Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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According to you anyone that doesn’t agree with your particular brand of horseshite is a racist.

Typing it in bold print and sayin it over and over and over again doesn’t make it true.

Only whining bitch round here is YOU !!!!!
I don't like HIM at all, is it because he is black? No it is because he appears to be an educated idiot.
You don't have to be white to be racist. Plenty of black racist on this site, including you. Oldbummer was quite the racist piece of ******* himself. He did more to destroy relations than anyone. Divide the country to fight amongst themselves. I am ashamed to say I voted for that pile of crap, but only the first time. Once we knew he was a loser, most of us didn't vote for him again. Glad we had enough to get Trump in, or you might have already lost your freedom to have your useless opinion. Trump 2020!!!!!
Well, I see your TRUE colors! Yep, lets me know why you voted for Trump, so NOT very surprised! I didn't say all whites, but when you vote for someone that is, @Doorcpl, how can you support that? So, because I call Trump a Racist, then that makes me one? LMAO, definitely a 100% false assumption! Interesting because MOST Blacks feel that Trump has divided this country MORE than any other President! By the way, I am starting to see ALOT of Trump supporters that are ASHAMED that they voted for Trump, surprised me how BIG the number is getting!
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Well, I see your TRUE colors! Yep, lets me know why you voted for Trump, so NOT very surprised! I didn't say all whites, but when you vote for someone that is, @Doorcpl, how can you support that? So, because I call Trump a Racist, then that makes me one? LMAO, definitely a 100% false assumption! Interesting because MOST Blacks feel that Trump has divided this country MORE than any other President!
Well, if your dumb enough to believe what you see on the liberal news. Unless your people make it legal for more illegals or dead people to vote, Trump will win by a landslide. Suck it up buttercup! We Americans are taking OUR country back!!!!
Calling an entire party RACIST - shows what a RACIST you are !!!!!

You ever get tired of running your BIG MOUTH???
no counting how much i made today with dow...u even understand what even is..up 1200 points..but u go back to burger king and flip those burgers..
Well, if your dumb enough to believe what you see on the liberal news. Unless your people make it legal for more illegals or dead people to vote, Trump will win by a landslide. Suck it up buttercup! We Americans are taking OUR country back!!!!
Whoa, hold on there, @Doorcpl, lol, "my people make it legal for more immigrants" I'm not a Democrat! I am not affiliated with either political party! "Taking your COUNTRY back"? When was it ever yours though? This country was taken or stolen from the Clovis people, so actually this COUNTRY was never ours to begin with!
You don't have to be white to be racist. Plenty of black racist on this site, including you. Oldbummer was quite the racist piece of ******* himself. He did more to destroy relations than anyone. Divide the country to fight amongst themselves. I am ashamed to say I voted for that pile of crap, but only the first time. Once we knew he was a loser, most of us didn't vote for him again. Glad we had enough to get Trump in, or you might have already lost your freedom to have your useless opinion. Trump 2020!!!!!
Yes, you do- because it's not about just hating someone. I don't care about other people's feelings about me. Fuck them. Obama showed up black and that's what it took to bring out the race haters against him. Problem with your type is that you think identifying racism, is racist. You think talking about racist experiences, is racist. Why? I'm not white but it's probably because you have the luxury of not being confronted with racism unless someone brings it up. For a lot more of us, the ******* is everyfuckingday something brings attention to the fact that you're different. Everyfuckingday. From your writings and your area, this is falling on deaf ears. However, there is always thinking people reading through these and not answering. So, Obama won by MORE votes the second time around time around. Guess the country didn't need you. But you got the last laugh. You elected a man that is revered by the majority of Hate Groups in this country. No worries though, just stay white and you can focus on the market and your money (and my money).
Yes, you do- because it's not about just hating someone. I don't care about other people's feelings about me. Fuck them. Obama showed up black and that's what it took to bring out the race haters against him. Problem with your type is that you think identifying racism, is racist. You think talking about racist experiences, is racist. Why? I'm not white but it's probably because you have the luxury of not being confronted with racism unless someone brings it up. For a lot more of us, the ******* is everyfuckingday something brings attention to the fact that you're different. Everyfuckingday. From your writings and your area, this is falling on deaf ears. However, there is always thinking people reading through these and not answering. So, Obama won by MORE votes the second time around time around. Guess the country didn't need you. But you got the last laugh. You elected a man that is revered by the majority of Hate Groups in this country. No worries though, just stay white and you can focus on the market and your money (and my money).
Oh! So judging where I live don't make you racist? You guys are a fuckin one sided joke! If we disagree with you, we are racist? I'm not some rich white guy. We work hard, and have all my life. We identify better with poor folk than with middle class or the rich. We can't vote Dummycrat anymore, because all they want to do is take rights away from everyone, as well as our money. No, not everyone deserves or needs a college education, and I'm NOT paying for it! Libtards professors are brainwashing the youth into thinking everyone owes THEM a living!
Someone needed to turn this country around from the downward spiral it was going in, because you sheep are too fucking dumb to realize what has been happening. And telling you "I told you so!" after its too late has no value! Quit crying racist bullshit. This had to be done! No fuckin way it could be done without offending someone. Tough *******!
Republicans aren't that GOOD either, @submission52! Anytime somebody APPROVES of Trump's racist ways, that tells you how Racist they are!

