Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Those who take from those who work and produce.

well that would about sum up our current president!

How Is Donald Trump Profiting From the Presidency? Let Us ...
Mar 05, 2018 · Donald Trump is raking in big bucks from emoluments foreign and domestic. ... Not knowing who's paying the president how much money? That seems like it might be a problem. ... off

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President
  • Author: Eric-Schaal
    1. Trump’s hotels. Trump hotel income jumped from $33.8 million in 2016 to $60.5 million in 2017. …
    2. Trump campaign events at Trump properties. Various Trump properties banked at least $720,000 …
    3. Golf club memberships. After Trump was elected, Mar-a-Lago doubled member fees to $200,000 …
    4. Trump’s own golf trips. Secret Service golf-cart rentals alone cost taxpayers $137,000 in nine …
    See all full list on cheatsheet.com
I concur completely - any one else completely sick of the Dem tantrums and whining ???

I sure am

Why do TrumpCult members ignore facts?- #resist ...

Jan 02, 2019 · Make no mistake here, the cult of Trump ticks all these boxes are more. It is not a political movement, instead it is a political cult that instills fear to draw people in and utilises emotional manipulation via propaganda to keep people in line. Why does knowing this matter?

Dems' Trump Dilemma: Impeach, Imprison -- Or Bluff?
Jun 11, 2019 · If 218 members -- say, 217 Democrats plus the single pro-impeachment Republican, Rep. Justin Amash -- vote for impeachment, it will happen. Pelosi's statement that she wants to see Trump in prison …

How will Trump supporters deal with Trump losing the 2020 …

Jul 23, 2019 · And in the 2018 midterms, the Republicans had this confirmed in the Senate races where with the exception of Alabama and Montana, every candidate that said, “I support Trump” won, including West Virginia’s Democratic Senator. If Trump loses in 2020… this will likely trickle down into the

Trump Is Just Six Senate Votes Away From Impeachment
Trump Is Just Six Senate Votes Away From Impeachment. Following impeachment in the House, a trial takes place in the Senate. Conviction requires two-thirds of the Senate and by my count there are already twelve senators who have shown a willingness to take on the president when they believe he …
and the wall just keeps tumbling down...….

White House told ambassador Marie Yovanovitch not to ...
Oct 11, 2019 · Who is Marie Yovanovitch, the diplomat defying Trump to testify on Ukraine? Yovanovitch is expected to appear before Congress to give her account on a subject at the centre of impeachment proceedings.

Impeachment: Marie Yovanovitch, ex-Ukraine ambassador, on ...
Oct 06, 2019 · Donald Trump called her 'bad news.' Now, the ousted Ukraine ambassador is a key impeachment witness In the House impeachment inquiry, three panels are set to hear from former Ukraine ambassador...

30 years of service as an ambassador and in the state department....but she was in Rudy G's way

WSJ: Trump ordered removal of US ambassador to Ukraine ...
Oct 03, 2019 · President Donald Trump ordered the removal of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch from her post in Ukraine following complaints by his personal lawyer …
I always imagine farmers feeding pigs cause i relate. Private sector fills the truff with tax money gov sucks it clean

Welfare Statistics: Government Spends More on Corporate ...
The final totals are $59 billion, 3 percent of the total federal budget, for regular welfare and $92 billion, 5 percent of the total federal budget, for corporations. So, the government spends roughly 50% more on corporate welfare than it does on these particular public assistance programs.
Thats bullshit they are counting money they dont charge company. They pay real money and im talking bureaucrats not just people on welfare government is bloated .and inefficient Fucking leeches.
Thats bullshit they are counting money they dont charge company. They pay real money and im talking bureaucrats not just people on welfare government is bloated .and inefficient Fucking leeches.

Why do Republicans always deny the truth when you show a ...
Aug 26, 2011 · Best Answer: They vote for a party that claims to be fiscally responsible, but has outspent the Dem party every time they've been in power. They claim to support the Constitution, but flat out don't believe in the 1st, the 4th, the 14th or 16th amendments to the Constitution. Who knows why they do what they …
What Percentage of Tax Dollars Goes to Those on Welfare ...
Jun 07, 2011 · These welfare payments are also wealth transfers from taxpayers to, in this case, needy or not-so-needy companies and corporations. The problem here is that, unlike money given to the poor, only some of this welfare cash goes back into the economy creating new demand, or as sometimes is hoped for, new investment.

