Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Your Numbers are wrong. The mortality rate for Coronavirus is lower than the flu at about 0.02% per the WHO, based on reported numbers. But we know you got your data from the same bad sources as subhub
Hey Sexy Legs, (or husband), I just cited my sources. You are saying the same numbers but somehow not understanding how to apply that to rate. People with COVID 19 live 98% of the time- so far. People who catch the flu live 99.8% of the time. That's ten times the death rate of the covid 19 that the flu- that we know of. China is bullshitting us on the numbers like tRump during press conference.
Or getting us out of a multi Trillion dollar multi year war that serves no purpose for us anymore.

It is about time our soldiers stop dying for the corporate interest in the middle east. That was something the left stood for when they were getting drafted.
Still fucking do. 100%. Almost 18 years and what do we have to show for it? Another network of terrorists and a generation of misery and hatred toward us.
Hey Sexy Legs, (or husband), I just cited my sources. You are saying the same numbers but somehow not understanding how to apply that to rate. People with COVID 19 live 98% of the time- so far. People who catch the flu live 99.8% of the time. That's ten times the death rate of the covid 19 that the flu- that we know of. China is bullshitting us on the numbers like tRump during press conference.

You said: “The coronavirus outbreak, is PROVING to be more deadly than the flu. It has killed roughly 2% of the people who have contracted it so far. That compares with a mortality rate of 0.095% for the flu.”

Your sources say: “A precise estimate of the case fatality rate is therefore impossible at present.” And the rest of it are based on the Chinese government giving out numbers.

And CNBC Article says: “The flu remains a higher threat to U.S. public health than the new coronavirus.”

And: “This flu season alone has sickened at least 19 million across the U.S. and led to 10,000 deaths and 180,000 hospitalizations.”

And I saw the quote you made, but there is this:

The graphic titled: “Overall Flu Impact” that says
“Coroavirus Wordwide 17,295”
Deaths 362

That does not equate to 2% mortality.

Funny how, like most of the left biased "news articles," it contradicts itself and uses lots of sources say and estimates to start sentences.

So to the point, the data does not validate the coverage by the media in terms of threats to us. And to put it in perspective- 17K cased for 6.9 Billion.

However, it is very interesting how this “leftist media coverage” corresponds exactly to Bloomberg’s new attack ads.
You said: “The coronavirus outbreak, is PROVING to be more deadly than the flu. It has killed roughly 2% of the people who have contracted it so far. That compares with a mortality rate of 0.095% for the flu.”

Your sources say: “A precise estimate of the case fatality rate is therefore impossible at present.” And the rest of it are based on the Chinese government giving out numbers.

And CNBC Article says: “The flu remains a higher threat to U.S. public health than the new coronavirus.”

And: “This flu season alone has sickened at least 19 million across the U.S. and led to 10,000 deaths and 180,000 hospitalizations.”

And I saw the quote you made, but there is this:

The graphic titled: “Overall Flu Impact” that says
“Coroavirus Wordwide 17,295”
Deaths 362

That does not equate to 2% mortality.

Funny how, like most of the left biased "news articles," it contradicts itself and uses lots of sources say and estimates to start sentences.

So to the point, the data does not validate the coverage by the media in terms of threats to us. And to put it in perspective- 17K cased for 6.9 Billion.

However, it is very interesting how this “leftist media coverage” corresponds exactly to Bloomberg’s new attack ads.
Dude (or sexy lady) You've got to learn basic math.
2% of 17, 295 is 345.9. The death toll is 362. It's HIGHER that 2%. Thank you for pointing that out.

The flu is a higher threat to U.S. public health because MORE people get the flu than coronavirus as you state yourself 19 million has gotten flu already in the US. Only 10,000 have died. Let's do some math and show you have that is relevant.

In the cases of the flu, 2% of 19,000,000 is 380,000!!!! However, there have only been 10,000 deaths from the flu making the accurate number about .0005% of the people who get the flu die from it.

So, using the number we both agree on, Coronavirus kills a little over 2% of the people who've contract it. While the Flu kills .0005% of the people who contract it.

I would switch subjects and use words like leftism, hatred, media, fake news and 'Merica at this point if I was you. You are being slaughtered on the fact field. And math field too. Simple fucking statistics.
Dude (or sexy lady) You've got to learn basic math.
2% of 17, 295 is 345.9. The death toll is 362. It's HIGHER that 2%. Thank you for pointing that out.