There are racists everywhere. Who cares? I'm not one. None of my friends are, except the liberals, who want to treat darker-skinned people with kid gloves and oppress white males.
And I defy you to point out any of Trump's policies that are racist. For someone who has helped lower black unemployment rates to the lowest they have ever been in this country, Trump is either terrible at being a racist, or your opinion is based on bias and ignorance. I'm thinking it's the latter.
Oh! So judging where I live don't make you racist? You guys are a fuckin one sided joke! If we disagree with you, we are racist? I'm not some rich white guy. We work hard, and have all my life. We identify better with poor folk than with middle class or the rich. We can't vote Dummycrat anymore, because all they want to do is take rights away from everyone, as well as our money. No, not everyone deserves or needs a college education, and I'm NOT paying for it! Libtards professors are brainwashing the youth into thinking everyone owes THEM a living!
Someone needed to turn this country around from the downward spiral it was going in, because you sheep are too fucking dumb to realize what has been happening. And telling you "I told you so!" after its too late has no value! Quit crying racist bullshit. This had to be done! No fuckin way it could be done without offending someone. Tough *******!
Oh! So judging where I live don't make you racist?
Christ on a cracker!!! No it doesn't. Saying white people are innately stupid, dangerous, lazy, liars, dishonest AND applying that in some kind of policy or rules (like lending or trading, or school admissions, or hiring, or geography, or promotions) that's what makes it racist.
I lived outside of Brown County and went to school there. I judge on personal experience when I talk about Green Bay. Besides, your name suggest you don't live in Green Bay buy in the cherry picking shores just north of there. Not exactly 'poor folk'.

Who's crying about racist bullshit? Why is it crying if it real? Or bullshit. From what you write, you are not worth talking to about it, so people yell and point at you. I criticize your illogical, self serving positions, and life goes on.
There are racists everywhere. Who cares? I'm not one. None of my friends are, except the liberals, who want to treat darker-skinned people with kid gloves and oppress white males.
And I defy you to point out any of Trump's policies that are racist. For someone who has helped lower black unemployment rates to the lowest they have ever been in this country, Trump is either terrible at being a racist, or your opinion is based on bias and ignorance. I'm thinking it's the latter.
The bootlicker is back. Never get enough do you?
Mouth keeps moving but doesn't know fuck all of anything. There are a few south side neighborhoods that are solid middle class. I grew up down the street from retired Hall of Famer Ernie Banks in a mid century Frank Lloyd Wright. Muhammad Ali's Chicago home was on the south side. Five mayors including two Daleys come from the southside. A president of the United States come from the south side. One of the best universities on the planet, University of Chicago, is on the south side. Da Bears are from the south side. Hell even Jenny McCarthy is from the south side. I could go on for about 100 pages but the point is, you don't a fucking thing about Chicago- like the president, or even real life. The city has 77 official neighborhoods and more areas. Less than 10 are fucked up.
I thought it would be hard to put your foot in your mouth with your head up your own ass but, you have proved me wrong. That's your one and only win for this discussion- you showed us that just cause a fucktard can use the computer, doesn't mean he has the cognitive skills of slug.

