Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I have been trying for years to convince him his “FACTS” are just Dem propaganda - I wish you well in your attempt - so far so GOOD !!!

blkdlaur- there is no way to change his mind by my arguments. This is a leftist religion for him. He believes he is fighting Alt Right Naz*s. The only way his mind will change is when his comrades march him out. The left always turns and eat their own for some whacky reason.

I just enjoy making statist do their dance and show their hypocrisy
I have been trying for years to convince him his “FACTS” are just Dem propaganda - I wish you well in your attempt - so far so GOOD !!!

wrong.....quoted out of the todays paper....nothing there but the current news....he hasn't got one thing right yet....the comment at the bottom...a question.....he is still trying to be something he is not
Sub it’s really irrelevant whether it’s a he or a she or a couple.

The point we both having been trying to make is that the media is totally compromised and is basically an arm of the Democrat party now - backing up your point of view citing the news doesn’t get you very far when the same news for over 2 years 24 / 7 said our President was conspiring with Russia and nothing came of it.
you guys just encourage him.....and it is a him...with a phoney avatar pretending to be a cpl so someone will talk about fucking a wife he probably doesn't even have.....but some of you like his Bullshit.....we have been going at it for 2 years now...and you people know I don't post my opinion...I post current news articles…...and when you people post something I use my search engine to prove my point....never my opinion!

but lets look at just some of his phoney statements that are pure *******....

The rich guy pays thousands to millions each year.

The top 35% pay all of the taxes- period. That is per the IRS.

Typical, you spout opinions, lies and conjecture calling them facts

First- He stopped our involvement in a foreign war Obama started. That is what Trump did in Syria. That, and stopped sending American Boys to die for Globalists' Corporate interests in a religious tribal war that has been raging for thousand years.

The rule of law and the congressional rules, mostly written by the dems, requires the Dem in the house to hold a vote to impeach before they can violate Executive Privilege.

These are manipulated opinions on top of manipulated opinions, aka Bullshit.

There is not a single fact in that yahoo post. That is your opinion. e.g. the sun rose today is a fact. Republicans don't respect the 4th adm is your opinion.

He is a billionaire and has licensed his band for 100s of millions alone.

Oh no a Rich Person used legal loop holes, created by Dem congress

Well you keep asserting that your sources say he owes more than he has. Then you post biased left wing sources who have been trying to bring him down.

Wait was that the time he had one of the highest rated show on TV and selling his interests in hotels around the world to the tune of $600 Million?

Not a big Trump guy here.

talked all day and the above was just part of what he said in defense of trump....all of which is wrong and I fact checked every bit of it...and rather than admit he fucked up just calls what I gave him off the net.. opinion.....and then he says he is not a big trump guy.....but yet spent all day going on...most of the time just babbling

he is as phoney in his posts as he is in his avatar....and you guys just encourage him......some of you because you just don't know what the facts are or are not...but he just says it is and makes a big deal out of it...when he is wrong to begin with.....that's why I just don't usually answer him

1- You took factual statements out of context.
2- You did not refute a single one of those factual statements
3- The vast majority of your articles, you tried to use, have the word Opinion in the title. If you took the time to read them you would know they don't back your claims. Remember: You admitted twice that you don't read most of what you repost, just the headlines and you fail at that. Then you tried to defend your intellectual fraud and frame it as the "rights" fault.

The funny part. You keep saying I posted all day as if that was something. You were posting right back all day. Oops- again you fail.

I have owned you and you just proved it. You took how long to copy these? And you still didn't refute a single one. Just took them out of context and, funny, they still prove you wrong.

You thought you were the smartest guy in the room. You predicated your ego on that. On the average day most people just ignore you Mr. Know it all. I bet you start almost every conversation with, No let me tell you how it is. I bet that is why you have this statement in your profile, "I have worked for different employers that will treat people like ******* for no particular reason other than dislike"

The saddest part. you think spewing articles you don't read makes you look smart. I bet you try to use a large vernacular at parties, if you get invited to one. Your knowledge of history, math, finance and accounting is so woefully lacking you make my dog look like a genius. All you have is headlines, weak insults and talking points. Even sadder, half the time I am stomping you with my general knowledge and quick comments. You have to keep googling to keep up. Maybe you should read the articles.

