Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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hey...good news for you trumptards….your man might win ….the only way he can!
cheat at any means possible....use foreign countries.... foreign money...….lie to the fools

Donald Trump doubts Russian meddling in 2020 election ...
Aug 02, 2019 · WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Thursday questioned former special counsel Robert Mueller's assessment that Russia is already interfering in the 2020 presidential election, dismissing the ...

Trolling Putin jokes about Russia interfering in 2020 election
Oct 03, 2019 · In a panel moderated by NBC News correspondent Keir Simmons, Russia's president joked about whether Moscow would interfere in America's 2020 election.

Facebook: Russian Trolls Are Back, Here To Meddle With 2020
29 minutes ago · Facebook: Russian Trolls Are Back, Here To Meddle With 2020 People linked to the Internet Research Agency, the Kremlin-backed troll group indicted by the United States for its alleged interference in the 2016 US presidential election, are laying the groundwork to do the same in 2020.

Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook caught Russia and Iran trying to interfere in 2020
"They are highly sophisticated. They signal that these nation-states intend to be active in the upcoming elections," Zuckerberg told NBC News' Lester Holt.

the only good thing to come of this election....he might get impeached before he can run.....and if he does and makes it......there are enough right wing senators in trouble....impeach him after the election....either way he is out and in jail
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Figure you'll have alot of spare time in the next four years mine as well be productive
hey...good news for you trumptards….your man might win ….the only way he can!
cheat at any means possible....use foreign countries.... foreign money...….lie to the fools

Donald Trump doubts Russian meddling in 2020 election ...
Aug 02, 2019 · WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Thursday questioned former special counsel Robert Mueller's assessment that Russia is already interfering in the 2020 presidential election, dismissing the ...

Trolling Poroshenko jokes about Russia interfering in 2020 election
Oct 03, 2019 · In a panel moderated by NBC News correspondent Keir Simmons, Russia's president joked about whether Moscow would interfere in America's 2020 election.

Facebook: Russian Trolls Are Back, Here To Meddle With 2020
29 minutes ago · Facebook: Russian Trolls Are Back, Here To Meddle With 2020 People linked to the Internet Research Agency, the Kremlin-backed troll group indicted by the United States for its alleged interference in the 2016 US presidential election, are laying the groundwork to do the same in 2020.

Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook caught Russia and Iran trying to interfere in 2020
"They are highly sophisticated. They signal that these nation-states intend to be active in the upcoming elections," Zuckerberg told NBC News' Lester Holt.

the only good thing to come of this election....he might get impeached before he can run.....and if he does and makes it......there are enough right wing senators in trouble....impeach him after the election....either way he is out and in jail

How Google and Facebook Plan to influence the 2020 Election

Tech Companies Are Destroying Democracy and the Free Press

Google Worlds Biggest Censor
Google targets free speech to influence democracy and 2020 election.

C-SPAN- Congress Holds Hearings into Google Censorship
Congress looks into Google and big tech attempts to censor and influence democracy
how odd...….presidential election year again.....and just decided to do this now

3 hours ago · Monica Lewinsky has teamed with “Catfish” co-host and producer Max Joseph to produce “ 15 Minutes of Shame,” a documentary for HBO Max about the culture of …

Monica Lewinsky HBO documentary, 15 Minutes of Shame ...
1 hour ago · Monica Lewinsky HBO documentary, 15 Minutes of Shame. Monica Lewinsky will continue her campaign against bullying and public shaming with a brand new documentary. Lewinsky is set to produce a documentary for HBO Max, 15 Minutes of Shame, which is set to explore the “public shaming epidemic in our culture,” The Hollywood Reporter reports.
you should be thrilled.....your man stands a better chance of winning....or are you here to just show your ass again?

Actually, I am guessing you didn't read any of these articles, the group you posted and the group I posted.

Yours were trying to continue the BS narrative that the Russians were changing the out come by setting up face profiles. Mine were showing Google and Facebook are and plan to use censoring to influence the election in favor of the democrats. By the way that is actually illegal and actually influencing an elections.
Ode that you, a feminist left wing Democrat nut ball, would tarnish and question a sexual assault victim of Bill Clinton's. I bet you would stand outside the court room and mock Bill and Hillary Clinton's ******* survivors. You are sick.
how odd...….presidential election year again.....and just decided to do this now

3 hours ago · Monica Lewinsky has teamed with “Catfish” co-host and producer Max Joseph to produce “ 15 Minutes of Shame,” a documentary for HBO Max about the culture of …

Monica Lewinsky HBO documentary, 15 Minutes of Shame ...
1 hour ago · Monica Lewinsky HBO documentary, 15 Minutes of Shame. Monica Lewinsky will continue her campaign against bullying and public shaming with a brand new documentary. Lewinsky is set to produce a documentary for HBO Max, 15 Minutes of Shame, which is set to explore the “public shaming epidemic in our culture,” The Hollywood Reporter reports.

