Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The thing about being a tRumptard is that you have to have a short memory (and no morals or shame). Anybody remember the 24/7 Fox News coverage of the Ebola virus and the Republicans call for stupid ass quarantines and how the Mexican and Isis were working together to bring it here? Until Shepard Smith crushed that bullshit. Now the difference is, there is not much known about how communicable this virus is, the gestation, or even how it's transferred. There won't be a cure for a year. And blah blah blah, you only see red after the name Shepard Smith I'm sure.

You guys really are idiots. You realize Obama was in charge of the Department of Homeland Security in 2015 and 2016, right? Please tell me you’re not that dumb.
And also, please tell me you’re not dumb enough to think that just because the graphic doesn’t show years 2014 and before that the numbers were zero those years. there have been hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants added to this country year over year for decades.
I can't believe you morons have drivers licenses and are allowed to vote.
You realize Obama was in charge of the Department of Homeland Security in 2015 and 2016, right

is this some kind of trick question?...…..no one could be dumb enough to need to ask if a sitting president is in charge of his own security
and then now you want us to believe that what you say is fact because the graph doesn't show it....so now you are the expert....someone who posts a naked man drawing on a porn site.....sorry...but if you had any brains at all....you would see you are lonely and without friends
The HONESTY & INTEGRITY Of The REPUBLICAN GENERAL ASSEMBLY In NC Continues to FAIL as Republicans continue ignoring orders by a 5th Court of Judges to FIX their Racist Based Gerrymandering/Voter Discrimination Against The Black Voters ...

And the story continues in NC; as usual, as the practically all-white Republican General Assembly in NC continues to resist fixing the gerrymandered districts made in 2012 and 2014. They figure they can get at least one MORE black voters discriminated election to keep their General Assembly control in NC. This one being the most important as new districts will be redrawn from the 2020 election.

Its worth reading if you are in doubt that voter discrimination does NOT EXIST. The Republicans continue to ignore the orders of the judges for the fifth time ... its time to start throwing them in jail, starting at the top of the chain. THIS is what the Republicans have become in such a short time.

I'm not going to have a battle of wits with an un-armed man

but 2 easy freedoms the right wants to take that comes to mind without searching anything one way or the other

1 women's choice
2 right to vote...
under trump you could throw in freedom of speech and the press......and so much more under your pres

1) The right does not want to take women's right to choose. The right just wants to end the immoral act of killing babies under a false liberal propaganda. Only a cult of death, envy and hatred, aka left wing would fight to ******* babies.

2) The right does not want to take the right to vote. Well unless you count dead people voting democrat. This is just rhetoric from the left to scare. Fear and stupidity the only way Dems get elected.
The HONESTY & INTEGRITY Of The REPUBLICAN GENERAL ASSEMBLY In NC Continues to FAIL as Republicans continue ignoring orders by a 5th Court of Judges to FIX their Racist Based Gerrymandering/Voter Discrimination Against The Black Voters ...

And the story continues in NC; as usual, as the practically all-white Republican General Assembly in NC continues to resist fixing the gerrymandered districts made in 2012 and 2014. They figure they can get at least one MORE black voters discriminated election to keep their General Assembly control in NC. This one being the most important as new districts will be redrawn from the 2020 election.

Its worth reading if you are in doubt that voter discrimination does NOT EXIST. The Republicans continue to ignore the orders of the judges for the fifth time ... its time to start throwing them in jail, starting at the top of the chain. THIS is what the Republicans have become in such a short time.

View attachment 3182588

I am going to point out:
1- The main judge, Loretta Biggs, is an Obama Appointee. And that the case ruling was based on the feeling of "Likely." Not really a valid legal ruling. Hence #2
2- These are temporary injunctions.
3- Then there is this fact- "Republicans wrote the law, but they weren’t part of this lawsuit, in which the NAACP sued Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper and the Democratic-majority N.C. State Board of Elections"

So wait Democrats are running this and putting it into place and appealing the ruling. That seems odd, your article tries to only blame Republicans.

Oh an then there is this fact:
"In a previous filing on behalf of Cooper and the elections board, Stein’s (D) office wrote that “an injunction would contravene the will of NC voters, who ratified the constitutional requirement for voter ID in the 2018 statewide election.” Read more here: https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/election/article238917153.html#storylink=cpy

"Republicans suggested amending the state constitution to include a voter ID provision, and voters approved the idea in the 2018 elections with about 55% approval. But the amendment itself contained no details about what a voter ID law would entail."

So wait, the Voters also approved this? Your article begs the question, was this a propaganda piece to smear the NC majority Republican Legislature?

Read more here: https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/election/article238917153.html#storylink=cpy
The HONESTY & INTEGRITY Of The REPUBLICAN GENERAL ASSEMBLY In NC Continues to FAIL as Republicans continue ignoring orders by a 5th Court of Judges to FIX their Racist Based Gerrymandering/Voter Discrimination Against The Black Voters ...