The flu is a higher threat to U.S. public health because MORE people get the flu than coronavirus as you state yourself 19 million has gotten flu already in the US. Only 10,000 have died. Let's do some math and show you have that is relevant.

In the cases of the flu, 2% of 19,000,000 is 380,000!!!! However, there have only been 10,000 deaths from the flu making the accurate number about .0005% of the people who get the flu die from it.

So, using the number we both agree on, Coronavirus kills a little over 2% of the people who've contract it. While the Flu kills .0005% of the people who contract it.

I would switch subjects and use words like leftism, hatred, media, fake news and 'Merica at this point if I was you. You are being slaughtered on the fact field. And math field too. Simple fucking statistics.

I stand corrected on the math in terms of this article.

However, you still didn't address these direct quotes from your articles

Your sources say: “A precise estimate of the case fatality rate is therefore impossible at present.” And the rest of it are based on the Chinese government giving out numbers.

And CNBC Article says: “The flu remains a higher threat to U.S. public health than the new coronavirus.”

And: “This flu season alone has sickened at least 19 million across the U.S. and led to 10,000 deaths and 180,000 hospitalized

So to the point, the data does not validate the coverage by the media in terms of threats to us. And to put it in perspective- 17K cased for 6.9 Billion.

However, it is very interesting how this “leftist media coverage” corresponds exactly to Bloomberg’s new attack ads.
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with you supporting facism…..I really don't think you have any idea just what you are talking about......wait let me change that....I KNOW you have never had any idea what you are talking about.....wasn't it the wizard of Oz where the song was...."if I only had a Brain".....that would be you

The Trump Kleptocracy….
The presidency is officially a cash grab — and a pitstop on the way to autocracy

The convictions of Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen this August shined a light on the type of people Trump chooses to work with. He said he’d employ the “best people”; instead, he employed crooks.

Behind all the outrage, the Manafort and Cohen convictions show that Trump’s government is building an American kleptocracy. The Washington Post has described how kleptocracy, or rule by thieves,” arises when a country’s elite begin to systematically steal from public funds on a vast scale.

This is where the United States is headed. Trump’s government is powered by people who want to see tax cuts for their own benefit, without a care for the cost to others. This runs from voters backing pro-tax-cut candidates to the upper echelons of the GOP that are complicit in what Fortune magazine is calling “the biggest wealth grab in modern history.”

It is far from the first time a person like Trump has run a country. History may determine it was inevitable that the United States would go the way of countries like Russia, Turkey, China, and many others, electing a leader who could facilitate transferring the country’s wealth to a small number of private individuals.

The thing about kleptocracy is that it doesn’t need to break the law because those doing it are writing the law—but the outcome is the same.

Trump was helped to power by a conspiracy of billionaires, including Vladimir Poroshenko and Robert Mercer. From this angle, you could argue that while the Russian attack on American democracy was partly political, it was mainly just about business. After all, the Russian government is a mafia gang for whom international politics is a business operation. By helping to power a man they helped make rich, they can weaken one of the main international obstacles to their own efforts to drain Russia of cash.

This presidency is but a brief window to grab as much cash as possible before being inevitably booted back out.

The extent of Trump’s kleptocracy is becoming clear now, with his second proposed tax cut for the rich. The Trump government is ramping up the national debt by $1.5 trillion over 10 years while taking hundreds of billions of dollars out of the economy in tax cuts for the rich. In America, around two-thirds of all stocks and mutual funds are owned by just 5 percent of the people, and any tax-cut benefits for corporations will mainly just benefit that group. It is estimated that 34 percent of Trump’s December tax cuts benefit just the top 1 percent of the country’s rich.

Yet as he cuts taxes for a rich minority, Trump is also freezing public sector pay because there’s not enough money. As Forbes magazine observed:

President Trump has cancelled the pay increases for public sector workers that were due to take effect in January 2019. His reason for doing so? The tax cuts that his administration has introduced are set to create the largest fiscal deficit since the Great Recession. Now this largesse has to be paid for.

In effect, his tax bills have taken money out of the economy and primarily redistributed it to corporations, CEOs, and the super rich.
This is not about Republican political ideology, and it is not mere economic incompetence. It is bare-faced kleptocracy. For Trump, his family, and the less principled crooks around him, this presidency is but a brief window to grab as much cash as possible before being inevitably booted back out of the White House. They’re like a bunch of ******* getting the keys to the world’s biggest candy store without any adults around to supervise them.

