Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Beto is the biggest bozo running - impossible to take him seriously.

at first....when he was running against Cruz....I thought he was great..(BTW some question as to weather cruz had some under the table help in that)...but anyway....thought he showed promise....but since running for pres not so....for a lot his gun comment hurt him...although some liked that....he is still looking for that something to put him up there....and afraid the election will be over by the time he finds it...but some of those Texans have deep pockets and keeping him going

and it also shows support for no pardons for trump....besides if you read the article...he is right on that
The other Dem candidates seem to be able to beat him up easily - the last one Mayor Pete punished him severely - made Beto look weaker than he already looked.
The other Dem candidates seem to be able to beat him up easily - the last one Mayor Pete punished him severely - made Beto look weaker than he already looked.

read a couple of months ago that....whomever wrote the article...….said that the Mayor would sneak up on people and probably show the best chance of winning nomination....he is pretty level headed......and I still like the gal from Minn...but right now still sticking with Joe...but do worry about his age....guess if he should make it....a lot would depend on his running mate!

Beto's gun comments have a lot of dems distancing themselves from him
I do agree with him on the assault weapons being banned.....but he didn't show a lot of thought when he made that statement and it didn't go over well...…...had he thought it out and maybe explained it better....MIGHT...have been better received.....he actually let his emotion flat take him out of the race
I do agree with him on the assault weapons being banned.....but he didn't show a lot of thought when he made that statement and it didn't go over well...…...had he thought it out and maybe explained it better....MIGHT...have been better received.....he actually let his emotion flat take him out of the race

Yeah he exhibits impulsivity
looks like Bidens battle cry is spreading...…….

Beto O’Rourke targets Trump with plan to limit pardons

Beto O’Rourke called Tuesday for a constitutional amendment prohibiting a president from pardoning anyone tied to an investigation involving the president or his family members, a direct rebuke of President Donald Trump.

O’Rourke also pledged that if elected president, he would press Congress to make accepting help from a foreign power for personal profit or political gain a federal crime, while ensuring non-financial assistance from a foreign power in an election constitutes an emolument.

"{Beta} O’Rourke called Tuesday for a constitutional amendment prohibiting a president from pardoning anyone tied to an investigation involving the president or his family members, a direct rebuke of President Donald Trump." - More political theater ?

They can't muster an impeachment vote in the House of Reps with a Dem majority. They won't get 2/3s of states to vote for this, especially since the Dems think they will win again. You guys are desperate. Those new contribution numbers and snap polls have the Dems worried about losing the House.
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to emotional...nice to act on emotions.....some times
no one wants someone who won't listen to advisors.....and only listens to people telling him what he wants to hear either....had a lot just quit here lately....the one that just quit Ukraine....between military and state dept...40 years....think he knew his way around...and that's just one......had 2 chiefs of staff tried to advise him...picked them because they were good...and refused to listen to either one...now gone

he is trying to run the country with no foreign policy experience and it is not working....he was a draft dodger and trying to run the military and that's not working.....he has gone bankrupt several times...and just "evades" and gets by....won't work for the country….writing checks he can't cash....and we can't file bankruptcy...….each American will have to do it on their own

ok so I went a little more than just emotional...….but you are right....and pretty sure he doesn't stand a chance...notice he has said nothing about anything but guns and anti trump comments
they are just wasting time keeping him on constant defense.

with all the ******* he has pulled in his lifetime....he should be...just because he has money can ******* a 13 year old....pay young girls to piss....cheat on his wives so many times....hell he has personally killed the me#2 thing.....what happened to going to sue all those girls for slander….didn't happen did it.....matter of fact he is still being sued by some and dragging that out.....so his being on the defensive lately is just not true......it has been a lifetime for him and deserved every bit of it

USA TODAY Network: Dive into Donald Trump's thousands of ...
A deep dive by @USATODAY shows Trump's thousands of lawsuits over three decades. A deep dive by USA TODAY shows how Trump amassed thousands of lawsuits over three decades, unprecedented for
with all the ******* he has pulled in his lifetime....he should be...just because he has money can ******* a 13 year old....pay young girls to piss....cheat on his wives so many times....hell he has personally killed the me#2 thing.....what happened to going to sue all those girls for slander….didn't happen did it.....matter of fact he is still being sued by some and dragging that out.....so his being on the defensive lately is just not true......it has been a lifetime for him and deserved every bit of it

USA TODAY Network: Dive into Donald Trump's thousands of ...
A deep dive by @USATODAY shows Trump's thousands of lawsuits over three decades. A deep dive by USA TODAY shows how Trump amassed thousands of lawsuits over three decades, unprecedented for

You justify 'slick willie' and his work place sexual assaults and pretended you didn't know #Metoo. Then you spread debunked lies about pissing from the Hillary foreign agent dossier that came from the Russians and Steel. Then you try to saay Trump killed '#metoo'. You are a joke. The article you posted even points out the vast majority of these case were dismissed or settled workplace claims against his casinos and golf courses by patrons. Not him dipshit. You should really read your posts.

You support Democrat rapes, corruption and sexual misconduct/harassments. Then try to accurse Trump of the very crimes your guys do and are still doing. Epstien and Weinstien were Bill and Hillary and Michelle and Barack's good friends. They spent a lot of time together unlike Trump.
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not looking good for the FORMER pres...….

McConnell contradicts Trump: We've never spoken about Zelensky call

President Donald Trump claimed earlier this month that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told him that his phone call with the Ukrainian president was “the most innocent phone call that I’ve ever read.”

But McConnell said Tuesday he’s never had a conversation about the phone call with the president.

“We’ve not had any conversations on that subject,” McConnell told reporters about the transcript of the call between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Trump.

Democrats are using the call to bolster their impeachment inquiry into Trump, claiming the president abused his power when he pressured Zelensky to investigate political rival Joe Biden.

Hard not to get emotional over the Kurds being betrayed by a former ally and thrown to the wolves. The rest of the world is disgusted over that.
There's an emotion for you - disgust.
maybe its time the rest of the world invest there money and time and lives instead of watching and bitching
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