And the story continues in NC; as usual, as the practically all-white Republican General Assembly in NC continues to resist fixing the gerrymandered districts made in 2012 and 2014. They figure they can get at least one MORE black voters discriminated election to keep their General Assembly control in NC. This one being the most important as new districts will be redrawn from the 2020 election.

Its worth reading if you are in doubt that voter discrimination does NOT EXIST. The Republicans continue to ignore the orders of the judges for the fifth time ... its time to start throwing them in jail, starting at the top of the chain. THIS is what the Republicans have become in such a short time.

View attachment 3182588

I wonder if this has anything to do with the Democrats tryin to stop voter ID:

13,000 + Dead people found still on the voter lists with 81 voting in NC. I wonder if they all voted Democrat like in Chicago and NM?

You guys really are idiots. You realize Obama was in charge of the Department of Homeland Security in 2015 and 2016, right? Please tell me you’re not that dumb.
And also, please tell me you’re not dumb enough to think that just because the graphic doesn’t show years 2014 and before that the numbers were zero those years. there have been hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants added to this country year over year for decades.
I can't believe you morons have drivers licenses and are allowed to vote.
And get paid on advising other businesses to to be more efficient and profitable. And, have been awarded degrees from real universities not named tRump. And, able to expose you for be completely empty on any scholarship behind what you write, just full of insults which are easy to do. Twitter has a home for you.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the Democrats tryin to stop voter ID:

13,000 + Dead people found still on the voter lists with 81 voting in NC. I wonder if they all voted Democrat like in Chicago and NM?

How many people die a year? How many of those people are registered voters? How often do states update their voter files?
Those are questions a thinking person needs the answers to before acting like Pavlov's dog when the bell rings.

I'll help- almost all states do not update voter files until the person re-registers to vote. There is no mechanism that is funded by the states- you got that in tax refunds. So, usually political parties do the updating through phone calls and mailings. That's just the reality of it.

part 2- 81 dead people voting. Prove it. If Mike Smith is dead- and voted maybe there are two. Or like Obama's grandmother, she voted early for him, but died by election night. Two years later, looking at that voting file, you would say that a dead person voted. So, question is, when did they vote, and when did they die.

That's if you really want to be serious. If you just want to be partisan- then again I say prove it. The only arrests for voter fraud have been Republicans. As will be this year.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the Democrats tryin to stop voter ID:

13,000 + Dead people found still on the voter lists with 81 voting in NC. I wonder if they all voted Democrat like in Chicago and NM?

By the way, this 3 year old article is written by the worlds biggest tRump Cheerleader. Ask yourself, in the 10 years the Republicans controlled both houses in Congress why didn't they ever do anything about this. Not at the New York Post level but at the Press Conference level in House, Senate or White House? If it was real, it would support all of the conspiracy theories of voter fraud. In one press conference they could have crush the Democrats for another decade. But, it never happened. Why?
Because it never happened.
Colorado Red State Blue Voter Button> Colorado> 50 State …
Yes, Colorado voted as a red state. Still, you should be proud to have voted blue, for progress, for liberty, for fairness, for peace.

Colorado's transition from red to blue state - MSNBC
Mar 10, 2014 · NBCNews.com Political Editor Vaughn Ververs and former Denver Mayor Wellington Webb join Chuck Todd to discuss Colorado’s drastic transition from a red to blue state

What are blue states and why is Colorado considered to be ...
Oct 04, 2016 · For this reason, Colorado is not considered a solid Democratic state, but rather a “lean D” state that generally votes blue but could easily switch to red. 1.2k views · View 2 Upvoters Related Questions More Answers Below
Wow, you wasted all that time to highlight and bold this text.

That is funny all that time to post a leftist opinion piece. I bet you thought that was a “knockout blow.” And I bet you thought you highlighting Russia made it more powerful.

I am curious how many more times are you going to post this dribble? Do you really think this propagandist opinion piece proves anything?

I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you.

well they say trumptards are slow to learn....and sometimes even impossible for them to understand...…..you being a prime example....of a guy that just runs at the mouth.....like a baby bird....all mouth and ass
And get paid on advising other businesses to to be more efficient and profitable. And, have been awarded degrees from real universities not named tRump. And, able to expose you for be completely empty on any scholarship behind what you write, just full of insults which are easy to do. Twitter has a home for you.

Oof... if I were those businesses, I would ask for my money back.
Are those degrees like Bill Cosby's degrees? All that school, and you still can't admit that you're not very bright. Book smart, street stupid.
When smart people are presented with facts, they usually analyze the facts and accept that they were wrong. When I proved you wrong, you dodged it and changed topics.
I shouldn't expect any more from a leftist though.
Oof... if I were those businesses, I would ask for my money back.
Are those degrees like Bill Cosby's degrees? All that school, and you still can't admit that you're not very bright. Book smart, street stupid.
When smart people are presented with facts, they usually analyze the facts and accept that they were wrong. When I proved you wrong, you dodged it and changed topics.
I shouldn't expect any more from a leftist though.