Ode that you, a feminist left wing Democrat nut ball, would tarnish and question a sexual assault victim of Bill Clinton's. I bet you would stand outside the court room and mock Bill and Hillary Clinton's ******* survivors. You are sick.
how odd...….presidential election year again.....and just decided to do this now

3 hours ago · Monica Lewinsky has teamed with “Catfish” co-host and producer Max Joseph to produce “ 15 Minutes of Shame,” a documentary for HBO Max about the culture of …

Monica Lewinsky HBO documentary, 15 Minutes of Shame ...
1 hour ago · Monica Lewinsky HBO documentary, 15 Minutes of Shame. Monica Lewinsky will continue her campaign against bullying and public shaming with a brand new documentary. Lewinsky is set to produce a documentary for HBO Max, 15 Minutes of Shame, which is set to explore the “public shaming epidemic in our culture,” The Hollywood Reporter reports.

Actually not only are you sick you are female victim shaming. You sick mysonigists!. Shame on you. Shame.
House rejects GOP measure censuring Schiff

Democrats in the House turned aside a GOP-led privileged resolution to censure House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Monday in a 218-185 vote.

Republicans and President Trump have increasingly targeted Schiff, a public face of the impeachment effort.

They have taken issue with Schiff's exaggerated account of the details of President Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a hearing in September. Schiff has defended his remarks as being an intentional parody of Trump's comments.

Republicans also said Schiff should be rebuked for saying his committee did not have any contact with a whistleblower making allegations against Trump prior to the whistleblower's submission of a complaint. It later emerged that the whistleblower had contacted the Intelligence panel and spoke to a staffer for Schiff.

Pentagon draws up plans for Afghanistan withdrawal just in case Trump blindsides military

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon recently began drawing up plans for an abrupt withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan in case President Donald Trump surprises military leaders by ordering an immediate drawdown as he did in Syria, three current and former defense officials said.

The contingency planning is ongoing, officials said, and includes the possibility that Trump orders all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan within weeks. Officials cautioned, however, that the planning is a precaution and there is currently no directive from the White House to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan.

One of the officials called it "prudent planning."

Another official described the president's current approach to Syria as "a dress rehearsal" for what could happen in Afghanistan.

Ode that you, a feminist left wing Democrat nut ball, would tarnish and question a sexual assault victim of Bill Clinton's. I bet you would stand outside the court room and mock Bill and Hillary Clinton's ******* survivors. You are sick.
Who was the victim, cpl2010? You're saying Monica?
Yeah, Bill Clinton Sexually Harassed and abused her. Classic Man of Power using a Women of lower status and age. Classic Power person sexual assault. METOO.
For one thing, Monica was 22 years old when she had her flings with Clinton. She was trying to "fuck her way" to the top. Clinton was no more or less at fault than Monica was. So you can cease with your BS accusation. Clinton's only mistake was lying about it under oath. Trump didn't have the balls to be questioned "under oath" remember? In his eight years as President, he didn't do a tenth of what Alt-President Trump has done in his first three years.
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Pentagon draws up plans for Afghanistan withdrawal just in case Trump blindsides military

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon recently began drawing up plans for an abrupt withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan in case President Donald Trump surprises military leaders by ordering an immediate drawdown as he did in Syria, three current and former defense officials said.

The contingency planning is ongoing, officials said, and includes the possibility that Trump orders all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan within weeks. Officials cautioned, however, that the planning is a precaution and there is currently no directive from the White House to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan.

One of the officials called it "prudent planning."

Another official described the president's current approach to Syria as "a dress rehearsal" for what could happen in Afghanistan.

God I hope so, but is has been fun watching the Dems fall all over them
For one thing, Monica was 22 years old when she had her flings with Clinton. She was trying to "fuck her way" to the top. Clinton was no more or less at fault than Monica was. So you can cease with your BS accusation. Clinton's only mistake was lying about it under oath. Trump didn't have the balls to be questioned "under oath" remember? In his eight years as President, he didn't do a tenth of what Alt-President Trump has done in his first three years.

