Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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... and its also why you really know nothing of what you're talking about. You can't relate, refuse to understand, and have zero empathy for those who born or inherited with much less. So, you come off as a jerk as to others misfortunes. Its ok, however, you can still learn and understand IF you so desire. If you're not physically involved with helping the needy and less fortunate, try that sometime. A good time is around the holidays when volunteers are visiting homes, passing out clothing, toys, turkeys, etc. Do it until it "hurts" ... until you get tired, then you'll discover you've had the best holiday season EVER and you'll want to get more involved.
$100 he'll tell us how he already volunteers or gives money or turkeys away. Probably through church.
1. You said there are tens of millions of illegals in this country and then showed a stat from DHS showing the visa overstays being less than a million. You had a fact- but nothing to do with your premise, that there are tens of millions illegals in the States. You just conflated the two and said you proved yourself and went jerking off in the mirror on how smart you are. I just let it sit. Again, I'm not here to change your mind, but expose you and your position.
2. What did you do, look up Chicago on Wikipedia?
A. There are more than 200 neighborhoods- there are 77 official areas. Thought you would have corrected me but you didn't. Doesn't matter next point is they are not all liberally managed. Trump won a couple and Obama did not carry all of them. While everyone runs as a Democrat to the council, there is the conservative group of electeds. The same one who, with the Democratic mayor Daley, endorsed George Bush. But, as I stated you don't know fuck all about most of what you say on here.
B. Oak Park is not fucking Central Chicago. It's a suburb to the immediate west. "Comprised of many races"? So is Chicago in general.
C. Don't care about the new Mayor's looks, that's probably a conservative criteria. She was a tough FEDERAL prosecutor who took down major ******* rings and corrupt politicians. She then worked with the police department appointed by the police superintendent. And, she recently fired the black police superintendent after he fell asleep in his car, after drinking off duty. Sounds like someone who doesn't care about law and order. Dumbass. She also worked in several city departments including budgeting, procurement and rooting out corruption. Pissed off the Mayor, but she kept at it and if you think it was bullshit, ask Rod Blagojevich about her. She was part of the team that took him down- while he was the sitting Democratic Governor.

Again, you just keep yapping about ******* you have no fucking clue about Indiana. Close your mouth so you don't swallow your own seed.

1. My god you're stupid. Yet again, the graphic I posted only showed 4 years. People didn't start overstaying visas in 2014. You clearly are incapable of extrapolating.
2. I have nearly 50 years of watching news reports on Chicago and talking to friends who live there. Your myopic view of your own city is very telling.
A. I don't care how many neighborhoods or official areas of Chicago there are. They are all controlled by liberal policy and it's failing.
B. Oak Park is central in terms of not being north or south Chicago, you twit. Look at a map. It's directly in the middle.
C. She's a failure. Her policies are liberal, and she WILL fail.
Well, if your dumb enough to believe what you see on the liberal news. Unless your people make it legal for more illegals or dead people to vote, Trump will win by a landslide. Suck it up buttercup! We Americans are taking OUR country back!!!!

there is a lot I could say to that statement.....but I will just sum it up with....you are not taking OUR country back....you are supporting someone who is fucking our country up
just for you...…......Doorcpl ………..can you point out one of those below that benefits the average American?
and I am being as nice as can be on your comment.....buttercup?

100 Ways, in 100 Days, that Trump Has Hurt Americans

After months of campaign promises to help ordinary Americans, President Donald Trump’s first 100 days have revealed that his true policy priorities are benefitting corporations and the wealthiest few at the expense of everyone else. His actions and those of his administration have been characterized by broken promises, gross conflicts of interest, and a stark erosion of transparency, ethics, and other democratic norms. As a candidate, Trump promised the American people that we were going to “… win so much, [we’ll] be sick and tired of winning.” But it is not the American people who have been winning—it is Wall Street, private prisons, the oil industry, and Trump’s own family. A recent Gallup poll found that a majority of Americans now believe that President Trump does not keep his promises and is unable to effectively manage the government.

In response to the 100-day mark—a first waypoint for measuring the progress and tone of a new administration since President Franklin D. Roosevelt—the Center for American Progress has compiled a list of the top 100 ways that the Trump administration has hurt Americans.