To understand the situation with more clarity, look at Russia, which is a more advanced version of what Trump seems to be building. In 2013, the Independent reported that just 110 people held one-third of Russia’s wealth.

The story of modern Russia is that of a massive transfer of wealth from the country to a small ruling elite. According to sociologist and expert on Russia, Elisabeth Schimpfossl, “When this first post-Soviet generation passes its wealth on… it will be the single biggest transfer of assets within the smallest group of people ever to have occurred.”

Beyond the human cost of kleptocracy is the danger that progressively draining the country of money creates the sort of inequality that leads to social and political unrest.

Russia’s kleptocracy has laundered hundreds of billions of dollars out of the country over the years. Meanwhile, Poroshenko’s latest attempt to increase the pension age means most Russian men will die before they are eligible for a state pension.

Most Russians, especially the elderly, are already living in a state of perpetual poverty. This reflects two stark realities: First, there is not enough money left in the Russian state coffers to pay pensions, and second, Russian men have a low life expectancy—arguably because the theft of its kleptocratic government means there is not enough money for health care, education, and the other things people need.

The average life expectancy in Russia is in the mid-sixties, but that’s an average many men fall short of. If all the money tied up in former state enterprises, and then in Russian oil and gas, had flowed back into a well-managed economy run by an honest and effective government, Russian life expectancy would have gone up, people would have adequate health care and education.

The same thing is now happening in the United States. Policies designed to protect the population—but which restrict businesses from making more money—are being abandoned.

Until now, the West was characterized by progress, which in a simple sense can be reflected in life expectancy. As countries become more efficient and effective, they generate more tax, and this is used to support better health care, education, and enforcement of laws that protect the population from harm.

Banning dangerous practices, such as the use of asbestos in building materials and lead in petrol, and introducing public health actions like immunization, universal health care, seatbelt laws, and smoking bans may negatively impact businesses, but it positively impacts people, which should be the point of government. People on their own cannot ******* rich and powerful corporations to stop harming them; they rely on the government to do that.

One of the simplest functions of any government is to ensure the people are afforded some degree of protection against the excesses of corporations and criminals
, at least to the extent those excesses do not negatively impact life expectancy.

But, alarmingly, life expectancy is going down in the United States, primarily because the government is putting commercial and personal financial interests ahead of the health and well-being of its citizens.

Beyond the human cost of kleptocracy is the danger that progressively draining the country of money creates the sort of
inequality that leads to social and political unrest. This results in political instability and ever-increasing authoritarianism to keep order.

Trump is increasingly undermining the media and law enforcement because those are the two main tools a state has to prevent kleptocracy.

As Russia, Turkey, and Venezuela have shown, kleptocrats use nationalism and populism to keep their base because they cannot use economic progress to win votes. They blame foreign governments, conspiracies, and immigrants for the failures actually caused by their own wholesale theft of the country’s assets.

They blame a biased media, foreign propaganda, and “enemies of the people,” when the news explains what is happening
. Meanwhile, they counter the truth with media they control—which either doesn’t say what is happening, tells lies, or distracts people from reality. Gradually, the economy unwinds and the social problems caused by these policies collide with the diminished public services that can no longer deal with them.

This is how nationalism and populism become fascism.

Relaxing regulations on things that harm people puts added pressure on the health care system.

The increase in sickness reduces the performance of the economy. The resulting increase in social deprivation leads to an increase in crime. Conventional policing is underfunded and undermined by an increasingly corrupt and weakened judiciary, so laws become more draconian and policing becomes
more militarized.

The kleptocratic policies continue to break things in a self-perpetuating cycle. The corrupt rich become even more rich, while the rest of the country becomes even more poor. The inequality leads to unrest, which is managed by ever more propaganda, less freedom, more control and censorship, and harsher policing.

Perpetually blaming others creates an ever-increasing need to find scapegoats, which spills over into outright attacks on minority groups or on foreign governments. We have seen this with Russia’s wars, used to distract people from local economic hardships. Turkey and Venezuela have blamed the United States, Hungary blames immigrants, and generally, every would-be dictator will blame anyone but themselves.

This is how a democracy becomes a kleptocracy, and then an autocracy, and then a dictatorship. This is how nationalism and populism become fascism.

