Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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STILL ….nothing but jibberish and insults......no coherent talk...….nothing of value ….no surprise.....
Step right up folks and see the weird creature. That's right folks; an accident of nature we have captured just for your amazement, in the wilds of a deep-blue voting block. We caught this one while he was feverishly copying and pasting links.
This strange beast is called a white male liberal. It's a rare one and he's stammering mad. You see folks, white male liberals are a hybrid concoction of unsocial behaviors:
  • He has the malevolence of Hateful Hillary
  • He has the carnal morals of ******* Joe
  • He has the disposition of a triggered feminist picketing Hooters
  • He has the 2-digit IQ of AOC
  • and he has the limp floppy putz of Grandpa Bernie
Get up closer folks and see the white male liberal! But watch out! He sure will try to snatch your wallet!
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Step right up folks and see the weird creature. That's right folks; an accident of nature we have captured just for your amazement, in the wilds of a deep-blue voting block. We caught this one while he was feverishly copying and pasting links.
This strange beast is called a white male liberal. It's a rare one and he's stammering mad. You see folks, white male liberals are a hybrid concoction of unsocial behaviors:
  • He has the malevolence of Hateful Hillary
  • He has the carnal morals of ******* Joe
  • He has the disposition of a triggered feminist picketing Hooters
  • He has the 2-digit IQ of AOC
  • and he has the limp floppy putz of Grandpa Bernie
Get up closer folks and see the white male liberal! But watch out! He sure will try to snatch your wallet!

still just smart remarks and jibberish….at least we are not hearing more about your sexual..????
still just smart remarks and jibberish….at least we are not hearing more about your sexual..????
subhub174014, isn't it amazing how consistent "idiots" are in following "an idiot"?
I've been off line for awhile due to business commitments and am trying to catch up with the activity on this site, unfortunately nothing much appears to have had changed, at least not on this thread, same "idiots" with the same old "idiotic alternative fact based illogical views" in full support of the "most dumb assed lying idiotic excuse for a president in World History?" God Help America!
P.S. I was watching Trump on the TV news last evening during his press conference on the Coranavirus, (Fox in fact) and "wow" did his lack of comprehension of the global situation ever show through! Most grammar school dropouts exceed this guys level of ability to speak intelligently!! It's abundently clear he graduated from "Trump University!"
subhub174014, isn't it amazing how consistent "idiots" are in following "an idiot"?

doesn't that about sum up a trumptard….in idiot being followed by more idiots

Coranavirus, (Fox in fact) and "wow" did his lack of comprehension of the global situation ever show through!

his first real tragedy and he is just in a state of denial.....more worried about what it is doing to the stockmarket
You give the flu a fancy name and look out the sky's falling typical fear tactic
Except you conspiracy fucks can't simplify science. The coronavirus outbreak, is PROVING to be more deadly than the flu. It has killed roughly 2% of the people who have contracted it so far. That compares with a mortality rate of 0.095% for the flu. Why are more people dead from the flu? Well dummy, more people catch the flu. Period. Coronavirus is more deadly than the flu, and we're still investigating it. Because it's new, our bodies do not have the same defenses like we do for influenza. Some people carry coronavirus and pass it on before they realize any symptoms. That's the reason for the quarantine. Don't be ridiculous about this but, don't be ignorant either.
Except you conspiracy fucks can't simplify science. The coronavirus outbreak, is PROVING to be more deadly than the flu. It has killed roughly 2% of the people who have contracted it so far. That compares with a mortality rate of 0.095% for the flu. Why are more people dead from the flu? Well dummy, more people catch the flu. Period. Coronavirus is more deadly than the flu, and we're still investigating it. Because it's new, our bodies do not have the same defenses like we do for influenza. Some people carry coronavirus and pass it on before they realize any symptoms. That's the reason for the quarantine. Don't be ridiculous about this but, don't be ignorant either.


That's precisely the vision you'd expect when looking through Rose Coloured Glasses!!
I've spent over 50% of my time travelling in foreign countries over the past decade, part vacation but mostly on business, and the world's view of the U.S has been consistent regardless of which country I'm in ....

P.S. One of the more common concerns (opinions) I hear is:
"Why does Trump believe Putin over the U.S. Security Services? What does Putin have on him?"
That's precisely the vision you'd expect when looking through Rose Coloured Glasses!!
I've spent over 50% of my time travelling in foreign countries over the past decade, part vacation but mostly on business, and the world's view of the U.S has been consistent regardless of which country I'm in ....

P.S. One of the more common concerns (opinions) I hear is:
"Why does Trump believe Poroshenko over the U.S. Security Services? What does Poroshenko have on him?"

he likes to post right wing ******* with no actual link to reality......kind of like his private little world where there is no bad weather....the tooth fairy is always on time.....and willy Wonka has open house everysaturday…..and....no one has an IQ of over 50
That's precisely the vision you'd expect when looking through Rose Coloured Glasses!!
I've spent over 50% of my time travelling in foreign countries over the past decade, part vacation but mostly on business, and the world's view of the U.S has been consistent regardless of which country I'm in ....

P.S. One of the more common concerns (opinions) I hear is:
"Why does Trump believe Poroshenko over the U.S. Security Services? What does Poroshenko have on him?"

Over the decades I've spoken to people from other countries, and the one thing I've learned is that their opinion doesn't matter. If it hasn't changed, then they are raised to think that way. We will succeed with or without their endorsement.
America's economy is surging at record highs, even despite the COVID-19 blip. Our military is the strongest by orders of magnitude. There are millions of jobs available for people who want to work. The sad part is, the Dems have conditioned people to not want to work. It's time we got back to being a working country.
And none of that has anything to do with the opinion of foreigners.
hey good news...…..one of trump's personal mouth pieces has it figured out for everyone

Rush Limbaugh Claims The 'Common Cold' Coronavirus Is An ...
Right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh claimed on his show Monday that the potentially lethal coronavirus afflicting several countries is nothing more than a “common cold” blown out of proportion by the media to take down President Donald Trump ― even as he also asserted it was a “bioweapon” created by China in a laboratory.

'Coronavirus is common cold folks!': Rush Limbaugh claims ...
2 days ago · 'Coronavirus is common cold folks!': Rush Limbaugh claims China weaponized virus to bring down Trump According to the right-wing radio host, only 2% of people infected by the virus die and that's less than the deaths caused by flu

Rush Limbaugh Claims Coronavirus is No More Dangerous than ...
Claim: Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is no more dangerous than the common cold, and it's being blown out of proportion to make the President of the United States look bad.
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