And just to add to your pain- Here is an article that actually backs my point about taxes. https://www.wsj.com/articles/top-20-of-americans-will-pay-87-of-income-tax-1523007001-

Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax
Bi line "Households with $150,000 or more in income make up 52% of total income nationally but pay large portion of total taxes"

Again, rates don't mean ******* when you look at the actual tax revenue, who actually pays, how much they pay of total taxes and the income demographics. Funny how it took me an article and a pointed sentence to dismantled one of your long held talking point that you think makes you look clever.
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Bill was the President and he used his power to coerce interns and young women. He also raped women and used his power to coerce other women dating back to his governor terms.
Who did Bill Clinton supposedly ******* & who did he use his powers to coerce? Where do you get this information? Sources? And, what does Bill Clinton have to do with the current political news and environment other than attempt to take the focus off the current dictator in Washington?

As for Trump, you gotta be kidding me? You're either in a major state of denial or you have your head so far buried up your posterior you don't even know what day it is! Trump simply refuses to respond to any requests, just to avoid impeachment and prosecution. He's running out of people to cover for him as they RESIGN or face their own charges.

The Democrats are like a dog chasing a car ... running along side it and barking. They haven't yet figured out what they will do with it once they catch it. But, eventually, they will.
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US Supreme Court overturns ruling in Michigan gerrymandering case: What it means

Nancy Wang, executive director of the group Voters, Not Politicians, which helped pass the referendum last year, said the lawsuit, originally filed by the League of Women Voters, was not in vain.

"The public now knows what happens behind closed doors when politicians and special interests have the power to manipulate election district maps for partisan political gain," she said. "The U.S. Supreme Court’s unwillingness to protect voters from extreme partisan gerrymandering underscores the importance of citizen-led initiatives (to determine how political lines are drawn)."

Sub it’s really irrelevant whether it’s a he or a she or a couple.

The point we both having been trying to make is that the media is totally compromised and is basically an arm of the Democrat party now - backing up your point of view citing the news doesn’t get you very far when the same news for over 2 years 24 / 7 said our President was conspiring with Russia and nothing came of it.

he...she...it....true...…..but if you get on here and lie about that....what else is the truth...point is I pointed out just a few of IT"S statements....all wrong....but not to hear IT tell it...and then does the strutting...with nothing backing up the statements...but some on here like that because...no matter how wrong IT is .....arguing with me makes IT a hero.....but...it gives it's own opinion on an internet news story and says that it ...is facts and you people buy into because you want to believe the internet is false...good example is I asked for links on some of IT's "facts"....yet hottobe said he was tired of links...…..so I guess it just now is nothing but opinions...and who can do the biggest strut... facts don't matter......but then a lot of you have shown that to be true anyway.......it has already stated not a trump fan....so it boils down to nothing more than wanting to argue

fake news and lies is something the right seems to eat up anyway......******* some more kool aid!

as for your other comment

wrong again ……….we all know certain channels favor one over the other.....but now that trump became pres they are ALL against him and fake news...……..they are just reporting on what he doesn't want people to know …..Fox news a good example....they started reporting the actual news and trump didn't like it then...so he sent Barr over to have them make changes more favorable to him......and you people don't want to hear anything bad about your hero so you buy into what trump says...…..just like IT above
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Interesting...….wondered what she was making this accusation from...….

Democrats' 2020 race has a new shadow: Hillary Clinton

The latest fracas started last week when Clinton suggested on a podcast that Russians are "grooming (Gabbard) to be the third-party candidate."