Kleptocratic leaders become trapped in a cycle of their own making. The more wealth they amass, the worse things get for the poor, the harsher the steps they take to maintain order and power. They reach a point where they are so wealthy, and the people around them are so angry, that losing power would mean losing their wealth and, likely, their lives.

Although I doubt Trump could bring about a dictatorship like this, we are already looking at a situation where he could face criminal prosecution once he leaves office. This provides a powerful incentive for him to take more drastic measures to stay in power, weaken or corrupt the legal system that could later prosecute him, and muddy the media’s ability to report on his kleptocracy. He will probably fail, but not before he does immense damage to the United States.

Wow, you wasted all that time to highlight and bold this text.

That is funny all that time to post a leftist opinion piece. I bet you thought that was a “knockout blow.” And I bet you thought you highlighting Russia made it more powerful.

I am curious how many more times are you going to post this dribble? Do you really think this propagandist opinion piece proves anything?
Wow, you wasted all that time to highlight and bold this text.

That is funny all that time to post a leftist opinion piece. I bet you thought that was a “knockout blow.” And I bet you thought you highlighting Russia made it more powerful.

I am curious how many more times are you going to post this dribble? Do you really think this propagandist opinion piece proves anything?

well apparently you still can not read nor understand...….for one...….another you said I was pushing facism…..just wanted to point out just how little you know....you want to talk *******....know your topic!......but we have not found your topic so far now have we
well apparently you still can not read nor understand...….for one...….another you said I was pushing facism…..just wanted to point out just how little you know....you want to talk *******....know your topic!......but we have not found your topic so far now have we

You really don't understand what evidence and opinion are, do you?

You do push fascism/ communism/ statist ideologies.
Mmmm with Biden doing so good tonight......and sanders falling on his face.....what happened...I was sure Atilla the None campaigned there the other night and he and several conservatives were going to crossover and vote for sanders.....either trump didn't count for *******....or sanders really did bad

Or Biden won a state he was expect to win and spent money to win. We will see on Tuesday
You really don't understand what evidence and opinion are, do you?

You do push fascism/ communism/ statist ideologies.
How can this be? Fascism is extreme Right on the political scale and Communism is extreme Left on the political scale. We've had a degree of statism in American government (government playing a strong central role) since the beginning. The opposite of statists would be anarchists.
How can someone support far Left, far Right ideology AND be a statist????
You gotta pick one.
How can this be? Fascism is extreme Right on the political scale and Communism is extreme Left on the political scale. We've had a degree of statism in American government (government playing a strong central role) since the beginning. The opposite of statists would be anarchists.
How can someone support far Left, far Right ideology AND be a statist????
You gotta pick one.

Let me ask this. How can both sides of the spectrum have the same ideology?

How can the extreme right side be for total tyrannical dictatorship and the far left be for total tyrannical dictatorship?

Fascists' were National Socialist and the Leftist were Socialist/Communist. Statist, Fascist and Communist all believe in total authoritarian central government ruling the population. They just use different bogymen to get into power.

And who created this so called spectrum? And who says they are right?

America has not been a strong central government from the beginning. It is based on strong states with weak federal government. In the late 1890s into 1900s the feds started to increase power over the people.
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Let me ask this. How can both sides of the spectrum have the same ideology?

How can the extreme right side be for total tyrannical dictatorship and the far left be for total tyrannical dictatorship?

Fascists' were National Socialist and the Leftist were Socialist/Communist. Statist, Fascist and Communist all believe in total authoritarian central government ruling the population. They just use different bogymen to get into power.

America has not been a strong central government from the beginning. It is based on strong states with weak government. In the late 1899s into 1900s the feds started to increase power over the people.
Actually, I baited you into this. You're on my grounds. The rise of a strong central government happened in 1791 when SecTreas Hamilton (yes the rapping PR from the musical for those who skipped American History)) started the First American Bank. A central bank controlled controlled by Congress setting rates, collecting taxes, making loans to itself and other governments and basically set monetary policy at will. Not good. It died at the end of it's 20 year Charter but by then Congress had gotten a taste of control and centralized power in other ways over the states.

