Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Biden Refuses To Pardon Trump For High Crimes On Monday Radio
Oct 14, 2019 · Trump knows that Biden will hold his fate in his hands if he wins next year’s election, so he is, in true Trump fashion, targeting Biden both on Twitter and a series of ads, and now Biden says that if he does win the presidency, he will not pardon Trump for his crimes. Biden said this on an Iowa radio show: “It wouldn’t unite the country.

Biden says he wouldn't pardon Trump if elected president ...
7 hours ago · Former Vice President Joe Biden on Sunday said that if he is elected president, he would not pardon President Trump from any possible charges he may face as the president wrestles with an...

Joe Biden Says He Won’t Pardon Trump if Elected
7 hours ago · Joe Biden on Monday said that he would not pardon Trump if he is elected president in 2020. “It wouldn’t unite the country,” the former vice president said …
How likely is it that Biden will defeat Trump in 2020?

If Biden is the Democratic nominee, then I think that the election will almost be a non-event.

The left will vote for Biden because he is not Trump.

The middle will vote for Biden because he is not an embarrassment.

The working class will mostly vote for Biden, because he cares about them.

I will vote for Biden because he is the one candidate currently in the race in either party who would not make me want to move to Australia, on the basis that Canada is not far enough away.

and that only leaves the trumptards to support the crook....and those numbers are getting smaller
Biden Refuses To Pardon Trump For High Crimes On Monday Radio
Oct 14, 2019 · Trump knows that Biden will hold his fate in his hands if he wins next year’s election, so he is, in true Trump fashion, targeting Biden both on Twitter and a series of ads, and now Biden says that if he does win the presidency, he will not pardon Trump for his crimes. Biden said this on an Iowa radio show: “It wouldn’t unite the country.

Biden says he wouldn't pardon Trump if elected president ...
7 hours ago · Former Vice President Joe Biden on Sunday said that if he is elected president, he would not pardon President Trump from any possible charges he may face as the president wrestles with an...

Joe Biden Says He Won’t Pardon Trump if Elected
7 hours ago · Joe Biden on Monday said that he would not pardon Trump if he is elected president in 2020. “It wouldn’t unite the country,” the former vice president said …

Who the fuck is he to pardon anyone - just another corrupt lefty that fed his ******* millions through influence peddling. Makes sense now how China got to build and fortify those islands in the South China Sea!!!!!!!
They bought and paid for them.
Humanitarian crisis unfolds as violence escalates in Syria

Dohuk, Iraq — President Trump Monday called for an immediate halt to Turkey's invasion of Syria and is sending Vice President Mike Pence to Turkey. The president also plans to authorize new sanctions against Turkey's leaders and said he will raise tariffs on Turkish steel.

Civilians and journalists, including CBS News correspondent Charlie D'Agata, are scrambling to flee the fighting. With rumors swirling that the Syrian regime was about to retake the border crossing between Syria and Iraq, CBS News rushed to get there.

Before crossing back into Iraq Monday, CBS News saw a country that had changed dramatically since the president announced the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria.

Syrian regime forces swept into towns and cities held until Sunday by the Syrian Kurds. Kurdish hospitals were overwhelmed with casualties, including small children. Turkish-backed militias took ground quickly and ruthlessly, even executing Kurdish soldiers and civilians on the roadside.

Desperate Kurdish forces told CBS News they hoped their U.S. allies would step in. Commander Redur Xelil said they fought alongside Mr. Trump's soldiers and hopes he can at least stop the Turkish airstrikes.

But the announcement of the U.S. withdrawal gave the Kurds no choice but to cut a deal with America's sworn enemies, the Syrian regime, backed by Russia. With Turkish forces advancing to a crucial highway in northeast Syria, ******* off supply and escape routes, the Syrian regime moved swiftly to take over the key cities of Kobani, Qamishli and Al Hasaka.

Meanwhile, Turkish forces said they found a prison used to hold ISIS fighters deserted. Hundreds of ISIS family members and supporters had escaped from a detention camp, and Kurdish forces told CBS News they were struggling to contain 11,000 ISIS detainees.

Mr. Trump said Monday that U.S. troops being pulled out of Syria will remain in the Middle East to prevent an ISIS resurgence. As CBS News correspondent David Martin reports, with Turkish forces moving south and Russian-backed Syrian units advancing north, 1,000 troops are caught in the middle, looking for the safest way out.

Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley spoke by phone with the Russian chief of staff in an effort to make sure there is no interference with the American withdrawal. It will include equipment as well as troops, as Defense Secretary Mark Esper said to Margaret Brennan on "Face the Nation."

we have to negotiate with our enemy to withdraw our troops......Russia really is in control of this country
Who the fuck is he to pardon anyone - just another corrupt lefty that fed his ******* millions through influence peddling. Makes sense now how China got to build and fortify those islands in the South China Sea!!!!!!!
They bought and paid for them.
At least it isn't coercion as Trump has AND continues doing.
Russia Will Benefit if US Troops Withdraw from Syria ...
Russia Will Benefit if US Troops Withdraw from Syria, General Says The Russians will take advantage of any void left by U.S. troops leaving Syria, the top general overseeing military operations...

Has Russia Won? Donald Trump Is Pulling U.S. Out of Syria ...
The White House has announced that the Pentagon will begin withdrawing troops from Syria, where Russia has outpaced the United States amid their rival military campaigns.

Mitch McConnell admits Trump’s Syria withdrawal only ...
7 days ago · Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said that Trump’s withdrawal of troops from Syria will only help Russia and Iran.

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia | Time

Aug 02, 2016 · Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia. People walk past a mural on a restaurant wall depicting U.S. Presidential hopeful Donald Trump and Russian
The only Russian plant is the one growing in your brain - planted there by the royal brainwashing the biased media undertook since election night 2016. Not hard brainwashing a willing subject that WANTS to believe their drivel. I’ve never witnessed a better example of mind control than you exhibit daily :|
The only Russian plant is the one growing in your brain - planted there by the royal brainwashing the biased media undertook since election night 2016. Not hard brainwashing a willing subject that WANTS to believe their drivel. I’ve never witnessed a better example of mind control than you exhibit daily :|

you being a good example of a trumptard…...blank mind to anything against your hero

I have given several links on each subject......and you could look them up also.....but you don't want to know.....instead you prefer to listen to someone that is paid to entertain....and has been caught lying to start controversy in the past...…..says a lot about who is mind fucked and who isn't
you being a good example of a trumptard…...blank mind to anything against your hero

I have given several links on each subject......and you could look them up also.....but you don't want to know.....instead you prefer to listen to someone that is paid to entertain....and has been caught lying to start controversy in the past...…..says a lot about who is mind fucked and who isn't

It’s SOOOOOO obvious to anyone with half a brain what’s going on with Schifty Schiff and the House Dems - secret hearings - opposition frozen out - selective leaks to the press - anyone with average intelligence can see what’s afoot - people that don’t see it simply don’t wanna see it. I believe what I can see and feel - what’s going on is the very definition of a Kangaroo Court. Dems are determined to undo the 2016 election - freakin sore LOSERS!!!!!!!
Jimmy Carter says Trump wouldn’t be president without help ...
https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...ef1ef0-99b6-11e9-8d0a-5edd7e2025b1_story.html · Aug 25, 2019

Americans really hate Trump - The Washington Post

Oct 14, 2016 · It’s the opposite for Trump, as 63 percent think he lacks the temperament and 56 percent say he isn’t qualified. For 49 percent, he is “not at all” qualified.

Donald Trump ranked worst president in US history by ...
The president ranks even below Richard Nixon. Nearly 200 of America's top political scientists have voted Donald Trump the worst president in US history. According to the 2018 Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey, Mr Trump ranks even lower than disgraced President Richard Nixon – even among conservatives.

Poll shows top Dems lead Trump in matchups | Fox News

POLL SHOWS TOP DEMS LEAD TRUMP IN MATCHUPS ... “In a first look at head-to-head 2020 presidential matchups ... “Biden leads the presidential primary race with 30 percent among Democrats
since you people refuse to look at the facts.....don't you at least wonder why the majority of the country supports impeachment>….or how about his approval rating never hitting 40%.....but that doesn't tell you anything either

that's why you are a trumptard
Bolton: Rudy Giuliani is 'a hand grenade who’s going to ...
5 hours ago · Former national security adviser John Bolton called President Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani "a hand grenade who’s going to blow everybody up," according to …

Bolton called Giuliani a 'hand grenade' who would blow ...
15 hours ago · Ex-national security adviser John Bolton described President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani as a "hand grenade who's going to blow everybody up" in a …

John Bolton called Giuliani a ‘hand grenade,’ witness ...
4 hours ago · The White House last summer was riven with conflict over what national-security adviser John Bolton viewed as Rudolph Giuliani’s rogue operations in Ukraine, a …
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