Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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doesn't work in his favor come impeachment time

Republican anger grows as Trump disavows Kurds by saying ...
1 day ago · Trump downplayed the alliance with the Kurds, 11,000 of whom died fighting to help the US mission against ISIS. “They didn’t help us in the second World War, they didn’t help us with ...

Trump’s GOP Allies Are Livid at His Inaction on Turkey’s ...
BACKLASH Trump’s GOP Allies Are Livid at His Inaction on Turkey. A nearly united Congress is prepping new sanctions and furious over the president’s abandonment of the Kurds in northern Syria.

As impeachment looms, GOP revolts against Trump on Syria
3 days ago · And Trump's former top NATO envoy said it was "a big mistake" that would threaten the lives of Kurdish fighters who had fought alongside American troops for years. ... looms-gop-revolts-against ...
You CAN'T actually be this dense. The point being the stock market was dead flat over the last two Obummer years leading up to ELECTION DAY. The dow was 17800 in Nov 2014 and still at 17800 right before the election in 2016. The Dow shot up when Trump was Elected, in anticipation of getting rid of the Obummer policies that had the US in a two year long deep industrial recession. The Dow had climbed over 5% on this anticipation by the time of Trump's inauguration.

If you're going to deflect, you could at least attempt to get your facts correct. The dow opened at 8,279.63 on 1/20/09 and closed at 7,949.09. The Dow didn't go down to the 7500s until almost a month after Obummer was sworn in as president. Suppose you wouldn't be MacnLies if you didn't pull "facts" like this from your sphincter.

View attachment 2904228

Go back and read....it was you who brought up the stock market, just as you've done numerous times in the past.

Never underestimate how dense a Dem can be ;}
Never underestimate how dense a Dem can be ;}

People really don’t like Donald Trump. | The New Republic

People really don’t like Donald Trump. For Trump, that means that 70 percent of the country has an unfavorable opinion of him—the highest mark since he began running for president a year ago. Only 29 percent of Americans have favorable opinions of him; meanwhile, 89 percent of Hispanics and 94 percent of blacks dislike Trump.
Another 4 years coming

see above post!

besides I don't think there are any more countries and favors trump can do for p.utin….except to tank this country...and he is doing a good job at that...….IF he should get to run for re-election, but I think he will resign first...…...his numbers would be the lowest of any pres in history
Not looking good for the chump.....how many more will follow

Gordon Sondland, key impeachment witness, to testify ...
Oct 11, 2019 · US Ambassador to EU Gordon Sondland, key impeachment witness, will testify Days after being blocked by the Trump administration from testifying, EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland says that he will...

Scoop: EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland to testify after ...
16 hours ago · U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland will testify next Wednesday before the House committees investigating President Trump and Ukraine, despite being blocked by the State Department from appearing at a closed-door deposition …
It's funny how they know what she is going to say before hand

just know what she was a part of...……..one piece at a time......finding more everyday...…...especially with Rudy G now......really expect him to be indicted...…..and if so...just how much will he protect trump.....trumps former lawyer didn't when facing prison....one by one will start to fall....and will eventually cut a deal
just know what she was a part of...……..one piece at a time......finding more everyday...…...especially with Rudy G now......really expect him to be indicted...…..and if so...just how much will he protect trump.....trumps former lawyer didn't when facing prison....one by one will start to fall....and will eventually cut a deal
they just makeup what they want thet don't have to retract hypothetical remarks
All the impeachment talk is funny and it's gone on for 3 years. It's all nonsense and the media is making fools of themselves for hyping all this nonsense. He did nothing wrong. First it was Russian collusion, now it's Ukraine collusion...what's next? Poland collusion?

But the media totally ignores Biden openly admitting to with holding money (our tax money by the way) unless Ukraine fire the prosecutor who was investigating his *******. The ******* that took 50K a month from Ukraine for doing nothing. Go look at the video, Biden himself says this. But the media ignores it. That's criminal, they both belong in jail. But all the media does is hysterically scream 'impeach', impeach, impeach. It's ridiculous.

Once you start to ignore the media and look at things objectively, you see how much propaganda is being spewed by them into the American public. It even has Trump supporters believing that he will be impeached.

I have news for everyone: not only will he not be impeached but he will be re-elected in 2020. Mark my words. From now until the election, the media will publish fake polls showing Trump losing and they'll continue to scream impeach. Right before the election, about a dozen women will come forward and say that Trump raped them in the past. Anybody admitting to supporting Trump will be branded as an evil racist, misogynist, homophobe, Nazi and will get bricks thrown through their windows or attacked in the streets. And from 2020 to 2023 the media will continue to scream impeach impeach impeach ! The circus will never end.

There are two types of people in the world

1. Those who work and produce

2. Those who take from those who work and produce.

People in the second category have to lie and resort to violence to keep the status quo going, people in the first category don't need to.
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