Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I believe that this would be more damaging to the democratic than anything else at this time.

If you think specific facts from the Department of Homeland Security is trolling, then you're even worse than I thought. Not only shouldn't you be free to walk the streets, you should be in a mental hospital, heavily medicated.
I couldn't care less about the south side of Chicago. To use the President's words, it's a shithole. The reason no one wants to stop the gun violence is because it's taking out other violent idiots in the area.
I grew up in middle class and upper-class neighborhoods my entire life. My parents made sure we didn't live in high-risk areas. That's what smart people do. When Detroit started to decline, smart people left. The same is happening in Baltimore. The same is happening in many cities. Liberal policies always fail. Yet you twits in the inner city still vote blue.
That's like voting for your own demise.
Republicans aren't that GOOD either, @submission52! Anytime somebody APPROVES of Trump's racist ways, that tells you how Racist they are!
Trump is an knucklehead when it comes to making deals pertaining to the country! I figured that agreement WOULDN'T last long!

thats us...sorry dont bad mouth my country thats all ******* on your own president..******* did two tours..so shut your uneducated mouth..
Uneducated? Lmao, muthafucka, you're the one who voted for a Racist ass President, and then calling folks names at that! Only an uneducated imbecile would vote for Trump! And, I am not surprised because most Rednecks in NY did which shows how Racist they are! They worship Racism, which is a detriment to the country! Fucked up thing about that is, NONE of the Racist Republicans even REALIZE that!
Uneducated? Lmao, muthafucka, you're the one who voted for a Racist ass President, and then calling folks names at that! Only an uneducated imbecile would vote for Trump! And, I am not surprised because most Rednecks in NY did which shows how Racist they are! They worship Racism, which is a detriment to the country! Fucked up thing about that is, NONE of the Racist Republicans even REALIZE that!
look moron this is not the venue...racist..sure again ghetto low life bringing up race..by the way loser.more blacks are earning more working more than ever before yep he is racist..why getting your loser ass off welfare and making a life for themselves...like i said concern your self with north of border issues and shut your mouth about the usa,,asshole
Uneducated? Lmao, muthafucka, you're the one who voted for a Racist ass President, and then calling folks names at that! Only an uneducated imbecile would vote for Trump! And, I am not surprised because most Rednecks in NY did which shows how Racist they are! They worship Racism, which is a detriment to the country! Fucked up thing about that is, NONE of the Racist Republicans even REALIZE that!

Calling an entire party RACIST - shows what a RACIST you are !!!!!

You ever get tired of running your BIG MOUTH???
look moron this is not the venue...racist..sure again ghetto low life bringing up race..by the way loser.more blacks are earning more working more than ever before yep he is racist..why getting your loser ass off welfare and making a life for themselves...like i said concern your self with north of border issues and shut your mouth about the usa,,asshole
Yep, you BITCH ASS WHITE BOY, I called his MUTHAFUCKIN ass a Racist because HE IS! Furthermore, Blacks aren't earning more of anything! You're so damn DELUSIONAL that you cannot see behind Trump's lies! Check out Trump's previous dealings, or if you CARE to even RESEARCH that information! LMAO @ welfare! Dumb muthafucka, if you READ stats, there are MORE WHITES on welfare than Blacks, which is DOCUMENTED! I am from the U.S., you fucking idiot!
look moron this is not the venue...racist..sure again ghetto low life bringing up race..by the way loser.more blacks are earning more working more than ever before yep he is racist..why getting your loser ass off welfare and making a life for themselves...like i said concern your self with north of border issues and shut your mouth about the usa,,asshole
Calling an entire party RACIST - shows what a RACIST you are !!!!!

