Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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look moron this is not the venue...racist..sure again ghetto low life bringing up race..by the way loser.more blacks are earning more working more than ever before yep he is racist..why getting your loser ass off welfare and making a life for themselves...like i said concern your self with north of border issues and shut your mouth about the usa,,asshole
How I wish I had not stumbled on to this thread. I don't know what to say about this comment. There is SO much to unpack from this string of stereotypes regarding black people. I know this is a lifestyle site. People who enjoy a particular fetish. However, I think this comment requires for me to go beyond my trite and superficial comments regarding the wife's ass or how gorgeous she looks. For me a comment like this elicits such a range of emotions. It makes me question some individuals intentions of seeking out a black man or woman. I'm a grown ass man, so I do not come to this site without the understanding that for some of you this is a novelty. A chance to titillate your senses with the taboo. On both sides of the equation, black male, white female and couple. However, to divorce the humanity of the individual you are having sex with beyond nothing more than a step up from a dildo or a fuck doll gives me reason to pause. No one is here to fall in love. But god damn! That IS another human being.

I am blessed. I have been able to travel the world (no I am not in the military). Owning my own business has given me that luxury. I have met people and have friends all over the world. For this fact, I feel absolutely fortunate. However, I don't think people understand the pain, anger or psychological affect of being in China and having everywhere you go no matter what city, people running up to you asking for your autograph because they think you are a rapper or a basketball player. At first, its humorous. After awhile, it becomes a nuisance. Going to a mall in Hong Kong and seeing Sambo mannequins throughout the store. And no one seeing anything wrong with it. Or to travel throughout India and see on television one commercial after another about skin bleaching cream. The implicit message that lighter skin is more beautiful. For my very own driver in India to ask me in a semi joke if I was a dope dealer because I did not fit any of the stereotypes he's seen or know about black people from the movies and literature. To go to Africa and see the same skin bleaching cream commercials and say to yourself, "What the fuck?" It's funny how everybody wants to be black, but nobody wants to be black. Even some black folks. When I say that, I do not mean literally be black. I mean enjoy black culture, black music and black people. Yet, spill out a diatribe like this.

What people need to understand, is that black people have to understand white culture here in America. We have to operate in it to survive. White folks do not have to understand black culture to operate and survive. They can survive without it. White folks can co-opt black culture and claim to understand it and call it their own. Elvis comes to mind. Change the meaning of our slang like "out of pocket." When did "out of pocket" mean being out of the office? Growing up for me, "out pocket" meant something totally different. For me "out of pocket" meant, "That fool was out of pocket! If he doesn't watch himself he's going to get dealt with!" I feel the fear of the majority becoming a major minority in the future due to the nation's ever changing demographics is the reason for this nation's current policies. Tribalism.

I know some of you will lambaste me and tell me how far off base I am and that's cool. You're entitled to your opinion. And we can agree to disagree. I just thought this comment needed to be addressed, honestly and frank.

With that said, I think I'm going to take a break for a while from B2W.

Peace and Blessings
Defending Hillary, give us a break, your right justice will prevail someday, judgement, vengeance is mine saith the Lord. You better believe we saw the Constitution tramp;ed on, by vindictive Democrats.Yes the Democrats committed election fraud by giving Hillary the nomination after stealing it from Bernie, they are doing it again, fact no rebuttal needed. Bernie is deceived in his Democratic Socialism plan for this country, but I do feel sorry for him, he makes an honest effort to run and he is true to what he is offering. He will never be President, but if he lives long enough, Socialism is in the future.
very true...u think last 3 to drop out just said hey before super tuesday and all the work and travelling by staff and those who volunteer ..lets get out!!..dnc got to them!!...weird all supported sleepy joe..who needs 80 year old to run things..crazy..bernie will get screwed
Just sit back and laugh at the distorted fools! All the demmilibbitards preach racism by republicans. Who freed the slaves??? The SLAVE OWNERS WERE DEMOCRATS!!! The republicans fought and died for their freedom. Ignore history and it will repeat itself

nice of you to bring up history....but that is history and things have changed....a lot!
the GOP is the party of racism now!.....who fights to keep up those statues defending the southern generals.....who do you see waving the stars and bars all the time....I could go on but you get the jist of it
The Republican Party has a racism problem. And it’s not ...
Jan 14, 2019 · According to a poll conducted by The Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 84 percent of blacks think Trump is a racist. It is clear that the party that gave …

How Republicans and Democrats switched on civil rights
Feb 13, 2017 · Ted Cruz’ Dixiecrat ramblings are half-truths

How the Republican Party Became The Party of Racism
The Democratic Party, on the other hand, was the party of the South. It was the party of social conservatism. It wanted to preserve slavery and segregation. It opposed the Civil Rights Act and the..

