stage.

10 Hate Crimes Inspired by Donald Trump’s Hateful Rhetoric ...
Aug 24, 2016 · There is plenty of violence at Trump rallies against people of color, but that violence spills beyond the rooms where Trump riles his crowds and bleeds into Muslim, African-American and Hispanic lives. This list is a roundup of 10 examples.

he is in need of good PR....and that is all it is...….after his fucked up statements and response to the virus.....economy showing signs of weakness and his little Taliban fiasco....etc

your problem is you just need to face the fact that trump just does NOT have one redeeming quality.....a total waste of skin!

Donald Trump Is No Friend to Veterans | The New Republic
executive order therefore harms veterans three ways: It limits their job prospects, kneecaps their health care, and damages their chances to comfortably retire. But these are concerns...

Veterans Against Trump - Home | Facebook
Veterans Against Trump
23 hrs · “Only I can fix it” has been Trump's mantra throughout his pseudo adult life. Ironic, isn't it, that he claims responsibility for the greatest economy in the history of the world, but denies any involvement in or control of its function during periods of decline.

VeteransAgainstTrump.ORG © 2019
Link Coming soon... Order T-shirt(s) . Proceeds donated exclusively to Veterans charity. "... Link Coming soon... How you can help displaced veterans in YOUR communities.

Common Defense | Vets Against Trump
Common Defense was founded in 2016 by veterans who oppose Trump’s corrupt agenda of hate. Together we will reclaim our democracy and organize a truly grassroots movement to fight for our future. Sign up to join our growing community:

President Trump’s Budget Hurts Veterans Through Extreme ...
Mar 22, 2019 · Even though the budget adequately funds the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) programs, President Trump’s destructive cuts to other crucial programs – such as Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – hurt the millions of veterans who rely on them to access health care and achieve economic security.

6 Things Trump Promised Veterans He'd Change — But Hasn't
Nov 11, 2017 · And ccording to the White House, the Trump administration has overseen the VA's launch of the new "Access and Quality Tool," which is supposed to enable veterans to see wait times at VA
It is not 'actually' a mental disorder. It's a term used by anyone who opposes the tRump cult. And yes, tRump does drive me insane- not literally of course. Calling me names doesn't dismiss him as being a horrible human being. You can't defend that so you attack a stranger. Whatev, I can handle it. Same people were talking about a Red Wave in 2018.

Actually it is. The Trump part is mocking slang, but the behavior exhibited by leftist, aka most democrats, over the last three years fits the DSM-5 definition of social derangement (laymen term). Hence the quote from Psychology today backing the assertion.

Newsflash- I'm not a defender of Trump. I call BS on your talking points, insulting self righteous attacks on Trump supporters, and delusion dogma so you play the victim. You challenged, filled with hubris and smugness and your condescension got called by a valid argument. That pissed you off.
Donald Trump Is No Friend to Veterans | The New Republic
executive order therefore harms veterans three ways: It limits their job prospects, kneecaps their health care, and damages their chances to comfortably retire. But these are concerns...

Veterans Against Trump - Home | Facebook
Veterans Against Trump
23 hrs · “Only I can fix it” has been Trump's mantra throughout his pseudo adult life. Ironic, isn't it, that he claims responsibility for the greatest economy in the history of the world, but denies any involvement in or control of its function during periods of decline.

VeteransAgainstTrump.ORG © 2019
Link Coming soon... Order T-shirt(s) . Proceeds donated exclusively to Veterans charity. "... Link Coming soon... How you can help displaced veterans in YOUR communities.

Common Defense | Vets Against Trump
Common Defense was founded in 2016 by veterans who oppose Trump’s corrupt agenda of hate. Together we will reclaim our democracy and organize a truly grassroots movement to fight for our future. Sign up to join our growing community:

President Trump’s Budget Hurts Veterans Through Extreme ...
Mar 22, 2019 · Even though the budget adequately funds the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) programs, President Trump’s destructive cuts to other crucial programs – such as Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) – hurt the millions of veterans who rely on them to access health care and achieve economic security.

6 Things Trump Promised Veterans He'd Change — But Hasn't
Nov 11, 2017 · And ccording to the White House, the Trump administration has overseen the VA's launch of the new "Access and Quality Tool," which is supposed to enable veterans to see wait times at VA
My experience with VA has been nothing but positive
Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The ...

American Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The Stupidest People In The US. ... The majority of Trump supporters want to believe that Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim. ... A Day After Promising …

There you go again, well this time you are splitting the same tired links out over multiple posts. Do you think that makes them look like there valid or you just found them. It looks like you stop reading in 2016.

I bet you have been posting this bs since this liberal's blog post came out in 2016.
Actually it is. The Trump part is mocking slang, but the behavior exhibited by leftist, aka most democrats, over the last three years fits the DSM-5 definition of social derangement (laymen term). Hence the quote from Psychology today backing the assertion.

Newsflash- I'm not a defender of Trump. I call BS on your talking points, insulting self righteous attacks on Trump supporters, and delusion dogma so you play the victim. You challenged, filled with hubris and smugness and your condescension got called by a valid argument. That pissed you off.
Hmmm, what would PsyToday call your last message? Attacking me, while chiding me on attacking? I believe it's called Projection. I don't think I'm full of hubris and nothing I write shows that. Maybe a little smug, and a lot of cheekiness. I'm not taking any of this seriously or stressing over it.
Thanks for the psychoanalysis, and for free to boot. My I get off the couch now?
One more thing, where was I called out on anything? That valid argument?
That article cherry picks information to prove a point that wasn't in question. A quick switch or an massive party switch was not in question.
Voters, not politicians began switching in the mid 20th century. In 1948 at the Democratic National Convention, the Democrats officially adopted Civil Rights as a party platform. The Southern Democrats stood against that and walked out, walked back in with a new party the Dixiecrats and nominated future Republican, Strom Thurmond as their candidate.

This article also uses percentages in who voted for the civil rights act in 1964. Well, of course the republicans are going to have higher percentages, because their numbers were small. A majority from both parties voted for the Act, and there were more democrats than republicans who voted for it. So, republicans use percentages to try and look magnanimous.
  • There were 94 Southern Democrats in the House of Representatives. 7 voted for the bill.
  • There were 10 Southern Republicans in the House of Representatives. Zero voted for the bill.
  • Northern house Democrats voted in favor of the bill 145-9
  • Northern House Republicans favored the bill 138-24
  • Of the 21 Southern Senators (Democrat or Republican), only 1 voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act (A Texas Democrat).

Yeah Strom Thurmond was a democrat that played Republican but you forget life long Democrat Robert Byrd (D) and many others. What was Byrd's title before he "changed his mind" Oh yeah Grand Dragon of the KKK and "prominent' Senator and a major Democrat Senate leader. What was it that Hillary said, something like Robert Byrd was one of the greatest men she knew.

I am curious if this "Democrat (Dixiecrat) led Southern Strategy" myth was so effective why did the Democrats hold political control of the south until the late 80s? Yes there were a few "Republicans" at the federal level, but almost every Sothern State Legislature, Governor , Mayor, city council and school board were made up primarily by Democrats well into the late 80s. Cute Democrat Fairytale you tell each other to hide your reality- That the Democrats are the party of hate and envy.

This is what the article says it is, a smoke screen to cover up the Democrat's past. - Jim Crow, Klan, Hate groups, and the party who fought to keep slavery.
Yeah Strom Thurmond was a democrat that played Republican but you forget life long Democrat Robert Byrd (D) and many others. What was Byrd's title before he "changed his mind" Oh yeah Grand Dragon of the KKK and "prominent' Senator and a major Democrat Senate leader. What was it that Hillary said, something like Robert Byrd was one of the greatest men she knew.

I am curious if this "Democrat (Dixiecrat) led Southern Strategy" myth was so effective why did the Democrats hold political control of the south until the late 80s? Yes there were a few "Republicans" at the federal level, but almost every Sothern State Legislature, Governor , Mayor, city council and school board were made up primarily by Democrats well into the late 80s. Cute Democrat Fairytale you tell each other to hide your reality- That the Democrats are the party of hate and envy.

This is what the article says it is, a smoke screen to cover up the Democrat's past. - Jim Crow, Klan, Hate groups, and the party who fought to keep slavery.
It' the south past, not just Democrats. The Democratic Party was the party of the south, however the republicans at the time were also strongly for segregation and *******. Today, the republicans ignore their complacency by trying to point to history and blame a political party for what was the ideas and desires of regular ol' white men, who happen to vote Democratic.

