Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Hard not to get emotional over the Kurds being betrayed by a former ally and thrown to the wolves. The rest of the world is disgusted over that.
There's an emotion for you - disgust.

the right over looks all that in the name of greed.....look what they supported to begin with.....someone who was known for his sexual indiscretions...c.hild sex....bankruptcies…..Russian money....making fun of vets while being a draft dodger himself....racists....and a lot more.....but he is a "free thinker" that will straighten things out around here

and look at what we have now....our allies don't really care for us......he treats dictators like they are best buddies......our reputation around the world falling fast...p.utin trusted more than trump...….his tariffs raising inflation costing the people who can't afford it......writing checks we can't cash (deficit)…..just a matter of time before they want the money for those checks he keeps writing...…..but the right is willing to over look all that also
maybe its time the rest of the world invest there money and time and lives instead of watching and bitching

maybe he should have listened to ALL of his advisors instead of just giving his pal p.utin another country at the cost of thousands of lives of our allies....if he wanted out he could have brought it up with NATO...or other allies instead of just giving the country to 2 other countries he owes money to.....and it wasn't about bringing the troops home....because he just sent 15,000 to Saudi arabia….again to protect his money interests there...….his foreign policy is all about his wallet!.....fuck the country or the world.....
and these trump supporters just can't see that......that explains their utter worship of the guy....blind to so many things
maybe he should have listened to ALL of his advisors instead of just giving his pal p.utin another country at the cost of thousands of lives of our allies....if he wanted out he could have brought it up with NATO...or other allies instead of just giving the country to 2 other countries he owes money to.....and it wasn't about bringing the troops home....because he just sent 15,000 to Saudi arabia….again to protect his money interests there...….his foreign policy is all about his wallet!.....fuck the country or the world.....
and these trump supporters just can't see that......that explains their utter worship of the guy....blind to so many things
nato is Fucking usless there was plenty of time for any other country to try out shoes on in Syria
nato is Fucking usless there was plenty of time for any other country to try out shoes on in Syria

wrong.....we stuck our nose into it to begin with...when we should have never got involved...….but that republican greed machine...called dick chenny saw money there....after some started looking to us for support...can't just say changed my mind ..going home....could have at least brought it up with other countries....we are not alone with the terrorist problem.....and his comment about letting Isis go free...they want to go to EU anyway.....that helped our world standing......and what makes him think they all want to go to EU......no this was all about the money he gets from Russia and turkey...period...peoples lives mean nothing to a republican...it's about the money
thank you Donald Trump.....people saw the games he and Russia pulled on Clinton....and not going to let it go on again.....Biden just jumped to a double digit lead over all his other challengers
Did you forget who made the case to go there

Bush with colin powell was the start....well actually bush Sr sent us there but did what needed to be done and pulled out...….bush and powell went in front of the Un saying Saddam H had weapons' of mass destruction....that was the start....but in your right wing thinking who know how it will come out
Hard not to get emotional over the Kurds being betrayed by a former ally and thrown to the wolves. The rest of the world is disgusted over that.
There's an emotion for you - disgust.

What time are you and subhub leaving to sign up with the Kurds to stand on the front line to defend the them?

I wonder, why now, does the left want us to stay in a tribal war against our NATO allie Turkey? Can you explain that? How did we betray the Kurds? Didn't they betray us more than once? At one point do they need to stand on their own?
thats iraq not Syria

it took off from there looking for isis…..Obama tried to bring a bunch home....but if you remember right trump was pissed....supposedly....over Syria gassing *******....and blew up some of their airfields and etc.....although we started supplying the "resistance" in late 2000 and early 2011...more Bush
Bush with colin powell was the start....well actually bush Sr sent us there but did what needed to be done and pulled out...….bush and powell went in front of the Un saying Saddam H had weapons' of mass destruction....that was the start....but in your right wing thinking who know how it will come out
Didn't all the Democrats in Congress vote to start that War? Then voted for the funding of all the 'police actions' since? I believe all of Congress except for Ron Paul voted for the war in Iraq. Then the Dems tried to hang it on Bush when they claimed it was a Quagmire? Then started on about no weapons of mass destruction when they know there were some, since Bush Sr, with Democrats and Republicans ok, sold it to them.

I also believe this was Obama and Trump that put us back into this deal with the Kurds. More Obama, but Trump did some bombing in Syria causing more issues in the short run.

You have to give Trump credit for being the first to try to get us out of the wars. Oh wait no you can't because everything the 'right' does is bad.

Subhub how do you "not trust the government" be a "Democrat" and support these wars?
it took off from there looking for isis…..Obama tried to bring a bunch home....but if you remember right trump was pissed....supposedly....over Syria gassing *******....and blew up some of their airfields and etc.....although we started supplying the "resistance" in late 2000 and early 2011...more Bush
Obama started two wars. And escalated Syria at the end of his term.

American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia
The American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War refers to the United States-led support of Syrian opposition and the Federation of Northern Syria during the course of the Syrian Civil War and active military involvement led by the United States and its allies — the militaries of the United Kingdom, France, Jordan, Turkey, Canada ...

The U.S. missile strike on Shayrat Airbase on 7 April 2017 was the first time the U.S. became a deliberate, direct combatant against the Syrian government[141] and marked the start of a series of deliberate direct military actions by U.S. forces against the Syrian government and its allies in May–June 2017 and February 2018.
If you remember right Obama stated his "red line"....and then didn't follow through with it....and he took a lot of heat from it
And still sent in more troops and air missions.

Bottomline he, Obma, expanded operations in the Middle East, started two wars and kept us fighting. Just like Bush and Clinton. And for that matter Trump in Afghanistan.
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