Arizona Republicans discriminated against minority voters ...
Jan 27, 2020 · The ruling is a major victory for the Democratic party, which filed the suit, and will likely make it easier for minorities to get their ballots counted in the largely red state.

Georgia election fight shows that black voter suppression ...
Oct 28, 2018 · Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State Brian Kemp has been sued for suppressing minority votes after an Associated Press investigation revealed a month before November’s midterm election that his office has not approved 53,000 voter registrations – most …

Mike Pence accused of voter suppression after state police ...
Oct 15, 2016 · A progressive advocacy group is launching an advertising campaign accusing Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who also is the Republican vice-presidential nominee, of sanctioning voter suppression after state police raided the offices of a voter registration program aimed at signing up African-Americans.

Supreme Court Upholds Controversial Ohio Voter-Purge Law : NPR
Jun 11, 2018 · An ideologically split U.S. Supreme Court Monday upheld Ohio's controversial "use-it-or-lose-it" voting law by a 5-to-4 margin. The law allows the state to strike voters

Republicans Don't Want Minorities to Vote. Here's the Proof.
Nov 05, 2016 · Opponents, mostly Democrats, say the rules discriminate against minorities…The ACLU said the system would have denied the right to vote in state and local elections to residents who …

Voter Suppression Efforts By Republicans Target Minorities ...
Oct 23, 2018 · Ari Berman of mom Jones warns that a Republican strategy to tighten access to the ballot box could have a major impact on the 2018 elections. "It …

Republicans were wildly successful at suppressing voters ...
Nov 15, 2016 · Three GOP-controlled states demonstrate the effectiveness of disenfranchising the opposition.

Republicans have lost any hope of getting minority votes ...
Dec 31, 2019 · “I was concerned about the Republican Party’s recruitment of women and minorities. But I’m less concerned about the Trump party, because I don’t believe… there is a Republican

Trump stokes resentment toward minorities. Republicans ...
Nov 05, 2018 · But when Trump lies about all of this, Republicans just smile. Trump encourages his base to hold and express racist views about African Americans. He encourages the crowds at his raucous rallies to see Latinos as predatory criminals. He stokes fear, anger and resentment toward minorities.

The GOP finds yet another way to suppress the vote - The ...
Sep 10, 2018 · The GOP finds yet another way to suppress the vote. IT WAS 5 p.m. on a Friday, just as Labor Day weekend was starting, when, without warning, faxes arrived at North Carolina’s state board of elections and 44 county election

GOP Rigs Elections: Gerrymandering, Voter-ID Laws, Dark ...
Jan 24, 2018 · Gerrymandering the state’s political boundaries isn’t the only method Republicans in Wisconsin use to prevent Democrats from winning elections. On Election Day 2016, Charisma Townsend, a 24-year-old massage therapist, went to cast her ballot at a library in Milwaukee’s Washington Park,...

Why do most poor people and minorities vote as Democrats ...
Jul 03, 2016 · Funny, that - most poor whites vote Republican, because of the Southern Strategy employed by Nixon. Most nonwhites (especially blacks) vote Democratic for the same reason. The southern strategy was a tactic used by Nixon to imply, using code words...

I could go on....there are a ton of links showing the racist gop in action all across the country...….it would appear the the republicans on here must be sluming?
The Republican Party has a racism problem. And it’s not ...
Jan 14, 2019 · According to a poll conducted by The Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 84 percent of blacks think Trump is a racist. It is clear that the party that gave …

How Republicans and Democrats switched on civil rights
Feb 13, 2017 · Ted Cruz’ Dixiecrat ramblings are half-truths

How the Republican Party Became The Party of Racism
The Democratic Party, on the other hand, was the party of the South. It was the party of social conservatism. It wanted to preserve slavery and segregation. It opposed the Civil Rights Act and the..

Arizona Republicans discriminated against minority voters ...
Jan 27, 2020 · The ruling is a major victory for the Democratic party, which filed the suit, and will likely make it easier for minorities to get their ballots counted in the largely red state.