The south is almost all republican. Well, about 80-85%. Yet, we still have the racial disparities based in public policy and norms, dumb ******* like white proms and black proms, separate parades for troops (Memorial Day for Blacks and Veterans Day for whites), school segregation through "school choice" in the burbs and affluent areas, civil war monuments dedicated to the losers who wanted to keep slavery (probably democrats but today, republicans defend them like hell), the Stars and Bars which were not even a thing until the Klan Rallies of 20's (again, Democrats at the time, but strongly defended by Republicans today), issues with a criminal justice system that Republicans refuse to address, new ways to enact voter suppression which is fine with the Republicans because it benefits them, and then the local governments picking and choosing areas to fund and others to let rot but, softly enforce redlining. Not to mention the least independent section of the country is the republican stronghold of the south. Most independent? Liberal strongholds like California, Massachusetts and New York.

My answers in Red

So there is no election fraud?
Sure is!!! It's mostly voter suppression from the Right doing what they can to minimize participation of eligible voters. Republicans win when less people vote, not when there is record turnouts.

The problem, no one has shown minority suppression since the 70’s under Democrats. Even with all of the committees and political investigation they always focus on one law, or one event and claim suppressing then use wonky discredited polls or 'studies' by leftist NGOs as claims. Or article by discredited snopes.

You Democrats just spent a billion tax dollars on Mueller and three years whining Russia Russia Russia to prove election fraud so you could run an impeachment

tRump was President and the Congress was Republican in both houses. Mueller was a Republican, chosen by Republicans.

Yeah but Democrats and Media dove that and in reality the Dems gave the scared Republicans the list of who could lead. And you forgot that part about Russia Russia Russia and the impeachment where Dem after Dem claimed election interference and then implied election fraud. Then did a dog an pony show with witness who were not in the room or on the call. And they all got up and admitted Trump did not break any laws.

Didn’t the Democrats commit election fraud when Hilary was given the primary over Bernie so she could lose to Trump?

The answer is yes. The Hillary Supports titled Super Delegates bypassed the convention and gave it to Hillary, Hence all the push back and why the Super Delegates control changed?

And- Thinking people did ask those questions and said, one solution is Voter ID laws. Then emotional deranged limo leftist Dems started scream Racism and in their 'racism of low expectation' assumed minorities don't have IDs. Then thinking people came up with offering free state IDs and limo leftist lost their minds and start suing. For some reason Dems don’t seem to want to have a valid election.
Again using the term screaming or crying racism dismisses the actuality. Voter ID laws have proven to impact the turnout of minority voters as did the voter roll purges, the consolidation of longtime voting venues, and the disinformation on voting (you have to pay all of your parking tickets before voting). This is what happened in 2016. By 2018, the determination to bounce tRump out was stronger and people stood in line for hours in rural areas to flip the house- and that's what happened. tRump was handed big losses, plus the governorships in KY and LA.
You're dismissive of racism and condescending toward minorities. I'd be careful, starting sound a little out of touch.

Voter ID laws have not been proven to impact turnout. Democrat ‘academics’ with dubious data and bias interpretations claim that. In actuality they misrepresent shifting populations, lack lust voter interest/support for candidates and trends in age demographics who ignore voting as proof of suppression. You site KY and LA, both of those candidates were there for one reason political party power. They were widely disliked and lost for that reason. The Left Media used those as support to claims Obama was ‘wining” hearts and minds. The only suppressive point you detailed was paying parking tickets to vote. That is a valid point, if true, and of this decade, but if true it was not wide spread nor detailed in articles readily found.

I think you overstate Trump losses. I believe that was Never Trump Republican Loses that Dems like to claim as victory instead of scorn for weak Republicans. That and long term population migration.

And Again, the NC people voted the law in, including minorities, the Legislature passed it to define it and the Dem dominated election committee and Dem AG are fighting for it.
Voted what in??? I was talking about Wisconsin in particular where I was a witness under Scott Walker but now that you mention it. You are wrong about NC support for the law.