Look at someone who makes such dumb assumptions. I used to go to Chicago quite often as a kid, because we lived 45 min away in Indiana. My best friend in college was from South Chicago. My brother lived in Oak Park, which is central Chicago, but comprised of a mix of different races.
But of all those 77 neighborhoods, they're all liberally managed... and the city is in financial crisis. Billions in debt. The current Jesse Jackson look-alike mayor is the most unqualified person I have ever seen in such an important job. Watch the debt increase under her "leadership". She cares more about people's hurt feelings over law and safety. The recipe for failure every single time.
And again, you ignore the facts and change the discussion. Because you've been beaten on the original argument that there are tens of millions of illegal immigrants in this country.
So sad... and pathetic.
There are racists everywhere. Who cares? I'm not one. None of my friends are, except the liberals, who want to treat darker-skinned people with kid gloves and oppress white males.
And I defy you to point out any of Trump's policies that are racist. For someone who has helped lower black unemployment rates to the lowest they have ever been in this country, Trump is either terrible at being a racist, or your opinion is based on bias and ignorance. I'm thinking it's the latter.
Just the same as your opinion is based on ignorance! Unlike you, the FACTS are that Black unemployment was going low WAY before Trump entered into office! You state that as if Trump did that by himself, which is laughable! What I have noticed though is that when a Republican gets to be President, they always want to TAKE CREDIT for something that they DIDN'T even do! Craziest thing I have ever heard of! When I call Trump a racist, I'm not referring to his policies, I am referring to his history regarding minorities! Most Blacks know WHAT I am talking about, though I can see why you WOULD NOT!

awwww is the village idiot (hottobe) pouting or upset that things seem to be going over his head and he can't understand things.....going to fast for him.....so he wants to dislike everything that is not in the "see spot run" type print!

face it! ....you support racism.....making you a racist....you support the antichrist who has broken every commandment there is......making your case for religion just a bit short on understanding...……..you are a republican and nothing else no matter what kind of tale you might tell....the facts are facts...….pout ...cry.....deny all you want.....we see what you say everyday ...can't hide your love for the racist anti-Christ....so adjust your self to the facts
Look at someone who makes such dumb assumptions. I used to go to Chicago quite often as a kid, because we lived 45 min away in Indiana. My best friend in college was from South Chicago. My brother lived in Oak Park, which is central Chicago, but comprised of a mix of different races.
But of all those 77 neighborhoods, they're all liberally managed... and the city is in financial crisis. Billions in debt. The current Jesse Jackson look-alike mayor is the most unqualified person I have ever seen in such an important job. Watch the debt increase under her "leadership". She cares more about people's hurt feelings over law and safety. The recipe for failure every single time.
And again, you ignore the facts and change the discussion. Because you've been beaten on the original argument that there are tens of millions of illegal immigrants in this country.
So sad... and pathetic.
1. You said there are tens of millions of illegals in this country and then showed a stat from DHS showing the visa overstays being less than a million. You had a fact- but nothing to do with your premise, that there are tens of millions illegals in the States. You just conflated the two and said you proved yourself and went jerking off in the mirror on how smart you are. I just let it sit. Again, I'm not here to change your mind, but expose you and your position.
2. What did you do, look up Chicago on Wikipedia?
A. There are more than 200 neighborhoods- there are 77 official areas. Thought you would have corrected me but you didn't. Doesn't matter next point is they are not all liberally managed. Trump won a couple and Obama did not carry all of them. While everyone runs as a Democrat to the council, there is the conservative group of electeds. The same one who, with the Democratic mayor Daley, endorsed George Bush. But, as I stated you don't know fuck all about most of what you say on here.
B. Oak Park is not fucking Central Chicago. It's a suburb to the immediate west. "Comprised of many races"? So is Chicago in general.
C. Don't care about the new Mayor's looks, that's probably a conservative criteria. She was a tough FEDERAL prosecutor who took down major ******* rings and corrupt politicians. She then worked with the police department appointed by the police superintendent. And, she recently fired the black police superintendent after he fell asleep in his car, after drinking off duty. Sounds like someone who doesn't care about law and order. Dumbass. She also worked in several city departments including budgeting, procurement and rooting out corruption. Pissed off the Mayor, but she kept at it and if you think it was bullshit, ask Rod Blagojevich about her. She was part of the team that took him down- while he was the sitting Democratic Governor.