Georgia election fight shows that black voter suppression ...
Oct 28, 2018 · Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State Brian Kemp has been sued for suppressing minority votes after an Associated Press investigation revealed a month before November’s midterm election that his office has not approved 53,000 voter registrations – most …

Mike Pence accused of voter suppression after state police ...
Oct 15, 2016 · A progressive advocacy group is launching an advertising campaign accusing Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who also is the Republican vice-presidential nominee, of sanctioning voter suppression after state police raided the offices of a voter registration program aimed at signing up African-Americans.

Supreme Court Upholds Controversial Ohio Voter-Purge Law : NPR
Jun 11, 2018 · An ideologically split U.S. Supreme Court Monday upheld Ohio's controversial "use-it-or-lose-it" voting law by a 5-to-4 margin. The law allows the state to strike voters

Republicans Don't Want Minorities to Vote. Here's the Proof.
Nov 05, 2016 · Opponents, mostly Democrats, say the rules discriminate against minorities…The ACLU said the system would have denied the right to vote in state and local elections to residents who …

Voter Suppression Efforts By Republicans Target Minorities ...
Oct 23, 2018 · Ari Berman of mom Jones warns that a Republican strategy to tighten access to the ballot box could have a major impact on the 2018 elections. "It …

Republicans were wildly successful at suppressing voters ...
Nov 15, 2016 · Three GOP-controlled states demonstrate the effectiveness of disenfranchising the opposition.

Republicans have lost any hope of getting minority votes ...
Dec 31, 2019 · “I was concerned about the Republican Party’s recruitment of women and minorities. But I’m less concerned about the Trump party, because I don’t believe… there is a Republican

Trump stokes resentment toward minorities. Republicans ...
Nov 05, 2018 · But when Trump lies about all of this, Republicans just smile. Trump encourages his base to hold and express racist views about African Americans. He encourages the crowds at his raucous rallies to see Latinos as predatory criminals. He stokes fear, anger and resentment toward minorities.

The GOP finds yet another way to suppress the vote - The ...
Sep 10, 2018 · The GOP finds yet another way to suppress the vote. IT WAS 5 p.m. on a Friday, just as Labor Day weekend was starting, when, without warning, faxes arrived at North Carolina’s state board of elections and 44 county election

GOP Rigs Elections: Gerrymandering, Voter-ID Laws, Dark ...
Jan 24, 2018 · Gerrymandering the state’s political boundaries isn’t the only method Republicans in Wisconsin use to prevent Democrats from winning elections. On Election Day 2016, Charisma Townsend, a 24-year-old massage therapist, went to cast her ballot at a library in Milwaukee’s Washington Park,...

Why do most poor people and minorities vote as Democrats ...
Jul 03, 2016 · Funny, that - most poor whites vote Republican, because of the Southern Strategy employed by Nixon. Most nonwhites (especially blacks) vote Democratic for the same reason. The southern strategy was a tactic used by Nixon to imply, using code words...

I could go on....there are a ton of links showing the racist gop in action all across the country...….it would appear the the republicans on here must be sluming?

The Republican Party has a racism problem. And it’s not ...
Jan 14, 2019 · According to a poll conducted by The Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 84 percent of blacks think Trump is a racist. It is clear that the party that gave …

How Republicans and Democrats switched on civil rights
Feb 13, 2017 · Ted Cruz’ Dixiecrat ramblings are half-truths

How the Republican Party Became The Party of Racism
The Democratic Party, on the other hand, was the party of the South. It was the party of social conservatism. It wanted to preserve slavery and segregation. It opposed the Civil Rights Act and the..

Arizona Republicans discriminated against minority voters ...
Jan 27, 2020 · The ruling is a major victory for the Democratic party, which filed the suit, and will likely make it easier for minorities to get their ballots counted in the largely red state.

Georgia election fight shows that black voter suppression ...
Oct 28, 2018 · Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State Brian Kemp has been sued for suppressing minority votes after an Associated Press investigation revealed a month before November’s midterm election that his office has not approved 53,000 voter registrations – most …

Mike Pence accused of voter suppression after state police ...
Oct 15, 2016 · A progressive advocacy group is launching an advertising campaign accusing Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who also is the Republican vice-presidential nominee, of sanctioning voter suppression after state police raided the offices of a voter registration program aimed at signing up African-Americans.

