Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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we should be ashamed...…...

HUD estimates 2.7 percent rise in U.S. homelessness due to California housing crisis

An estimate of annual homelessness in the U.S. released Friday by the federal government shows that the number of people living on the streets increased 2.7 percent this year over last because of crisis-level housing issues in California.

The nation's most populous state experienced a 16.4 percent increase in homelessness in 2019, the report by the Department of Housing and Urban Development said, even though voters approved a $4 billion affordable housing bond more than a year ago, and Los Angeles passed its own $1.2 billion housing bond in 2016

L.A. has been slow to spend its money on shelters because of neighborhood opposition, and the state's largest coastal cities have long experienced housing prices and rents that exceed the budgets of many families. In November, San Francisco voters approved $600 million in bonds for affordable housing.

"As we look across our nation, we see great progress, but we're also seeing a continued increase in street homelessness along our West Coast where the cost of housing is extremely high," HUD Secretary Ben Carson said in a statement. "In fact, homelessness in California is at a crisis level and needs to be addressed by local and state leaders with crisis-like urgency."

The HUD numbers were a prelude to its annual homelessness report to Congress, and the estimate found that California's increase was "higher than all other states combined," according to HUD's statement.

Bluest state in the nation
Bluest state in the nation

has nothing to do with it really...…..got no job...no place to live....really got nothing...….you want to live someplace where it gets cold......plus for the most part they are attempting to do something ..but they are getting them from everystate…….since no one else will belly up to the bar and do anything......a little logic would apply

Five reasons Trump is a foreign policy failure - The ...
May 09, 2019 · Five reasons Trump is a foreign policy failure Rocket launchers fire during a test of weapons in an undisclosed location in North Korea on May 4. (Korean Central News Agency

Trump's National Security and Foreign Policy Failures ...
Jan 17, 2018 · It has been one year since President Donald Trump took office. As Americans reflect on Trump’s turbulent tenure, his record on national security and foreign policy has been alarming.

Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Is a Mind-Boggling Failure ...
In the Washington Post today, David Nakamura has a good piece about President Trump’s foreign policy—such as it is. As Nakamura correctly notes, Trump has pursued a one-note campaign of ...

The Tragedy of Trump’s Foreign Policy – Foreign Policy
Mar 05, 2019 · More than two years into his first term, Trump most visible foreign-policy “achievement” is a steady and sharp decline in America’s global image. And that’s the real tragedy.

Why Trump Has Failed on His Foreign-Policy Initiatives ...
May 24, 2018 · The phrase applies vividly to the accumulating failures of President Trump’s foreign-policy initiatives. Donald Trump entered office with more scope for initiative in foreign policy

Business projects of Donald Trump in Russia - Wikipedia
Donald Trump has pursued business deals in Russia since 1987, and has sometimes traveled there to explore potential business opportunities. In 1996, Trump trademark applications were submitted for potential Russian real estate development deals.

Putin’s Payout: 12 Ways Trump has Supported Putin’s ...
Jul 10, 2018 · Since the very beginning, the Trump White House has demonstrated a clear and consistent pattern of behavior towards Russia, helping to fulfill many of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s most important foreign policy objectives.

How does Russia benefit from a Trump presidency? - Quora
If anyone doubts Russia is benefiting from the Trump presidency, they just haven’t thought about it enough. Russia benefits from the Trump presidency in any number of ways—at least 20 by my count. They would also unquestionably benefit even more if the hubbub caused by their interference with...
Just more corruption from the Russian puppet....

Trump's children take in millions overseas as president ...
Oct 10, 2019 · President Trump has called Democrat Joe Biden corrupt over his *******'s work in Ukraine while Biden was vice president. Three of Trump's own children have conducted a …

Trump's children take in millions overseas as president slams Biden's *******
reddit.com/r/politics · Oct 10, 2019 · Article from: www.latimes.com
Top responses

They follow in their *******’s footsteps; accusing rivals of committing the very crimes they are guilty of committing.
956 votes

[URL='https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/dg697h/_/f39k59k?utm_source=BD&utm_medium=Search&utm_name=Bing&utm_content=PSR3'][URL='https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/dg697h/_/f39k59k?utm_source=BD&utm_medium=Search&utm_name=Bing&utm_content=PSR3'][URL='https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/dg697h/_/f39k59k?utm_source=BD&utm_medium=Search&utm_name=Bing&utm_content=PSR3']Time and again, Trump’s children have blurred the lines of family, nation and business — essentially the charge the president makes against the Bidens as … read more
159 votes