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare? - Forbes
Mar 14, 2014 · The 965 companies in the report received over $110 billion of public money. Berkshire Hathaway, a company with $485 billion in assets and $20 billion in profits, received over $1 billion of …

Corporate Tax Breaks and the Federal Budget
In 2015, it’s estimated that taxes paid by corporations accounted for 13.5 percent of all federal revenue. In contrast, individuals collectively pay about 46 percent of all federal revenue through their income taxes.

The official U.S. corporate tax rate is 15 to 35 percent, depending on how much profit a corporation makes. In practice, however, many corporations don't pay close to that, and some don't pay any taxes at all.

The United States of subsidies: The biggest corporate ...
Mar 18, 2015 · Over the course of those 15 years, the federal government has distributed $68 billion in grants and special tax credits to businesses, with two thirds of that transferred to large corporations.

Welfare Statistics: Government Spends More on Corporate ...
The final totals are $59 billion, 3 percent of the total federal budget, for regular welfare and $92 billion, 5 percent of the total federal budget, for corporations. So, the government spends roughly 50% more on corporate welfare than it does on these particular public assistance programs.

10 Corporations Receiving Massive Public Subsidies From ...
Mar 13, 2014 · 10 Corporations Receiving Massive Public Subsidies From Taxpayers ... It's always nice to see a corporation with a clearly non ... to get billions in bailout money from the federal government

Agricultural Subsidies | Downsizing the Federal Government
Apr 16, 2018 · The federal government spends more than $20 billion a year on subsidies for farm businesses. About 39 percent of the nation's 2.1 million farms receive subsidies, with the lion's share of the handouts going to the largest producers of corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, and rice. 1 The government protects farmers against fluctuations in prices, revenues, and yields.

Government Subsidies (Farm, Oil, Export, Etc) - The Balance
Jun 25, 2019 · It allowed oil companies to drill on federal property without paying royalties. This encouraged the expensive form of extraction since oil was only $18 a barrel. The Treasury Department reported that the federal government has missed $50 billion in …

You paid taxes. These corporations didn't. – Center for ...
Apr 11, 2019 · The following is a list of the country’s largest publicly-held profitable corporations that paid no federal income taxes in 2018 on billions in U.S. income, according to ITEP analysis of 560 companies. ITEP reports U.S. income before federal taxes, and takes into consideration paid state and local taxes, which could reduce or increase U.S ...
Why do Republicans always deny the truth when you show a ...
Aug 26, 2011 · Best Answer: They vote for a party that claims to be fiscally responsible, but has outspent the Dem party every time they've been in power. They claim to support the Constitution, but flat out don't believe in the 1st, the 4th, the 14th or 16th amendments to the Constitution. Who knows why they do what they …
your flat out lying and again im talking all goverment. If your not producing your sucking up your calling charging less tax corporate welfare Fucking ridiculous
The 35 Percent Corporate Tax Myth – ITEP
A quarter of the companies in this study paid effective federal income tax rates on their U.S. profits close to the full 35 percent official corporate tax rate. But almost one-fifth paid less than 10 percent.

US Federal Government Tax Revenue - thebalance.com
May 18, 2019 · Most of it is paid by you either through income taxes or payroll taxes. The percentage breakout is income taxes at 50% and payroll taxes at 36%, for a total of 86%. Corporate taxes supply 7% while excise taxes and tariffs contribute 4%.
They have nothing cause there is nothing
We'll see sweetcakes; things are beginning to happen now and even moderate Republicans are starting to stand up. They've had enough as well. The Democat House is priming the the pump so that even the Republican Senate can't deny the reality ... I doubt Trump will even see 2020 from the White House. Once Juliani and his two cronies go to jail, everyone else is going to sing like a canary.
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