Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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It's a good thing someone is willing to do something......guess the world now sees trump/US for what it is

EU lawmakers reject Turkey's 'safe zone' in Syria, eye sanctions steps

STRASBOURG (Reuters) - European Union lawmakers on Wednesday condemned Turkey’s offensive to carve out a “safe zone” in northeast Syria and prepared the way for new EU financial sanctions against Ankara.

EU governments have protested to Ankara over its incursion but are split over how to respond to it. EU lawmakers have no direct say on the bloc’s foreign policy decisions but have the power to curb important EU funding to Turkey.

Ankara seeks a “safe zone” along 440 km (275 miles) of border with northeast Syria. It agreed on Tuesday with Russia on steps to remove Kurdish YPG forces 30 km from the border and jointly patrol 10 km of the area, a pact that a senior European diplomat called a “major blow to NATO” coming after a U.S. pull-out that upset the region’s military alliance.

“We demand that Turkey immediately withdraw from Syria,” German center-right lawmaker Michael Gahler said, speaking on behalf of the largest political grouping in the EU assembly.
It's a good thing someone is willing to do something......guess the world now sees trump/US for what it is

EU lawmakers reject Turkey's 'safe zone' in Syria, eye sanctions steps

STRASBOURG (Reuters) - European Union lawmakers on Wednesday condemned Turkey’s offensive to carve out a “safe zone” in northeast Syria and prepared the way for new EU financial sanctions against Ankara.

EU governments have protested to Ankara over its incursion but are split over how to respond to it. EU lawmakers have no direct say on the bloc’s foreign policy decisions but have the power to curb important EU funding to Turkey.

Ankara seeks a “safe zone” along 440 km (275 miles) of border with northeast Syria. It agreed on Tuesday with Russia on steps to remove Kurdish YPG forces 30 km from the border and jointly patrol 10 km of the area, a pact that a senior European diplomat called a “major blow to NATO” coming after a U.S. pull-out that upset the region’s military alliance.

“We demand that Turkey immediately withdraw from Syria,” German center-right lawmaker Michael Gahler said, speaking on behalf of the largest political grouping in the EU assembly.
you should head over straighten them out. Tell them to stop fighting
you should head over straighten them out. Tell them to stop fighting

wouldn't have went in the first place...….but like everything else the right does...it is all about the money and lives mean nothing.....Cheney pushed for all this because he had stocks in Haliburton.....trump pulls out and gives to Russia because they feed him big bucks......all the lives lost in the meantime mean nothing.....way it is for the right
Obama led us into Syria

already showed you where you were wrong on that...he supplied guns and training....your man supplied troops

American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia
The American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War refers to the United States-led support of Syrian opposition and the Federation of Northern Syria during the course of the Syrian Civil War and active military involvement led by the United States and its allies — the militaries of the United Kingdom, France, Jordan, Turkey, Canada ...

The U.S. missile strike on Shayrat Airbase on 7 April 2017 was the first time the U.S. became a deliberate, direct combatant against the Syrian government[141] and marked the start of a series of deliberate direct military actions by U.S. forces against the Syrian government and its allies in May–June 2017 and February 2018.
you need to keep your stories straight....you said you were a small pig farmer....farmers don't have real close neighbors...….and especially ones who raise pigs....the stinkyiest animals you can raise
Not true, hogs are basically clean animals, they will eat anything but, on the fields chicken manure is ten times as ripe.
My ******* raised pigs, at one time we had 300 of them. We lived in the country, the smell wasn't strong at all.

you must have been immune then....they stink!
I have a neighbor that has a pet one....and they seem to be fine with it...not sure how they got it housebroken....but it is either on the patio or a little area off the patio...or in the friggn house

I grew up on the farm and they stink!
true chicken ******* stinks...….but have you ever even drove past a hog farmers place....where they have rows of them.....can smell it for miles!

If “chicken ******* stinks” then Dems STINK cause they’re sure full of it !!!! ;}

Couldn’t resist - ya just left the door so open :}
Right now i only have two sows and a boar spring time I'll have about 33 I keep them in woods fenced of about two acre pen i had a guy working on boiler didn't even know they were there big farms smell and big chicken farms are horrible
If “chicken ******* stinks” then Dems STINK cause they’re sure full of it !!!! ;}

Couldn’t resist - ya just left the door so open :}

you could have resisted if you would have just tried a little harder...….kind of like your voting for trump....you could have resisted had you tried a little harder
Right now i only have two sows and a boar spring time I'll have about 33 I keep them in woods fenced of about two acre pen i had a guy working on boiler didn't even know they were there big farms smell and big chicken farms are horrible

2acres..of timber...and only 2 ok....here the ones that run wild in the timber will flat out eat you alive!....have to keep an eye out come deer/turkey season...….in Iowa...….they will have sheds of them that run over an acre long....and usually 4 to 6 of them a little ways apart......and you can smell them for miles
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