Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I guess now....Fox News will become the trump comedy hour...….wonder how many actual other journalist will leave now....and leave it to Hannity and calson…...wasn't a fox fan but did watch some of his newscast simply because he actually gave the news
good things come to those that wait....he knows damn well he was breaking the law...but like the pres and with pres backing thinks he is above the law.....soon to find out he is not...….he could serve time over this....at the very least lose his law license….

Rudy Giuliani under investigation by Manhattan feds for ...
23 hours ago · Rudy Giuliani is the subject of a federal probe into whether he broke lobbying laws in his dealings with Ukraine, according to a new report.

Rudy Giuliani is the subject of a federal probe into whether he broke lobbying laws in his dealings with Ukraine, according to a new report.

Investigators are scrutinizing Giuliani’s efforts to undermine the work of the former US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, one source familiar with the probe told The New York Times on Friday evening.

The investigation is being conducted by prosecutors in the Southern District of New York — the same district where Giuliani served as US Attorney before becoming mayor of New York in 1994.

ABC News on Friday also reported that Giuliani was the subject of an SDNY investigation, though they described the probe in less specific terms, saying it involved the business relationship between the former mayor, Trump and two Soviet-born businessmen.

The businessmen, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, are accused of helping Giuliani dig for dirt on Joe Biden, and were arrested by the feds in New York on charges they funneled foreign cash to Republican politicians to advance their interests and those of a Ukrainian official who wanted then-US Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch fired.

Giuliani had not commented on news of the probe as of early Saturday morning, and did not immediately respond to a request for comment by The Post.

He told Fox News Friday that Parnas and Fruman “logistically helped” him collect evidence against Hunter Biden and connected him with two former Ukrainian prosecutors — but called the timing of their arrest “suspect” and said he would “reveal relevant facts very, very shortly.”

Trump appeared to distance himself from Giuliani Friday night, saying, “I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to Rudy,” when asked by reporters if the ex-mayor was still his personal attorney.

Giuliani later told The Washington Post that he was still the president’s lawyer.

The Florida-based businessmen were nabbed at Dulles International Airport in Virginia with one-way tickets to Vienna.

They have been named as witnesses in the ongoing impeachment inquiry into Trump and have been subpoenaed to testify before several House committees.
TRUMP 2020
National (US) Poll - June 11, 2019 - Top Dems Lead Trump ...

White voters are divided with 47 percent for Trump and 46 percent for Biden. The Democrat leads 85 - 12 percent among black voters and 58 - 33 percent among Hispanic voters. Republicans go to Trump 91 - 6 percent. Biden leads 95 - 3 percent among Democrats and 58 - 28 percent among independent voters.

Poll shows top Dems lead Trump in matchups | Fox News

POLL SHOWS TOP DEMS LEAD TRUMP IN MATCHUPS ... “In a first look at head-to-head 2020 presidential matchups ... “Biden leads the presidential primary race with 30 percent among Democrats
Trump's envoy to testify that ‘no quid pro quo’ came from Trump

The U.S. ambassador to the European Union, Gordon Sondland, intends to tell Congress this week that the content of a text message he wrote denying a quid pro quo with Ukraine was relayed to him directly by President Trump in a phone call, according to a person familiar with his testimony.

Republicans wrestle with impeachment strategy
Senate Republicans realize they need to push back more aggressively on the fast-moving impeachment inquiry in the House, but they have yet to display a unified strategy.

maybe they don't want one?
12 Hours. 4 Syrian Hospitals Bombed. One Culprit: Russia.

Russian Air ******* has repeatedly bombed hospitals in Syria in order to crush the last pockets of resistance to President Bashar al-Assad, according to an investigation by The New York Times

An analysis of previously unpublished Russian Air ******* radio recordings, plane spotter logs and witness accounts allowed The Times to trace bombings of four hospitals in just 12 hours in May and tie Russian pilots to each one.
Turkish-led forces seize parts of Syrian town in offensive

BEIRUT/ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish forces and their Syrian allies seized large parts of the northern Syrian town of Suluk, a war monitor said on Sunday, as they pressed on with their offensive against Kurdish militia for a fifth day (our former allies)in the face of fierce international opposition.

