Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yeah President Trump is no angel - we know that - however - he is trying to change things in Washington and things NEED to be changed.

The best thing he could do to help Washington is to leave,,,,,while there is still something left he hasn't stolen

Obama was damn near perfect and he couldn't repair the damage in Washington......way to much inbreeding or something......only people with the power to change it is US....and we won't....our local politician comes home gives you all these speeches about what all he is doing and all these others are so bad...…….so he gets voted right back in......same thing all over the country....so nothing changes....it is always those other guys...…...and then you have the die hard right wingers....really crazy and buy into all that *******....think they have been inbreed more than once....actually ..I can't think of the name for it......where humans mate with animals......that would about cover some of these right wingers on here...….not a brain in their head......came out of the donkeys ass already programmed....
The best thing he could do to help Washington is to leave,,,,,while there is still something left he hasn't stolen

Obama was damn near perfect and he couldn't repair the damage in Washington......way to much inbreeding or something......only people with the power to change it is US....and we won't....our local politician comes home gives you all these speeches about what all he is doing and all these others are so bad...…….so he gets voted right back in......same thing all over the country....so nothing changes....it is always those other guys...…...and then you have the die hard right wingers....really crazy and buy into all that *******....think they have been inbreed more than once....actually ..I can't think of the name for it......where humans mate with animals......that would about cover some of these right wingers on here...….not a brain in their head......came out of the donkeys ass already programmed....
Nazi Germany 1933-1939: Early Stages of Persecution | My ...
On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was named chancellor, the most powerful position in the German government, by the aged President Hindenburg, who hoped Hitler could lead the nation out of its grave political and economic crisis. Hitler was the leader of the right-wing National Socialist German Workers Party (called “the Nazi Party” for short).

Just How Similar Is Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler?


At the Emmy awards ceremony on Sunday night, Transparent creator Jill Soloway compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. Many others have made the same comparison before her: the front page of the Philadelphia Daily News in December 2015; the Council on America-Islamic Relations; the Holocaust survivor Zeev Hod.

5 Ways Donald Trump Perfectly Mirrors Hitler's Rise To ...


    1. He Used To Keep A Copy Of Hitler's Sequel To Mein Kampf By His Bed. Flickr/Gage Skidmore. …​
    2. Not Taking Him Seriously Makes Him More Dangerous. Flickr/Michael Vadon. One of the first …​
    3. Don't Think Concentration Camps, Just Think Prisons. Wikipedia. The problem with Hitler was that …​
    4. He'll Sell His Hate As Hope For The Poorest Citizens In This Country. Flickr/Michael Vadon. Do I …​

Impeachment chicken: Pelosi, McConnell and the battle for leverage over a Senate trial

House Democrats are backing Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s power move to hold articles of impeachment in the House until the Senate agrees to what Democrats say will be fair procedures for a trial, but it’s unclear how long their patience for this game of chicken with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will last.
Pelosi announced the move at a news conference late Wednesday night after the House impeached President Donald Trump, and then briefly explained her thinking with Democrats at a meeting Thursday morning.
She did not specify how long the hold would last and refused to rule out that she may never transfer the articles.

Rank-and-file Democrats did not have advance warning, although that’s a strategy progressives had discussed.
“I’m not saying we have all the leverage in the world, but we certainly have some and we should use it,” Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chair and Judiciary member Pramila Jayapal said. “Nancy Pelosi’s very smart on these things and I think Trump has never been able to defeat Pelosi in these battles.”

The leverage point, the Washington Democrat said, is that Trump wants to get the trial over with and be acquitted by the Senate.

Politically not having one at all could benefit several of McConnell’s conference members up for reelection in swing states because they wouldn’t have to vote on removing Trump from office.

House Democrats appear willing to give Pelosi the leeway to play hardball and secure some concessions, at least for a little while.

we should be ashamed...…...

HUD estimates 2.7 percent rise in U.S. homelessness due to California housing crisis

An estimate of annual homelessness in the U.S. released Friday by the federal government shows that the number of people living on the streets increased 2.7 percent this year over last because of crisis-level housing issues in California.

The nation's most populous state experienced a 16.4 percent increase in homelessness in 2019, the report by the Department of Housing and Urban Development said, even though voters approved a $4 billion affordable housing bond more than a year ago, and Los Angeles passed its own $1.2 billion housing bond in 2016

L.A. has been slow to spend its money on shelters because of neighborhood opposition, and the state's largest coastal cities have long experienced housing prices and rents that exceed the budgets of many families. In November, San Francisco voters approved $600 million in bonds for affordable housing.

"As we look across our nation, we see great progress, but we're also seeing a continued increase in street homelessness along our West Coast where the cost of housing is extremely high," HUD Secretary Ben Carson said in a statement. "In fact, homelessness in California is at a crisis level and needs to be addressed by local and state leaders with crisis-like urgency."

The HUD numbers were a prelude to its annual homelessness report to Congress, and the estimate found that California's increase was "higher than all other states combined," according to HUD's statement.

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