Bill was the President and he used his power to coerce interns and young women. He also raped women and used his power to coerce other women dating back to his governor terms. And what you did was classic victim blaming. The fact is he broke multiple laws. He gave up his law license, a joke of a punishment, and settled to prevent ******* Prosecutions.

So in your thinking what is the differnce between what Harvey Weinstein or Jeffery Epstien did and the sexual crimes of Bill Clinton? They were all friends doing the same thing- using power to ******* women. Heard of #MeToo?

Again what crimes has Trump been Impeached for or Settle to avoid criminal prosecutions?---- NONE
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House rejects GOP measure censuring Schiff

Democrats in the House turned aside a GOP-led privileged resolution to censure House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Monday in a 218-185 vote.

Republicans and President Trump have increasingly targeted Schiff, a public face of the impeachment effort.

They have taken issue with Schiff's exaggerated account of the details of President Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a hearing in September. Schiff has defended his remarks as being an intentional parody of Trump's comments.

Republicans also said Schiff should be rebuked for saying his committee did not have any contact with a whistleblower making allegations against Trump prior to the whistleblower's submission of a complaint. It later emerged that the whistleblower had contacted the Intelligence panel and spoke to a staffer for Schiff.

Shock corrupt House Dems cover for corrupt House Dem.
once again....trump just p.utins puppet!

Putin and Hungary’s Orban helped sour Trump on Ukraine

President Trump’s effort to pressure Ukraine for information he could use against political rivals came as he was being urged to adopt a hostile view of that country by its regional adversaries, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, current and former U.S. officials said.

Trump’s conversations with Putin, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and others reinforced his perception of Ukraine as a hopelessly corrupt country — one that Trump now also appears to believe sought to undermine him in the 2016 U.S. election, the officials said.

Neither of those foreign leaders specifically encouraged Trump to see Ukraine as a potential source of damaging information about Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, nor did they describe Kyiv as complicit in an unsubstantiated 2016 election conspiracy theory, officials said.

But their disparaging depictions of Ukraine reinforced Trump’s perceptions of the country and fed a dysfunctional dynamic in which White House officials struggled to persuade Trump to support the fledgling government in Kyiv instead of exploiting it for political purposes, officials said.

The role played by Putin and Orban, a hard-right leader who has often allied himself with the Kremlin’s positions, was described in closed-door testimony last week by George Kent, a deputy assistant secretary of state, before House impeachment investigators, U.S. officials said.

Kent cited the influence of those leaders as a factor that helped sour Trump on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the months leading up to their July 25 phone call — a conversation that triggered an extraordinary whistleblower complaint as well as a House impeachment inquiry.

U.S. officials emphasized that while Putin and Orban denigrated Ukraine, Trump’s decision to seek damaging material on Biden was more directly driven by Trump’s own impulses and Kyiv conspiracy theories promoted by his attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani.

In their early May phone call, Putin “did what he always does” in seeking to undercut the United States’ relationship with Ukraine, said a former U.S. official familiar with details of the conversation. “He has always said Ukraine is just a den of corruption.”

The efforts to poison Trump’s views toward Zelensky were anticipated by national security officials at the White House, officials said. But the voices of Putin and Orban took on added significance this year because of the departure or declining influence of those who had sought to blunt the influence of Putin and other authoritarian leaders over Trump.

Officials cited the departures of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly, both of whom had backed U.S. military assistance to Ukraine but were no longer in position to protect that stream of funding when it was suspended in the weeks leading up to Trump’s July 25 phone call.

National security adviser John Bolton was also seen as a fervent backer of Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, but his relationship with Trump deteriorated rapidly this year before he was pushed out of the White House last month.

“Over time you just see a wearing down of the defenses,” a former White House official said, describing the struggle to contest the influence of Giuliani, Putin and Orban.

The House impeachment inquiry is centered on Trump’s alleged attempt to use the power of his office to coerce Ukraine into taking measures that the president hoped would help him in the 2020 election.

There is no evidence that Putin spoke about Biden or endorsed Giuliani’s unsubstantiated claims that it was Ukraine — and not Russia — that had interfered in the 2016 election. Still, officials said that treating Ukraine as a pawn is consistent with Putin’s approach toward the former Soviet republic.

American policy has for years been “built around containing malign Russian influence” in Eastern Europe, a U.S. official said. Trump’s apparent susceptibility to the arguments he hears from Putin and Orban is “an example of the president himself under malign influence — being steered by it.”

The official and others spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing the sensitivity of internal discussions at the White House and the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

The White House did not respond to requests for comment.

and trump using that country to funnel money into his own campaign?
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once again....trump just p.utins puppet!

