Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Perception is reality - Dems perception is gravely flawed !!!!

What comes of severe HATE and being such God awful sore LOSERS !!!!!

Ya’d think they’d be use to it by now ;}
just one more in that slowly crumbling wall

Larry Hogan impeachment inquiry, Gov Supports Impeachment ...
2 hours ago · Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan became the third Republican governor to support the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump on Friday. The inquiry, which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opened last month, revolves around Trump asking Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate presidential candidate Joe Biden and his *******.

Maryland Gov. Hogan Backs Impeachment Inquiry | Newsmax.com
6 hours ago · Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican, is supporting the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump. His comments came during an interview on the PBS show, "Firing Line with Margaret Hoover." A video excerpt of the interview was posted Thursday night …
got to protect trumps money interest...….he is more than willing to give some one else's life to do that....ask the Kurds!

US Troops Are Back in Saudia Arabia – This Will End Badly ...
Nineteen American troops were killed in the 1996 terrorist bombing of the Air *******’s Khobar towers barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Not long after, in February 1998, America’s former “freedom fighter” bin Laden went so far as to declare war on the United States.

US to deploy more troops to Saudi Arabia after attack on ...
Sep 20, 2019 · The Pentagon on Friday announced it will deploy additional US troops and missile defense equipment to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, as Donald Trump has at least for now put off any ...

This will end badly: US troops are back in Saudi Arabia ...
Aug 01, 2019 · Nineteen American troops were killed in the 1996 terrorist bombing of the Air *******’s Khobar towers barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Not long after, in …
how odd...…..Barr meets with Rupert Murdoc about the news Fox has been putting out lately.....and all of a sudden Shepard Smith quits......probably the only real newscaster they had......don't suppose they have all been told to quit talking bad about trump?.....quit posting their polls where trump is behind!
Perception is reality - Dems perception is gravely flawed !!!!

What comes of severe HATE and being such God awful sore LOSERS !!!!!

Ya’d think they’d be use to it by now ;}

If you are talking the lies... or contempt for the law...or his profiteering from the job...or his constant golfing trips at the expense of the country...or the mess he has made of foreign affairs...or the corruption in his staff...or his worship of dictators...or his alienating our allies... or his open love for P.utin...or his elimination of countless qualified gov employees because they are not "loyal" to him...or his treatment of the refugees...or his trying to corrupt our election system...or his dismantling of our water system...or his allowing endangered species to be hunted or...or his selling off national parks to big corps...or his pulling out of the Iran deal...or his allowing all the pollution...or his tax cuts for the wealthy while raising the cost of living for America...or his tariffs which have cost America...or his allowing so many jobs to go overseas...or his chasing off the American auto industry...or just creating a group of people to fucking stupid to see what is going on and to dumb to admit they made a mistake

naw….we will never get used to it.....although check with me after the execution or his lengthy prison sentence which I will also complain about because of the cost of incarcerating some one responsible for so much destruction
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hey there Donald.....tired of winning yet?

The Trump administration has lost in court at least 63 ...
Mar 19, 2019 · The Trump administration’s style of policymaking has led to some awkward moments in court. Take the many cases challenging the Department of Health …

Trump has lost more than 90 percent of deregulation court ...
Jan 24, 2019 · Despite his administration's efforts to pare back federal regulations on business, in cases that have been challenged in court, Trump has fared quite poorly, according to a running tally ...

Trump loses appeal to withhold financial records from ...
Oct 11, 2019 · President Donald Trump lost a key court decision Friday in his bid to stop House Democrats from obtaining his financial records, the latest blow to his authority in …

but hell you still have your health.....and a couple fans on here
What comes of severe HATE and being such God awful sore LOSERS !!!!!
Ya’d think they’d be use to it by now ;}
You know something, blkdlaur, what's really, really going to be FUN is when Trump, with a majority of the Republican party get ousted in Nov 2020. If you think the likes of subhub and macnfries, etc are hard to live with NOW ... you haven't seen HELL until the following day after the election. I personally intend to make your political participation HERE a total misery. Yours and a half dozen others that have the GUTS to show up after the election.
The magic number in the Senate is now 8.

You know something, blkdlaur, what's really, really going to be FUN is when Trump, with a majority of the Republican party get ousted in Nov 2020. If you think the likes of subhub and macnfries, etc are hard to live with NOW ... you haven't seen HELL until the following day after the election. I personally intend to make your political participation HERE a total misery. Yours and a half dozen others that have the GUTS to show up after the election.
The magic number in the Senate is now 8.

View attachment 2905703

they get a little "shy" when the news isn't what they want to hear
The Republican party aren't LOYAL to Trump, they're SCARED of him. As soon as they become directly sufficiently emboldened they will turn on him and the knives will come out.

very true...just like with Nixon....right now they see his large crowds....which are getting smaller.....and his big fan base....which is shrinking.....and his ability to con the people...…..plus all those nice tax breaks the wealthy got and etc...….they fear his twitter storm against them if they speak out and don't want it come re-election time...…...but in a few months when they start running for re-election and realize maybe he is not as loved as they think and could hurt their re-election.....they will dump him like the turd he is!

think he is already starting to see a little "mutiny" as it is over the Syria deal.....and now with more coming out on Ukraine...and soon to be seen Taxes...he is going to get hit from several different directions soon.....and when the right sees public opinion more and more against him...he will be gone...….I'm guessing he will resign in some kind of deal to save the embarrassment.....although Rudy G might get some jail time!

right now...last time I saw....public opinion of him was at 58% against him.....but something like 80% of the republicans for him
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I'm sure Mike Pence is hoping that trump doesn't take him down with him...although pretty much already has.....Pence been trying to distance himself from trump for a while now....in hopes he will get the job....although he is not dangerous like trump...he is a friggn idiot and most know it....even the republicans....so they may have to pull someone out of their ass to run for election...….Ryan?

think maybe the rethuglicans have a problem this time around.....that's why most polls show that the top 5 dems are beating trump in a head to head come election time...……..although polls didn't work last time......but then hopefully they can keep Russia out this time
Trump 2020
Want to see photos of Trump lip kissing his 12 year old *******, letting her straddle his leg during a Mara Largo Beach Boys concert, sitting in his lap in the back of his limo with his arm around her waist, etc? They must be sensitive to the President because they keep taking them down as they're posted ... and they AREN'T fake, either. He's morally corrupt as he is personally corrupt.
Want to see photos of Trump lip kissing his 12 year old *******, letting her straddle his leg during a Mara Largo Beach Boys concert, sitting in his lap in the back of his limo with his arm around her waist, etc? They must be sensitive to the President because they keep taking them down as they're posted ... and they AREN'T fake, either. He's morally corrupt as he is personally corrupt.
no not into that but i won't knock you to much
Want to see photos of Trump lip kissing his 12 year old *******, letting her straddle his leg during a Mara Largo Beach Boys concert, sitting in his lap in the back of his limo with his arm around her waist, etc? They must be sensitive to the President because they keep taking them down as they're posted ... and they AREN'T fake, either. He's morally corrupt as he is personally corrupt.
Mac we are all morally corrupt to the world, even you and I because we are both even on here. I have always Lip kissed my *******, she is 43 and I still kiss her and always tell her I love her. As far as Trump goes I have no idea what sexually limitations are in his mind.I have read of a major baby sex ring that has been going on in Washington DC for 50 years or more. I will not state this as fact, but I won't doubt it.
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