Clinton produced no evidence that Moscow is directly backing Gabbard, but Russian state-owned media and a number of alt-right websites have promoted the congresswoman's Democratic campaign, and the Russian Embassy has defended her on Twitter. A military veteran, Gabbard has carved an unusual political profile with criticisms of long-held U.S. foreign policy and defenses of Trump.

Cohen, the Sanders backer, said none of that means Clinton isn't in prime position to help Democrats in 2020. And Booker, even as he lamented the Gabbard kerfuffle, called Clinton an "extraordinary statesperson in our party."

Clinton has headlined at least two DNC fundraisers this cycle and more are expected. Merrill said she talks regularly to several Democratic presidential candidates. And Finney predicts Clinton "will be out on the trail in 2020," if not for the nominee, then for "any of the record number of women who will be running" for other offices

And while Republicans, including Trump, continue aiming at a long-favored target, not everyone in the GOP thinks it will work as well as it has in the past.

"All the things that she warned us about in 2016 have come true," said GOP strategist Rick Tyler. "So she has the gravitas to weigh in. ... She's now a net positive for Democrats, not a negative."

Who did Bill Clinton supposedly ******* & who did he use his powers to coerce? Where do you get this information? Sources? And, what does Bill Clinton have to do with the current political news and environment other than attempt to take the focus off the current dictator in Washington?

As for Trump, you gotta be kidding me? You're either in a major state of denial or you have your head so far buried up your posterior you don't even know what day it is! Trump simply refuses to respond to any requests, just to avoid impeachment and prosecution. He's running out of people to cover for him as they RESIGN or face their own charges.

The Democrats are like a dog chasing a car ... running along side it and barking. They haven't yet figured out what they will do with it once they catch it. But, eventually, they will.

I wouldn't wait for or expect any sources....it doesn't supply that..... just opinions....and they are what some on here want to hear
The Democrats are like a dog chasing a car ... running along side it and barking. They haven't yet figured out what they will do with it once they catch it. But, eventually, they will.

Or get run over.

I know you will attack the source of this link because its not one of your favorite left wing sources, but...

You can't seriously believe that Monica was to only one and Bill was pure as the driven snow.

And, what does Bill Clinton have to do with the current political news and environment
It proves how blind you are as to what is actually going on. Everything is the Rights fault and the left do no wrong. That is some pretty strong blind devotion you have. You are unable to see the whole picture.
Or get run over.

I know you will attack the source of this link because its not one of your favorite left wing sources, but...

You can't seriously believe that Monica was to only one and Bill was pure as the driven snow.

It proves how blind you are as to what is actually going on. Everything is the Rights fault and the left do no wrong. That is some pretty strong blind devotion you have. You are unable to see the whole picture.

how I see his post...….
in your enthusiastic right leaning response....you are missing both points....no Bill is not as pure as driven snow......but Monica was not a c.hild either....adult enough to do things of her own free will

and second...no one said anything about Clinton or the left being pure....that was an issue a long time ago and the right is still making an issue of it while overlooking everything trump has done...…...if you remember right...Clinton was impeached for lying about getting a blow job...…..and now trump has lied about several of his "affairs" and you want the left to just let it slide

kind of a double standard I would think
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I see someone didn't bother to read

what is to understand...a list of Clinton's women.....he is bad....slick willy was and still is a very popular pres....but the right just wants to keep bring it up.....even all these years later to divert what is going on now
all of trump scandels………..no problem
again it is the double standard....