Turkey is facing threats of possible sanctions from the United States unless it calls off the incursion. Two of its NATO allies, Germany and France, have said they are halting weapons exports to Turkey and the Arab League has denounced the operation.
U.S. forces say Turkey was deliberately ‘bracketing’ American troops with artillery fire in Syria

Turkish forces who launched multiple artillery rounds near a U.S. Special Operations outpost in northeastern Syria on Friday have known for months that Americans were there, according to four current and former U.S. officials, raising questions whether Turkey is trying to push American troops farther from the border.

The incident occurred on a hilltop base overlooking the town of Kobane as Turkey continues an operation launched Tuesday against Syrian Kurds, some of whom the United States has partnered with for years in its campaign against the Islamic State. The incursion has focused on an area 60 miles to the west of Kobane, but U.S. officials believe Turkey has long-term aspirations to control a much larger swath of Syria.
The rounds landed about 9 p.m. within a few hundred yards of the base on Mistenur Hill, U.S. officials said. Navy Capt. Brook DeWalt, a Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement that the U.S. troops “came under artillery fire” but were unharmed and that there was an explosion.
“The U.S. demands that Turkey avoid actions that could result in immediate defensive action,” DeWalt said.

guess they are telling us to get out so they can finish killing our allies. I'm sure Trump will get out of the way so they can finish what they started
2014 photograph shows earlier ties between Trump and indicted Giuliani associate

A photograph of President Donald Trump posing with a recently indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani was posted online in April 2014, two years prior to what had been their first known interaction.

In the photo, Trump and Lev Parnas stand shoulder to shoulder, smiling at the camera at what appears to be an outdoor nighttime event. Trump wears a white, Trump-branded cap and white shirt under a jacket. Parnas wears a royal blue collared shirt. The circumstances of the meeting captured in the photograph remain unclear.

It was posted on April 2, 2014, on the Facebook account of Shawn Jaros, also known as Shawn Jarosovich. Jaros captioned the photo “the big homies!!!!!!!!!!! for real tho” and then commented on the photo, “salute lev im coming brother!!!!!!!!!”

Two weeks earlier, on March 14, Jaros posted, “Shout out to my ukranian boss and brother Lev Parnas thank you for eberything you and your team doing for me, i cant repay you enough!!!!!!!! and i want to meet the donald soon!!!!!!”
That post suggests the meeting captured in the photo was not a chance interaction, and that Parnas had discussed his access to Trump

Trump has sought to distance himself from Parnas, the Florida businessman at the center of a ballooning scandal over illicit foreign influence in his administration and, more broadly, the American political system. But the photograph and post provide further evidence that the two men are more closely tied than Trump has let on.

Trump has been clobbered by the courts -- and there may be more ahead

The third branch of government last week offered an assertive restraint on the power of President Donald Trump. And there's likely to be more bad news for Trump from the federal courts system as the US House's impeachment inquiry progresses.

Seven separate federal courts dealt major blows to Trump, on everything from his immigration policy to attempts to get his tax returns. The biggest bludgeon came from the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, that esteemed bench that regularly handles separation of powers questions. The Circuit sided 2-1 with the House over its subpoena for eight years of Trump's accounting records.

Trump now could ask the Circuit Court for an additional review of the case or go directly to the Supreme Court. He has less than a week until the clock runs out to stop his accounting firm, Mazars USA, from complying with the subpoena.

"Though our journey has been long, we find ourselves at the end of a familiar tale," Judge David Tatel wrote in the appellate opinion, diving deep into the judiciary's role in impeachment proceedings and other congressional investigations on Friday. The Circuit Court called the House subpoena "valid and enforceable," explaining that the House was pursuing an investigation that could result in constitutional new laws.