"If ignorance goes to forty dollars a barrel, I want drilling rights to fucking head."
and who said the right wasn't trying to take away some of our freedoms.....they have been trying to dictate a woman's womb for years.....and with trump and company may get it done

For Chief Justice John Roberts, the moment of truth on abortion is coming.

The Supreme Court on Wednesday will hear its first abortion case since Roberts became the pivotal vote on the issue. Four years after invalidating a Texas law requiring clinic doctors to have hospital admitting privileges, the court will consider whether to switch directions and uphold a similar law in Louisiana.

The argument will test Roberts’s appetite for rolling back abortion-rights precedents and could foreshadow a fight over the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling. The justices will rule by the end of June, potentially making abortion and the court itself central issues in the November election. President Trump’s administration is supporting the Louisiana law.

How far HAVEN"T we come after all this time.....with a president leading a willing country to take us back instead of forward

Democrats gather for ‘Bloody Sunday’ commemoration in ...
Mar 01, 2020 · SELMA, Ala. — Democratic presidential candidates gathered Sunday in this crucible of the civil rights movement to appeal for black support in …

Democrats Join Arms at ‘Bloody Sunday’ Commemoration ...
Mar 02, 2020 · Five Democratic presidential candidates locked arms with marchers during a procession across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, on Sunday as they commemorated the 55th anniversary of the...

How Trump Trauma Is Resurrecting the Jim Crow Era ...
How Trump Trauma Is Resurrecting the Jim Crow Era. by ... what Trump’s election said about this country. Trump is just the symptom of a larger problem. ... back for a minute, so someone else can ...

Are We Returning to Jim Crow? - The Root
Aug 02, 2017 · Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III has been one of the most egregious and openly out members of the Trump administration when it comes to his plans to restore the white man’s unadulterated power.

Here are 5 ways the Trump era embodies everything Martin Luther King despised

If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were still alive, he would be 91 — and it’s safe to say that the civil rights leader, who was 39 when he was assassinated in Memphis on April 4, 1968, would be troubled by many of the things that have been happening in the Trump era. King not only fought for black liberation, he also addressed everything from universal health care to the labor movement. And the Trump era is one in which health care is under attack, many of the economic gains have been concentrated at the top, and racists are more openly expressing their racism.

Here are some ways in which the Trump era embodies many of the things that King fought against.

Oof... if I were those businesses, I would ask for my money back.
Are those degrees like Bill Cosby's degrees? All that school, and you still can't admit that you're not very bright. Book smart, street stupid.
When smart people are presented with facts, they usually analyze the facts and accept that they were wrong. When I proved you wrong, you dodged it and changed topics.
I shouldn't expect any more from a leftist though.
Proved wrong? When did this happen? Were you awake or asleep? Looking back through your posts, you've never done anything but troll people. Book smart, street stupid? We expect the poorly educated to ******* on the educated and flock to the carnival barker. I don't know how you measure street smarts on the tough streets of Apple Valley Ca. or wherever you're from but, on the southside of Chicago, it's growing up being smart enough to avoid the pitfalls of trouble and make something out of yourself that creates a path of upward mobility. Check and check. I don't know anything about Bill Cosby's degree or what he has to do with this conversation. There are 40 million African Americans here, Why pick that one?
Proved wrong? When did this happen? Were you awake or asleep? Looking back through your posts, you've never done anything but troll people. Book smart, street stupid? We expect the poorly educated to ******* on the educated and flock to the carnival barker. I don't know how you measure street smarts on the tough streets of Apple Valley Ca. or wherever you're from but, on the southside of Chicago, it's growing up being smart enough to avoid the pitfalls of trouble and make something out of yourself that creates a path of upward mobility. Check and check. I don't know anything about Bill Cosby's degree or what he has to do with this conversation. There are 40 million African Americans here, Why pick that one?

If you think specific facts from the Department of Homeland Security is trolling, then you're even worse than I thought. Not only shouldn't you be free to walk the streets, you should be in a mental hospital, heavily medicated.
I couldn't care less about the south side of Chicago. To use the President's words, it's a shithole. The reason no one wants to stop the gun violence is because it's taking out other violent idiots in the area.
I grew up in middle class and upper-class neighborhoods my entire life. My parents made sure we didn't live in high-risk areas. That's what smart people do. When Detroit started to decline, smart people left. The same is happening in Baltimore. The same is happening in many cities. Liberal policies always fail. Yet you twits in the inner city still vote blue.
That's like voting for your own demise.
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