You ever get tired of running your BIG MOUTH???
He is a big baby with serious issues. He simply wants a pity party instead of moving on he has himself back in the time of slavery.
He is a big baby with serious issues. He simply wants a pity party instead of moving on he has himself back in the time of slavery.
What ever happened to you ignoring me, @Hottobe cucked? Yea, I figured that was a LIE! Pity party, my MUTHAFUCKIN ass, why is it so offensive for YA'LL to accept the truth? Damn, I don't understand Republicans! Are ya'll REALLY that AFRAID of the TRUTH? I have noticed that most White Republicans are EXTREMELY afraid of talking and confronting anything about Racism! Futhermore, @Hottobe cucked, I base my ******* on REALITY where I am from! What do you base yours on? Protecting LIES or TELLING the truth, which your LYING ass President seemingly CANNOT do!
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If you think specific facts from the Department of Homeland Security is trolling, then you're even worse than I thought. Not only shouldn't you be free to walk the streets, you should be in a mental hospital, heavily medicated.
I couldn't care less about the south side of Chicago. To use the President's words, it's a shithole. The reason no one wants to stop the gun violence is because it's taking out other violent idiots in the area.
I grew up in middle class and upper-class neighborhoods my entire life. My parents made sure we didn't live in high-risk areas. That's what smart people do. When Detroit started to decline, smart people left. The same is happening in Baltimore. The same is happening in many cities. Liberal policies always fail. Yet you twits in the inner city still vote blue.
That's like voting for your own demise.
Mouth keeps moving but doesn't know fuck all of anything. There are a few south side neighborhoods that are solid middle class. I grew up down the street from retired Hall of Famer Ernie Banks in a mid century Frank Lloyd Wright. Muhammad Ali's Chicago home was on the south side. Five mayors including two Daleys come from the southside. A president of the United States come from the south side. One of the best universities on the planet, University of Chicago, is on the south side. Da Bears are from the south side. Hell even Jenny McCarthy is from the south side. I could go on for about 100 pages but the point is, you don't know a fucking thing about Chicago- like the president, or even real life. The city has 77 official neighborhoods and more areas. Less than 10 are fucked up.
I thought it would be hard to put your foot in your mouth with your head up your own ass but, you have proved me wrong. That's your one and only win for this discussion- you showed us that just cause a fucktard can use the computer, doesn't mean he has the cognitive skills of slug.
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That's right, @blkdlaur, because it is the TRUTH! Bitch, do you even know what a Racist is because apparently you don't since you voted for one representing your Party? Do you ever get tired of worshipping and SUCKING on Trump's dick?



According to you anyone that doesn’t agree with your particular brand of horseshite is a racist.

Typing it in bold print and sayin it over and over and over again doesn’t make it true.

Only whining bitch round here is YOU !!!!!


According to you anyone that doesn’t agree with your particular brand of horseshite is a racist.

Typing it in bold print and sayin it over and over and over again doesn’t make it true.

Only whining bitch round here is YOU !!!!!
I know plenty of Blacks on here from the U.S. that feel the EXACT same way as myself when it comes to Trump, so you can STOP that BULLSHIT! You believe Trump, don't you? Apparently, you do since you LOVE what he represents and he tells SO MANY LIES! Damn, I wonder if he has broken a record doing that! Bold print doesn't mean anything, just is how I type! You concerned about that, @blkdlaur, lol? Wow! You're the one whining more than me since you CONSTANTLY have to always protect either your Racist political party or if it's Trump, your mentor! You voted for him, so yea you support his Racist ways! No WAY around that, heffa!
Uneducated? Lmao, muthafucka, you're the one who voted for a Racist ass President, and then calling folks names at that! Only an uneducated imbecile would vote for Trump! And, I am not surprised because most Rednecks in NY did which shows how Racist they are! They worship Racism, which is a detriment to the country! Fucked up thing about that is, NONE of the Racist Republicans even REALIZE that!
You don't have to be white to be racist. Plenty of black racist on this site, including you. Oldbummer was quite the racist piece of ******* himself. He did more to destroy relations than anyone. Divide the country to fight amongst themselves. I am ashamed to say I voted for that pile of crap, but only the first time. Once we knew he was a loser, most of us didn't vote for him again. Glad we had enough to get Trump in, or you might have already lost your freedom to have your useless opinion. Trump 2020!!!!!
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