100 Ways, in 100 Days, that Trump Has Hurt Americans ...

  • Economy
  • Environment and Energy
  • Democracy and Government Reform
  • Immigration
  • Faith
  • Gun Violence Prevention
  • Health Care
  • Higher Education
  • K-12 Education
  • Justice
  • Racial Justice
  • National Security

100 Days in Trump's America | Southern Poverty Law Center
Apr 27, 2017 · In his first 100 days, despite his failure to achieve any major legislative victories, Trump has not disappointed his alt-right followers. His actions suggest that – unlike the economic populism of his campaign – Trump’s appeals to the radical right did indeed presage his White House agenda.
and then there was 3......well 4 if you count Bloomberg.....don't think he will go past super Tuesday when he sees where he stands...…...warren won't drop out ..still getting money from the women and they want to see a woman on the ticket
1. My god you're stupid. Yet again, the graphic I posted only showed 4 years. People didn't start overstaying visas in 2014. You clearly are incapable of extrapolating.
2. I have nearly 50 years of watching news reports on Chicago and talking to friends who live there. Your myopic view of your own city is very telling.
A. I don't care how many neighborhoods or official areas of Chicago there are. They are all controlled by liberal policy and it's failing.
B. Oak Park is central in terms of not being north or south Chicago, you twit. Look at a map. It's directly in the middle.
C. She's a failure. Her policies are liberal, and she WILL fail.
Oak Park is a fucking suburb WEST of the city. It's not central to Chicago- ITS NOT IN THE CITY. That's not my opinion, its a geographical fact. You're looking silly and it's not fun picking on you anymore. Pathetic.
Oak Park is a fucking suburb WEST of the city. It's not central to Chicago- ITS NOT IN THE CITY. That's not my opinion, its a geographical fact. You're looking silly and it's not fun picking on you anymore. Pathetic.
20+ million illegal immigrants.
If you look at North and South on a compass, what's in the middle? It's not West. It's central.
You can argue all you want about geographical location, but the fact is, Chicago is billions in debt and hundreds are killed every year because of liberal policies.... and you focus on racism. It's people like you who couples complain about. Do us all a favor and disappear.
20+ million illegal immigrants.
If you look at North and South on a compass, what's in the middle? It's not West. It's central.
You can argue all you want about geographical location, but the fact is, Chicago is billions in debt and hundreds are killed every year because of liberal policies.... and you focus on racism. It's people like you who couples complain about. Do us all a favor and disappear.
Central Chicago is downtown. That's The Loop, River North, River West, South Loop, Streeterville, Gold Coast and Near North sides. Oak Park is 30 minutes west of the downtown areas OUTSIDE of city. It's not central to anything except the beginning of the Western suburbs. Just stop with the bullshit. Everything you write is just like this argument. You're proven wrong by various members and you just keep digging. I didn't focus on racism. You did and that other couple the moment Obama's name came up. I do believe my first statement was I don't give a fuck what people think about me. You're just abusive in your sadness. No one has complained about me. I have some strong well written arguments here and if you don't like them, that's on you if you can't refute them without name calling or trying to get me removed (you truly a follower of tRump). You're sad.
I gotta block this dope. ed4mwf is a complete tool.
Good idea. I've grown tired of kicking you around and your seven word vocabulary is getting repetitive. Block out voices of opposition then go cry elsewhere about liberal media. ha! Just remember, you started this on my first post with how stupid we must be and blah blah blah. Took two posts for me to realize you're projecting. Block me but you'd do the website a favor by just going away. Ban yourself, You've added nothing to all of this but vitriolic trolling. Lame.
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Trump Derangement Syndrome? Is that when the thought of that motherfucker drives you insane? Oh, that's me. Sign me up for the fucking cure.

It is actually a mental disorder. Along with data showing Liberals tend to be people with mental illness or suffers of mental syndromes.

"That said, in its official definition of mental disorder, the DSM-5 states that "a mental disorder is a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior…mental disorders are usually associated with significant distress in social, occupational, or other important activities.""- Psychology Today on the topic.
How many people die a year? How many of those people are registered voters? How often do states update their voter files?
Those are questions a thinking person needs the answers to before acting like Pavlov's dog when the bell rings.

I'll help- almost all states do not update voter files until the person re-registers to vote. There is no mechanism that is funded by the states- you got that in tax refunds. So, usually political parties do the updating through phone calls and mailings. That's just the reality of it.

part 2- 81 dead people voting. Prove it. If Mike Smith is dead- and voted maybe there are two. Or like Obama's grandmother, she voted early for him, but died by election night. Two years later, looking at that voting file, you would say that a dead person voted. So, question is, when did they vote, and when did they die.

That's if you really want to be serious. If you just want to be partisan- then again I say prove it. The only arrests for voter fraud have been Republicans. As will be this year.

So there is no election fraud?

You Democrats just spent a billion tax dollars on Mueller and three years whining Russia Russia Russia to prove election fraud so you could run an impeachment coup against Trump. And Failed.

Didn’t the Democrats commit election fraud when Hilary was given the primary over Bernie so she could lose to Trump?

And- Thinking people did ask those questions and said, one solution is Voter ID laws. Then emotional deranged limo leftist Dems started scream Racism and in their 'racism of low expectation' assumed minorities don't have IDs. Then thinking people came up with offering free state IDs and limo leftist lost their minds and start suing. For some reason Dems don’t seem to want to have a valid election.

And Again, the NC people voted the law in, including minorities, the Legislature passed it to define it and the Dem dominated election committee and Dem AG are fighting for it.