Then Why did you post an article about North Carolina in response?

Part 2- You really only have a superficial understanding of talking points, don't you? You do know there are death certificate issued by the state? You do know the County Clerks get the list of deaths? Then they bounce the list of dead people against the list of voters and see if dead people voted? You also know they track if you vote. Mail in Ballots have that barcode for a reason. You check in at polls for a reason. Hence the stat 81 dead voted.
Please. You trying to talk to me about civics is so far out of your league. If you vote in November and die, or early vote and die, does your vote still count? Yes. Apparently 81 people did. Now call your clerk's office or whomever keeps vital statistics- ask if they are checked against the voter regularly- then come back and apologize. Less than a dozen states have an official removal process for the deceased and less than that enforces it regularly. Next time you're offered tax cuts, ask about investing in a better system to maintain voter rolls.

Not my point. You are trying to parse the point to fight a strawman. The point is dead people are voting. Not someone who just died. People long deceased are voting and when the Republicans try to put functions in to purge the roles of the dead Leftist, like you just did, scream racism or voter suppression and then NGOs sue to stop those laws. Usually underwritten by Democrat redirection of tax dollars.

The point is “thinking” people know Chicago, New York City, NY State New Mexico and Louisiana are blatant examples of voter fraud states where Democrats have long had the dead voting Democrat. Except in Louisiana where, at the local level, it switches depending on who has the most funds.

You do realize the reporter got the information from the County Clerk or the Sec of State, right?

Yes. But, how and when make the difference. And, voting is controlled state by state not the feds so, the rules around it are not consistent.

No *******- Hence why there are areas where people assume, rightful in most case, that the powers at be rig the election or the primary to keep power. Like the Dem did to Bernie. And will try to do again this year.
There you go again, well this time you are splitting the same tired links out over multiple posts. Do you think that makes them look like there valid or you just found them. It looks like you stop reading in 2016.

I bet you have been posting this bs since this liberal's blog post came out in 2016.

for people like you who lack the needed comprehension skills to read it all and understand it at one time.....read a sentence....go ask someone what it means....and because of the stated article....I doubt you could not find your way back to it again....so that is the need for several postings

so like the link says.....idiots....if you had the capability to understand you wouldn't be here making an ass of yourself day in and day out
My answers in Red

So there is no election fraud?
Sure is!!! It's mostly voter suppression from the Right doing what they can to minimize participation of eligible voters. Republicans win when less people vote, not when there is record turnouts.

The problem, no one has shown minority suppression since the 70’s under Democrats. Even with all of the committees and political investigation they always focus on one law, or one event and claim suppressing then use wonky discredited polls or 'studies' by leftist NGOs as claims. Or article by discredited snopes.

You Democrats just spent a billion tax dollars on Mueller and three years whining Russia Russia Russia to prove election fraud so you could run an impeachment

tRump was President and the Congress was Republican in both houses. Mueller was a Republican, chosen by Republicans.

Yeah but Democrats and Media dove that and in reality the Dems gave the scared Republicans the list of who could lead. And you forgot that part about Russia Russia Russia and the impeachment where Dem after Dem claimed election interference and then implied election fraud. Then did a dog an pony show with witness who were not in the room or on the call. And they all got up and admitted Trump did not break any laws.

Didn’t the Democrats commit election fraud when Hilary was given the primary over Bernie so she could lose to Trump?
The answer is yes. The Hillary Supports titled Super Delegates bypassed the convention and gave it to Hillary, Hence all the push back and why the Super Delegates control changed?

And- Thinking people did ask those questions and said, one solution is Voter ID laws. Then emotional deranged limo leftist Dems started scream Racism and in their 'racism of low expectation' assumed minorities don't have IDs. Then thinking people came up with offering free state IDs and limo leftist lost their minds and start suing. For some reason Dems don’t seem to want to have a valid election.
Again using the term screaming or crying racism dismisses the actuality. Voter ID laws have proven to impact the turnout of minority voters as did the voter roll purges, the consolidation of longtime voting venues, and the disinformation on voting (you have to pay all of your parking tickets before voting). This is what happened in 2016. By 2018, the determination to bounce tRump out was stronger and people stood in line for hours in rural areas to flip the house- and that's what happened. tRump was handed big losses, plus the governorships in KY and LA.
You're dismissive of racism and condescending toward minorities. I'd be careful, starting sound a little out of touch.