What has Trump given away to Russia, but has not told the ...
Jul 18, 2018 · Trump has given away the global perception of the United States being the indisputable leader of the free world. It is not necessary to hear the facts from anyone because I witnessed Trump’s Helsinki debacle with my own two eyes.
has nothing to do with it really...…..got no job...no place to live....really got nothing...….you want to live someplace where it gets cold......plus for the most part they are attempting to do something ..but they are getting them from everystate…….since no one else will belly up to the bar and do anything......a little logic would apply
Bluest for a long long time that's why bankrupt
Bluest for a long long time that's why bankrupt

you would like to think that.....you being anti blue.....but even with the influx from all over the country they still go out of their way to try and help...…..willing to bet you wouldn't give a dime.....and make fun of those who did....it's the republican way......take care of yourself and fuck everyone else.....the problem with the country today....and you are a prime example in just about all of your posts.....so much hate for the little man and for anyone trying to help
Impasse over Senate impeachment trial likely to last weeks as both sides dig in

Congress headed toward a long standoff over the parameters of the Senate trial of President Trump as all sides dug in Monday, with Democrats demanding documents and witnesses while Republicans mocked the House’s delay in transmitting the impeachment articles across the Capitol.

Through media appearances, letters and tweets, Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) chided House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), calling her decision to hold on to the impeachment articles “unfair” and “absurd,” respectively. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), meanwhile, accused White House officials of withholding “highly relevant” documents.

With Congress not slated to return to Washington until Jan. 6, senior officials prepared for a period of several weeks without any resolution.

From that same video by Larry Elder he also quotes Liz Crokin on July 10th, 2016, "Townhall: Trump Does The Unthinkable":

"Donald Trump is a racist, bigot, sexist, xenophobe, anti-Semitic and Islamophobe -- did I miss anything? The left and the media launch these hideous kinds of attacks at Trump everyday: yet, nothing could be further from the truth about the real estate mogul. As an entertainment journalist, I've had the opportunity to cover Trump for over a decade, and in all my years covering him I've never heard anything negative about the man until he announced he was running for president. Keep in mind, I got paid a lot of money to dig up dirt on celebrities like Trump for a living so a scandalous story on the famous billionaire could've potentially sold a lot of magazines and would've been a 'yuge' feather in my cap. Instead, I found that he doesn't ******* alcohol or do *******, he's a hardworking businessman and totally devoted to his beloved wife and children. On top of that, he's one of the most generous celebrities in the world with a heart filled with more gold than his $100 million New York penthouse."
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/wake-up-america-wake-up-please.131760/post-2536310 )
Democrats are transvestites
Democrats are transvestites
I would prefer not to create wars as I have recently ruined friendships over Trump and over another issue that infringes on pornographic boundaries which I felt I was on the side of defending the honor of women from the use of pedophilic use of Lisa Simpson that I will let you use your imagination because if I were to openly describe it accurately I have newfound hypervigilant enemies that would be thrilled to ban me because of it, or if I so much as electronically jaywalked on this website.

Besides some Democrats like Van Drew are known to have seen the light too:

So give them a chance. It could be life experiences or they could have come from a lineage of friends and family that always voted Democrat, but if they are brave enough as Van Drew they might make the right decision.
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Nope, the Dems don't want to take your freedoms.

again a little logic should apply here.....but that is not something you get from a republican.....the right has already allowed any and all donations to a candidate.....and big biz donates a lot.....last election it is estimated that Russia spent 20million on ads for trump and against Hillary.....you want to advertise your *******...there are places for that.....not someplace where people want to converse commercial free
most have already on their own banned political adds
What has-Trump-given-away-to-Russia-but-has-not-told-the-US
I think its more as to what the Russians have on Trump; money laundering, tax evasion probably lead the rests, but his earlier many private trips to Russia, hanging around pedophiles as well as having pedophiles working for him, is probably on the list of things they have on Trump. Pictures say a thousand words especially when the ladies in their sexy teddies haven't even started High School yet ... LOL Oh yeah, it'll all come out, EVENTUALLY!

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well....it's time....

Supreme Court to review if presidential electors can ...
11 hours ago · The Supreme Court will decide whether presidential electors can cast their votes contrary to the popular vote in their state, and instead according to their …

Presidential elections: Supreme Court weighs power of ...
Jan 17, 2020 · Yes, the Supreme Court of Washington State ruled in May, upholding $1,000 fines against three Democratic electors who cast their votes in …
more opinions and far from being anything factual...….but then that about details everything you shoot off at the mouth about isn't it!
If an infinite number of monkeys banging on an infinite number of keyboards for infinity, will eventually write all the works of Shakespeare -- then subhub's drivel proves that somewhere there are about 100 monkeys pounding on keyboards and being fed acid-laced bananas.
If an infinite number of monkeys banging on an infinite number of keyboards for infinity, will eventually write all the works of Shakespeare -- then subhub's drivel proves that somewhere there are about 100 monkeys pounding on keyboards and being fed acid-laced bananas.

STILL ….nothing but jibberish and insults......no coherent talk...….nothing of value ….no surprise.....
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