Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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what another one that thinks it is just a common cold.....these trump supporters really have to on the sort side of an education....and I thought the ones on here were bad....looks like all of them alike...some just get paid to be a fool
You give the flu a fancy name and look out the sky's falling typical fear tactic
A number of years ago there was an out break of SARS which was real nasty and and deadly disease. The whole world called it SARS with the exception of the US which called it Level 4 Flu or some other name just so they could deny that SATS had reached the US.
Over the decades I've spoken to people from other countries, and the one thing I've learned is that their opinion doesn't matter. If it hasn't changed, then they are raised to think that way. We will succeed with or without their endorsement.
America's economy is surging at record highs, even despite the COVID-19 blip. Our military is the strongest by orders of magnitude. There are millions of jobs available for people who want to work. The sad part is, the Dems have conditioned people to not want to work. It's time we got back to being a working country.
And none of that has anything to do with the opinion of foreigners.
Have you checked the stock market lately. It’s going down not up.
Over the decades I've spoken to people from other countries, and the one thing I've learned is that their opinion doesn't matter. If it hasn't changed, then they are raised to think that way. We will succeed with or without their endorsement.
America's economy is surging at record highs, even despite the COVID-19 blip. Our military is the strongest by orders of magnitude. There are millions of jobs available for people who want to work. The sad part is, the Dems have conditioned people to not want to work. It's time we got back to being a working country.
And none of that has anything to do with the opinion of foreigners.

You're mantra says it all and adequately answers any question I might otherwise have had .... "submission" to your leaders whimsical views, alas no longer the party of Lincoln but "Dear Donald" .... yes, the same character much beloved by his most admired friends in North Korea and Moscow!!
You're mantra says it all and adequately answers any question I might otherwise have had .... "submission" to your leaders whimsical views, alas no longer the party of Lincoln but "Dear Donald" .... yes, the same character much beloved by his most admired friends in North Korea and Moscow!!

Your assumption is not only inaccurate, but naive. I had the same opinion when Obama was ruining the country.

I think it was all a plan by trump to try and ******* off a bunch of Democrats because he knows he can not get re-elected without a lot of help.....even Russia can't pull off this kind of miracle keeping him in office

trump worried he hasn't had enough time to destroy the country by other means.....so this he thinks is his best bet.....and putting killer pence in charge a real coup
Mmmmm what to do about the "bern"....a lot of Dems want no part of him....and think he will hurt the ticket...…...joe the favorite but worry his age...others not doing so well.....bern already plotting on how to get the nod at the convention....he helped write the rules...and now wants to change them since it looks like he may not win....most wanting him out....and see no way of paying for or implementing half the ******* he has proposed...…..just like last time with Hillary...he doesn't get his way....he pulls his votes and you do without.....same this time......he has the Dems by the balls.....unless out of nowhere someone steps up and starts pulling in votes....the current bunch all seem to be about equal with good points and bad and not able to pull away....talk of drafting someone from Ohio....but he likes Biden....better get their ******* in order soon....or this country really will be in bad shape if we end up with Adolph shitler again

but then that may not be such a bad thought either....let the fucking pumpkin have it.....take the senate and the house from him so he can not pass anything....a 4 year lame duck!.....and just for thrills....impeach him again!

what a fucking mess...….how did we ever sink so low.....the pumpkin on one side......and strawberry face on the other....both have a cult following of complete fucking idiots!
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What? What a ridiculous premise. There are 20+ million illegals here. There aren't even 200 cases of Coronavirus in the US.
Try to stick to arguments that aren't logical fallacies.
20 million illegals? Since when? Who counted? What aren't they being arrested? Are there 20 million warrants? Only racists, Trumptards and "conservatives" know this?
That's ten times the people in prison and on parole. There is tens of thousands of judges, attorneys, cops and probation/parole officers watching/tracking over that system and its still not enough for two million people.
So, who has counted that 1 out of 17 persons in this country are illegal?
You write the dumbest ******* and try to use the term logical? Delusional fucktard comes to mind. There is no argument coming from your end. Just nonsense designed to rile up emotions against Americans that don't look like you, think like you, or fuck like you.
where in the hell is that wall when you need it?...…….oh fuck...….that wall just covers wild animals and etc above ground.....why didn't anyone think they have tunnels......those darn Mexicans!.....and 126 of them found in the past few years...…..why didn't we think about that?
…..it's not a fucking wall...…..it's a monument to stupidity!...…..just shows how fucking dumb some people here are.....and the leader they chose to show the world how fucking dumb they are

Smuggling tunnel dug by hand discovered at US-Mexico border
6 hours ago · An incomplete smuggling tunnel was discovered by authorities at the Arizona-Mexico border — the 126th underground pathway found by border agents in that area since 1990, officials said.

Longest Smuggling Tunnel Is Found at U.S.-Mexico Border ...
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so what...……...trump and family do biz there we can't be hurting their feelings or doing anything that might risk sales

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A Chinese destroyer used a weapons-grade laser to target a US Navy P-8A surveillance aircraft flying above the Pacific last week, US Pacific Fleet said Thursday.

Chinese destroyer aims laser at US Navy plane in 'unsafe ...
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US says Chinese warship fired military laser at US aircraft
10 hours ago · The US Navy said Thursday that a Chinese military warship fired a military grade laser at US Navy P-8 surveillance aircraft last week while it was flying over the …
Mmmmmm Biden back running for the lead...…...and all of a sudden completely out of the blue...….this comes up...….damn the poor timing..….why would that pop up now?

Ukraine court forces probe into Biden role in firing of prosecutor Viktor Shokin

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