Supreme Court Upholds Controversial Ohio Voter-Purge Law : NPR
Jun 11, 2018 · An ideologically split U.S. Supreme Court Monday upheld Ohio's controversial "use-it-or-lose-it" voting law by a 5-to-4 margin. The law allows the state to strike voters

Republicans Don't Want Minorities to Vote. Here's the Proof.
Nov 05, 2016 · Opponents, mostly Democrats, say the rules discriminate against minorities…The ACLU said the system would have denied the right to vote in state and local elections to residents who …

Voter Suppression Efforts By Republicans Target Minorities ...
Oct 23, 2018 · Ari Berman of mom Jones warns that a Republican strategy to tighten access to the ballot box could have a major impact on the 2018 elections. "It …

Republicans were wildly successful at suppressing voters ...
Nov 15, 2016 · Three GOP-controlled states demonstrate the effectiveness of disenfranchising the opposition.

Republicans have lost any hope of getting minority votes ...
Dec 31, 2019 · “I was concerned about the Republican Party’s recruitment of women and minorities. But I’m less concerned about the Trump party, because I don’t believe… there is a Republican

Trump stokes resentment toward minorities. Republicans ...
Nov 05, 2018 · But when Trump lies about all of this, Republicans just smile. Trump encourages his base to hold and express racist views about African Americans. He encourages the crowds at his raucous rallies to see Latinos as predatory criminals. He stokes fear, anger and resentment toward minorities.

The GOP finds yet another way to suppress the vote - The ...
Sep 10, 2018 · The GOP finds yet another way to suppress the vote. IT WAS 5 p.m. on a Friday, just as Labor Day weekend was starting, when, without warning, faxes arrived at North Carolina’s state board of elections and 44 county election

GOP Rigs Elections: Gerrymandering, Voter-ID Laws, Dark ...
Jan 24, 2018 · Gerrymandering the state’s political boundaries isn’t the only method Republicans in Wisconsin use to prevent Democrats from winning elections. On Election Day 2016, Charisma Townsend, a 24-year-old massage therapist, went to cast her ballot at a library in Milwaukee’s Washington Park,...

Why do most poor people and minorities vote as Democrats ...
Jul 03, 2016 · Funny, that - most poor whites vote Republican, because of the Southern Strategy employed by Nixon. Most nonwhites (especially blacks) vote Democratic for the same reason. The southern strategy was a tactic used by Nixon to imply, using code words...

I could go on....there are a ton of links showing the racist gop in action all across the country...….it would appear the the republicans on here must be sluming?


for those of you on the right that can read and have comprehension skills....this should cover it!....couple on here way over their heads...so it will just be a thumbs down...but the rest is pretty simple reading...even for a republican

Not One Law Republicans Passed Has Helped America In Over Forty Years

December 2, 1970 was the last time a Republican created something that benefits the greater good of society. Seriously, it’s been over forty years since any Republican has successfully enacted legislation that is based on scientific data, also known as reality. Richard M. Nixon created the EPA in 1970 which marks the last time the party behaved responsibly by utilizing data from climate scientists and attempting to clean up our environment. Their actions ever since have been an attempt to pollute indiscriminately.

Everything the GOP stands for is rooted in religiously-based discrimination of some sort. Whether they are quashing the rights of women, the poor and minorities or relinquishing the rights to ******* clean water and breathe healthy air, the GOP is always on the wrong side of history. They claim trickle down economics is the magical way the job-creator fairies instinctively share their wealth. Profit-gorging corporations care only about their coveted bottom line: earnings for the shareholders. They are not concerned with the middle class, as companies like Walmart have created the working poor as the new normal. The laws they’ve passed are unimaginably awful.

Without even touching on the denial of racism and sexism, one can see very clearly how rooted in fantasy and lies the Republican platform has become. It is fashionable to disregard evidence, fact and data to promote the agendas of large corporations who care nothing for the citizens of this country. With 5/9 of the Supreme Court on board to sanction deception to the American people, we are truly in a situation where everyone MUST pay attention or our country will go the way of theocracies like Afghanistan. Income inequality will only worsen as our situation on this planet becomes more perilous with increasing weather disasters. Politics is local, and electing Democrats who are not religious shamans would be a great step in the right direction in this 2014 election year.

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