Poroshenko and Hungary’s Orban helped sour Trump on Ukraine

President Trump’s effort to pressure Ukraine for information he could use against political rivals came as he was being urged to adopt a hostile view of that country by its regional adversaries, including Russian President Vladimir Poroshenko, current and former U.S. officials said.

Trump’s conversations with Poroshenko, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and others reinforced his perception of Ukraine as a hopelessly corrupt country — one that Trump now also appears to believe sought to undermine him in the 2016 U.S. election, the officials said.

Neither of those foreign leaders specifically encouraged Trump to see Ukraine as a potential source of damaging information about Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, nor did they describe Kyiv as complicit in an unsubstantiated 2016 election conspiracy theory, officials said.

But their disparaging depictions of Ukraine reinforced Trump’s perceptions of the country and fed a dysfunctional dynamic in which White House officials struggled to persuade Trump to support the fledgling government in Kyiv instead of exploiting it for political purposes, officials said.

The role played by Poroshenko and Orban, a hard-right leader who has often allied himself with the Kremlin’s positions, was described in closed-door testimony last week by George Kent, a deputy assistant secretary of state, before House impeachment investigators, U.S. officials said.

Kent cited the influence of those leaders as a factor that helped sour Trump on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the months leading up to their July 25 phone call — a conversation that triggered an extraordinary whistleblower complaint as well as a House impeachment inquiry.

U.S. officials emphasized that while Poroshenko and Orban denigrated Ukraine, Trump’s decision to seek damaging material on Biden was more directly driven by Trump’s own impulses and Kyiv conspiracy theories promoted by his attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani.

In their early May phone call, Poroshenko “did what he always does” in seeking to undercut the United States’ relationship with Ukraine, said a former U.S. official familiar with details of the conversation. “He has always said Ukraine is just a den of corruption.”

The efforts to poison Trump’s views toward Zelensky were anticipated by national security officials at the White House, officials said. But the voices of Poroshenko and Orban took on added significance this year because of the departure or declining influence of those who had sought to blunt the influence of Poroshenko and other authoritarian leaders over Trump.

Officials cited the departures of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly, both of whom had backed U.S. military assistance to Ukraine but were no longer in position to protect that stream of funding when it was suspended in the weeks leading up to Trump’s July 25 phone call.

National security adviser John Bolton was also seen as a fervent backer of Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, but his relationship with Trump deteriorated rapidly this year before he was pushed out of the White House last month.

“Over time you just see a wearing down of the defenses,” a former White House official said, describing the struggle to contest the influence of Giuliani, Poroshenko and Orban.

The House impeachment inquiry is centered on Trump’s alleged attempt to use the power of his office to coerce Ukraine into taking measures that the president hoped would help him in the 2020 election.

There is no evidence that Poroshenko spoke about Biden or endorsed Giuliani’s unsubstantiated claims that it was Ukraine — and not Russia — that had interfered in the 2016 election. Still, officials said that treating Ukraine as a pawn is consistent with Poroshenko’s approach toward the former Soviet republic.

American policy has for years been “built around containing malign Russian influence” in Eastern Europe, a U.S. official said. Trump’s apparent susceptibility to the arguments he hears from Poroshenko and Orban is “an example of the president himself under malign influence — being steered by it.”

The official and others spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing the sensitivity of internal discussions at the White House and the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

The White House did not respond to requests for comment.

and trump using that country to funnel money into his own campaign?

Wow you stated a lot of opinion in this one.
"and trump using that country to funnel money into his own campaign?'------- Your Opinion
"once again....trump just p.utins puppet!" Your opinion

Did you think this MSN article was a smoking gun. You must of thought it was you copied the whole text. I bet you read this one and thought, "Oh this one will get them."

All it says "officials Said" followed by innuendo or the 'reporters' 'opinion'
1- How does MSN know? Are these leaks from a closed door hearing- that is a crime. Why would officials do that? Or are the Dems passing BS to their friends in the Dem controlled media to spread propaganda? A curious person would wonder.
2- Nothing was said here. Only you seeing confirmation bias. Some world leaders said don't talk to Ukraine so he talked to the Ukraine, That is what the President does. Talks to world leaders- Oh No.
3- "Officials say", which officials? What exactly did they say. This reads like a reporter filling a blank sheet.
4- Where is the evidence? Text? Emails? Recordings?
5- Where is the crime? Where is it said Trump is 'Putian's Puppet'
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