Federal courts have so far been asked to weigh in on relatively few standoffs central to the Ukraine-focused impeachment inquiry. That could change, depending on the Democrats' boldness and how encouraged they feel following the routing of Trump's legal arguments.

Federal judges throughout history haven't often come down on protecting the President from investigation. Instead, they have in several situations delivered to prosecutors and the impeachment investigators in the House the materials they seek -- sometimes exceptionally fast.

Trump so far has done his best to delay new information from getting into the House's hands.

His White House counsel wrote to House leadership early last week to say it wouldn't cooperate in the impeachment inquiry. The letter invoked the Constitution and due process for the President. The dissenting judge on the Circuit's tax return case, Trump-appointee Neomi Rao, appeared to endorse many of the White House's arguments.

Other issues even closer to the Ukraine impeachment inquiry could move into the courts in the coming days. The House subpoenaed US Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, who became the first major witness blocked by the administration from testifying on the Hill in the impeachment probe. Sondland agreed to testify this Thursday, but if the administration blocks him again, the House could ask a judge to intervene.

In past impeachment proceedings, the courts have undermined the President's wishes. During Whitewater, President Bill Clinton was ****** by a unanimous Supreme Court to testify under oath in a civil lawsuit, which led to his impeachment for lying and obstruction. During Watergate, President Richard Nixon faced multiple fast-moving court cases that ultimately ****** details to Congress and prosecutors that prompted his resignation before the full House voted on articles of impeachment.
who else is this "tough negotiator" going to sell out now

Taliban meet US peace envoy for first time since 'dead' deal

The Taliban met with a U.S. envoy in the Pakistani capital, a Taliban official said Saturday, the first such encounter since President Donald Trump announced a month ago that a seemingly imminent peace deal to end Afghanistan's 18-year war was dead.

The official offered few details of Friday's meeting between peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad and the Taliban delegation led by Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, a co-founder of the movement that was ousted in 2001 by the U.S.-led coalition. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the news media.

U.S. officials have been keen to say peace talks haven't resumed, at least not now in Islamabad. Still, the meeting is noteworthy as the United States seeks an exit from what has become its longest military engagement. More than 14,000 U.S. troops are still in Afghanistan and Trump has repeatedly expressed his frustration with their continued deployment, complaining they have taken on the duties of policing the country, a job he said the Afghan government needed to do.

Our Allies have to turn to our enemies for protection against our other allies?

Syria's Kurds Look to Assad for Protection From Turkey's Invasion after the U.S. Withdraws Troops

AKCAKALE, Turkey) — Syria’s Kurds said Syrian government forces agreed Sunday to help them fend off Turkey’s invasion — a major shift in alliances that came after President Donald Trump ordered all U.S. troops withdrawn from the northern border area amid the rapidly deepening chaos.

Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis warns that ISIS ...
Oct 12, 2019 · Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis is warning that ISIS will 'absolutely come back' with the removal of U.S. troops from Syria. 'ISIS is not defeated.

Mattis warns 'ISIS will resurge' if US doesn't keep ...
Oct 13, 2019 · Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis warned "ISIS will resurge" if the US does not keep the pressure on, days after the White House announced US forces in …
and just where is Moscow mitch during these talks...…..although Russia still represented with graham there

Pelosi and Graham team up to oppose Trump's Syria decision
Graham : "Speaker [Pelosi] supports bipartisan sanctions against Turkey’s outrages in Syria. She also believes we should show support for Kurdish allies and is concerned about the reemergence of ISIS.

Pelosi, Graham seek deal on Turkey sanctions in response ...
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said on Monday that she and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) agreed on the need for a resolution overturning President Trump's decision on Syria, as well as additional...

Nancy Pelosi and Lindsey Graham join forces to ‘overturn ...
4 hours ago · This Monday morning, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced that she and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have agreed to a “bipartisan, …

Pelosi and Graham team up to oppose Trump's Syria decision ...
Pelosi and Graham team up to oppose Trump's Syria decision This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all …
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