You use political terms like there is no set definition. Fascists are Right Wingers. Regardless of what name they use, the ideology is the same, ultranationalism, extreme nationalism, authoritarianism, nativists, who rise to power on a platform of culture, religion, ethnicity and patriotism. Don't confuse the name Socialist with the ideology or actions- the Nazis were far right wingers, checking every box, all the way.
Communists, are far Left Wingers. It's more of a failed economic ideology than political. It's the opposite of capitalism. Production is owned by the people (state) and there is no private property. Or anything the government sees as divisive of people like religion. It's in stark contrast with Fascism that heavily emphasizes identity.

We live in a Liberal Democracy. That's what these governments the elect their representation in some form and have opposition are called. You're like tRump when the reporter asked him about Putin's statement on Liberal Democracy being dead. tRump said Putin watches tv and sees what's going on in California. WTF!?!?
Google some ******* before writing. This is not about winning an argument. Have some intellectual pride. Or, has Tucker Carlson taught you that's for weaklings?
Actually, I baited you into this. You're on my grounds. The rise of a strong central government happened in 1791 when SecTreas Hamilton (yes the rapping PR from the musical for those who skipped American History)) started the First American Bank. A central bank controlled controlled by Congress setting rates, collecting taxes, making loans to itself and other governments and basically set monetary policy at will. Not good. It died at the end of it's 20 year Charter but by then Congress had gotten a taste of control and centralized power in other ways over the states.

You use political terms like there is no set definition. Fascists are Right Wingers. Regardless of what name they use, the ideology is the same, ultranationalism, extreme nationalism, authoritarianism, nativists, who rise to power on a platform of culture, religion, ethnicity and patriotism. Don't confuse the name Socialist with the ideology or actions- the Nazis were far right wingers, checking every box, all the way.
Communists, are far Left Wingers. It's more of a failed economic ideology than political. It's the opposite of capitalism. Production is owned by the people (state) and there is no private property. Or anything the government sees as divisive of people like religion. It's in stark contrast with Fascism that heavily emphasizes identity.

We live in a Liberal Democracy. That's what these governments the elect their representation in some form and have opposition are called. You're like tRump when the reporter asked him about Poroshenko's statement on Liberal Democracy being dead. tRump said Poroshenko watches tv and sees what's going on in California. WTF!?!?
Google some ******* before writing. This is not about winning an argument. Have some intellectual pride. Or, has Tucker Carlson taught you that's for weaklings?

You may have a small point, but as you pointed out the Charter was ended “in 20 years.” And really it wasn't as strong as you try to play. After that, the Federal Government was weak until the run up to World War 1 and later exploded under FDR. The fact is the power ebbed and flowed until the early 1900s when the Fed Reserve was put in place and the centralization world order foundation solidified with the League of Nations. And we really can’t overlook the text of the Constitution and the fact that the current government is significantly outside its Constitutional authority, which is a small Federal Government.

Of course you are trying to win this argument. If you were operating under “intellectual pride” you wouldn’t have tried to secretly “baited me on to your ground.” More, you would not have tried to insult me by equating me to Trump or implied I have a low IQ letting Tucker Carlson think for me. Also, you would not avoided my points and try to start a definition war.

Yes, you regurgitated both economic and political definition to fit your argument. You get the P for pseudo academic. However, you missed the argument. My point, in reality Socialist, Communist and Fascist, have one government structure. Authoritarian Central Government under the control of a small group. Each has its own propaganda aka bogymen, but in practice they all end up as genocidal tyrannical dictatorships. Hence the point of using them all in the posts to cover the bases and goat fake intellectuals like you. They are in practice the same thing. And based on real world behavior and rhetoric of the last 70 years they all belong on the Left.

And of course, people who are not leftist will reject the leftist political spectrum theory based on French Socialist labels of the 1790s. This whole concept is an attempt to tie all nationalist movements or even national pride to Fascism while trying to gloss over the Nazis were socialist. This spectrum theory didn’t gain ‘academic’ ground until the 60s. And since it has been repeated trying to brad all of the 'right' as Nazis while the right advocates for smaller government and more freedom.

In the end this all boils down to my long standing argument, the one you and subhub avoid- The Leftist, primarily the Democrats demand less Freedom and the right (Not the Republicans) want more personal Freedom.
Or Biden won a state he was expect to win and spent money to win. We will see on Tuesday
I'm not going to have a battle of wits with an un-armed man

but 2 easy freedoms the right wants to take that comes to mind without searching anything one way or the other

1 women's choice
2 right to vote...
under trump you could throw in freedom of speech and the press......and so much more under your pres
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