maybe not double standard...…….just trying to divert today's issues.....but slick willy did a lot of good for the country which has a big issue to do with it....not so with trump...except for a few of YOU...the rest hasn't seen anything

btw....couldn't finish reading it....bad link.....first got a big page on Norton...clicked off and went back on......then got another pop-up from my firewall refusing to let it open
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The way this country has been divided is amazing - like two fighters each in their own corner. No middle ground now - seemingly no moderate Democrats at least in a position to do anything. Yeah I liked Bill Clinton still pissed at his impeachment - that sucked.
All this anti-Trump bullshite is worse. Since election night the Dems have been trying to tear him down - it pisses me off even more than when the right went after Clinton because it seems to anyone reasonable that the Dems go after him for one reason after another and mostly ridiculous reasons. I’m an Independent I voted for Bill Clinton but the way I feel now based on how that party has gone off the deep end I seriously doubt I’ll ever vote Democrat again. What the Dems are trying to do to our president is disgusting and in the end it is gonna come back and REALLY bite them in the arse.
Who did Bill Clinton supposedly ******* & who did he use his powers to coerce? Where do you get this information? Sources? And, what does Bill Clinton have to do with the current political news and environment other than attempt to take the focus off the current dictator in Washington?

As for Trump, you gotta be kidding me? You're either in a major state of denial or you have your head so far buried up your posterior you don't even know what day it is! Trump simply refuses to respond to any requests, just to avoid impeachment and prosecution. He's running out of people to cover for him as they RESIGN or face their own charges.

The Democrats are like a dog chasing a car ... running along side it and barking. They haven't yet figured out what they will do with it once they catch it. But, eventually, they will.

“Who did Bill Clinton supposedly ******* & who did he use his powers to coerce? Where do you get this information? Sources? And, what does Bill Clinton have to do with the current political news and environment other than attempt to take the focus off the current dictator in Washington?”

The real question is how did you not know about this? I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you missed the 90s. But, did you not pay attention for last 12 to 18 moths with #Me Too? He is relevant in that he is still a major figure in the Dem Party. How did you not know that? He was also refenced because he lays bare the cognitive dissidence and hypocrisy of the Left. Here, this might help you catch up.


“As for Trump, you gotta be kidding me?... Trump simply refuses to respond to any requests, just to avoid impeachment and prosecution. He's running out of people to cover for him as they RESIGN or face their own charges.”

First get the facts right- According to CNN, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, Trump stated, He would respond when there is a legal trial after a full Impeachment vote. He is asking for the Dems to hold a full impeachment trial. Why won’t the Dems have an open public trial? Why do they keep having close door hearings and Schiff’s office ‘leaks’ bogus or incomplete information? Could it be Trump’s team could respond and cross in a public impeachment?

Second, Trump has the legal right to tell Nan Pelosi and her minions to pound sand. It is called Executive Privilege. There is NO IMPEACHMENT TRIAL. There is no impeachment trial. Yes, I said that twice, hopefully it will sink in. Legal speaking there is no such thing as an impeachment inquiry. These ‘hearings’ have no legal authority to supersede Executive Privilege. Bottomline: Executive Branch does not answer to Congress- They are co-equal branches. Come on, this is basic civics.

“The Democrats are like a dog chasing a car ... running along side it and barking. They haven't yet figured out what they will do with it once they catch it. But, eventually, they will.”

They are doing exactly what they wanted. They are performing political theater, and their corporate media friends & spouses are providing cover, hoping enough people like you will buy the "Trump is a criminal" story. The old Rules for Radicals- say it enough in the right setting and people like Subhub and MacNfires will buy it.

3 ½ years- Zero convictions, Zero actionable court cases, and NO IMPEACHMENT vote or trial. And before you say it- Not one of them was convicted for Collusion or any other crime directly related to what Trump is accused of. All were Held or settled for either procedural ‘crimes’ or for items from before Trump ran.
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he...she...it....true...…..but if you get on here and lie about that....what else is the truth...point is I pointed out just a few of IT"S statements....all wrong....but not to hear IT tell it...and then does the strutting...with nothing backing up the statements...but some on here like that because...no matter how wrong IT is .....arguing with me makes IT a hero.....but...it gives it's own opinion on an internet news story and says that it ...is facts and you people buy into because you want to believe the internet is false...good example is I asked for links on some of IT's "facts"....yet hottobe said he was tired of links...…..so I guess it just now is nothing but opinions...and who can do the biggest strut... facts don't matter......but then a lot of you have shown that to be true anyway.......it has already stated not a trump fan....so it boils down to nothing more than wanting to argue

fake news and lies is something the right seems to eat up anyway......******* some more kool aid!