Part 2- You really only have a superficial understanding of talking points, don't you? You do know there are death certificate issued by the state? You do know the County Clerks get the list of deaths? Then they bounce the list of dead people against the list of voters and see if dead people voted? You also know they track if you vote. Mail in Ballots have that barcode for a reason. You check in at polls for a reason. Hence the stat 81 dead voted.

You do realize the reporter got the information from the County Clerk or the Sec of State, right?
You Democrats just spent a billion tax dollars on Mueller and three years whining Russia Russia Russia to prove election fraud so you could run an impeachment coup against Trump. And Failed.

Didn’t the Democrats commit election fraud when Hilary was given the primary over Bernie so she could lose to Trump?
Hillary wasn't the frik'n President Of The United States while doing whatever you charge her with ... dolt!
As far as the impeachment coup, you saw the Constitution trampled on, and ripped apart by someone that prefers fratinizing with the adversaries of our own country. You saw a man obstruct the justice system, and a party of losers backing him while doing it.
The last laugh to all this won't come until the General Election Day, but I'm betting Trump & Republicans are going to regret what they've done to this country thus far.
Deny all you wish ... justice will prevail with a heavy hand someday.
Defending Hillary, give us a break, your right justice will prevail someday, judgement, vengeance is mine saith the Lord. You better believe we saw the Constitution tramp;ed on, by vindictive Democrats.Yes the Democrats committed election fraud by giving Hillary the nomination after stealing it from Bernie, they are doing it again, fact no rebuttal needed. Bernie is deceived in his Democratic Socialism plan for this country, but I do feel sorry for him, he makes an honest effort to run and he is true to what he is offering. He will never be President, but if he lives long enough, Socialism is in the future.
Defending Hillary, give us a break, your right justice will prevail someday, judgement, vengeance is mine saith the Lord. You better believe we saw the Constitution tramp;ed on, by vindictive Democrats.Yes the Democrats committed election fraud by giving Hillary the nomination after stealing it from Bernie, they are doing it again, fact no rebuttal needed. Bernie is deceived in his Democratic Socialism plan for this country, but I do feel sorry for him, he makes an honest effort to run and he is true to what he is offering. He will never be President, but if he lives long enough, Socialism is in the future.

your stupidity is showing again.....well....for you just a normal statement
So there is no election fraud?
Sure is!!! It's mostly voter suppression from the Right doing what they can to minimize participation of eligible voters. Republicans win when less people vote, not when there is record turnouts.

You Democrats just spent a billion tax dollars on Mueller and three years whining Russia Russia Russia to prove election fraud so you could run an impeachment coup against Trump. And Failed.
tRump was President and the Congress was Republican in both houses. Mueller was a Republican, chosen by Republicans.

Didn’t the Democrats commit election fraud when Hilary was given the primary over Bernie so she could lose to Trump?

Hillary lead Bernie in delegates and almost every state. At the convention, the superdelegates went with the candidate who had the most support from the people by a long shot.

And- Thinking people did ask those questions and said, one solution is Voter ID laws. Then emotional deranged limo leftist Dems started scream Racism and in their 'racism of low expectation' assumed minorities don't have IDs. Then thinking people came up with offering free state IDs and limo leftist lost their minds and start suing. For some reason Dems don’t seem to want to have a valid election.
Again using the term screaming or crying racism dismisses the actuality. Voter ID laws have proven to impact the turnout of minority voters as did the voter roll purges, the consolidation of longtime voting venues, and the disinformation on voting (you have to pay all of your parking tickets before voting). This is what happened in 2016. By 2018, the determination to bounce tRump out was stronger and people stood in line for hours in rural areas to flip the house- and that's what happened. tRump was handed big losses, plus the governorships in KY and LA.
You're dismissive of racism and condescending toward minorities. I'd be careful, starting sound a little out of touch.

And Again, the NC people voted the law in, including minorities, the Legislature passed it to define it and the Dem dominated election committee and Dem AG are fighting for it.
Voted what in??? I was talking about Wisconsin in particular where I was a witness under Scott Walker but now that you mention it. You are wrong about NC support for the law.

Part 2- You really only have a superficial understanding of talking points, don't you? You do know there are death certificate issued by the state? You do know the County Clerks get the list of deaths? Then they bounce the list of dead people against the list of voters and see if dead people voted? You also know they track if you vote. Mail in Ballots have that barcode for a reason. You check in at polls for a reason. Hence the stat 81 dead voted.
Please. You trying to talk to me about civics is so far out of your league. If you vote in November and die, or early vote and die, does your vote still count? Yes. Apparently 81 people did. Now call your clerk's office or whomever keeps vital statistics- ask if they are checked against the voter regularly- then come back and apologize. Less than a dozen states have an official removal process for the deceased and less than that enforces it regularly. Next time you're offered tax cuts, ask about investing in a better system to maintain voter rolls.

You do realize the reporter got the information from the County Clerk or the Sec of State, right?

Yes. But, how and when make the difference. And, voting is controlled state by state not the feds so, the rules around it are not consistent.
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