Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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still doing all you can to try and blame the left for something....anything to justify the fucked up thinking you have...…..why don't you just do like trump and say it is all the dems that did it?

you really are mind fucked beyond repair!......push some more of your Russian bot ******* without thinking....but then Russia doesn't think....they just do what they can to try and make trump look good

now most normal people would look at the stock market and see there is a problem there.....but not a trumptard...or a Russian bot!
20 million illegals? Since when? Who counted? What aren't they being arrested? Are there 20 million warrants? Only racists, Trumptards and "conservatives" know this?
That's ten times the people in prison and on parole. There is tens of thousands of judges, attorneys, cops and probation/parole officers watching/tracking over that system and its still not enough for two million people.
So, who has counted that 1 out of 17 persons in this country are illegal?
You write the dumbest ******* and try to use the term logical? Delusional fucktard comes to mind. There is no argument coming from your end. Just nonsense designed to rile up emotions against Americans that don't look like you, think like you, or fuck like you.

You are painfully ignorant. We can tell who has overstayed their visa here because we track when they enter and when they leave. 2.6 million in just the last 4 years.
And that doesn't account for the hundreds of thousands who have crossed our borders, demanding asylum, and then never show up for their court cases again. 97% of them don't show up for their court cases. And this has been going on for decades. 20 million is probably way below what the real number is. And how do we know that? Because American birth rates are dropping, but our population continues to increase. Simple math.

You talk about writing dumb *******... well look at your opinion-based argument. No facts. No knowledge of what I have just shown. Makes me wonder if you ever care to know the facts, or just spout your opinionated bullshit and anger.
You are painfully ignorant. We can tell who has overstayed their visa here because we track when they enter and when they leave. 2.6 million in just the last 4 years.
And that doesn't account for the hundreds of thousands who have crossed our borders, demanding asylum, and then never show up for their court cases again. 97% of them don't show up for their court cases. And this has been going on for decades. 20 million is probably way below what the real number is. And how do we know that? Because American birth rates are dropping, but our population continues to increase. Simple math.

You talk about writing dumb *******... well look at your opinion-based argument. No facts. No knowledge of what I have just shown. Makes me wonder if you ever care to know the facts, or just spout your opinionated bullshit and anger.
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That Logo in the bottom left corner tells me all I'd ever want to know .... I'm real pleased with my new 80" Smart TV ....
it automatically deletes bullshit propaganda (supposedly) news channels .... did I mention that it does it quicker than I can get angered or reach for the remote!?
That Logo in the bottom left corner tells me all I'd ever want to know .... I'm real pleased with my new 80" Smart TV ....
it automatically deletes bullshit propaganda (supposedly) news channels .... did I mention that it does it quicker than I can get angered or reach for the remote!?

That's why you'll remain an idiot. Don't look at the news station, look at the source. Those statistics come the Department of Homeland Security. You can see their stats on their website. But you're lazy, I get it. You want everyone to do your work for you.
You are painfully ignorant. We can tell who has overstayed their visa here because we track when they enter and when they leave. 2.6 million in just the last 4 years.
And that doesn't account for the hundreds of thousands who have crossed our borders, demanding asylum, and then never show up for their court cases again. 97% of them don't show up for their court cases. And this has been going on for decades. 20 million is probably way below what the real number is. And how do we know that? Because American birth rates are dropping, but our population continues to increase. Simple math.

You talk about writing dumb *******... well look at your opinion-based argument. No facts. No knowledge of what I have just shown. Makes me wonder if you ever care to know the facts, or just spout your opinionated bullshit and anger.
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all the more reason to build a wall...…..keep them trapped in here
That's why you'll remain an idiot. Don't look at the news station, look at the source. Those statistics come the Department of Homeland Security. You can see their stats on their website. But you're lazy, I get it. You want everyone to do your work for you.
A Department of Homeland Security under a Trump Administration has proven to be as truthfull and honest as Trump himself, they'll only provide the alternative facts acceptable and approved by Trump/or anointed Trump Crony before being made public. I won't degrade myself to your level by commenting on your lack of attributes, you've described yourself very amply by your own written words and their lack of character and absence of integrity. You have a good day, you evidently are in bad need of one!
P.S. I will not comment or acknowledge any post you may make on this, or any other thread on this site, now or in the future! Au Revoir!
You are painfully ignorant. We can tell who has overstayed their visa here because we track when they enter and when they leave. 2.6 million in just the last 4 years.
And that doesn't account for the hundreds of thousands who have crossed our borders, demanding asylum, and then never show up for their court cases again. 97% of them don't show up for their court cases. And this has been going on for decades. 20 million is probably way below what the real number is. And how do we know that? Because American birth rates are dropping, but our population continues to increase. Simple math.

You talk about writing dumb *******... well look at your opinion-based argument. No facts. No knowledge of what I have just shown. Makes me wonder if you ever care to know the facts, or just spout your opinionated bullshit and anger.
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Fox Fucking News??? And Trump's Department of Homeland Security??? This is your source?
Since tRump has replaced the professionals with inexperienced bootlickers, it's about as credible as a Tweet from him.
Oh- by the way, that doesn't add up to 20 million.
That's why you'll remain an idiot. Don't look at the news station, look at the source. Those statistics come the Department of Homeland Security. You can see their stats on their website. But you're lazy, I get it. You want everyone to do your work for you.
The thing about being a tRumptard is that you have to have a short memory (and no morals or shame). Anybody remember the 24/7 Fox News coverage of the Ebola virus and the Republicans call for stupid ass quarantines and how the Mexican and Isis were working together to bring it here? Until Shepard Smith crushed that bullshit. Now the difference is, there is not much known about how communicable this virus is, the gestation, or even how it's transferred. There won't be a cure for a year. And blah blah blah, you only see red after the name Shepard Smith I'm sure.

these people cut off American heads...…..and you really want to trust them...…..trump just doing the same thing he did to the Kurds....leaving them to die or be slaughtered....he could give a ******* less.....and will just use it during his campaign about how he brought the troops home...….won't mention a thing about disgracefully!
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