as for your other comment

wrong again ……….we all know certain channels favor one over the other.....but now that trump became pres they are ALL against him and fake news...……..they are just reporting on what he doesn't want people to know …..Fox news a good example....they started reporting the actual news and trump didn't like it then...so he sent Barr over to have them make changes more favorable to him......and you people don't want to hear anything bad about your hero so you buy into what trump says...…..just like IT above

Typical- when you can't beat the argument attack the opponent.
looks like Bidens battle cry is spreading...…….

Beto O’Rourke targets Trump with plan to limit pardons

Beto O’Rourke called Tuesday for a constitutional amendment prohibiting a president from pardoning anyone tied to an investigation involving the president or his family members, a direct rebuke of President Donald Trump.

O’Rourke also pledged that if elected president, he would press Congress to make accepting help from a foreign power for personal profit or political gain a federal crime, while ensuring non-financial assistance from a foreign power in an election constitutes an emolument.

“Who did Bill Clinton supposedly ******* & who did he use his powers to coerce? Where do you get this information? Sources? And, what does Bill Clinton have to do with the current political news and environment other than attempt to take the focus off the current dictator in Washington?”

The real question is how did you not know about this? I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you missed the 90s. But, did you not pay attention for last 12 to 18 moths with #Me Too? He is relevant in that he is still a major figure in the Dem Party. How did you not know that? He was also refenced because he lays bare the cognitive dissidence and hypocrisy of the Left. Here, this might help you catch up.


“As for Trump, you gotta be kidding me?... Trump simply refuses to respond to any requests, just to avoid impeachment and prosecution. He's running out of people to cover for him as they RESIGN or face their own charges.”

First get the facts right- According to CNN, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, Trump stated, He would respond when there is a legal trial after a full Impeachment vote. He is asking for the Dems to hold a full impeachment trial. Why won’t the Dems have an open public trial? Why do they keep having close door hearings and Schiff’s office ‘leaks’ bogus or incomplete information? Could it be Trump’s team could respond and cross in a public impeachment?

Second, Trump has the legal right to tell Nan Pelosi and her minions to pound sand. It is called Executive Privilege. There is NO IMPEACHMENT TRIAL. There is no impeachment trial. Yes, I said that twice, hopefully it will sink in. Legal speaking there is no such thing as an impeachment inquiry. These ‘hearings’ have no legal authority to supersede Executive Privilege. Bottomline: Executive Branch does not answer to Congress- They are co-equal branches. Come on, this is basic civics.

“The Democrats are like a dog chasing a car ... running along side it and barking. They haven't yet figured out what they will do with it once they catch it. But, eventually, they will.”

They are doing exactly what they wanted. They are performing political theater, and their corporate media friends & spouses are providing cover, hoping enough people like you will buy the "Trump is a criminal" story. The old Rules for Radicals- say it enough in the right setting and people like Subhub and MacNfires will buy it.

3 ½ years- Zero convictions, Zero actionable court cases, and NO IMPEACHMENT vote or trial. And before you say it- Not one of them was convicted for Collusion or any other crime directly related to what Trump is accused of. Held or settled for either procedural ‘crimes’ or for items from before Trump ran.
they are just wasting time keeping him on constant defense.
looks like Bidens battle cry is spreading...…….

Beto O’Rourke targets Trump with plan to limit pardons

Beto O’Rourke called Tuesday for a constitutional amendment prohibiting a president from pardoning anyone tied to an investigation involving the president or his family members, a direct rebuke of President Donald Trump.

O’Rourke also pledged that if elected president, he would press Congress to make accepting help from a foreign power for personal profit or political gain a federal crime, while ensuring non-financial assistance from a foreign power in an election constitutes an emolument.

Beto is the biggest bozo running - impossible to take him seriously.
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