Voter ID laws have not been proven to impact turnout. Democrat ‘academics’ with dubious data and bias interpretations claim that. In actuality they misrepresent shifting populations, lack lust voter interest/support for candidates and trends in age demographics who ignore voting as proof of suppression. You site KY and LA, both of those candidates were there for one reason political party power. They were widely disliked and lost for that reason. The Left Media used those as support to claims Obama was ‘wining” hearts and minds. The only suppressive point you detailed was paying parking tickets to vote. That is a valid point, if true, and of this decade, but if true it was not wide spread nor detailed in articles readily found.

I think you overstate Trump losses. I believe that was Never Trump Republican Loses that Dems like to claim as victory instead of scorn for weak Republicans. That and long term population migration.

And Again, the NC people voted the law in, including minorities, the Legislature passed it to define it and the Dem dominated election committee and Dem AG are fighting for it.
Voted what in??? I was talking about Wisconsin in particular where I was a witness under Scott Walker but now that you mention it. You are wrong about NC support for the law.

Then Why did you post an article about North Carolina in response?

Part 2- You really only have a superficial understanding of talking points, don't you? You do know there are death certificate issued by the state? You do know the County Clerks get the list of deaths? Then they bounce the list of dead people against the list of voters and see if dead people voted? You also know they track if you vote. Mail in Ballots have that barcode for a reason. You check in at polls for a reason. Hence the stat 81 dead voted.
Please. You trying to talk to me about civics is so far out of your league. If you vote in November and die, or early vote and die, does your vote still count? Yes. Apparently 81 people did. Now call your clerk's office or whomever keeps vital statistics- ask if they are checked against the voter regularly- then come back and apologize. Less than a dozen states have an official removal process for the deceased and less than that enforces it regularly. Next time you're offered tax cuts, ask about investing in a better system to maintain voter rolls.

Not my point. You are trying to parse the point to fight a strawman. The point is dead people are voting. Not someone who just died. People long deceased are voting and when the Republicans try to put functions in to purge the roles of the dead Leftist, like you just did, scream racism or voter suppression and then NGOs sue to stop those laws. Usually underwritten by Democrat redirection of tax dollars.

The point is “thinking” people know Chicago, New York City, NY State New Mexico and Louisiana are blatant examples of voter fraud states where Democrats have long had the dead voting Democrat. Except in Louisiana where, at the local level, it switches depending on who has the most funds.

You do realize the reporter got the information from the County Clerk or the Sec of State, right?
Yes. But, how and when make the difference. And, voting is controlled state by state not the feds so, the rules around it are not consistent.

No *******- Hence why there are areas where people assume, rightful in most case, that the powers at be rig the election or the primary to keep power. Like the Dem did to Bernie. And will try to do again this year.

and you wonder why so many links showing trump people with low IQ'S....you could be a poster baby for some of those idiot links

Are Trump Supporters Really As Stupid As We Think ...
May 04, 2017 · There has been a long standing belief that those that support Trump are the percentage of the country that is ignorant, naïve of politics, gullible and flat out stupid. This opinion was not developed by sheer chance, but has been based on both the behavior and the comments made by his supporters.

yes......see some of the answers in the above post
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for people like you who lack the needed comprehension skills to read it all and understand it at one time.....read a sentence....go ask someone what it means....and because of the stated article....I doubt you could not find your way back to it again....so that is the need for several postings

so like the link says.....idiots....if you had the capability to understand you wouldn't be here making an ass of yourself day in and day out

Nice, more envy and hate followed by monosyllabic attempts at insults.

Warning: Here comes total low brow sarcastic mockery of your style.

Are you trying to use telegrams as your format?

"you are dumb" Stop,... "You are Trumptard" Stop..... "Me Smart guy" Stop..... "See my 45 links I found in 2016" Stop...….. "They prove me smarty guy," Stop..... "Not like you stupid head Trumptard." Stop...., "Me good person, you evil" Stop.... "I know to be true, leftist media tell me" Stop... "I prove me smart with repost of same links for 900time".... Stop "See title say Republicans evil." Stop......
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