Again, you just keep yapping about ******* you have no fucking clue about Indiana. Close your mouth so you don't swallow your own seed.
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Whoa, hold on there, @Doorcpl, lol, "my people make it legal for more immigrants" I'm not a Democrat! I am not affiliated with either political party! "Taking your COUNTRY back"? When was it ever yours though? This country was taken or stolen from the Clovis people, so actually this COUNTRY was never ours to begin with!

even though the GOP is known for being racist and against minorities and pro-big biz......hard to understand so many of them on here..... "slumming" I guess......but when they think they have you and smell *******.....several will come at once wanting to get in that cheap shot..... ….ignore and just keep posting your facts and or opinions...…facts are something a republican can not handle.....without lies and deceit they have nothing.......hopefully soon their party will be on the way out...….after all look at some on here....not a fucking clue as to what is going on.....others just been brainwashed for years in the republican way and they to haven't a clue........and others pure greed
Colorado Red State Blue Voter Button> Colorado> 50 State …
Yes, Colorado voted as a red state. Still, you should be proud to have voted blue, for progress, for liberty, for fairness, for peace.

Colorado's transition from red to blue state - MSNBC
Mar 10, 2014 · NBCNews.com Political Editor Vaughn Ververs and former Denver Mayor Wellington Webb join Chuck Todd to discuss Colorado’s drastic transition from a red to blue state

What are blue states and why is Colorado considered to be ...
Oct 04, 2016 · For this reason, Colorado is not considered a solid Democratic state, but rather a “lean D” state that generally votes blue but could easily switch to red. 1.2k views · View 2 Upvoters Related Questions More Answers Below

Oh boy did you show me [that was sarcastic]

Before I quote your article and prove you wrong again------- FYI- Our Legislature is in control of the Dems and our Governor is a Gay Democrat with a husband and *******. And our Congressional Delegation is majority Democrat.

From your posted Article:

"No one believes in blue States anymore. There are only blue cities

Colorado is urban now. 60% or more of the population lives in 3 urban centers: Denver/Boulder, The Springs (near Pikes peak), and Pueblo.

They vote blue and liberal enough to legalize pot, for example."

And Our Legislature is in total control of the Dems, Our Governor is a Gay Democrat with a husband and *******.
I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you.

well they say trumptards are slow to learn....and sometimes even impossible for them to understand...…..you being a prime example....of a guy that just runs at the mouth.....like a baby bird....all mouth and ass

You can't explain it to anyone. You have no idea what the articles say or that they are either leftist statist claptrap or prove you wrong.

All you have is Insults, envy, and Trump Derangement Syndrome.
I grew up in middle class and upper-class neighborhoods my entire life. My parents made sure we didn't live in high-risk areas. That's what smart people do.
... and its also why you really know nothing of what you're talking about. You can't relate, refuse to understand, and have zero empathy for those who are born or inherited to much less. So, you come off as a jerk at others misfortunes. Its ok, however, you can still learn and understand IF you so desire. If you're not physically involved with helping the needy and less fortunate, try that sometime. A good time is around the holidays when volunteers are visiting homes, passing out clothing, toys, turkeys, etc. Do it until it "hurts" ... until you get tired, then you'll discover you've had the best holiday season EVER and you'll want to get more involved.
The holiday seasons work so well because they ARE special times of year when everyone wants to feel blessed, so you're doing them some good and will be appreciated. But, most importantly, its also the easiest way for YOU to become aware of just how the most unfortunate of the poorest end of the populous live. Thing is, a lot of Americans are living on the threshold of going directly from what they feel is middle-class to being one of these poorest of the poor. It just takes a huge medical bill, lost job, some unfortunate event like a disability, and it can put a huge number of those 'living on the edge' straight into poverty that some fortunate ones detest as loafers. As the spread of incomes from the "haves & have nots" continues to widen, many businesses use this as a way of forsing people to accept lower wages just to have a job. Its NOT fair out in the world, no doubt ... in fact, often its flat out cruel.
Maybe take your family to a modern version of the "Christmas Carol" play. We go as a family ever so often, and the modern version takes into account today's miss-fortunates. You can catch those plays a couple weeks before Thanksgiving, and it pumps you up for the entire Holiday Season from November through December.
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